장음표시 사용
98. tiano, i. e. meam, Gree τηνδ p. i. 292.99. iacet histoli present. here Hector et beneat Achilles spear, an tali Sarpedon dieit, here Simoi in his ater graS oorrent a tinctis rode many a hiet an many a helm, and many a gallant corpse.'Cp. viii. 538.
G. i. 359, 126. Stagna, of the stili vater at the bottom, orce bach rofusa
som Such dea Cp. i. Oo v. 95 Ter And. i. i. 37 quem quidem ego Si sensero . . . Sed quid opust verbis 8 Enn. v. 6. I9 ego te, furcifer, si vivo. I 36. Post adv. hereaster. non Simili, i. e. graviore.'I37. maturate, speed instant fight; ' p. . i. o. I 38. aevum, Stem, a the adge of stern authori ty. 139. Sorte, Hom. Il. xv. I9o Ητοι ἐγων ἔλαχον πολιὴν ἄλαναώ - αἰ.ὶ
I 7. Ioribus, i. e. hic do not in doWn, p. cl. i. 6o, Aen. V. 8 I9. The smooth rhythm of this line expresses the rapidiliding of the car. I 8-I53. his simile, ne of the mos origina in Virgil, is an illustrationo Nature rom man the reverse ein generali the case in Virgil and Homer-e. g. Il. i. a 4 Κινηθο δ α γορη, Δ κυματα μακρα θαλασσης. Virgilprobabi has in his in the stomyracenes of the recent civit,ars. I 8. um Rep expresse indefinite frequency like the subjunctive so osten ound in Homeri Simile aster os, O, σώ -ττε, ς τε θυτε. I 5 I. gravem, of Weight,' revere sor orth pietato land great deeds.'I55. Derto a in . i. 393. I 56. secuncto, obedient, i. e. solio in easti a the horse pud. Disa participiat for hom aequor, cp. oriundus, capiundus ' and the sense
of sollowing underite iis various Seg-e. g. res secundae, Secundo amne, curSu secundus, an iis numeralisse.
I 59-I69. Three paMage of Homer are lai unde contribution sor this description o a harbour, viz. I Od. ix. I 86 sqq. the harbour is an istand
I 67. vices, os res mater, G. i. a 3. vivo, native roch; R . . it. 69 Aen. iii 688.
ta laete. Auccepit, Med. Rom. c, a vi 2 Suscepit Gud. b. foliis, nutrimenta, fomite are various expression for the leaves' sed assuel the one de of hindlin a fire ein expressed in three different ways: CP ii 453. V. 69. rapuit oves the idea os quic hindling raptim excitavit' . fomos foveo' of touchwood,' Under, o anysuel; P. Lucan. Viii. 776 Excitat invalidas admoto omite flammas.'I77. arma, implemenis, here so baking cp. . i. 16o. 178. fessi rerum variousi explained, Ix wear of their troubles' πραγματων); a 'wear of the worid: 3 'brohen in thei fortunes, i. e. ore diSuessed, p. trepidae rerum G. v. 73, animi dubius G. ii 283, etc.; generali of that in regar to hic a term is applied: 3 seems est.
vixeUxi. II 8 promisse,' despexe,' consumpse are found in Catullus an elwWhere These contracte form oni occur in form seo persectstem in ues' the 4 hein omitte be ee two sibilanis, and the Λ' Writte oni once o tWice instea of three times.
