Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


40 492. Evidently in remini Scence of PaSSageS in Lucretius, .g. i. 79 Quare religio pedibus subiecta vicissim Opteritur, iii. 37 Et metus ille foras Praeceps Acheruntis agenduS, IO72 naturae primum studeat cognoscere causas. Whether Qui potuit is Lucretius himself, or an idea philosopher, is doubisul Munro hinks the alter Virgi Ps Word potnt more to a Philosophica teacher than a poet. Lucretius might be sal to combine these two vias o the other hand the tone of this hole passage is generat. 95. fasces, the rod wit axes, carrie hesore Roman magistrates. DoDuli, gen Subj., ,hic the eopte give. Cp. Lucr iii. 996 petere a

96. An seud that ous salthles brethren to stri P. fratros may perhaps allude to the rivalr os Phraates an Tiridates for the throne os Parthia; ut more probabi to the rea uino families in civit War: p. Lucr. iii. 72, 73 Crudeles gaudent in tristi lanere fratris Et consanguineum

mensas odere timentque ' and l. 5 I below. 97. Imitate by Statius Theb i. O et coniurato descendens vertice Dacus,' hicli hows that he understoo Coniurato Stro as a mere poetica variet sor coniuratus Dacus. leagueret Dacians Woopingdown rom Ister' stream. The Dacians ere a War it Rome B. C. O.

498, 99. Not Rome hersei and ingdom totierin to thei fati: i. e. no the highest interest and mos starit in vicissitudes of politic can haheth serenit os rura life a serenit to hicli the distinctions o poveroand wealth, and the emotion the cauSe are uni nown. In neo ctoluit . . .

inopem Virgil attributes to his ideat countryman, no a selfisi indifferen ce, but the absence of an condition to cali ut it for thers-alliein sohappy. Me has neve had to Sorro in pit for ne thaliath not, o toeno ne that ath. There is algo perhaps a notion of the philosophic Ovaξία- Subordinatio an harmon os emotion leavin the intellectundisturbe on hich Greet writer lai stress.

ambition incident to cit lise of hic Virgi Ps wn time supplied

etc. - the great; and the thought here illustrate by pod. i. 7. But in


connection illi the preceding ord the lavour os foret gn ings ratherthan os Roman obleg, eem implied Virgi potnis to adventurers hosought thei fortune in ther lands. 5O8. hic the aspirant to eloquence hunc the aspirant to political

5o9. Cuneos, the wedge-like division os eatii a theatre Theseopte sat in these the senators patres in the orchestra: but cunoicis here used of the whol theatre. Popular statesmen, etc. ere Cheere on entering :CP. Hor. d. i. o. 3 ii. 7. 26. enim, here an Aen. viii. cp. also Aen. i. oo , is meret an affirmative parti cle, hicli se a in 'ram γὲ Oan is prior o iis ordinar causa meaning. Enimvero,' etenim are Something etween the causa an assirmative senses an enim some- times standS like enimvero, at the eginning os a Clause, e. g. Plaut.

Trin. V. 2. Io Enim me nominat, Liv xxiii. 43 enim iam nunc minor Stres. E-nim nam 'ci: e-quidem quidem' se ori Aen. V. 26 and

perhaps both are connected with the fame pronomina stem that appears in

num,' nunc,' nempe, νυν.5Ι . hino. Med. Pal. Rom. etc. is rejecte unaccountabl by Ribb. hic' anni latior : hinc, i. e. agriculture a describe l. Ι2. labor, employment.' nonotea Pal. Rom. Gud b, his accepte in Conington's 3r edition the si avin preserred penates' Med.). The alter may have been introduce stom l. 5o5 cp. Aen. viii. 5 3 While nepotes' sunt ii et to e a correction for the much easter senates' the dissiculi os acceptin il ein that iis ordinar senses grandchild ren or descendanis ')is inapplicabie, and that os progeny or child ren' nexampled. ut aswe anno sansor certain that Virgil could notisse the word loosel in his Sense i is perhaps aferri accepi it in obedience to the ordinar principies of textu a criticism, hil admittin that parvos penates,' his umblehome, is more approPriate.

