장음표시 사용
confuses the impressi ins ad on disserent enSe See o ii. 73, xii. 59I, and cp. aura vi an . Ioa IO3. Solo, Vincit soli; a locative abi. pleonasti a sar a the sensegoes, ut defining the exac meaning of tremefacta : p. iii. 659 trunca
manu pinus ' vi IS aureus arbore ramus. Such pleonasti ablative aremore osten instrumentat, e g. manu. Posuere a Vii. 27 Diaeicta, Proleptic- ocean mooth his ater into est.'Io 7 II 3. hat ach one' fortune is to Jay what path of hope achimadg beo Trojan or Rutuli an , vili be nought to me; hether it e Italiae destin that hold the Trojan cam in lege, o fata error os Troy and wamings os a me. Nor pare Pthe Rutulians hom his la thateacti must tali their hance . Each one' own deed shallari nihim oeor eat. Jove rules alii e so ali an Fate hal fin iis courge. Thesi ege of the Trojan cam ma he due to destin or their Nn sody but Jupiter ill e stricti impartiat, an let evenis talae their course. Os Soeat spem, at that canae sat positi vel is that Virgil mean quod quisque sperat ' hether it be explained o the analog of viam secare
tius iv. 637 . Jupiter is made to spea in archaic Style Ictborem
I 6, 1 7. The batile describe in book ix. was ver contulerant , an in the night followin Aeneas as On his a bac sto Tarcho, where the stor les him in viii. o 7. 148 sqq. ingressu i partici pleri actit. etc. own to l. 53 ein tempora clauses after ut, ,hen, and auctis mora, etc. the principal
I 5o-Ι52. Quictvo, ita, What Oon e astis, What osser in retum.'violenta, the Characteristic qualit os Turnus se introduction to book Vii. p. 248. humanis, etc.. iid hi in thinii ha furet human o tunes seel'-i. e. o litile trust an e placet in thei permanence Aeneas potnis ut that Tarcho may one da want hel; himself. 15 , I 55. ferit, P. Vicere foedus; a victim ein struch to mar theconclusion o a reaiy. lihera fati, vivit o sale thei destin ful-filled' i. e. hy Choosin a foret gra leade accordinet to the oracle viii. 5oa), so that the were o Dee Do the obligation to sulfit t. For the construction p. Hor. A. P. I liber laborum; Lucan. v. 38 curarum liber, vi. 39I Felix a libera legum, Roma, fores iurisque tui. vii. IS Libera Fortunae mors St.' gens Lyctia, the Etruscans se on ii. 78 I.
136. The hiatus is here justi sed by the paus in sense se Introd. IV. P. liii.
I 57,Ι58 leoneS, Cc. aster Suhiuncta in iddie sense, Mith tonsjoine to it beati elow ' se on Ecl. iii Io6 Aen. iii 428. The tonsare carve or ainted on acti id of the lower par of the pro from icti the rostrum projected an above, O the foredech or uppe parto the prow is the παρασηὶμον orii Stinctive emblem insignes' of the hip, answering to ur figure-head-in thi Case a head or figure personi lying Mount Ida: p. the description in il I96, 197 elow.16I, 62. opacae nocti iter, that sho the path through the hades of night. The expression come sto Ennius 'Iphigenia, a fragmen ofwhicli is preserve in Varro, L. L. Vii. 73 Cp. v. Quid noctis videtur in altisono
Caeli clipeo ΤSen. Temo superat Stellas sublime etiam cogenSAtque etiam nocti iter . . . .'
