Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


55 56. mirantur is followed by I accusativus objecti corcta). 2 an insin clause non aeua . . . fovere standin to it in the fame


rogatio obliqua dependenti the notion of wonde implied in uristolorossitius arctet.

intende to expres the intensit of the anguish, as doescit original anxius angor' bitter bitte anguisti Munro Lucr. iii. 93, vi II 58; ut Such UOL. II. U



poetica asson ances are common in Lucretius and Virgil; p. Aen. i. 53 iv. 27I, and See Munro On Lucr. i. 826.

ne rom Pal. Gud. I, c others neu Dor Med. Rom. b, withis colonaster Vincantur. A thir expedient is to remove the Colon a Darentem, S thati . . . Vineantur Odows Dosse, det a mother' prayer avail that the be no . . . 93. Orquet, quides the star of heaven; Cp. v. 269, an sor ictera muricti, Lucr. i. 328.

IO5-IO7. He Palae and eat in his vo by his Stygian brother' flood by the hores of the pitch torrent illi is dari swirlin streanas he noddedassent; and the nodiade ali Olympus quake. For themath of Styx See

idea a in viii. 52 sqq. is that os a fias of listhining ollowed by

thunde crasti the alter bella here represented by the Idaei chori, i. e. Corybantes, lio clasti thei cymbals.

121. his line is omitte by Vat. Med. Pal. Rom. Gud. b, c, and Dund ni in a codex orcius' later than the welsth century cite by Pierius an is no doub interpolated rom X. 223. I 27 vitro not ni does Turnus o lose ear at ille portent, ut more than that insuper. See o ii 45 he turn it to the encoura gementosithers stili cheer thei hearis and stili vpbraids. The whole speech lL IIS I 58 is characteristic of the conception o Turnus; Daries alii eo god ani man, caretes of mens and Orients, illi ut ne thought


fence gaias death is ali that nives them eart. What have the notiseen Troy the work of Neptune' hand sin do via in ames 3 so Doriisse Semcti Satis est, an imaginar objection to hic Turnus immediatelyretoris that the assat o Helen ought o have been a lesson for the future. Quibu . . . animoS. an abrupi exclamation, followed by another introduce by at indignantis ii 535 vii. 363): excitemen malitia thespeaher incoherent. I MScrimina Parva Vat. 2 is preserred by mos editor to discrimine parvo ' Vat. I, Med. Gud. Which may have arisen rom iii. 685. Pal. I has discrimina parvas ' Pal. 2. Rom. discrimina parvo: so that both these codices are partiat witnesses for neut Plur. For analo OUS .ll. Se iv. 98. I 6, 1 7. Ribbec places these two lines after . 72, changin so into sic ' and reari in qui a relative. The SS. al give VISCINDERE : ut thi S a C On rem artis may stand sor ei ther quis scindere or qui scindere, the qui and quis hein osten confused in bISS. speciallybefore s: ' P. Ecl. i. 19, t. 19, G. v. 537 Aen. iii. o8, v. 6 8 an See

15 I. This line is rejected by agner, Ribbech, etc. as an in appropriate repetition os ii 166 there ein no Palladium in the Trojan camp), andalso on account os the forni Pallami. On his laiter reason, however, See note to iii. o I. The word no doubi are sat but as On. Potnt out the only mea in unius morith, H ill have nothingo do illi sur- pristia an flauilliterin sentineis: and there is no S authorit for their



note in . I9O I9I DEPCiD Dorro, learn now' lit. surther'); p. Lucr. i. 46 quae restant percipe porro. Qui clubitem, ,hat I am thini in os: 'Cp. Ter. d. iv. 5. 7 haec dum dubitas menses abierunt decem; Cic. Rosc. m. Ι 88 reStat, iudices, ut hoc dubitemus uter potius Sex. Roscium occiderit; Tac. An n. v. 57. dubitaverat Augustu Germanicum rei Romanae imponere ' had considered hether e liould); and

i. 'o Aen. V. 302, v. 29O X. 36 I. Ribb. GoSSr. Punctuate Ivitii Vat., Med. mandet humori Solita . . . , GOSSr approvin a conjecture ' saltem for solita.

