Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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Virginis giving poetica expression in ii. 268 272 to the thought that evenon dies festi' ork of neceSsit ma be done and we cannot loo sorantiquaria exactnes of detail. 27o religio, ordinance' or scruple, i. e. an bindin or restraining power religare'): Cp. Hor. Sat. . . I. LucretiuS Se the Plur. religious fear o scruples- religionum nodis exsolvere' i. 932 Cic. De

Dom. Io nisi muliebribus religionibus te implicuisses. Se also Aen. ii. I 5Ι, iii. 363, viii. 349. 275. incusum, indented, i. e. roughene to mahe it rind weli: p.

Pers. i. 52 incusa auro dona, i. e. Caelata,' aSpera signis.'277, 278. Porum poetic Se of the geri for that in respectis,hicli somequalit or attribute is implied equivalent to the abi. o respeci, therelations os' belongin to an from ' origin bella closely connected: CP Aen. V. 73, i. 416, and the requent se of animi se note o G. iii 280 . Orcus the Italianaod of the dead here represent the 'ορκος fHesiod, p. 8o , he god fiaths 'Orcus appears in Plautus a the god of the inferna regioris, and in Latin poet generali in the gonis death, e. q. Lucr. V. 993 mor. Epp. i. a. I 78 though in Prop. v. 8 27 and perhap in Aen. vi 273, it in the insema regions. Ribb. here sto Pal. reads Morcus, a nearer o Hesiod' ' κος. The alter appear in melipoetry e. g. Hes. l. c. Soph. O. C. I 766 Pind. . i. 3o Theom. 23Ι a a terribie eing the avenge of perjury but a mi dole term is antingbetwee this and the Orcus' so in the oldest ΜSS. os lautus. Serviusive two reason sor the epithet Allictus: 1 quia pallidos facit, ' a quia iurantes trepidatione pallescunt' probabi tryin to reconcite Orcus' ith Ορ eos. The epithe is sussicienti obvious for the o os death. Eumonictes, mentione in Hesiodis attendin theatri of Ορκος.




hiberni a luminis ignos. by the re os inir light, i. e. the light os

iliis licence are that the additiona syllabi is ne that a b elide and that the nex line egitis illi a vowe or aspirate cit principi being. thatos continuous scansion observed speciali in Gree anapaesti metres Thehypermetri syllabi is usuali que a G. ii 3 iii 2 a Aen. i. 332, Vii. 7o, etc. eighteen examples in all) FO a Peculia variet se G. i. 69 note. 296. revicti, bubbling. i. e. restiess asaeing on the boli ' p. v. M. xii. 279 serrum in trepida submersum sibilat unda' v. l. tepida'): Pal.

δε τὸ κaῖμα. ut C. admit that id-dani the right time so threshing, and the mean in cannot be disserent in No successive lines. The climate os Sicil an Egypt whicli Theocritus new, is much otter than that ofΝorth Italy nuctus, digliti clad, i. e. in tunicini Without the toga ' oruppe garment. Virgil follow HeSiod. p. 39 γυμνον σπειρειν, γυμ νον δὲ βοωτειν. The poliat is that ploughin and o in must e done in the warm monilis os prin and autumn).3O2, 3O3. genialis, merry, i. e. Connected with the Genius, the guardianano impersonation of the individual; natale come qui temperat Strum, Naturae deus humanae ' Hor. Epp. i. a. 87 . Helice Genium mero curare' Od. iii. 7. I ), vino placari Genius' A. P. 2o9 Genio indulgere, etc., os personat Moyment, the Genius ' eing the happier self

eXPlanation. The cor . eruerent expresses the resultis Concurrere Droelia; and ferret continues the fame construction, cita meret Summin v orresumin the previolis description cp. Aen. Vii. 668, viii. 488), and hiems - a torm. Some tali ita . . . ferret a introducindi compari Son illi er


hurricane lirst ear u the arte an carries it into the air, and thenwhiris it round an round. 322-33 . his descriptionis a stor is perhaps ne of the mos hi Olyworked an caresuli finished passages in Virgil or an other poet-lan age, magery, and rhythm ali combining to Produce Consummate poetic effect Note especiali the force of the pauses in ii. 324, 326, 32933I, and 33, of the perfeci fugere, Stravit l. 33o 33I of the expression Smi l. 324. Dirantibus i. 327, corusca l. 328 of the alliterations in ii. 329, 33o, and of oundand rhythmalthe in l. 33 . r. Kenned say ondi. 328-33 ,