Cp also Lucan. X. 332 Sic Velut in tuta securi pace trahebant octis iter mediae. Cp. for trahebant Virgil noctem sermone trahebat Aen. i. 7 8 noctem ludo ducunt G. iii 379). E. . . I 68. goryti qui vers. γωρυτος d. xi bow-case.'I7I. DuDDis heroem the Stem, o whicli stood a figure or ainting of Apollo tutela ' nolo he confiunde With the παρaσvριον figure-head; se above o l. 57); P. Pers. i. 3 of a hi pWreche mariner iacet ipse in litore et una Ingentes de puppe dei, an se Con ad loc. :also v. Trist. i. o. Est mihi sitque, precor, flavae tutela Minervae Navi S, et a picta casside nomen habet.'I72. Populonia, orace the hie mari os Etrusca commerce, stood on a tost promonto , sin k in abluptly to the ea, an formin a peninSula ' Strabo) Macauta Horatius, Staneta ascribes to
distanc notrio great the gland of Elba Ilva would essectuali conceat them Virgil indirecti testi fies to iis importanc by akiniit en turice
a many arrior a the whol istand of Elba. I7 . An gland ricli in boundies treasures of the mine.' generosa of a good stoc genus' and so generous; ' generosos palmite colles'
Pisa is Alphean i. e. Elean by origin Etruscan by siluation solo). It Aconnection it the Pisam Elis o the Alpheus is a fictio due o simi
his ather ore. O Cinyrus e re ni tol that he was Ligurum fortissimus cluetor at that sollows bein sal o Cupavo on o Cycnus. Line I 88, hici has caused so much dissiculi se Conington' note . mustbe explanator Ofiennae, and the love therein mentione Can oni reserto the love o Cycnus for Phaethon, hic as explaine incit. 179 193 ledio his transformation. The wan-plumes o Cupavo' crest are thus callela ' charge against love hecause the recal the effect os love in the case of his ather Cycnus vestrum reserring to amor is no doub peculiar butit ma be expiat nefas tuum et matris tuae ' SC. Veneris'),in the analogyo Vestras, Eure, domos' l. 4 an Vos, o Calliope' ix. 25. Thealtemative os referriniit o Cinyrus an Cupavo involve two gratuitous aSsumptions Vig. that these two re both sons o Cycnus, and that amor refers to a crimina passion et ween them' Con. . Nothin eis in Virgir language suggest an connection etwee Cinyrus an Cupavo:while lius in l. 19 cis distincti suggestive of nly one Son o Cycnus bein intended.
head se above on l. 57 hein a Centaur in ac to hur a tone. I98. Ue etiam . . . onus: agner Quaest Virg. xxi. 7 rightlytakes this a parallel to the Homeric se in . g. I l. iii II 8 Aυτὰρ ὁ Ταλθυ-
βιον προω κρώων 'Aγαμεμνων, in hicli the pronounirs obscuret indicatestne subject hicli is sterward more directi introduced. He cites . iv. 57 Ilia . . . Puella, Aen. V. 6O Ilia . . . virgo. Xii. O Ille . . . heros: 'also V. 259 Hinc . . . viro, 52 Qui . . . pater' se howeve note here).
E. P.J. Ocnus is identi fied by Servius illi the Bianor o Ecl. X. O.
aleopte or iity' πολις belongin to t. Virgil glorifies his native Mantuab representin her a the ead of the orthem eaque of twelve Tuscancities, hichiiv v. 33 speak of a s unde from the twelve sat cities' o Etruria Proper includin Felsina no Bologna and Adria. and probabir Parma, Mutina Modena), and Ravenna. Pli ny ho ever N. H. iii Io), an Cato state that Felsina a the metropolis. The gens triplo is sat d
2O7, 2OS. Centena arbore, with one hundred ars.' arbor in a par; So Lucan. ix. 32 ' naves quaecumque levatae Arboribu caesis ' i. e. magis Cp. Aen. v. O ). For the se of distributive in place of simple numeralscp. Cl. viii. 73, G. i. 23I, Aen. V. 2O, 56O, etc. SSurgenS, 'riSin to
lapping of the water unde the proW.218. Veli ministrat, attend to the satis; See o Vi 3o a. 22Ο-224. YmPhiso, etc., the Nymplis, hom gractous Cybebe ad transforme Dom hips and ad the have power ver the ea, Wam Sidoti si de an clove the waves-as man Nymph a the ragen prows thatersi stood oore to hore. Asa the know the clites, an round imweave their ance. For the stor se above ix. 2o numen, divine power; ' p. v. m. iii. . a 'At sacri vates et divum Cura vocamur: Sunt etiam qui nos numen habere putant.' austrare, a vii. 39 I.
228, 29. Accordin to Servius the Vesta Virgins on a se da addressed the rex sacrorum ' with the ormula Nigilasne, rex vigila. on immitto
ructentes Se iii 267. 235. agitare, See o G. i. 527. nevum, lise; See o Ecl. x. 43
247. octi, i. e. Iationis, as iv. 294: knowing et the way'-i. e. of
That res the tength of Ophiucus hugela in Arctic hy, and rom his horrid air
mine by e. g. . ii 45 Aen. V. I 32 p. Lucan. vii. 253 an echo of this PaSSage In manibus veStris quantus sit Caesar, habetis, an Caes. B. G. ii I9 incredibili celeritate ad flumen decurrerunt, ut Paene uno tempore et ad silvas et in flumine et iam in manibus nostris hostes viderentur. The interpretation with viris' brave men have Mars himsel i. e. martialSpirit-in thei hauri' s. i. e. no in tinei fer so acto run away wil hard lycommen itfel even o Conington' authori ty. ars isse, ei ther the
fortune os the war ' hic ma no b decide is the destro Aeneas and his followers in the attemptri land.