Danaum delecti, prima virorum. For amni mecti See vii. 59. The campus is an Pen pace in the centre of the en campinent. 23I-233. fore depend on dicunt o so me such or to e supplied hom orant- grave is their usines and will repa delay. morae, the interruption consilium summis regni de rebus. tropictos, impatient. 235. ab annis froin the oin os te os ur earM; CP Ter And. iv. I. Tuum animum ex animo spectavi meo. Translate: Nor judge uros ri ou yearS.'237. 238. insictiis ou Secret passage' froin the camp). Livio Portae meret the galeway, whic is 'bivium, asaeing the way in and Out; p. 'bivias fauces xi. 5I6. 24 I. Quaesitum, Supine aster fortuna uti i Dyo letis tr our hance, to seela For supine aster ther than a ver of motion p. ali fragm. ultum iniurias hortor, and the phrase venum, nuptum,' seSSum



2 6. Mereon Aletes, of weight years and jud ent ripe. For animi See i. 438 G. iii 289.2 8 249. tamen 'inster ait' vim solandi habet' Forb. se beloru

Thought, oes, an deed, ou hare them ali Con. . The idea is that of arcanos tibi credere sensu 'civ. 22.28I-283. me nulla, etc., no time hali prove me nequa to such deedsos dari nil det ni propitious, an no adverse late besall. arguerit, and fiat indici, accordin to the common Latin diom hic regaros future evenis sto Some potnt of vie in the future, not asinglisti ros lat. indic. hom the moment of Speahing. It means, Nou neve Shalliave to saythates Was nequa . . . . tantum i variou Si taken, I Withiissimilem Hebetae, agner), S sar nequat; ' P. Hor. Sat. i. 3. 3Ι te quoque verum est Tantum dissimilem et tanto certare minorem γ' a b itself, with colon e re an aster thus much ill I say; so Ribb. readini aut adversa ' whether good orcii ha besali: 3has bove it cactat. In l. 283 Med. Pal. Rom. ive haut si e haud adversa, an addition hichHeyne condemn as ea aster eounctis: ut it is natura that Eunalus shouldae hin in os an mention ei ther result. 286. Xoectentem, in She est home: preS participi o contemporata action, no has Some quin Xcederet by a in o negative prolepsis

Se note t Vii. 498. 289. Quo nequeam, accordin tome . and thers, is cori in virtualoratio obliqua implied by tosti Sc. me eam insalutatam linquere 'h: ut the passage is o the whole more forcibi is Wit Con an Madu Opusc.


cp. quando nequeam ' l. 497 elown Lucr. i. 889 qui minus esse queant γ'

v. 2IO ala Si non Cimu indic. . . . Sponte sua nequeant exSi Stete, and

Other example cite by ultro on . 327, whe: e possis precisely 'potest ib. 32 . Our Englis phrase Iciliould like i. e. I d like' todo his, is also analogou ; p. h. βουλοί ah αν. Elther explanation is grammaticali pOSSibi : and the ver positive condemnationi Conington' sui ex in the preface to Dr. Kenne ly's secon edition as also in the prefaceto edition of the Publi School Latin Grammar' seem hardi justifi-

3o5 tiabilem aptarat, 'sit ted formari ying.'3I5. tamen reser to a suppressed thought perituri quidem, multis tamen . . . .'), Parti SuggeSted by the wor inimicia implying that thecam is non tantum hostilia, sed et perniciosa. Nam cum dolore dictum est inimica, V unde scilicet non redituri erant' Servius the fata camp.' Se Conington's note here, and cp. l. 2 8 above, Ecl. X. 2.317. RPPEotos ' Set up on iid, With the pol in the air. 323. TheSe Paris illo lay aste an mali a broad road sor o tofollovg. Foros Atalatio p. xii. 37, an See note tori 63.