turLbuit altar orator coronant, notis mistranslation o alteration ofHomer' κρητῆρας πεστεφαντο ποτοῖο ' Con. , ut equivalent to cratera

corona Induit Aen. iii 525 : p. Aen. i. 72 , Vii. I 7. 53 . iaculi certamina certamen iaculandi. Donit, like Greeli

προτιθεναι γωVa, P. Aen. V. 66 certamen vini' Tib. iii . . II, certamina deliciarum Hor Ep. i. 5.8 in ulmo introduces the notionis Puttingulina mar in the ree-thisaeing the orm hich ponit certamina talies:


and the whole phras is a condensed mystighil confused expression sor

Mahes a match of thro invat a mar Se u in an elm.'534. Sodiost oves rhetorical emphasis to the word connected wit it Thus, urely brave Etruria gre thus Rome e me the latres thinginearth, and girtae seven hilis it a single city's ali.'ξ36 338. Dictasi, of Mount Dicte in Crete, i.e Iupiter; CP. G. iv I 9-Ι52. iuveneis, abi. Wit evulata, Aen. iii 224. For the supposed impiet offlaying the x, in sellow-labourer of man, p. Cic. N. D. i. tanta putabatur utilitas percipi ex bubus, ut eorum visceribus vesci scelus haberetur. aureus as uter of the goiden age, ee Eel. iv. 5 I. Spatiis it immensio, a plain boundies in the ' spatia ' se G. i. I 3 whic it oves. But o I have finishe m course ver thebo dies plain ' p. Aen. iii 5o7. 5 2. SS. var belween fumantia an Spvinantia; the omer feems more appropriate: P. G. iii 5Ι5 Aen. xii. 338.




I- 8. his introductio seem to have been writte in the ear 29 B.α, year o generat olida and public honou to Augustus It tone ofunmixe exultation corresponds to that of the introduction to G i, and to Hor. d. i. 9, hic is thus a companion passage. Professor etlleghip cient Lives of Vergil, p. 59 suggesis seo it Io, II that it have been writiei in Greece, o a ourne whic is it id tali place might bethat reserre to by Horace in Od. i. 3, hich cannotae harmoni sed chronologicali With the ni recorde visit of Virgil to Greece in a B C. Seebelowinest. I Sqq. I, 2. For Pales and Apollo Nomius Pastor ab Amphryso see Ecl. V. 35. ah AmDMyso, Amphrysius. Apollo, anished Do heaven, a saidio have sed the ock of Admetus, in o Thessaly on the ank of the AmphrySuS: See Eurip. Alc. Ovid. Her. V. 151. Lycaei, a the abod of

6-9. Qui, to hom: cui non totus thense quis nescit γ' Ribb. adopi quoi ho Vat. but allisther MSS. have tui. nos sequia abl. of respect), intriveraeen. Pelops was sal to have on his bride Hippodame in a chario race at Olympia illi herdather Oenomaus. For the legendis his ivor shoulde se Dici Biog. Possim, conj. denotin purpOSe. Derora, te re the eyes of men, as Hor Sat. i. 1. 6 nitidus quo quisque per ora Cederet, Sall. Iug. 3I, Io incedunt per ora vostra magnifici, Liv. i. 38 traductos per ora hominum' o captives in a triumph): p. also Aen. V. 3 o. ther in the mouilis of men, i. e. o the lip of fame, S ii. 235 but the mean in raeest not be the fame in both paSSageS. I sqq. In his allegor Virgil seem to promise an heroi Poem under the mage os a temple to the glor of Rome and of Augustus representinghimself as an intellectua victor returning Domin campaig in reece ithoe captivemuses In the lain o Mantua beside his native Mincius, he


willauit his temple of sonet an celebrate it With games and shows that wil rival hos o Greece. The deit enshrine Within il be Augustus: the subjects of iis decoration his recent triumplis, and the mythic anceStryos the Julian line. When Virgirisam asin rura poet has been established th o- 3 he will thenae ablerio pasci Caesar' triumphs.