fui pol se pon a reacherous reef ctorso, p. i. IIo and ames the waveS,Sh brealis 'an turn her cre out into the ea.'3IO Signa Canunt, the rumpet Sound ς' p. iv. i. I. priusquam Signa Canerent, xxiv. 5 ubi signa coeperunt canere, xxvii. 45. Semel in praetoriis castris signum, bis in consularibus referebant cecinisSe, etc. OtherS,HeS probably mahe Signa accus. an understan tubicineS fortite subjeCt. 3II. Omen Pugnao, in apposition to the actio expresse by invasit; CP. i. 223 triste ministerium. This constructior is common in Tacitus; e g. Ann. i. 27 postremo deSerunt tribunal, ut quis praetorianorum militumami Corumve Caesaris occurreret, manus intentantes, causam discordiae et initium armorum.'
is brohen abruptly at rogontes by the parenthetica explanatio Septem
. . . Onieiunt: ut thera, instea os regum in that hicli precedes theparenthesis, it continues it reserence to the parenthesis itSel i. e. t tela
339. traicteto, etc., right Onwar through his arm the spea was sped, and held iis biood course down hom his houideri ita sinews hun thenerveles hand. A the ex stands, no the meanin is possibie Thespea that has passe through, aeon s od Sever Alcanor A arm s well,-an incredibi stroke an no ver consistent it the fac that Alcanor comes up to et Maeonii ready fallini ruentom), i. e. When the impetus of the spea is ver Servius note trajecto lacerto,' quae fuerat missa retroacto lacerto, suggest the possibilit os a rea ling reiecto: in hichcaS 1aCerto out be abi instrum. and the passage ould mea that Aeneas huris a fresi spear with arm thrown back' Cp. deducta hasta x. 552 reductis dextris xi. o5 at Alcanor comin to VIaeon' reseue. Peerlhamp conjectured adducto nova missa lacerto, etc. an Ribbec is evidenti tempte by though e has no venture to adopi, the conjecture reiecto ' hicli ould certaint improve the ense. The round of iis rejectio must be that conjectura emendation has no place so long as nymeming canae extracted rom the texi not an ossitan dismissat of Servius' remar asin false rendering or of the conjecture as in itfel improbabie. 343. gere contra strike hi sud ' αντικρυ): p. Ecl. vii. Ille ubi me contra videt: ' Lucr. i. 343 uti, speciem quo VertimuS, Omne ReSibi eam contra feriant' meet an strihe); Catuli lxii. Cernitis in. nuptae, iuvenes 3 consurgite contra' to meet them).3 7 graviter ressa in impressa'), 'deepi fixed ' p. the Homeric
Furius Antias circ. Io B. C. ' Pressatur pede peS, mucro mucrone Viro
vir: and Ennius Ann. 559 has tremitur ede pes atque armi arma teruntur: either of hic passages may have been in Virgil f ind. Propertius has ome peculiar se of this ablative-e g. iii 26 8 Anseri indocto carmine cessit olor, i v. 6. Si placet insultet, Lygdame, morte mea, V. . o 'Cum temere anguino reditur ore manus: 'whicli, with pede here, are ometimes explaine as id or anomalous datives. ut though, fin some confusion etween e andri in ablative terminations there is no sussicient viderice of simila confusion in dative form the epitaph ned by Aul. Gell. i. et Postquam est morte datus Plautus, comoedia luget ' hein accordinito Som authorities 'Postquam
est mortem aptus' etc. i. e. adeptus'). An expression in Catullus lxi. 7 io I in mala deditus vir adultera in deditus adulterae ' seem to throwlight on the passages atready cite&: p. Lucr. iii. in pugnae studio quod dedita mens est, iv. 15 quibus est in rebus deditus ipse. Theomission os the reposition always possibi on the vi e that prepositionsoni interpret the mean in os caseS in these examples ouldiive a phiaSe deditus adultera etc. exactly analogous to mandet humo solita' X. 2I4.366 368 Elther quis i. e. quibus,' queis 'hor uuancto seena superfluo ussor the sense, hicli ould e clear nough illi ne or the ther. Is Quando has it ordinar mean iram ,hen since.' e must suppos a Sud lenireali at quos perhaps denotin that the passage a un finished ''ho, Seein that the ough natur of the ground made them discar theirhorses-Pallas excites them ' etc.): sor it is hard o belleve with Heyne that uancto is a mere repetition of the reason ahead ove by quis LeSSviolent seem the vie o Priscian 6th centur A. D. that uuancto here in aliquando, at times; a meaning elsewhere found like the indefinitetis of quis 'inly after certain ord num. si, and me ). It is true that the ni quote example of such indefinite se of quando' Calpurnius, Ecl. x. qui quando palmite tigres Ducis ' brealis down undertextua critici si pronouncin for the readin 'quique udo, etc. but is Virgil could se quis in aliquis ' vi. 1 I , he might have venture on quando aliquando. Other expedients are the emendation o quia to aquis ' Madvig), or uuancto to nando' Kennedyy the alter editor at So Placiniit. 