337, 338. eo Perhaps Baccho, sc vino, cp. i. 636 ut a Passage in Statius Theb ii. 76), evidenti reflecting this and l. 326, suggeSt the odo SDes- Serta inter vacuosque mero crateras anhelum Proflabant Sub luce deum. The two ideas perhaps combine in that O a runken lee P. For multo se iii. 372. Protinus, onward, with both aequasset and

the da n. 339. turbans, intranS. - turbas faciens, cp. i. oo Cic. de Fin. i. Io at id ne ferae quidem faciunt ut although ita ruant itaque turbent, ut earum motu et impetus quo pertineant non intelligamus. Other considervor ovilia turhans perturbans ovilia by tmesis. 3 8-35O multa morte cp. multa octe G. v. Ι 8o , abi. os circum St., withiuch, o fuit deatli' . when the wor os deat wasione. Servius' explanation, cum multo cruore, is no bonae ut by an known Se of

mors in Latin, an is ni partiali illustrate by Homer' πορφυρεος θανατος Iliadis 83 . recepit is generali explainest dre it ach: hut the PasSage of Lucretius multo Si sorte umore recepit Ignem vi. 146),


face Euryalus, hecis received by a morta stro e Gosfra read ' multa morte recepit Purpureum vomit . . . ' ut Durpuream animam, the rediis stream. has belle autho ity furto, dat after in Stat- eageri preSSeSon his stealthy co urge. For the meaning p. ' insidiis ' l. 237. 356. exhauStum est, C. a nobis; we have ad ur fid o ven-geance. The wor is generali used a e g. vi. of enduring i. e. draining to the bottom tot o suffering no os inflicti iacit : ut the contexi here Seem to require reserencerio Ni Su an Euryalus ather than tothei victimS. 3 9 362. Phaleras, 'decorations ' Om ora the reast, a medat arenow; p. Juv. xvi. laeti phaleris et torquibus omnes,' here ab orexplain that the were bosse of thi bronge, silver, o gold chased inrelie . . . astene to a et by ac pieces of opper. aurea ullis cingula is thus Vergiliano more an amplification phaleras, thegoiden studde bel once Rhananes pride phalerae an bullae belligvirtuali identical Other distinguishisbalera an Cingula, underStand-ing the alter of a word-beli; ut apparenti only Ire ornament i Spolienos. hicli Euryalus astens umeris l. 364 . mittit, P. l. 267 aboVo, and See note torii. 75- sent by t wealah lor in days of old.' at tiaboro,

suggestin that it was adde to explain eumquam in the ex line onwhicli vi e Post mortem raster Euryalus death. I cannot in post mortem Remuli, though moriens might Suggest his for his ouldae inconsistent With the statemen that a Remulis death the phalerae passedio his grandson. It must- after the grandsons death; the infereticebein that Rhamnes then received the phalerae a his hare of Spolis. The omission of the line ould clea the sense, Rhamnes eing the thenenos o Remulus: ut S. authorit krhid this an it is belle with Servius to regar the passage a lest unfinished by Virgil. 365. ahilem, Homer' ε αραρυῖαν, Mellitting.'3II murosque Ribb. rom Pal. Gud. I, o, an apparenti Servius : muroque' Med. Rom. Let, is supported by a parallel in vii. 161, and Priscian subire is sed indifferenti With dative iii. 292 vi. 222 viii. I 25 Or accuSative Vi I 3, viii. 362 x. 798): o Succedere moenibus Liv.

37 . Pactiis, C. lunae; ashed against the oonlight.' 375-377. au temero est visum, wel mari eo a the sight,' i. e. the di no note it caretessi an pas on: p. Hor Sat. i. a. II 6 montemere edi luce profesta Quicquam . nihil illi tencter contra, hoc est, nihil responderunt; nam uendo contra sermonem tuum V S respondeo

tibi,' tendo contra iter tuum V est occurro tibi Servius). The infinitive histori α' 379. ivortia, byWays, i. e. places here road branch is: so divor



each allis the trach semita could now and then e disceme through

oa, o3. The S. Version O these lines Ocius adducto torquens hastile lacerto Suspiciens altam Lunam et Sic voce precatur' wil onlygive sense noli improbabie suppositio that si is intende to coupletorquens an Suspioiens Such displacement of the copula ould eun paralleled, and nnecessary for Virgil could have couple the two a ticipies qui te naturali by writ in suspiciensque. Forb. miis ot butali MSS. give it, an Priscian th centur A. D. comment upon iis positioni the verSe. Con. notin that Rom. an Ver fragm. infert ad ' e re Lunam, SuggeSt that the origina read in bein suspiciens altam ad Lunam sic voce precatur,' ad ma have rst dropped ut and then re-appeared uti iis Place a Vet'- theor more ingeni ou than convincing. Ribb. reads suSpicien altum, Lunam si . . . . On the whole, agner'Sconjecture torque torquens' altered, possibiy by Some scribe metri