Thesause attextra marks the almnes of conscious Strengit, at tremit, breathleS terror at avor, prostrate expectation. The sol lowin ille, and the thrice repeate taut expres the majesti eas os omnipotence atctoiicit salis the sudde crasti of the olt in the word whic sodo is

crasties the firmamenti high. For the de of the whole k falli nil inrain se above l. 3I3. . it. 325 Ecl. ni. 6O, Aen. i. 29 and p. Lucr. H. 29 omnis uti videatur in imbrem vortier aether, Liv xl. 58 caelum in Se ruere aiebant, Mart. iii. Oo. Imbribus immodicis caelum nam forte ruebat.' Dirantibus, panting or Seething, cp. Aen. x. 29 and the ea Mam in every seethin iniet. A comparison of Lucr. i. 27 428wit this passage ill illustrate the remark made o Ecl. X. 54.

335-337. Siclera Star in generat, notoni Ofthe Zodia, a Wagn. Kenn ., etc. . Caeli menses Cp. caeli hora iii. 327, ' caeli tempore iv. 1 oo. The two expression Ahould perhaps e alien together, the se ons and thei sim in heaven. The referenc is to the supposed influence of the planet upo the eather, accordinito the constellations in hicli the wereseen rom timeo time frigicta, hecause a seo the sun. Saturn the furthes planet thenano , an Mercury the neares to the sun are choSen



in heaven: cp. Aen. viii. 97, aetheris orbes Lucr. v. 6 8, caeli vias' G. i. 77 caelo Ribb. rom Med. - in heaven, loca abl. 339. refer, Pay 4ithe with notioni recurrence, o paymentis a due a in ome se of reddo; se Aen. iii 333, and Munro on Lucr. i. 96 . operatus, Sacrificing; cp. Ecl. iii. 77, and for present force of the Part. l. O above annua aera, i. e. the estiva os Ambarvalia, in Spring CP ECl. V. 75. 3 I. mollissima, melloweSt; ' p. modi mero Hor. d. i. 7. 19, molle Calenum Juv. i. 69. 344, 3 5. RVOS, i. e. honey.' illi, ine, and hone were partis Greeli offering to the ead Aesch. Pers. II sqq. , and Demeter Ceres Wasconnected with the lower orid. ut the association here is more probablythat o rura produce illi rura deities felix, auspicious; Ecl. V. 65,

Aen. i. 33O. 35o. et 'displays ' P. Liv. vii a laud indecoros motus Tusco more dabant. motus ineomsositos, uni utore datices: ' P. Hor Sat. i. IO. I

incomposito pede ' os ough versesy an 'incondita Ecl. i. 4.35 I. OASomus Med. Si and is et ter than possimus; statuit

belliginorist, a shown by moneret, etc. following. 354. Quo Signo, abi. o Circumstance: what hould etoken a lud os wind. Qui saevo victentes, drom ha constant observation ' ei theron the fame, o disserent occasions . 356 359. These prognostic os in are copie ho Aratus, Dios. I 772OO P. Lucan. v. 55I-567. From the first, a the windiet up the out-let of the ea begin to heave and gwell, an a dry crachi in Aound is heardupon themilis, o a confused nois rotis along the shore, and the moaning os the forest comes las and thich. 358. arictus: P. Lucr. i. II 'Aridus unde aures terget sonus. Homeruses ago of the ound of meta pierced; P. Tennygon, morte d'Arthur '

Dry clashed his ames in the ic caves. The de is that of a harp. abrupi Sound as opposed to liquid suenc orso'ness, denote by liquidus, '


description p. Lucr. i. o 'longos flammarum ducere tractus, Hom. Il.


15. Virgil here rejecis the Pythagorean and Stoic doctrine that animais,as harer in the mens divina' Aen. i. 72 sqq.), have a lacuit O divination : ut it is sterward mentioned without di sapprova in . v. I9.ctivinitus is contrasted with fato, hici alludes to the tot vie : Porum DPuctentia go together maior greater than ordinary, o than urs. Sit S conj in virtuali ratio Obliqua the principat clause tole supplied after erocto bella ingeminare, Strenituro, etc. for ne cannot belleve that it isbecausemeaven ha gi ven them an spar of wit, o sate a deepe insight into thing than urs. ut heia the weathe and the changesul mois tureo the k has histe iis course, and Jupiter i. e. the hy, Ecl. viii. 6Oγmoist illi the outh ind condenses liat ut o Wa rare, or by achange of ind rare fies liat o was dense, the phases of thei sotiis arechanged, and thei breast Delisther emotion than hos thenset while thewind was driving on the clouds.'

