Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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φυλασσειν non ullo semine, abi. os circumstance, ,here o seed has en o . satis dat. l. os sata 'Som CropS.'24. inquo acteo, and thou bove ali. actoo originali a combinationis two adverbs up to that oint,' ad eo' becomes a partici ofemphasis, Sed particulari mi pronoun an numeralS; Cp. Cl. iv. D, G. i. 323 Aen. iii 2 o3, 11. 629, t. 275, ii 5 8. Sometimescit empha- Si se a correction, almost, immo ' ducem hostium intra moenia atque

adeo na more in senatu vidimus' Cic. Cat. i. et, ego princeps in adiutoribus atque adeo secunduS. ib. Att. i. 7, 9. 25. inoortum est. Note the series of oblique interrogations dependingon this phrase; a quas sint, a Vellan . . . Reeipiat, 3 an evita . . . emat, anne . . . alias Translate: Anythou above ali os,hom e o no in ha hous of god thou ar in timerio sit, hether it e urCaeSar' pleagure t walch ove cities an tali charge of earth, that sothe whole might worid ma welcome the a theatve of it increaSe andior of it changela SeaSonS.'28. materna, i. e. of Venus cp. Ecl. Vii. 62, ix. 47.

duli round. Cori apti quotes rom Cowley Davideis : ' The old rudging Sun rom his long-beate WayShal at thy voice stare, an mis id the day.'33. Trigonen the constellation Virgo, se Dici Biogr. The locus here indicate is that of the constellation Libra ' under hic Augustus' biri too place. In the old calendar Libra as omitted, and Wo paceS ven to the Scorpion it ouistretche claws otiolas, k χηλαψ stomwhic the Balance was hung. Virgil imagines the Scorpion to dra in his clam and leave hic undu fhare of heaven ' caeli iusta Dius arte , inuSmahing roo sor Augustus as a ne si Virgo ' was also callest 'Astraea, 'goddes of Justice Ecl. v. 6 , and the Balance symbolises justice so that there is speciali alter in assigning this place to the Emperor.

36, 37. nam refers to a suppressed though excepi in Hades. sporant Med. I, Pal. Ribb. Con. is belle than sperent' potential). Tartarus oes no thin o aspiring to suo an honour an may yo neverwis for empire there.' veniat micti e potentiat, can ver come,' ut perhaps is more forcibi as optative. ira ouDicto, Wild destre ' ep. Aen. Vi. 373 ta. Ι 85 , i. e. o intense a destre for empire o an term acto ishto rule even in Hades. In disclai minisor Augustus an wis to beain in the wori below Virgil may have had in his min the sentiment ascribe by Homer to the hade of Achilles, Od. i. 89.



nection it temporal ords, e g. nunc demum,' tunc demum, etc. In bis . . . Sensit Virgil appear to recommen four ploughings-threeuSual, in pring Summer, an autumia, and ne additiona for tron land , in the revi ous autumn He alludes to the culti vation os novales.'ruserunt, rumpere solent, ' have frequently ursi. It answers to the Greel frequentative 'Ἀorist. Con explainscitis instantaneous action, a in l. 33O G ii. I. 5I, a morem, temper, CP. Lucr. i. 296 Plin. . H. xviii. OG quippe Vergilio iubente praedisci ventos ante omnia ac Siderum mores.' atri OSCultuSdu habitusque locorum, the traditiona culture an aptitude of the localities. 55. arborei fetus, res growths.' 56. Tmolus is in Lydia, hereas Cilicia was samouisor salseon aut VirgildeSignates estern Asia loosely by the nam os a ell-known mountain. 57-59. mittit On indic se note o Ecl. iii Io 3 Med. mittat. Eliactum Dalma equarum, palms that mares of Elis in' i. e. victorious mares of Elis, contendi nil in the Olympi an gameS. continuo, k ευθυς, drom the rs an onward. Logos, conditions.'ωΘctera, laws o nature, as Aen. i. a Lucr. i. 586 foedera naturae, 'ii. 25 fati foedera.' Such is the chain o law, such the elema covenant vitii hic Nature has ound certain limes.'63-65. ergo, i. e. since this smature' law. Vork, then, and sui fit our destiny. iacentos so Med. Rom. b Vat. anting iacentis Pal. J, i. e. tume uinani exposed, cp. ii 26 I. Aiet the clod be expoSed sor summerto bal e them totust illi the sun' sudaeat.' solibus, abi instr.).67-7o aula, bus at the actuat rising of Arcturus. The rue risin os Arcturus a September 8, the apparent Sept. I. Auspenctere, to lis it

yo have previ ouSi rat Sed . . . etc. Virgil Seem to recommen occasionalfallowin a a ule; or, here thi is no convenient, a leguminous' Crop


