Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

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ll. 9, 5 has te to a suggestio that the are margina glosses perhaps

an ordinary hepherd. 58. at Ribb. aster Med. Pal. Vat. Rom. anting). mare is then Subjeci omnia predicate; de mere ope sea ecome ali in all. Virgilapparenti mistranState cp. l. 44 Theocr. i. 13 παντα δ' ενα α γένοιτο, asci the word ere νaλια and the common readini fiant' to hich omnia is subj and mare pred. no doubi akes the corresponden ceclogera ut fiat has etler S. authori ty. vel osten intensi fies superlatives vel optima, the ver beSt, Hor. Epp. i. . 29. mectium, See

note o G. iii 35Ι. vivite, clive on; i. e. sarewel to ou Aster his line Ribbeck adoptin Hermatin's suggestion conjecture a tost line, vive tuo lati digno cum coniuge, Nysa. The object of this and theomissionis l. 5 is to equalis the disserent paris of the two Songs. 6o munus, ' this poem my ast yin gist. The rendering munus morientis ' gis of m death, though perhaps Supporte by Theocr.

Virgil asks themuses to in soraim the son o Alphesiboeus as f the



66 67. vortero, distract' ' a sanitate'). armina, Charms, i. e. magi Song. In cantationS, oracles, o prophecies, ritualis legat Drmulae, an inscriptions, eing so the mos part in verse in early times, ere ali hecalled carmina: cp. Ecl. v. v. a. Aen. v. 48ῖ, diro carmine iurare' Liv x. 38. Io, lex horrendi carminis ib. i. 26. 6. So canere is sed os an solemn ulterance by a pries o Seer, Aen. i. 24, iii iv. 9o; and cantare of enchaniments inst. I, P. Lucan. i. si cantata


7O, I. Circe, Hom. d. x ro3 sqq. Ulixi. p. Achilli Aen. i. 3 and note. tantiancto, τ ἐπωδεῖν, P. G. ii. 25o iii. 5 . Eo the SuppoSed effect On nakeS P. v. Met vii. 99 viperea rumpo verbis et carmine

See I lxvine, etc. . . .'78. octo, , illi imperative requently in the colloquia langu age of Plautus and Terenee, ' i modo tace modo, etc. p . iii. 73, Aen. i. 389,

8o. I. B limus an oera Virgil apparenti means two mage os Daphnis impliet above l. 3. 5. Forb. cite Hor. S. i. . O sor moi mages 'lanea et effigies erat, altera cerea'); ut there are reo enchant-reSses, Canidia an Sagana The parallel passage of Theocr. ii 38 does no necessarii impi an mage an some e. g. Con. thinti that orat twolumps, o Clay an os wax are meant The asson ance ' durescit liquescit' is agreeable to the inglin natur os charms. octem is dissyllabi hysynizeSi S, P. Aen X. 487. 8a 83. Olam, P. Aen. i. I 33. v. I7. fragilis, irackling, cp. . i. 76 Lucr. vi II fragilis sonitus chartarum: and fragor' G. i. 358). fractus, eici, of sound The racklinet of hay-leaves o the re a a good omen in Daphnicto. in the case of Daphnis' επι Δελφιδι Theocr. i. 23), and o indirecti against him in hoste Aen. i. 39O, 5 I, hoc sacere in eo homine Consuerunt cuius orationem approbant CaeS. B. G. Vii. 2I p. in me, in te,' a far am concenaeo, Ter And. iii 3. I, Eum . i. 2 84 and the phrases ardere in aliqua, ' to burn illi love Udor' or

clowards. In ali these examples the locat ablat wit, in ' expresses theobjectisn whicli or illi regaresto hich someth in ta es place ascis it wereth circumStanc in or umfer hich. The idio is quit Latin and weneed o suppos that Virgil ake an liberi in orde to represent ἐπὶ


88. his verSe accor lingo Macrobius Sat vi 2 , is borrowed entire homoarius, De Mente Caesaris, 'Non amnes illam medii, non ardua tardant. Perdita nec serae meminit decedere nocti: and Ribb. Kenn. etc. vould remove the comma aster perdita, confining it to the lalter clause. But Virgil Poetic ast is seen in the greater effect whicli e gives to the wor perdita, thus hangi nil ascit ere, betwee two clauSesa p. demenS' Aen. v. 562. eCectere cum dat. - tomet ut of the way sor, an so give place o,' P. G. iii 467, i V. 23.