Io I a. octucam, bring home in triumph; CP. Hor. d. i. 37. I. Aonio vertios, Helicon solucr i. II7, II 8 Os Ennius in qui primus amoeno Detulit ex Helicone perenni fronde coronam.' O the possibi resereno toan actuat oume to Greece See bove note n l. I- 8. Ictumaeas astoc epithet, particulari inappropriate a Suggestin a contrast etWeen Idume Edom an Mantua p. Hor. Epp. i. a. I 8 Herodis palmetis pinguibus, Lucan. iii II 6 arbusto palmarum dives Idume. In a Romantriumph the conqueror came a palm-branch Liv x. 7), henc the

I , 5. ProPter aquam, like the temple o Zeus by the Alpheus, at OlΠnpia ingens, Mide: the Mincio spread into a ahe ea Mantua. tiarunctine so Milion, Lycidas Sy Smooth-Slidin Mincius, clothe with

b instituti nil gameS.I9. o. mihi, at mytidding, cp. i. a. ueos, i. e. the Nemean sores Where the hepher Molorchus interiaine Hercules Theseisames are toti an improvemen even O those of Olympi and Nemea cructo, of raWhide. 2I tonsae, trim, as Aen. V. 56, 774 apparenti a regula epithet foran olive garland Servius an Philargyrius explain il agis compta. Priesis an conqueror more Such: and Virgil here present himself in both

24, 25. O hoW the cene hi sis it change os front.' versis frontidus suggest the revolvin priSms περίακτοι nea the fide entrances of a Greehtheatre hy hic certain changes of Scene ere essected. When the σκηνη, o pictoria background had ais to e changed a curtain αυλαία Wasdra sor a se minutes agrior example in the ax of Sophocles atl. 815-where se Iebb's note . I tolliin aulaea refers to this viseectat nee oni impinthe departure or histin of the oena no iis partin in the middie asin the modem stage to disclose another scene behind. Thecurtain os instea os fallin a now Cp. v. Met iii III of Warriora rising ro the round where the dragon ' ieet were so Sic ubi tolluntur estis aulaea theatris, Surgere Signa Solent primumque Stendere vultum'-the signa' ein figures embroidere o the curtain, lihe the intexti Eritanni here, hich, as the riserio rie , Seem to e dra ving uptae curtain.

27. Gangarictum, Indians ea the Ganges reser in to the deseat os Antony' Eastem dies ii. 73, Aen. viii. 685 . Quirini, Romulus as



3o. NiDtiaten. i. e. Armenia, hici ha been in arm against Romerave years e re; P. Hor. d. ii . . I9, 2 o. O the vi e that both Virili and Horace reser o an expedition o Armenia in B. c. o. it,ould e held that Virgil inserte this passage at the nil of his life but se note bove nil I- Vichliam's Horace, Introd. to d. i. iii Da, and note on Od. ii . . Niphates ac mountain ut later Roma poets ook ri Ver-e. g. Lucan. iii. 245 volventem saxa Niphaten ' and so possibi Horace

rigidum Niphaten, stiss-frogeia' , and Virgil pulsum Niphaten, lihe retro sugit Aufidus ' Aen. i. o 5 . 32 33. These line perhaps reser to the Morini twice conquered by Julius Caesar an again by C. Carrinas and Dalmatians subdued by

Vatinius 45 . . and by octavianus 3 B.C.). Both appeare in the triumpho B. C. 29. P. Propertius v. 8. 53 Prosequar et currus utroque ab litore ovantes.' Some conside the estem victor referre to a that ver the Cantabri, B C. 24 Hor. d. iii . . a iv I 4 4 I), Supposing the paSSage toliave received later ouches. 3 -36. Disantia, ireathing, and so lise-like; Aen. i. spirantia aera; Gray, Elegy,' animate bust. Cynthius Apollo and Neptune weresai to have bulli Troy sor Laomedon, p. i. oa, Aen. V. 8I Hor. d. iii 3. 2.37. invidia, i. e. the enem te of Augustus. 38. metuet, hali e represente 'as earing. angues Rom. orbes'

ho iv. 8 3 . The notion os Ixion bound with nahes to his heel speculia to Virgil.