thin,' fine, and so searching rains rapicti solis, the fierce burning Sun 'Cp. Ecl. i. O. Denetrahite, in active enSe stercing ' p. Lucr. i. 49 penetrale frigus; and for simila use of formit -bilis, Hor. d. i. 3. 22 Oceano dissociabili, etc. 98, 96. Vimineas orates, oster hurdies, dragiled ove the ground after theclod ha been rohen it the rastrum' a hoe or ahe). The whole proces was calleo occatio' 'occare 'mor. Epp. i. 2. 6Ι . nequiquum, no nequidquam ' nequicquam ' is the fori in ali est MSS. and editions. dicis hom quiquam the old abl. Cp. nequaquam.'97-99. The Proces of crossploughing is here distinguished sto thatos harro ing, ascis the wer no applied by the Same Personis to the Sameland but Virgilioes no mea toto more than distinguisti belween them. He has no necessarii implied ross-ploughin in . 48. DroSoiSSo, technica term for the rst reaking up it the plough, c Plaut. Trin. ii. . Iaa quote o G. i. o3 . terga, the ridges os clod thrown pay the plough, G. i. 236. in obliquum verso aratro, by cros Ploughing, 'lit. with plough tume a right angi es t it forme course). Derat, lorus it over theraelds, i. e. forces them to xv his te This and ther expression subigere, ' compescere G. i. 37o, vertere,' exercere'), applied to agricultura operations illustrate the conceptiola o a constant sinaggle against the reluctant orce of Nature, hic Virgil derives homLucretius. P. G. i. 97, i. 237 Lucr. V. O6-2I7 an See Sellar, Virgil, ch. VI. i. PP. O5-2Ia . Ioa Mysia, Speciali the region about Gargarus, a proverbia for



IO , IO5. Comminus, See bove o l. 99. The mage is that of the Roman soldie first throwin his pilum' iacto omino), and then attacking at close quarters. ruit, leueis,' throw doWn, as Aen. ix. I 6 elSe-Where a G. ii 3o8 Aen. i. 35 85, i. II; Hor Sat. i. 5. 22 Tuam acervoS, 'hit - throw up: so in legat phrase ruta caesa inminerali thingsdu up and imber. The genera idea is violent movement, the directionos whicli is determined by the context. So ruo, intransitive godown, Aen. iii 5OS; come up, Aen. x. 256. cumulos, i. e. the ops of the ridg . male inguis non pinguis,' insertile, cp. male fida Aen. i. 23 male amicum ' ib. 735, male sana Aen. v. 8. Other explain nimium Pinguis, to Stiis soli, p. male oderit' Cic. Att. xiv. I. a, male auCi Hor. Sat. i. 4. 66; ut then harena must be alien in an unusual Sense an in

IO8. Sunercilio clivosi tramitis. Do the brow of a si opin ravine: 'c P. the Virgilian expressioris dorso nemoris G. iii 436 also in Hor Sat. i. . Ι), latus nemoris Aen. vii. 566, and Hom. l. XX. 5 οι δ'ετερωσε καθιζον επ' φρυσι Καλλικολώνης. rudentius bom 348 .D. has the PhraSe Supercilio saxi liquor ortus ' Peristeph. xii. 3Ι . tramitis, a cordinito Servius in convallis, cp. Aen. i. I 5 Prop. iV. 22. D ed.

Paley Hinc Anio Tiburne suis, Clitumnus ab Umbro tramite; an Cic.

Phil. xii. II facilis est circumspectus unde exeam, quo progrediar, quid ad dextram, quid ad sinistram sit. Num idem in Apennini tramitibus sacere poteros Cori explain olivosi tramitis as in clivi per quem unda tramitem facit, the channelle flopen Kenn as in transversi clivi,' 'CrOSS-lying lope. The picturesque force of occo Oh okl' is elipointed ut by Con. and the melodious grace of l. Io8-IIo harmoniSeSwit thei subject Cp. Hom. Il. xi. 257 qq.

III-II 5. Quict, C. dicam, as l. Io . Excessive luxuriance is to e

corrected by seed in down heia the blade is ouia an green tenera in

herba, abi. O circumstance quum sit herba tenera' , est,hen come tomaturit the com tallis hould droop unde the weight of the earS. Cum Primum, etc. defines tenera in hortia more preci Sely. Con. XPlainS, RSSOon a the ouia planis reach the leve of the ridiles ' but can Auleos

ctectu it harena, Hrain ossi means of soahin sano 'oo , is no Clear. Con thin ks the ratias ere parti filled illi san or gravet Kenn that Sand a Carte to the places here,ater ad collecte and forme pools lacunae ' in orde to soah up the water incertis, ingetlled, i. e. henthe weather is uncertain. Pindar Isthm iv. 3o calis the inter monthS ποικίλοι Ovid Mel. i. 117ythoseis autumn inaequales 3 cp. A. Am. i. 3 Ι 8. Quum modo frigoribus premitur, modo Solvitur aestu, Aere non Certo '