I8. Viasi Courses Or directions,' approachin in senseri ratio and sonae term connecte With t. e. g. Cic. Verr. i. 16 habeo certam viam et

between the two OrmS. 2I. lios, ullos, etc. - alio quam quos concipiebant dum nubila ventus agebat. The comparison is expressed not by a subordinate clause, accordi nil to the regula sormula, ut by simple juxtaposition of the twothings compared Seem ii. 266, and P. Plaut. Trin. i. 2. I et 3 Pro di immortales, verbis Pauci quam cito Alium secisti me, alius ad te veneram.'Juv. iv. 32I, quote by Con. Seem les to the poliat here. 22. ine, i. e. hom the materialistic explanation justini ven in oppositionto that mentione 1 l. 15 416. Here is the secret of the rura chorus ofbiriis, the o of catile, and the oolis triumphant note.' 24-426. r ictum, here probabi in ordinar Sense, the gwist revolving Sun, notis Ecl. ii. o. unas sequentes orctine means the days of the monili. Casiero, tetrayed, Cp. Aen. i. 673, ii I96. v. 33O, Ole. 427-429. in to the oon, henirst sh gather. or rallies ' her retum-


late est reeit Wi the old oon in herclap. But is the atrae vaporous, theeffect is a describe by Virgil.

37. Iaveo. The ni instanc in Virgri os a long syllabie retaining iis quantit in hiatus, heri in thesi.' his line is ahen direct frona

Separate PrognosticS: ence ome ould ah Que disjunctive in ve. -- get, intrans. drives On ' P. Hor. d. iii IO. urges Summovere, and the

fervet servit nunc servet ad annum. non . . monoat notri Ecl. ix. 6, an

archaic se of the negative in prohibition ut as cl. X. 7, . i. 315, iii 1 o Aen. xii. 78 the ordinar negative illi potentia conjunctive no One could advis me.' 58. But is hen e restores the da an clogescit again. conctet gives the notionis closing See note o Ecl. ix. 52.46o claro, a clearing Way the cloud : Cp Candidus' l. 17.46 I. Serenas, se satrweather' proleptic), opposed to mictus in thenex line; Serenus an Serenans have been conj., and ei ther ould malae



arisen Domin scribe denotin the n by a line over-SERENAS. 66 468. miseratus, Sc. est. An eclipse of the sun took place in Nov. B. c. the ea os ultu CaeSar' muriter an account of this and ther portent bella give by V. Met. v. 789 Sqq. Luc. i. 522 Sqq. P. Shahespeare, ultu CaeSar, Ac ii. c. a. ferrugine, lurid hue.'Originalty the colour of iron ruSt, o os luridis murti colour, Aen. i. 6O3 Charon' boat): ut also os more leasing object G. iv. 183 hyacinthS), Aen. X. 58 andisi. 772 PurPle robes , in hic cases a dari blue colouris probabi intended. 69. quamduam, etc. Though a regard insuenc on the worid, twas no the sun ni that gave mens. This ahes a transition to the concludin lines pota the politic o Rome. 7O. OBSoenae ill-Omen ed, apparently the origina meaning, ut

hoding: originalty the opposite os op-portunus and inconvenient, ' inseason able, and then like καιρος in the stronge sense of oppressive 'applied tyrannus, 'dominatio, etc. Here it repeat the dea os


47 I. abant, hept gi ring. The eclipse of Nov. 4 B. C. Seem to haVecoincide wit a perio of volcani disturbano in Ital and Sicil see Con. on l. 467, 7 I) the phenomena of hicli,ere connecte in men' mindsivit the disturbance of the time, an particulari the death o Caesar. Virgil, like Horace Od. i. et , se em to reat thema sigia os retributionfor the civit War an Caesar' murder. 72. unctantem refer to the Stream o lava. Servius quotes DomLiv the Statement of a great eruption o Aetna at this time. For a fuller descriptio See Aen. iii 57 sqq. CP. Lucr. i. 68 Sqq.

like ' foras. Horace Od. i. 3 . 5-8 speak of thunde in a clear hyin astri hin Portent. 89- 92. ergo, etc. Not only was ali nature move a Caesar' death, but Heaven exacte venileance in the continuance of civi stris an foreignWar, the ni hope sor reli efffrom hic is in theso g Caesar Octavianus .