95, 96. Ponto stand looselyrior Colchis the Ountr of the enchaniress Medea: Serpens Ponticus Juv. xiv II of the vardian of the olden fleece lurima it nascuntur; the gro in ab dance,' p. . iii 28 Aen. i. 689. 07-99 lupum Leri. The superstitio that Some me could ecomewolves λυκaνυ-rία was common down to the Middie Ages p. the sto of Lycaon, v. et i 2 9. alio, to another'sield ' lit in the directioris . The practice of fruges excantares Was, accordin to Pli ny xxviii. ), actuali sorbidden in the XII abies. IOI. CinereS, i. e. aster burning the mages i. o). What ollows is Parti SuggeSted by Theocr. xxiv. 92-95, Parti by common Superstitionsabout disposin o anythin inauspici ous; P. Om. Od. V. 349 AeSch.


This poem refers to the fortunes of Virgir sarm and his troubie ataeing ected hom it; herea Ecl. i. represent hi as restore t his Property. Assum inmix t be writte later than i. it has been supposed that aster thejoumento Rome an restitutionis his arm Ecl. i. o- 5 his re-entorio POSSeSSion as opposed by an intrudin soldier, and that he had to mali a second oumento Rome o obtain a Secondirant of restitution this secondexpulsion ein that hic is reserre to here There S. owever, nomentio in Suetonius' is of Virgil or the ancient authorities prior o Servius, o a doubie ejection: an Probus whose account is cleare and more consistent tha that of Servius conSider that Ecl. ix. Whicli is a complaint of injury shouldae place besore Ecl. i. Whic is an expressionos gratitude sor redres of the injury Is, adoptolii Sodem Ecl. i. resers



ejectiora here spolien os a the second within a se monilis, hyri itSpolien Das an unlooked sor hin quod numquam veriti sumus' l. 3 φMoeris, a Servant Os Menalcas relates o Lycidas o his master isthreatened with dispossession Lycidas deplores the missortune of suc a Poet, an a the Walli to the cit recites naiches o Menalcas poetry, Moeris repeatin other passages. The frameWork is suggeste by Theocr. vii. θαλυσι or εαρινη δοιπορία . t objeci appears ll. 26-29 to e toentis the interes of Alfenus Varus, hom Suetonius expreSSi mention aSinstrumentat with Pollio an Gallus in securin Virgir restoration to his property. Some have held that Ecl. i. q. v. was the sulfilment of the

promiSei l. 27. 2. vivi Pervenimus ut we have live to hear hat, neve seared-astrange occupant of ur sar saying It is mine; be oss, o formerhoiders. The confuse orde expresse Moeris' perturbation. 6. eo in certain sormulae ac ne bene vertat here seem to retain iis

original orce of the simple negative me strengthene by demonstrative χ e)' a mean in prior to the distinction established by sage etween

ne ' non nenu, i. e. ne unum'), and nec or neque, an survi vinge. g. in D faStuS,' nec-opinus,' res nec mancipi, etc. Thus in the XIII abies, 'cui suus heres nec scit, si adgnatus nec escit, ete. Cic. Leg. iii. 3 6 nec obedientem Civem coerceto: an in the archai colloquialis of PlautuS-e. g. Bacch. i. 2. ΙΙ, AS. i. 3. 3, MOSt. i. 3. 3.7 Io. thought your master poet 'ad fave his property: seeabove. Subctueere, to dra themselves u Do the lain. Both his an iugum ctemittora expres the lope, ne regardin i stomaelow, theother rom above. Translate 'From here the hilis belli to is and theridge comes down illi genti siope 'I3. Chaonius, i. e. O Dodona in Epirus, the Countr of the Chaones a fixe epithet. 1 - 16 inoictero, cui hori; cp. Hor. Epp. i. Ι . 36 quacumque, Sc. arte or ratione. sinistra, and theres ore credibie Cp. Cic. Div. i. 39. Quid habet augur, cur a dextra corvus, a Sini Stra cornix faciatratum γ' me, δε the speaher himsel So frequently in colloquia language potiatin with the finger), hic homo, i. e. myself, Plautus an Terence passim P. Hor. Sat. i. 9. 7 Aen. X. 2 5 X. 525 Ter And. i. I. Io tu si hic sis,' in m place.'i7. actit in the lotis par os, and so applies o,' is possibi in 'Cic. Sud. 7 cadit in hunc hominem ista suspicio, Har. R. 2, in eum cadit

hoc verbum maxime.'


