Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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Such an XPreSSion a πιστευοντα Μαχαον Il. i. Oct. The passage isunsatisfacton ascit tandS: and an ingenious suggestion is to place a colonat Neoptolemus an remove the sto aster Maetiaon. 264. falaricator, Od. viii. 493 -ου κόσμ O . . . Δουρατέου, O 'Eπειος ἐποίησεν συν Αθηνη. 267. Consola, consederate, See l. 99 bove. 268. Prima quies, Se i. 47O, viii. o 7. mortalidus aegris, Homer's δειλοισι βροτοι σι- to suffering or ,eary' menci' p. Lucr. i. I, and G.

i. 237, here there is a similar juxtapositionis human ea es an divine indulgence. 27 I. p. Lucr. i. 28 o Ennius vision Unde sibi exortam semper florentis Homeri Commemorat speciem lacrimas effundere salsas: and Hom. Il. xxiii. Io Πατροκλῆος δειλοῖο Ψυχῆ φεστηκει γοωωσά τε χυρομενη

283. e Deetate, by attractio fro voc. Hector; CP ix. 6 I, X. 25, xii. PerS. iii 27 stemmate quod Tusco ramum millesime ducis, Tib. i. 7. 53 Sic venias hodieme, Hor Sat. i. . o Matutine pater, seu Iane libentius audis. Ut . . . adspicimus, i. e. ,hat o toaehol thee.'287. moratur, ieeds; ' p. v. oo, and the phrase nihil moror Hor. Epp. i. 5. I 6 ii. I. 264, etc.

defenderentur.' 293, 294 Penates, See o iii I 2 tiis dat. these, cp. iii 159.. 296. vittas Vestamque i. e. Vestam vittatam. Virgil seem to repre-



sent Hector' shade a actuali givin to Aeneas the Penates and ther sacra, whicli, sin in his possession belo l. 717.

3o7. inscius with stupet, stand daged illi thoeshoch, so vii. 38I, X. 249. 3o9. fictos so Gree πιστει that Whichiive confidelice,' proos; ' P. ii. 375, ix. 79; Lucan. i. 523 addita fati Peioris manifesta fides: Liv

vi. 3 tum vero manifesta fides, Volscos ope adiutos esse; Ter And. v. 2. I 6 an verbis fides 333 Io. ectit ruinam, came crashing doum:' p. dat lucem ' l. 698. dedere lacrimas' ix. 292, dat gemitum' xi. 378 an se note tori. 3on use of dare ' - mahe, cause, etc. 3I2. Joalegon, i. e. domus Ucalegontis: so Hor. Epp. . . a ibi sedulus hospes aene arsit; Juvena iii I99 os a man whose hous is onfire iam poscit aquam, iam frivola transfert Vcalegon.' 3I4 nee Stat, etc., nor have Icilien enough o plan, i. e. ,hat o do e I have armed myself. rationis, p. viii. 299. in armis, abi. Os

circumstance quum arma capta Sunt.'

For God an sor m Sire.'3I8 32Ι. Panthus, Gree Πάνθοος Πaνθους l. iii. 45. arci Phoe-hiquo, hendiadys: p. vii. I9. eos the mage of Apollo limina thedoor of Aeneas, hocis usi rushing out ache meets Panthus. 322. How oeg the day What citaue are e taking Τ' Pergamus belli evidenti loSt, y anthus hvrrying way. The present is more vivid than the future in such rhetorical question cp. iii. 8, v. 534, ii. 637. aeo summa, the objectis hi hest interest,' so Mellare or fortune: Lio has summa rerum the commonwealth. Cp. ix. 723.325. fuimus, AEuphemi Sm Periimus.' Undone are e undone is Ilium. Cp. vii. 13 Tib. iii 5. 37 Sive erimus, Seu nos sata suisse velint; Plaut. Capt. iii 3. Nunc illud est quum me fuisse quam esse nimio mavelim; and the se of vixi, e. g. Plaut Bacch. i. a. 43 vixisse nimio satius iam quam vivere death is belle than illa '); Aen. v. 653. 326 omnia, probabi metaphorical of the fovereigni transferre to Argos Con thinks there a be referetice to arator that the god test Troy illi their mages o the night of iis capture See below l. 35 I. 329. miSCet, Spreads, i. e. passim facit: ' p. v. Io victor, his


33o bipatantibus also . 5, of the council-hal os the gods accordingto Servius borrowed sto Ennius. It must opening both ways, i. e. Didi nidoors and the idea in both passages is possibi that of wide or