ao3. olim, Se notest l. 2 above. For the thought p. Cic. Fam. v. 2 habet praeteriti doloris secura recordatio delectationem.'ao . isorimina rerum, perilou fortune, lit crises of evenis. 2o9. Premit altum corctoiolorom, accordin to some merely he has
sorro at heari: ' ut it seem belle to give remit iis sud orce, eigrishope upon his brow and hides his sorro deep ith in his breast.'2II tergora, Shin, here an in many the passages: ut tergus' originalty iacti e g. Prop. i. o. 6 Aurea quam modi tergore vexit ovis '), and was impi another formos' tergum ' cp. penus,' penum'),which itfels- hide, i. 368 elow: p. ix. 76 , here SS. Var belWeen tergus' and tergum. Viseera, raesh; cp. i. 253, viii. I 8O, G. iii 559 Cic. Tusc. i. . o dum inhaereret tunica visceribus Herculis): ib. I Spartae pueri verberibus sic accipiuntur, ut multus e visceribus sangui Sexeat: and visceratio in a public distributionis Mod Liv. viii. 22, etc. 212. trementia, bet quivering : this indicates thei haste. 2I5. implentur, middie: fili hemselves. The gen of thin lachin orsupplied is common in iv with his verb: Aegeo,' potior, etc. refound with both abi. an gen forinae, c. carnis, ' flesh of wilybeastS, venison, in the old sense a Genesis xxvii. 3 7, 19, etc. . agnina,' lamb bubula, bees.'219. O that the bear the final oom, an no longe hear u When ecali' lit. ,hen calle by us'). Dati, present, of the continuin State sdeathri scit referre to the actua crisis of eath, lassos esse ' ould berequired. xauctiro, probabi qui te generat, of the dea who no longerhea thei friend speah though some trace a specia allusion to conclamatio,' inclamatio.'224. Forras spiciens Ribbeck write ' dispiciens, se note to G ii. 87. velivolum, a Lucretian ord, of ships scuddin under ait' v. a), transferre by Virgil to the ea Mith ali it nyin satis ς' p. mare navigerum Lucr. i. 3.
236. omni cticiono, Mith sud i. e. very hin os gway.'237. Ollieitus, C. eS,' P. V. 687, x. 27. his omission os theauxiliar is rare in and person, unies the sense is ad clea by the pronou tu: hence Ribb. ould rite pollicitu's, an apocope un- example in Virgil. Other suggestion are solii citum, o to suPPOS an
anacoluthon ; ut allore uianecessa . Quae . . . vertit, ,hat thought
and ruin, compensating adverse late ith the late to come '- i. e. mahinguisor ad fortune it the hope os et ter contraria hostile a in
iv. 628, vii. 293 Lucr. i. 74I, etc. O repenctens P. V. Her. XV. 32 Ingenio formae dam rependo meae.'2 2. Antenor a Sald Liv. i. I to have te a colon o Trojans and ineti ' a Paphlagonia tribe to the ea of the Adriatic the nationthus Munde taking the nam os Vonoti a legend whicli evidenti arosesto the similarit of the nam es Eneti an Veneti.'2 4-2 6 intima, albet nitar up the gui the remote Liburitia reaimS.'Superare, Pass,' get beyonii, ' p. Ecl. viii. 6. Virgir descriptiono the fons Timavi a the ea of the Adriatic, etween Aquileia and Trieste refers to Subterranea communications etween the prin and the ea about a mile), up hic the ea ater is omelime forced. Whence throughi in mouths it lou roarin in the ocks the ea comeSburstin sorth, an deluges the eld with oundin tide. Others aliemare and Delago, metaphori catly of the rive Timavus : ut Virgil Seems