lumina vatum,' Cic. N. D. i. o. haruspices, augures, harioli, VateS, coniectores.' In later times vates came to mea a proficient in an ari,

legum vates, etc. Virgil an othe writer brought it into honou again Sthe old or for an inspire bard. omething igher than poeta'-andsuc is it force here. The distinctio is perhaps etween singer or versi fier an a true foet.' 35. Varius an Cinna se Cruttwell, Rom. it. p. 23 I, 25O Were ContemPorar poets of repute cp. Hor. d. i. ): Ansor, an indisserent Poet, hoSe nam i here pumexupon Cinnaque procacior Anser Ovid. Trist. ii 435. 37, 38. ixago, ahat is hald am about: id agere.' hoc agere in to beintent on, osten solio ed by ut Wit conj., p. Hoc age, a formulario be-spea silencerat religious rites alias res agere ' to e inattentive; ' hoccine agis y do ou hear me γ' si valeam, in the ope tha I may beabie. It is the protasis os a suppresse clause ut meminerim,' P. l. 5 memini . . . Si tenerem, Where et canerem is implied. 39. nam frequent in interrogations expressing onde or emoti ΟΠ, P. G. V. 445 Aen. i. 37, and Terence and Plautus passim. In this senserit isjoine to interrogative ords, quisnam, quianam, ubinam, etc. and Sometimes, achere, separated hom the interrogative ord p. Plaut Bacch. v. I. 28 quid tibi ex filio nam obsecro, aegre est y Foroa in questi OnS V. I id. and C. S. V. 1uctus, fleasum: Cp hat leasure lies in height y the hepher sani' Tennyson, Princess'). o. ausureum. 'right, Without reserencesto colour; p. Tib. iii 5. purpureo vere. Theocritu has λευκων a x fili. 27. 43. insani, etc., de the wild aves las the hore, in contrast to the Peacem land. Α, 45. Qui qum, What about the verses hic . . 3 pura in Serena, cp. VOL. II. D



tenerem, Se on l. 8.

7. astriam, the Iulium sidus' Hor. d. i. a. 47 , a comet hichappeare in VB.C. at the games gi ven in honour os Iulius Caesar, and was interprete of his apotheosis, P. G. i. 32 Aen. Viii. 68 I. Dionaei, Prungsrom Dione, mother of Venus the Caesar claimin descent Do Iulus sono Aeneas, son of Venus and Anchises Hor C. S. O): P. Aen. iii I9. 8, 49. Quo, inder hicli, by hos influence, P. V. 8. aucterent, the cori marks the result oscit appearance- a star to malle theraeid allglad it com and the rape tali deepe colour on the sunny ills.' Segetes, as in G. i. 47. uceret, P. Juv. ii. I uvaque conspecta livorem ducit ab uva.'5o 52. Domu fruit, in thi caSe of the ear-tree fert, deStroyS, CP. V. 34 Aen. ii 555, V. 679 V. 386. animum, memory, cp. the PhraSeS in animo esSe,' ' ex animo emuere.' conctero, rio See long days to theircloSe,' P. G. i. 48I; Hor. d. iv. 5. 29 Condit quisque diem collibus in suis, Lucr. iii Io9o vivendo condere saecla, whicli utar refers to the technica phrase condere lustrum, conveyin in ome amor ther theide of cloSing, completing cp. Hor. d. ii 4. 24 Claudere luStrum,' and Liv. i. idque conditum lustrum appellatum, quia is censendo finis factus

53-55. OhUtta, rare in PaSS. ense: p. adepta libertate Sali Cat. 7, and Plaut. Trin. i. a. 88 Non aetate, verum ingenio adipiscitur Sapientia.' usi, etc. alludin to the Superstitio that a mari meeting a Wolf andio catchingit eye rs was struch umb, hic Pli ny viii. 34 speak of a Italian: but it is allude to in Plato, Rep. i. P. 336.

murmura aurae.'

59 62. in acteo, Domitiis Ver Potnt, See o G. i. 24. Eianoris, accordi nil to Servius the founder o Mantua, themi Se cnus. Stringunt, stri p, of the frondatio, cp. Ecl. i. 57, note tamen veniemus, at thesame, referring to a SupPreSSed thought quamVis Canente moremur.' P. Aen. X. 3I5 an Con ad loc.