gratia , seem to osse the fewest difficulties and supporte by the ex- ample of r. Kenne ly, I have venture to adopi it actctueto, draWn Laeli' loward himselfh; P. V. I I. o 7, O8. Si Qua D SQ, etc. at alles have increased them by m hunting. Qua might here e ablat si qua ratione 'h; ut it is more probablyparallel si qua ' l. o6 in hicli case the construction mustae analogous to that of quo numine laeso' l. 8, Anthea si quem ' l. 8 I. tholo, o a circular temple Covered by a aut orio me fastigia, the pediment ouiside. The 'Pantheon a Rome supplies an exac illustration. Io toto Conixus Corsore, Mith the orce of his hole eight; ' p.

X. I 27.

I 2, 4I3 uctversi Med. Pal. Rom., Gud. b, c, ove against him, i. e. contra. Sulmo is ove against adversus,' contra' the spo Whencemisus huris the Pear: and Virgil, oes no specis anythin more than his reneralposition. His ach torgum must e turne to ward Nisus, o that aVerSi' Forb. GOSSr. Con. Kenn etc. or abversi' Ribb. would eappropriate; ut is it a necessar emendationi Servius rea actversi, explaining tergum and 11sso ligno, of Sulmo's hieta, an frangitur colliditur '- apparenti on the assumption that actversi mustis facing.


NOTES. 385-468. 297

But the description incit. 396 398 suggest that Nisu See the pari moviug

46- 49. Blest patri is aught y verse vati no a shali tot ourname Do the memory of time, hil Aeneas line hali sit on the Capitor unchanging roch, an Rome' great ather old his way.'Dater Romanus mus have ne of two mean ing I Iupiter Capitolinus, called Tarpeius pater' by Propertius v. 7 an Martial ix. 2. 5 Tarpeia Summi saxa dum patris stabunt'); p. Plaut. Men. v. i. 28 735 veluSque dum regnum optinebit Iuppiter, an Hor. d. iii 5. Incolumi Iove et urbe Roma: ' a theimperor achead of the Roman state : P. Hor.

Od. i. 2. Hic ames dici pater atque princepS ' Auson praef. ad Theodosium 2I Tu modo te iussisse, pater Romane, memento. In an CaSe

Virgil meant while the Roman empire lasis; litile hinking that the fame



SCClerVS, a, una ' in Plautus), and embo' coiciecture ' funere.' Toctuaei, the regula term for scortin a funera procession; p. Lucan. i. 97 299 ceu morte Parentem Natorum orbatum longum producere unu Ad tumulum iubet ipse dolor.'49 I. unus, corpse, a Prop. i. 7. M Haeccine l)arva meum unus harena teget 3 tioo, he head of her son cp. l. 65, 466 above). 493. Pietas seeling. almost tity.'

5O3. The suciden rumpet-flourish is et indicate by the rapi move-ment of a puret dactylic line se Litrod. IV, p. l li V. 5O5. 2Stuctine Cp ii. I. Volsci, of the Italians generat ly.

5I3, I . For cum Vat. Med. Pal. Rom. Gud , b c Ribb. eadS num ' illi an interrogation aster casus, laimin thereb vim et elegantiam loco reddidisse ' Prol. p. 367). cum tamen, e thiniis, a Settingthe endurance of one fide in contrast to the furious attack of the ther,mu Si require conjunctive 'although'). ut a it no be purei temporal the while however' , and theres ore naturali uSed illi indic. 3-thecontrast, Whicli Virgilis doub intended, ein expresseda tamen alOne.

5I8. Curant: P. Hor. d. iii . . o curat reponi deterioribus. In Lucretius iuro is sed even is inanimate subject in efficio, e g.