254. olli dat os ollus the old ille, is sed intentionali by Virgilis an archaism. Varro mentions illus, 'illa' sem sing.): Ci C. Lem. i. . a cites an id law ith olla' nom. l. olle is found inacia of Servius Tullius. illi' nom. l. an odis in Ennius Volorum' an ' oloes' dat. l. on inscriptions These forms it a single 'n' arethe oldest op olim.'256. Seula, lips, a G. i. 323 1ihavit, lightly touched ' lit. sipped, a G. V. p. v. et x. 653 summam celeri pede libat harenam.'257. Dare metu dat. p. iii 5 curru' - noli metuere, ' fearnot; 'ep. i. 34, ix. 656. So in Engligh to rare reproaches in to abstain hom ' and φείδομι has the fame force in Soph. II 5 φείδου μηδὲν ἄν περ
259. The apotheosis of Aeneas, ho was orshippe a Jupiter Indiges Liv. i. a , is here allude to . 26 I. tibi dat ethicus, thou hali se him . . . In the sollowin lines especiali li. 263, 26 Virgil indicate his conceptio of the character and mission o Aeneas, in language simila to that used of the Roman nation in
Vi 852-854. AeneaS, a Warrior, uter, an civili Ser of men is the legendary
impersonation os ali that was great in the achievemenis os Rome Hismission is to carta on a contes in Italy, to crus the resistance of ita warlike tribes, o ive them custom an buit them cities' Netileslii Ρ, Suggestions. P. II).262. Volvens, i. e. tuming round ' a rod o book Pwili tum the page an bring to light theria os secret os late. movebo, i. e. distur hom
26 . Donet, Wil estabiisti, in the oubie sense of νομους θησε mores ponet' andauit dindicities moenia ponet ').266. hiberna Sc. castra' , here ' hiemes; the se of this orddenotin that he was stili in the camp. Rutulis, a in os dativus
ethicuS, p. l. Ioa bove Juv. xiv. II cum Septimus annus Transierit
above l. 156 hom deponent vertis It has in these cases the force of a present participle: ut hether, a Donaldson thought Varron. i. 3 , the so volven t)s,' volvend-uc are connecte is more than doubisul; iis use too, is independent of voice'-se notes to Ecl. ix a , . it. 239. 272-27 . io iam, here at Alba thencelarth i. e. now, at thi Potnt in the series of evenis there hali e roya sway rognahitur, impers. of Hector' line, ill Ilia, princess-Vestat, hali ear twin sons by Mars' embrace. gravis, p. cl. i. o. 275 laetus, exulting in, cp. ii. I Hor. Od. iii 4 3 laetum equino
Sanguine Concanum. Propertius, v. o. o gives to Romulus a galea hirsutis compta lupina iubis; but tegmino here implies a manile, as in I. 323. 276. exeipiet, i. e. Dom the gens Hectorea; CP. G. ii 3 5, note. 278. is, i. e. RomaniS, as oppoSed to thei predecessors, hos termwas limited. For them I x o goa os progress no bound of time.'metas i. e. the surthes poliat of thei fortunes. Cp. vii. 98 and reserences. 279. Quin, Se note to Ecl. i. 7 I. 28o metu abi inStr. keep aStir it Marms, cp. V. 253, i. OI, and sor fatigaro l. 3Iybelow.28 I in motius referet, Mill change so theaetter,' amend, cP. i. 426. a 8a togatam, P. Hor. d. iii 5. Io Anciliorum et nominis et togae OblituS.
283. Iustris Virgil mahes Iupiter spea as a Roman- as Rome's years
28 . ASSaraeus, an ancestoris Aeneas Phthia, the home os Achilles; ΜFoenae an Argos the cities of Agamemnon and Diomed cp. i. 839. 287. terminet, potentia subj. almos equivalent to future indic. P. Milion, Par Lost, xii. 37O:
288. Iulius, i. e. Octavianus Augustus), se noterio . it. 16 I. 289. Oriontis resera to the triumphs of Augustus in the ast aster Actium; p. . it. I7I, iv. 56o, Aen. viii. 72 Sqq. 29O. io quoque eli as Aeneas the reserenoesis to the deificationos Augustus; p. Ecl. X. 59. . i. 24 Sqq. 292. The names here give are typical os the goiden age os Rome and the old religion, hic Augustus endeavoured to reStore; P. Hor C. S. 57 Iam Fides et Pax et Honos Pudorque Priscus et neglecta redire virtus