GALLUS. This poem a writte by Virgilo condole illi his hien Comelius

Gallus se note o Ecl. i. 6 hon the laithlessnes of his mistres Lycorisor Cytheris, o hom Gallus ad addresse mos of his elegies, a Propertius to CDathiam Tibullus to Delia Gallus is represente a dyinisor love receiving risit os sympath hom rura deities, an singin his hope-les love-plain to Arcadian hepherds. The poem is modelle o thelalter par of Theocritus i. As in Eclogue i. the identificatio of hepherdandi i lead to ome confusion o ideas Gallus ein represente a atthe fame time a sol die an a hepherd, in the cam in Italy an unde aroch in Arcadia The date of the poem is bout 38 . , he Agrippa was leadin an expedition into Gaul and acros the Rhine, it whicli Gallus rival is supposed to have gone l. 23 .

I, 2. Arethusa the Draph os Ortygia, at Syracuse, a conventionalty the pastora launtain. Quae legat, Such a Lycoris hersed ma read i. e. thio abuSe of her. , 5. Sie, P. Ecl. X. o note Doris amara, the brachis Dorian

se of NereUS. 6. Sollicitos, foret Vexed or tried, cp. . v. 262.9 12 Fro Theocr. i. 66 sqq. Where the nymph are mentione in connection illi Daphnis, marrie to a Naiad ib. vii. 2). Here, as ArethuSa,l. I the tali the part f themuses, and so are connected wit Parnassus, etc. his connecis them it Virgil imself, ho has atready adoreSSed Arethusa, and tum to them agata l. o. illo imitates his passage in

Io. Eritiat. So Ribb. an mos editor stoma correctio in Med. sine vulg. periret. The indie is required by the sense, hic t purelytemporal, ithout an logica connection it the principat clause hen Gallus lay ainying of inrequited or miSplaceu' love ' unworthy,aecauSe

and the grammarians uino ore, excepto Servio, qui P Aonie Aganippe Vnominativo Singulares esset monet. A there is no metrica reason sorpreferring Aonie' 'Aoνιγὶ to Aoniae' elare the hiatus cp. viii. 53, G. i. a I), it is hard o see hy mos recent editore et aside the best S. evidencein the sole authorit of Servius. I 6 17. OStri, us hepherds, i. e. Virgil himself and Gallus, a pastoralpoets. The hee are content With us, and even o mayae content iththem, i. e. With our association it pastora metry Paeniteat, OD a


2O. Victu Pal. . umidus Rom. as also in . . I 8. V and are osten consuSed CP Aen. i. 558. Acoriis ere steepe during the interso sodder, Cato 5 .a . greSti honoro descriptive ahl. wit rura garian in his ead,' explained by l. 25. Quassans, nodding. because the ferulae an lilia ere S large an long cp. Lucr. v. 587 linea semiferi capiti velamina qua

27. obuli, eider; minio, vermilion, i. e. sulphate os meroery κινναβαρι i, noW Sed sor expresSindi re lead. Pli ny says it corresponds to the Greekμιλτος 'ηες ιυλτοπάρηοι, Hom. Od. ix. I 25 , and was used sor Painting Statues of the god o theiodies of triumphant generalS. 31. tamen, i. e. though I perish, introduces a consoling thought a in Aen. V. 329, X. O9. For the referen eoo a suppresse thought p. Ecl. ix. 62.34. olim in aster time,' Cp. Aen. i. o. 35. fuissom, had I been a first): esse l. 37 imeres i. o, etc. hoWwhat might no be going n. 38. furor, fame, cp. Ecl. iii. 66. o. The mixture of willows With vineti strange unles We ma supPOSCthat the illo was ometimes sed for training the vine pon. Some puta comma aster Salioes, asci the ense ere 'mo amid willows, no beneat the vine. Forb. suggesis illows at the oot of a lope on hichvine are Planted malain sula, lower down than, below. An ingenious suggestion calices, S ein osten writte a C. I. Ribbeck conjectures arios line etween l. 4 and l. a. o utinam hic esset potius mecum ipsa Lycoris; and etween l. 46 and L 7, Posse nefas fieri; Sine me tu Sola Lycori, his object eis to carr out an elaborate division of the poem into strophe or tangas, hicli requires three lines between l. I and l. 44, and wo etWee l. 45 and l. 47, to corre on re