119, Ieto improbus, semistent insatiabie,' p. below l. 388 Aen. xii. 687. probus denotes moderatio an propriety im-probus denoteSexceS. iii 43 I), nscrupulousnes and the like, ei the with or ithout theide of mora Metong. In G. i. I 6 for example, an Aen. i. 76 it Simplym Pervicax,' pereeVering,' p. Mart. xii. I 8. 3 improbo somno Quem non tertia Saepe vincit hora. The genera meaning of bad' akes disserent Shades accordin to the context- injust, 'bold,' impudent, shameless,'

violent, ferce, avenous, etc. se LexiconS. Strymoniae, se note OEcl. i. 55 intitia, se On V. 2 o. I 22, I 23 Der artem, an adverbia expression like per scelus Aen. v. 793, per tacitum Aen. ix. I where Se note). The ord PrimuSQu . . .

agros in prose language introduce scientific agriculture.' corda, Wiis; ' p. laut Mil. l. i. 3. quidquam sapere corde, Lucr. V. Io Ingenio qui praestabant et corde vigebant, Cic. Phil iii. 6. 6 Stupor cordis. In Tusc. i. 9. 18 quoted by Con. Cicero notes the Se Os cor for the intellec a somethin archaic. I 25-I59 Labour and the cultivatio of the sol introduce by Iupiter



158. Viri adopis the angvage an rhythmos Lucretius, ii magnum alterius Spectare laborem, in a disserent connection-See note o Ecl.

16o-166. arma, lihe Gh. πλα, 'implements ' p. Aen. i. 77. ut themilitar senseris Presen to Virgi P mind, i. e. the arms with whichahe 'duri agrestes must figlit thei batile against the powers of Nature se note Ol. 99. arcta, Virtuali adverbiai, 4low olling, cp. Ecl. viii. 96 G. i. 377, iii 28, iv. 37O, an note o Aen. i. 8. Eleusinae matris, Δημητηρ, Ceres tribula an traheae o trahae' were two ind of threshing-

correction stivae' - sor a an die, accepte by Heyne, VOSS, ita, iVCS Ood Sensen ut besides anting any S authori ty, is ope to the objectionthat it introduces, without an reason in the sense of the PaSSage, a rather unuSual rhythm se note o Ecl. v. I. Another interpretation retaining stivaque, connecis altaque fagus illi the preceding ords- in light


I7S ISo. area. the threshing-soor.' his appearcho Cato an Varroto have been an ope elevate space circular in form and lightly lopingsrom the centre to the circumserence, an usuali floored it a compostos hicli argilla or hi te lay here calle creta was a principat ingredient subeant, ' spring up isoni the sol beto the oor): Pulvero viola fatiscat, irea an crumbi into dust. The floor is victa no bydust homelsewhere gettin into it, utra it o rerumbling. Dulvctre ismoda abl. illi fatiscat, p. Aen. i. 123. iii. 6 and Vieta goes it the verb, p. deSSa fatisci Lucr. v. 3O8 aevo fessa fatisci ib. iii 458. 181 186. illuctant. may play thei prankS' Pal. 2 Med. Ver. Da ., etc. , is no generali preserre to the old readin 'illudunt. oculis capti, blind, lit. injure in the yes.' Cp. Lucr. v. 27 Nec lacile exaestu ne frigore quod caperetur, Liv. xii a Mannibal altero oculo

capitur, Aen. Vii. 295. monstra, Strange creatures, without referen e

mactera m to e sodden, Plaut. Men. i. 2. I, PerS. i. 3. IM; CP JUV. iii. SD Pharioque madentis aceto.' I98. Hs humana. the orce of man, is seo Lucr. V. 2C6, referre toon l. 99 above, as illustratin Virgil' conception os mali' Struggle against


2oo Almos repeate Aen. i. 169. rusve referri histori infinitives. For the leonasmostro roserri in retrograde' p. Lucr. i. 785 retro reverti, ii 283 retro residit.'2ΟΙ-2 3. f e regare the comparisonos et ween the ee and theman retro S i sus ofertur must e supplied after non aliter quam ' so Con and mos edd.) is tetween the eed whicli retrogrades hen mandoes no selectoand the oat whicli retrogrades hen an oes no puli'

Kenn. , ali that nee be supplied is it. The ni difficult lies in

l. ox: this atquo in statim ' as Aul. Gellius an othe old commentators

explain , and the clause an apodosis to Si . . . semisit Orci ' atque a Conjunction, connecting remisit an rapit' Con. an mos later edd. ' a his alveus the boat' a Aen. i. Ia), or the river' a Aen. Vii. 33,