An so Philippi a Roman host Once more illi indre arm meet in batile nor id Heaven thin it ham that Roman lood should wice salten Emathia and the broad plain os Haemus. Darilaus, ecause both Romana p. Lucan. i. pares aquilas et pila minantia pilis. itfrum ilheoneurrere not illi victero, so the Virgil ould mali Philippi thescene os both the batiles referre to vir Pharsalia B. C. 8 in ThesSaly, and Philippi s. c. a in Macedonia. He probablyane belle tha this: though, like Lucan i. 68 sqq. vii. 5 sqq. , Ovid Met. v. 824 , and

Iuvenal viii. 2 et , he eem to reat Emathia Haemus, an Thessal aspoeticali convertibi termg. Dean Merivale Roman Empire, iii p. I thin ks that succeedin writers mis derstandin Virgil, id representPharsalia and hilippi as o the fame pol Suveris, dat ethic in thesight of heaven; cp. Lucan. . Ioa Sat fuit indignum, Caesar, mundoque tibique. Other tiae illas abi. unworinyis the gods' with whom rested the decision). 93- 97 Cp. Lucan's invocation to Thessal a the scene osso much Romansi aughter Phars vii. 8 7 sqq. . Dila, the characteristi Roman eapon: Thine Roman is the pilum, Macaulay Proph. o Capys. granctia, i. e. Os an olde time, referrinito the notioni continuat degeneration P. Lucr.

ii. II 8 Sqq. Hor. d. iii. 6. M Juv. xv. 69 7o exhaustivel and curiouStyillustrate by Mayor, an edition). 98-5I . Caesar Octavianus is invoked a the ni hope os his falling

33-32 B. C., the eginning of the civit ar hic ende at Actium; seell. 5 Io, ΙΙ. It is sui os melanchol serebodings, like the parallel pas- Sage in Horace, Od. i. 2, hic expresses much the fame hoPe and



weedS), P. G. ii. 348, note ab orietis, i. e. to the ware For conflantur, Nonius and Servius agre in ea lini sormantur; CP Aen. i. 62.5O9, Io Eus ales, perhapsinthid in to PhraateS, ho bout 32 . , o Antonius illidra viri his orces, verran Media an Armenia Theallusion in Germania is uncertain: ut it a berio a war os C. Carrinas against the Morini an Suevi, sor hich he was sterward allowed atriumph Dion I. Aen. viii. 727 . movet hellum os an offenSi V war Liv. xliii. I. II), applies et to Phraates, and probabi ais to a rising of the Suevi vicina urbes must e the eighbour cities os Italy, and Mars impius in civit,ar. Dion Ao 6 , in speahingos the evenis of 32 B. C., impli es that there ere cities in Italy hic favoured Antonius an gave Octavianus ome troubie to crusti them. 513. actctunt in Datia, ei ther I throw themselves on to the ourge'- the reflexive se being omitted as osten in poein , and addere' used for dare' in the sense of place,' assim, ete. cp. above ll. 129, 5o iv. 5O or a 'go qui cher every tum, 'addunt' bein an imitation of the Gree ἐπιδιδόασι, an 'in spatia in stom spatium to spatium ' cp. in dies, ' Dom da today'). his alter is ingenious, ut the meaning ive to addunt is Purei conjectural The plura spatia in ei thermas impli es the disserent circuit or daps' hicli ad the ourge. The rue reading, however, SVer uncertain. Rom. has addunt spatia ' Med. addunt spatio. with in spatia a a correctiom; thers addunt in spatia,' in spatio, or se in spatio: 'while conjectures have been ad os lardent, in spatia et ...' an addunt se spatio. Sit Ital. xvi. 372 imitates the passage In spatia addebant' , hut asthere is a v. l. spatio', cannoti certain hat read in he a . at is

Wantingiere, and ais Pal. though Con cites it sor addunt se in spatia ').