366, 367 SDer . . . egenis, a a parenthe Si aster i. 364, an referri ne unum Quo restat to imittero Quos instea of as inour ext to virtutem uocenctit. 369-376 by you own brave deeds by our chie Evander' nam and figlit . beneath him on-b my opes that no aspire t match mys ather' fame, I charile ou stand no runt The word mustae a Waythrough onder oes and where thei ranks press hic est there is the Path by hic our oble ounir cali us home 'Tis no god that attachuS; mortalin We armare the foes that press and we have breati and hancis amat chrior theirs.' 38 , 385. SuDer, thus nilaged ' in pulli nil ut his own spear super hoci Germ. dabet; ' p. ll. 556 897 elow, i. 226, ii 3 8. II Quictem,cP. X. 797.
39o, 39 I. T in ossepring os Daucus, Larides, an Thymber, like in
395, 396. Larides severed an seel blindlyrior iis ord the fingers
quive hal alive, and lutch the word. Virgil imitates Ennius, Aran. i. 63 of a severe head Oscitat in campis caput a cervice revulSum, Semianimesque micant digiti ferrumque requirunt; and perhaps thiniis os Lucr. iii 6 2 sqq. of limbs cutis in batile . O5- O9. An as hen summer inds have risen at his iSh the wain Set sire here and there to the oods: oon ali etween has cauillit und
implies that the ood are et on ire in severa places at once: octiis bella ali that lies between the severa potnis. The spreadis fir in 'ood here illustrates the contagious sprea of courage Lindie here and there by Pallas. Virgil elsewhere ii 3o , xii. a I and Homer Iliad i. 55, XV. 6o5 XX. O emplo it to illustrate destructive sury. Ia quo in sua colligit arma gather himself ehin his hield, συσταλεὶ υ ἀσπιδος : p. Plato, Rep. 336 B συστρεφας ἐαυτὸν σπερ θρίον i. e. foris pring Sil. It x. 29 of ne noli defensive Consumit clipeo tela et collectus in arma Sustinet ingentes crepitantibus ictibus
I 5. elatam in iugulum is usuali explaine asin potnte at his Halaesus' throat iugulo vulnus minantem Serv. . Kenn , ΟweVCT, thin s it must in rat sed to his own throat protection against Halaesus); and there is noth in in the contexi o decide hicli is right.4I7. Canens, SS cavens Ribbeck homo in of Servius alii cavens' legunt). Con suggest that Virgil misunderstood δε sunντο- συνας Il. i. 83a asci from ειδω). IS. Canentia, aged; that hicli properi refers to senior eing transferre to luminae; p. i. 65 spicula converso fugientia dirigit arcu.'To suppose Willi Servius an allusion to the cornea of the ye turn in gwhite aster death is uret to malae Virgil rite medica proSe.
38. Each must his destin abide Beneati a mi illitier and Con. :i e Pallas is to sal by Turnus', ausus by Aeneas', hand. 39. Neanwhile his sister dear Juturna ' xii. I s, wariis Turnus to alie
I. Pugna Rom. Seem preserable pugnae' Med. Pal.J, hi chis variousi explained-b Heyne a genitive ora the analog of Greeli geri. With παυεσθαι, ληγειν, etc. Cp. Horace'. desine querellarum ' Od. i. 9. 7), abstinet irarum' ib. iii 27 60): by agne a dative, citin Stat. Theb. v. 273 mea cura labori Destitit ' hicli might, ou ever, e abi. in imitationi a Virgilian archaism. Ateiter paralle is the constructionos deesse, ' deficere, etc. In x. 789 excedere pugna is rightly accepte o the authorit o Med. againSt aL Rom. givini Pugnae: 'and despite the wealier authorit o Rom. Introd. II, p. xi V XXv), it Sreadin here Seem more in accordarice it Virgilian sage, hich unlikethatis Horace doe no much affect the particula Graecisin o a genitive
Cp. the well-known passage in Dem de Corona 258. 5 περας μὲν γυ