39. Saxum, the λαας αναιδης Od. i. 598 of Sisyphus. I. inlaetos, virgin glades, i. e. a Subjeci et uniried iussa, a ind


forces of a Volcano.

I. 26.

9 I. artis equi Hom. Il. xv. II9. currus Achillisi. e. his eam Xanthusandialius , xvi. I 8. On the form Achilli se Aen. i. 3o. Achillis ' Rom. Gud 2,la,ca corr. hom Achilli' Achilles Med. Achillei Pal. 92-9 . frunctit Med. Pal. Rom. Gud. effudit mos editions to araeewit implevit but p. for the res tense Ecl. viii. 5. coniugis, Rhea,



to id homolior his amour illi Philyra Satum change himself and

umat home abi loci , and allo hi noto discredit his id age' turpi,

Olympia 648 B. C. an Homer alludes o ridini κελητίζειν Il. v. 676 as


heightens the picture os the catile' sufferings the stream to hicli theyrim is driecti by heat.

poetica variet os expressio for the cari in n. vestigia, thei Mot-

SuppoSe a regula 'iugum' sed though it is no specified the torques helagini light make-heli eve collars Sed in the two earlier Stages e tor-Quibus aptos, sagienen Io or F the collars: ' p. e dextra' - on or lothe right; anu so the original participia Sense of aptos, Aen. V. 482.

I75. Eaeas, thin ' Poor; ' p. v. I vescum papaver, Lucr. i. 326 vesco sale saxa peresa the mali fine pray, se Munro, ad loci , Ovid. Fast iii vescaque parva vocant, Plin. N. H. Vii. 8 corpore Vesco,

eximiis viribus: the two lalter passages ein decisive Gellius, derivingsrom ue,' esca, malae it - voractous ' in Lucretius and editile in Virgil-the similarit of ound in vescus ' esca' having perhaps texto confusionas to meaning.



Tovis luco the Altis' at Olympia nolle bank of the Alpheus. ior

constructioni Praelatii CP. i. I.

etymologica SenSe even no , yet, a Aen. i. 485 Ter And. i. I. 89 nihil suspicans etiam mali as et ' , Eun. v. at etiam reStitaS, fugitive γ' ovi here in time os illa, in his case bouth ' See o Ecl. X. 43. For the construction p. aevi maturus Aen. v. 73. integer aevi Aen. ii.

19o. But When three Summers have passe and the laurili has come,' i. e. at the en os three ears hen the ourt is egi nning, hici agrees wit Varro and Columella uocesserit, Med. Gud. b, c, etc. acceperit' Ribb. lio Vat. occeperit, With an early correctio a sori, and a later n

successio an Sho himself unde restraint. 1 oranti, os force orartificia effori; P. Hor. d. i. 3. II obliquo laborat Lympha fugax trepidare rivo. I93. ozet, challenile, Aen. i. 442. Ribb. provocet sto Pal. but tum vocet Vat. Med. Rom. Gud. etc. 196-2Oo ctenSuS Strong, i. e. wit concentraten force; so Quintilian,

of the style of Thucydides, densus et instans sibi sithy,' nervous, concentraled' . aricta, rainleSS.' amni natantes, liquid plains, i. e. theraea, a Lucr. i. II aci Aen. i. 72 campos liquentes, an Lucr. v. 488 of the formatio of the ea, i. e. land overflowed. ao I. ille conclude the simile by a retum to the origina subjeci, interrupted by a number os collatera delatis p. Aen. i. I 55 an Conington's note here. 2G2-2O4. hie Pal. b c an Probus in a hors like this: Ribbea's hinc' Vat. Rom. an Med. corr. is les forci ble essecta Britis warchariois' Caes. B. G. v. 33, etc. , ascribe by Virgil to the Belgae a by Persius to the Germans vi. 47 . The were adopte by wealthy Romans Prop. i. I. 76 esSed caelatis siste Britanna iugis' and Virgil probably