3. Consumere continue the constriacti On of ageret cantaret,

a ver 'Here might, deca together' mere lapse of ears. aevum in Virgil in time of lila' Aen. i. 638), the notionis old age betamdetermined by the contexi, S Aen. i. 435 5 , iii 437, i. 5. q. Martis, gen after amor. i. e. a rival passion hic has hept Gallusa a seo his love, and lexio her deserti nihim. He a perhapMengagedin Ital unde Octavianus againSt Sex. PompeiuS. 46, 7. De Sit perhap a prayer a Ecl. ix. 6 or impi potentiat, dcannot belleve Such a thought.' tantum, i. e. tantam calamitatem.' AI- Dina nivea The Roma poetsiwel o the invage and dangerous Spectos mountains, hardi everin thei beauty, p. Saevas Alpes Juv. x. 66.5o 5 I. Latoictico, of Chalcis in Euboea, Dom hic came Euphorion, a


mythologica poetis Alexandria, . c. 22o, hom Gallus imitate or translated Quintil. x. I. o Quid Euphorionem transibimuS, quem nisi probasset Virgilius, idem nunquam certe conditorum Chalcidico Versu carminum fecisset in Bucolicis mentionem.' octulatior, a Will et or latisne' to the Sicilian hepherd' pipe. i. e. adapt to the pastora modelo TheocrituS.5 . Theram age an rhythmos his line appea imitate seo Lucr. i. 253 Arboribus, crescunt ipsae latuque gravantur, the sense ein alto-gether disserent. Vir Γ min seem to be, ascit ere so saturate Wit thelm age of Lucretius that he hal unconsciousi reproduces iis rhythm and very wordS without an connection fidea; p. . i. 58 327, i. 49, 3IO, iii 416 478, and se Munro on Lucr. i. 253, iii. SI. 57,59. Parthenios of Mount Parthenius in Arcadia Partho an Cyclonia Cretan, p. Hor. d. v. 9. 13 are artificia literan epitheis, P. Ecl. i. 55, note G. iii 3 5.63. conoectite. aWay With ou ' cp. Ecl. i. 57. 65, 66. Hob cun This as ne of the rst ce-bound rivers that the Roman encountered Hebrus nivali compede vinctus Hor. Epp. i. 3. 3. Sittionias, of Sithona in Thrace; Sithonia nive Hor. d. iii 26. o. 69. Amor et Ecl. i. 39



I 4. Dedication of the poem to Maecenas, illi a rough enumeration os the subjecis to e reale o vir agriculture Book I), the cultivatio of

Introd. IV. exserientia, Se On G. v. 316.5 mno ex hoc tempore,' now. Other explain sto these subjecis,' i. e. these hali e m Stari in poliat, cf. Hom. Od. i. Io των μόθεν, . . . ἐνθεν ἐλων. 6. Iumina, i. e. the sun and oon Are the here identi fied ith, ordistinguished Dom, Liber an Ceres i. In lavour of the identification is

the expreS Statementis Macrobius, Sat. i. 18, and the awkwardnes of the asyndeton etWeen l. 6 and 7 against it in uncertaint whether asin factBacchus an Ceres ere so identi fie in the mysteries. O the whole itfeems est to separate Liber an Ceres rom liunina, and accepi the anto a connectin parti cle, a aster l. 5.8 9. Clistonium, P. Ecl. ix. 13. t i a mere iterar epithet. P. Dodona l. 49. oeula, traughis, cp. Ecl. viii. 28 G. iii 379. Acheloia Achelous, at to e the oldestis rivers, represente Water in generat; Eur Andr. 67, Bacch. 625. Io-2O. agrestum Draesentia, 'hat aid the hvsbanmen. Cp. Aen. ix. O , and PSalm xlvi ver preSent hel in trouble. cui, sor,hom,' at whos bidding; cp. G. i. 5. cultor nemorum, dwelle in the woodiano; 'CP Aen. iii III note xi. 557. I reser to Aristaeus sal to have aughtmen beecrast, . iv. 28 sqq. Worshippe a Ceos illi the attributes of Zeus himself, Pind. Pyth. ix ipse emphasise Pan a the great rura Lod. Thou too Grea Pan. Duora Triptolemus, sal to have learn the artissplough in sto Ceres ad ractice, i. e. tor sto iis root :' tulit radicitus Cat. lxiv. 88. 2I-23. tueri, a Verba Subst in nom. case- quibus studium est ὁ ἀγρους