Ierusalem exapertae repente delubri fores et audita major humana vox, excedere deosu simul ingens motus excedentium: IosephuS i. 6. 5 κατα τὴν ἐορτην η Πεντηκοστὴ καλεῖται, οἱ ἱερεις παρελθόντες εἰ τὸ ενδον ἱερον

36o. Cava, Se i. I 6. Some thin no . . . umbra a later insertion hecauserit repeat atra in notivia, and Contradicis l. 255 above. ut the

poetini uses disserent expression for the generat dea os night: p. ll. 307. ao, 631. Ribbec calis it tibicen prop, and so Stop-gap: Cp. Juv. iii I93 sed is quidem Vergilianus.'367. Quonclam, at times; G. iii. 99 Aen. i. 16, vii. 378 xii. 863;



Hor. d. ii. o. IV Cic. Div. i. 43. 98 cum Saepe lapidum, sanguinis nonnunquam, terrae interdum, quondam etiam lactis imber defluxit.' p. the use of olim in G. v. 2I. 369. Davor et See Introd. IV, p. lii. Iurima morti imago, ' many avi Sion of death. Tac Hist iii 28 applies the expression somewhat disserently to the appearance of a batile-feld varia pereuntium forma et omni

imagine mortium ' P. huc iit. 8 πασα δεα κατεστη θανατου.

374. rapiunt feruntque, Plunde an pillage, Gree φερειν κω ἄγειν. 373. nam interrogative Se G. V. 445. 377. Sensit elassus, an instance of the tendenc in both Gree and Latin, here an object clause bear an relation to the subjeci, to attracti into nom. case mos frequently it verbs implyin Deling. Saying, thinking, etc. e. g. Hor. Epp. i. 7. 22 Vir bonus et sapiens dignis ait esse paratus, Od. iii 27 Uxor invicti Iovis esse nescis, Catuli. v.

Pha fetu . . . . ait fuiSSe navium celerrimus. Such attraction a normali Greeli ησθετο εμπεσών, etc. but the Latin examples areio neceSSarily


17 laetus i. 275 Eurus in the pridem his Orient steeds; cp. Hor.

423. Ora, etc. 'mar the accent os a strange voice' it. mar the

io han cominus 'his intended is a best doubisul manu, i. e. by ProWeSS, G. iii 3 deat is regarde a the mee of valour. 435. Revo gravior, claden it years; See o Ecl. X. 43, and P. X. 246. 437. Iamore, by the houting. vocati agrees illi the subject of divellimur l. 434, quorum . . . mixtaeing a ParentheSis. 438 4 I. ingentem Dugnam an Martem inclomitum re in appoSi-tion, an Sio l. o is correlative to os . . . forent. Mere e finda might Day, a gh as stubbori a though allislse ere stili lit acintheother Conficis ere nowhere going on , he Danai pressin to the alis, and the gales bese by foes beneat thei pent-house ooΓ-the teStudo' Ο συνασπισμος ein forme acta' . For a descriptio of the testudo' Se Liv. xxiv. 39 an compare illi the whole narrative the description



however, it mali pediment of a portico like that os a temple, attache tothe ron os a mansion, such a Was allowe to Caesar Cic. Phil. i. 43.

mala gramina astus, Homer' βεβρωκως κακα paρμακα l. XXii. 4.

senestrae ad tormenta mittenda' loopholes an metaphoricatly Ter.


Haut iii. I. a quantam senestram ad nequitiam patefeceris an peningsor villainy' .

85. armatos, i. e. the mards of the palace l. above. 487, 488. miseetur, G. i. 359 Aen. i. 25. Cava SuggeSt Sound echoin through a hollo space se above l. 53, and p. Eurydice therock and hollo mountains ung. To suppos that in cavaedium os a Roman ous is intended, is torii the language of poetica descriptionto cloSelyrio matters of faci aurea, a poetica epithe of What is ostyor splendid- aurea Venus ' x. 16; aurea dicta, goiden maximS, 'Lucr. iii Ia; aureus aether, the olden heaven,' v. et xiii 586 CP. Hor. Od. i. . , ii Io. . For the thought here p. ennyson, Mortei'Arthur,' cry that shivered to the inglingratarS.'