Audet. Numa Liv. i. I established the worshi of ' Fides, Honour: Vosta G. i. 98 typisi e the 'ire that bum for aye, the eari and home of the Roman eople Quirinus a the deifie Romulus. ana, hoary,' venerabie, cp. prisca fides vi. 879. 293 iura ctabunt, shali reim supreme '-th mahingi imposing laws 'εμιστα Hom. bein a roya function, P. iii I 37 V. 738. 29 . The Gates of Var' cp. vii. o7 imprisoning lawless or implous Rage i. e. civit,ar is a picture intende to Suggest the customos closing the temple of Janus in time of eace this ein done by Augustus aster Actium for ni the thir time in Roman hi Story cp. Hor. d. iV. 5. 9: v. Fastici 279-283 where an explanatio of the symbolis is put into the mout o Janus . Pli ny xxxv Io mentions a palatin os Apelles, presented by Augustus to the Forum repreSentin War a a Prisoner bound o Alexander' triumphat chariol. 297, 298. OVae it Karthaginis, cp. l. 366 below. Dateat denotes theimmediate Aroeroi l. oo the remoter, reSult os emittit. p. Cic. Cluent. 26. I capit hoc consilium ut pecuniam quibusdam iudicibus polliceatur, deinde eam supprimat ut pecuniae destitutione irato Oppianico redderet; and the analogous constructio in Gree o conj and opi in a
υμεις Hom. Il. v. 567 Eur Hec. II 2o, Electr. 56.3OI remigio, oarage' of Wings , p. vi. 9 Lucr. i. 7 3 remigi oblitae pennarum, Aesch. Agam. 52 Πτερυγων ρετριοῖσιν ρεσσομενοι. 3O . nimum mentemque, spirit an mind; a poetica tautology; p.ri. II; Lucr. i. mente animoque: alS in ProSe, a Cic. Legg. i. 59 animo ac mente conceperit,' ac Germ. 29 Caes. B. G. i. 39.
vexum, O ΟVerarchin cavity, consistingis, o formed by Wood nemorum explanator genitive a in atrata viarum, ' diverso caeli, etc. . p. Caeli convexa' iv. 45 I, convexa allium,' hollo valleys' the aut in this case ein inverte or concave' or impi convexa' l. o below. Here the picture is that of rees pon convergin clisse, verhangin a cove forme unde them by the actio of the waves.
3Ia Actiatori an exception to the ordinar usage of classica Latin, whic adds in,' ab to ablat denotin a perSona instrument oragent; ' p. i. 58o, X. I both aster omitatus) Juv. i. 3 adsiduo ruptae lectore columnae, Hor. d. i. Scriberis Vario . . . Victor Maeonii carminis alite, Epp. i. I. Ov. Her xii. 62 MeSero . . . Oniuge. Mel. i. 747. ConverSely the ordinar ablativus instrumenticis Mundwit the reposition, p. . i. 23 . Orelli expla in the Horati an passagesas ablative absolute; Mayo that rom Juvenal as ablat o circumstance. 3I . obvia by attraction Do the more natural obviam; cp. viii. 65 se matutinus agebat. Eo ferro, ' Se agere, virtuali in ire. For hismeeting p. that of Athene and Odysseus in Hom. Od. xiii 22 I. 316. fatigat ei ther heeps moving,' Plies, agabove l. 28O, viii. 4, ix. 6O5;
3o, Hor. d. iii. 6. 3. The sirs agrees better illi Virgilian sage thesecond with Draevortitur, and with Sit Ital. i. 73 cursuque fatigant Hebrum innupta manus' is, assume Silius to have his passage in his ind).3I7. Helarum, SS. Eurum, Heyne Ribb. cp. a Simila correction Euro sor Hebro' Uor. d. i. 25. 2o, o the ground that Hebru Wasno a suus river; ut nee Virgilis Horaceano this 3 318. aDilem, handy,' P. X. 3O5, i. 555, ii 432.319. istanctor ut diffunderetur' diffundendam; se notes to