3o3, ix. 32y Is the former, illum refers to the rower the alter, to the Iombus. In favour of the meantia: boat is the ac that Virgilioes notus it os a rive excepi illi a fossowin gen. Thybridis fuminis, etc.; against it the ac that Iombus is ni ready used so the boat, and that illum


lect avenis alludes to the belles that com ould degenerate into Nildoat is it tanto long in the ground CP Ecl. V. 37. 229. Bootes Arcturus i. O set a the en of October. 23 I. icteirco, i. e. to distingui S the seasons this en the goiden Sun runs a course marked ut in disserent stages through the eaven's elue star SignS.' regit, o directing a Way Aen. i. 35o, ii. Oct. Virgil seem to represent the eari asin plata in themids of the munctus orareat spher of the univerSe Ecl. V. 5o vi. 3 ); hi spher harin an axis, ne pol of hich vertex l. 2 2 his bove the terrestria horizon theother belo it The celestia Ariones correspon to tracts o the arth's Suriace, the respective climates of hic are attribute to them l. 233

23 igni, a translationis ἐκ πυρος in Eratosthenes. For ab illi abi. instr. p. v. A. A. i. 763 Hi iaculo pisces, illi capi tur ab hamis.'Fast. i. 76 nulla actus ab arte decor. The Sage of classica Latinrestricted the abi interpreted by in,' ab to expres the relationis the agent, expressing the instrument Dabi alone: ut exception to both constructions are found in poet . igni: Virgil here an in . 267 eeps theorigina long terminationis abi. of -i siems, hicli in his time hadiecomegeneralty eahenen ore, excepi illi adjectives. Lucretius has many such ablatives see Munroin . 78 and cp. . v. 65, Aen. iii. 84. 235, 236. Surro ding hic a the extremittes right and test stretch two

gones . trahuntur ives the notion o extent an corresponds to περιπεπτηυιa in Eratosthenes caeruleae Ribb. is in readin o Med., Pal. Rom. and though caerulea' Forb. Con. Κenn and most edd. oves

Nort an Sout pomis of hic 'Scythia an ' Libya' are here made to

Helice an Minor Cynosura metuentes aequore tingi, that ill



2 7. illio in the solitherii regioris elow, hich say Virgil are ei therin tota claricness, o eis have a Whe we have night. Lucretius v. 65o sqq. mention both alternatives intemPost nox a in Cic. Phil. i. 3, Verr. i. q. 43. I Ucr. V. 986 Aen. iii 587, etc. seem to the eados night, and is explaine by Servius a the inseasonable timerior ork: nox intempesta dicta est media tamquami nactuosa. It has ecome fixe epithe of night as Aen. xii. 8 6 so perhaps gloOmy. Translate 'There ali is rapped forisve in the dea silenceis nigh and the gloom is deepene by it pali verspread. Cp. Hom. Od. i. I αλλ' πὶ νυξ λό'

25O 25Ι. These lines ere quoted with strii in effecti Pit at the loseo a great speech so the abolition os flavery, a the moming Sun egan tostii ne through the wivdow of themous o CommonS. P. Aen. V. 739. illi has the testimon o Med. Pal. Rom. but illis, gi veni Seneca in

quotin this line, is hi hi tempting, an is rea by Ribbeck, who reser toLucr. i. o65 probabi in VirgiΓs ind) Illi cum videant Solem, nos

sidera nocti Cernere ' here se Munro. 252. hinc, .e hominil his about the Zodiac, etc. Hl. 23I-25 I. 256. tempeStivam, in ense adverbial, illi vortere: ,hen iis time

indue time,' in sud season: so 'maturare' - get ready oon,' get fuli ready; both whic meaning seem to enter into the se os the ordhere in contrast illi ironorancta, toae done in a urry. Cp. Aen. i. 37 Tae. De Orat. 3 ideo maturare huius libri editionem festino 'lintres Ribb. lyntres ' after Med. Pal. Rom. hut though connecte With πλυνω the word is no borrowed rom Greela, and i muSt therefore bewrong troughS sor holdin grapes artiora, abi. o material: P. Aen. Vii. 63 . Cervis may- Sachs o com on hicli a number could est ampedri or there a be a in o Zeugmai signum pecori impressit, ' numerum dedit acervis' in iis ordinar sens os heaps').264-267. Vallos, stat es; furcas, fori exprops: for use in vine culture, Se G. i. 359. facilis, accordindito Con. - pliant, an epithet elongingrather virga. But facilis used of material Dom hich anythiniis made e. g. lutum, cera' eas to orta: and so perhaps here Gellia