89. p. Liv. i. 29 of the takin o Ardea maestitia ita defixit omnium animos ut nunc errabundi domos suas ultimimi illud visuri pervaga


49 I. V Datria, Ierce a his sire.'49 . t Via vi, might in a way. Alliteratio of the v founde reSSe forcem pathos; p. vi. 833, i. 75o, an on theras os aditerationb Latin poets. Munro' Lucretius, Introd. to Notes II. rumpunt actitus,

i. e. Asiae lento collisa duello.'

houSeS. p. vii 59 Hor. d. iii Io. 5 nemus Intra pulchra satum tecta, 'Stat Silv. i. 3. 59 Quid te, quae mediis servata penatibuS, arbor, Tecta Peret postes liquidas emergi in auras.'5I8, 5 I9 iPSum l. e. even the old man. mons ira, Mil thought,' insaluation,' P. G. i. 37. 52 I. efensoribus, i. e. Priam's armS. Not even Hector, Say Hecuba, could save us no by force of a s our ni hope is in the Sanctua ;cp. iii 26o 26I, Con quote fro Henry Aesch. Supp. 88 I9o, and


you, has obtaine currenc in the proverbial applicationis his line aparisto iis contexi t doubifulis undesi rabie allies. 526. Pyrrhi, Subjective gen ., deat a Pyrrhus hanos.' 528, 29. IuStrat, Se i. O7. infesto volnere, ' in ac to strihe, withblow, ascit ere, ready levelle against him, as in the common insesta

hasta. 53 I. VASit smin the corridor to the open atrium.'533, 53 . mecti in morte 'in the ver grasinos death ' p. Cic. Verr. v. 6. 2 ex media morte eripere, and the Se of mectius as ipSe, G. iii 35Ι, note Deperoit, See nci. 257.


576. vicisci, o the constructio se note o G. i. 2I3. Soeloratas Poenas, punishment sor crime; cp. sceleratus vicus, Sceleratus

campuS, where the partic impii e connection it crime so scelerata terra iii. o. sceleratum limen ' o Tartarus vi. 563. G Sra explains 'anhol Vengeance, i. e. kill in her at the altar. 577, 578. Myosnae an Sparta, as in . 65o seem to e confused orrather, sed loosely to designate Greece Tyndareus, Helen' sether, mking of Sparta illae resignexit o Menelaus ibit regina, Shali march

Cp. Socero. l. 457. natos whether Helen had only one child as Hom. Od. iv Ia o more, or hether bothae parenis ere at this momen alive, is immateria to the genera mean in of the passage- i She to se herhome and kindre again 3 comitata ministris, See o i. 12.58I, 582. coictorii, shali Priam have falles etc. . . . Vonly that Helenma retum γ' Is it sor his that Priam sed γ' p. v. 59 I. Suctarit,

583, 584. Thesentimentos Aeneas is likethat of Arruns, i. 79osqq.- Tokillis oma bring no honour; ut either oecit bring discredit i shedeserve death. That it is mea an cowardinio hillis oma at ali is a Delingis later times than Virgil siwn much more than hos of whic hewrites foomine in oena, abi. of circumst in in poena foeminae.' 585-587. nefas, ' the abomination, so os a monstrous thing Eumenides Stygiumque nefas Lucan. i. 695 an a an exclamation, Aen. Vii. 73, viii. 688, X. 673 mor. d. iii 2 . ori Catuli lxviii. I. merentis, Objective genitive it Dosnas vengeanc on a milty oman the more usu a phrage ei nil de merente '). Con. ahes merentiS' S CC. Plur. , explaining on analog of scelerata poenas ' ut his attributes to Virgilthe se of a Ver hars expression, Onecessari ly. For auctatior ith infinitive quod exstinxi or qui exstinxerim being the more usual construction), p. Pers. i. doctas posuisse figuras Laudatur.' e lesse Withgen. implentur i. 15. ultrici flammae, the re os venileance.' Satiasse, etc. so the common de of gratibin the dea by posthum ous



neglectin her. 597. Auseret Supersit; See o Ecl. ix. 27. 599 6Oo ni resiStat, etc. Thisso os conditional sentence impli es that thecare of Venus is stili exerci sed continuously- Meremo m care et tand- in in the way the fames might at ready have seiged, etc. hauserit, like διαφυσσειν Hom. Il. xiii. O8, d. ix. 5o lit. drain the loon os and

619. oris snatch hasty figlit; ' p. corripuere' i. I 8, rapit G. i. I 53 Aen. Vii. 725. 622 facies, forms' or Shapes, cp. i. 658. The expression, lightlymisunderstood, probabi suggeste to Milton the 'dreadsul faces at thegates of Paradis Par. Lost, xii. 6 Virgil perhaps reflect Lucr iii. 18 Apparent divum numen; See on ECl. X. 54. 626 63 I. This simile a have been suggested by that in Hom. Il. v. 48 Sqq. O a falling arrior compare to a poplar ut down but thedetatis are Virgil's wn, and weli illustrate his originalit an descriptive Power illa usque minatur, etc. 'it Stili Leeps noddin tociis sali, and,