on the reaSt. O the accuS. P. i. 273, v. theolowin solds up-gathere in a knot. 32 I. monStrate, poliat heritat.'322. Si victistis is no a dependent interrogation, ut a ProtaSis. 323. Giri illi a quive and the si in os a dappled lynx. Madui conjectures maculoso tegmine, a an epithe of lyncis; the sense then eing hunting the spolied lynx o Mamin boar. Priscian mentioris the Suggestion lyncis cursum; but there is no trace of the v. l. maculoso.' P. the description o Camilla, i 577. 328. hominem, a Lindis cognate accuS. - humanum Sonum ' P. PerS. iii 21 sonat vitium percussa fidelia,' the a gives a lauit ring. '33Ι. tandem in question meret gives emphasis quid tandem γ' ,hyin the worid 3 τι δn: p. belo l. 369 Cic. Cat. i. quousque tandem abutere patientia nostra ho long Sa . . . ').332. A hypermetri VerSe se noterio . i. 295. 337. alto. The cothurnus came piat way to theanee. 339. But the counto is Libyan, a race tantamed in ar.' aenos as distincthom rogna the Punic setilement. io the appoSitionines, genus P. V. O. 3 I. fugiens, i. e. in a state of φυγη- Shunning e brother' reaim.'longa, etc. 'Tis a long tale os rong, an intricate ithal but I illtrace the main head of the story.'3 a faStigia, P. G. i. 288 Aen. i. 444. 3 5. intactam maiden; so os Pallas, Hor. d. i. 7. 5. Primisque iugarat ominibus, ha been bound with sirst marriage rites. The reserenceris to the old cuStom of takin auspices elare a Wedding CP. Plaut.
Cas. prol. 86 Ultro ibit nuptum, non manebit auspiceS, Juv. X. 3. of the preparations o Messalina sor her arriage it Silius veniet cum signatoribu auspex ' Cic. Cluent. v. nubit genero Socrus, nulli auspicibus, funestis ominibus' se Ramsay' note . Cicero Div. i. 6. 28)says that in his time the term nuptiarum auspices ' i. e. Witnesses Was allthat rematae of the custom o Lucan. i. 37 of Cato an Marcia Iunguntur taciti, contentique auspice Bruto; Stat Silv. i. a. 229 socialia omina ' Medioch; Prop. v. C. contineant nobis omina prima fidem. 3 7 ante alios, generali Wit superlative, hicli, like comparative here, is pleonastic: cp. Vii. 55.
37 . ComDonat, Pal. firs hand) Rom. So Con. componet Med. and other SS, O Forb. Ribb. The condition is a pure hypothesis, is were o begin, da would Di me Greel εἰ αρχοι ra . . . καταλυοι ν), and the cori in both clauses is mos appropriate. 'Componet is supporte byreserences to Hor. d. iii 3 7 Epp. i. 6. 5 in both of hich, however, the protasis impli es that the condition may appen, L. ἐαν illi Subj.aOr.); and Cic. Tusc. v. 35. Ioa dies deficiet, si velim where ome ead deficiat '). Eue ould lay the dant rest, an clos the gales of heaven 'cp. porta caeli G. iii 261, CompoSita hora Hor. d. i. . et in the evening-hour' 3 the hou of tryst' . 375 vestras. The maiden is addresse asine of the Tyrian cp. l. I o. 377. forte sua, oscit own ild will, analogous o sponte sua. 378. Dius, good, or dutilat; the regular ille of Aeneas in the Epic, suggestini tot ne heroi qualit merely, ut the character os the son holoves his ather of the king h loves his subjecis, of the worshipper ho
lia migrate sto Corythus in Italyrio Troy cp. iii. 29, 16I-I68 Vii.
o5 incessu, of the statet Walli of the goddess so incedo' l. 46above, an et sewhere. The hiatus dea Ine is justi fied by the paus in the
where there is a partia pause, ein also generali chosen for his licence. See Excursus tomosfraus Aeneid, in and above, Introd. IV. p. iii,
4o7. tu quoquo thou like the est.' Aeneas seel that he has been generali bassied Venus herseis has ni appeare once besore ii 589 .
I 6 laeta gladis heari, opposed to tristior ra. 228. Servius suggest that it is a fixed epithe like ιγιλο ιριειδης, hicli occur in the paSsage Od. viii. 36a whic Virgil is imitating. I may have suggeste laeta, but in a disserent sense, as osten illi Virgirs adaptations of Lucretius see