The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


principes objectiona are state an resute in regula auocession. It is held that old age a retched o Becauae it incapacitate mensor active buaineaa 2 Becauae it Endera seerim a Be- causerit deprive thom of the eclomentis almoat anileas es 4. Becaua itinervida the ea a machin death. The Ma three ammet is producing example os many in trisu pernonagea, in homold ago ma novattended by any of theae evita; by arguingahat auch privationa are in Teia, but imuinarri missortunsa; and that is tharelia sor nome Heaaurea laclost, other delirata of a more deatrabis an substantia character are nubatituted. The muri objection is encountere atili more oldinis an eloquent declaratio that thechie happinea os vid age, in tho πω of the philosopher, arises Domih eonvictio that is indicate the ear approm os death, that is, the ear approach of the period When the ou ahalli re- Ieased rom ita debMing oonn tion it in dy, and enter u setierectumn the patha os immortali . Thia Hece has alWaya been deservedi admire Mine of the mos gracesu mora eas a be-qusathedrio a b antiqui . The purit of the languam the live- Iines of the iuuatrationa, the dignit os the sentimenta, and thoinct wit whichtho character of theatronymin d hut Misaatia dand garruloua id mancia maintained, have excite univeravi applauae. But ho ver pleusing the pietur here presente in ua, every one uat permis that it is a lane a inhono the ait virore os a Meno stom natum. In fare, the Wholerimatiae is a tissus os a civi Heading on a queation hie is discunae in the amotone os extravagance, o tho opponite aido by Iuvenal in his tenthnatim. The Iovio, vino, is hau sor in aeverat inata ea generia proinositiona ars attac dira semapecioua particulari ea, hic ars mere exception to the rvie mine an doub the truth of the a aertiona, stat vi agora acinoapacitate uarior aetive businem, thati doea rende theiod Reble, and that i do istunt the keEnneanos in aenaea; ut While it i a persecu sui Myle of argument tomaintain that theamam imaginar an no revi illa, it in ulteri a nur in deny thei existenco uae histor afforda a se instances o favored individuata who have been exemptet frumetheir innuence. Cicero ap arario have beon indebiod sor me idea, is no the plano in 'ork in Aristo of eoa, a Stolo philoaopher o 1 much, ho ever, hac en translate almoat lite ali stom tho Republico malo compar chamem 2, 3 I4 , an more mel stomotis oeconomica and Cyropaedia faenophon Thel a B With regardio in immortalit os the novi a derive stom the imaeus, tho Phaedon, the Phaedrua an inemenon an mine editor have


iaded theo, or aballiave liotene the care.' Thea hexametera are quote frum the old me Ennius Who Gre ea them to Titus Quinctius Flamininus, the elebrate Roman commander. But. therino addrome them in his own permn or Ot, and of What natum ma the distrea Whio immurat tot alleviated remain amem matter os opinion vis commentator auppoae that Enniuautiora theae verae himaeis, and that the diatroas allude to Wa oceasioned by the insamoua conducto the brotheris Flamininus, Whoma expelle in consequonee rom tho aenate is Cato, at that timocensor B.C. 184 Liv. xxxix. 42ὶ Drahmbo b hoWeVer, thinis that in tho poem os Ennius, Irom hic the linea Were tinen theymero intered by Sextua lius Paetus, the olleague o Flamininus in the consulahip and that in troubie an disquis of the laiter amae stom tho alaming prodigies bio provente sor a period his partum rom Rome sor bomacedonian ar. Compam Lis., xxxii. s. Dra n rob' opinion a Bars the more correctisne. Cicero Ontho present occasinu, Pylios ineae samo line to his stione Atticus Wholad the fame praenomen Titua a Flamininus, and whoas diatroa amae stom the laom atate of public assaira, a connected Wit the aurpatio os Caeaar Ad ro. Sommoditions have adjuero, but ad ro, a Drahenborchismaris, ictho more correo lam Mincis amove so adissero,


Sintellarius Tite, o Another quotation rom Ennius, but pro abi ovi in pari in nrat portionis tho lineioing, in au likeithood, stomahe penis Cicero himsel The vera in Enniua una a fou

moderatio an even temper os mine; ' more literalty the moderation Pyour mine, and Dur equanimity.' An rctgarda in moderation os Atticus, compare v. Att. c. 14. O er B, momoVer, that requitas i hero Equivalenta aquabilitas, of hic Cicero hi-aeis ives a the definition Ise hem DF i. 26, 2 Praelara est aequabilitas in omni visa, idem emper viaeua, eademque frona.'' Cognomen Athenis deportasse. His surnammo Atticus appearato have beenuive himis account of his long reaidene at Athena tWen aeam , but mors particular in account of his intimate ac- quaintanc Wit the languam an litorature o GreeoE. Compare e , de Fin. V. Nep., Att. c. 3, 4. -mmanitatem et prude viam. 'o philosophis almneas of a cultivatod intellect aa Bli an a prudent apirit. V Obaeo the peculiar soroe of Aumanitatem, a torm hic som explain here is poliis Ioaming,' and thera by at te so literatum.' in true meaning salven is miseI rimmanitas, hoc Oeo est animi siseris meiati aequo duas, qui nihil admiratur


a in cum aeciderit, nihil, Mequam evenerit, Non senises a arbis

hosphorum ita pereepta habui praevia, ut his ad suam agendam, nomia orientatio rem uteretur. V a regarda the prudentia' os Attioua, nauit Nepos, At , o 6, e q.


applied himself in id age to thoistud of Grecia literatum, With .hiis in his muth Maadio acquaintanos, although amo ignorant of the Gree languam. rura Suppi addere.

Cum Me C. Lauio. Mit Caius Laelius here. ervo statine pronoun He is aedis objecta Whic aremeareat to the a aher,


Anc Phil. iii. p. 683. --ria aetas grama eat. aevor utam ofhumandis is burdenaome,' t. e. . cauae in de ud entiretron e ternat cavaea, his arm Mura jectri in caprice of sortune. Quod nat rameeeoua asteria. his is in accordance With the Stolo doctrine' uiuere convenienter naturae' Compar Sorea Epist. TI, M 25 Sapiens Ma erectae ais quolibet pondere num illum ea minorem Deit nihil uti eorum, quae ferenda sunt, displicat. Nam quidquid eadere in hominem meast in se cacidisse non queritur. Arimam. When attaino to.' A betis madin than adepti.

tho indicativo has here the foroe of qtiamiam, as denotin nomething nain. ad any doub been implied in subjunctive ould have

been aBd.-Qua utinam digna esset. An Would that it mere ortis. V obaero again, the emplomentis the relative to expressis demonstrative With a conjunction. Zumpi. 803. -Nostroque cognomine. M And of the aurname that has been beato edimn me. The pronou ha here an objective larce. he sumam reserred oris that of Sapiens. Hi anceator so throe generations had Men


Naturam optimam dueem. The Stoica, as almad remacted, mserre ali iningario natura, and thei grandisulo Was in ali thinga tolivo accordinxto herclama. For a Virtuous Illa, mording to them, a meret a lis agreeabis to ou experience of What i going oni naturo, since the human is a parvos the universat nature. μου.

Laert. Vii. 87.-Cum cetero partes tasia, &o. Aster tho other

parta in iis have been lael distributed,' t. e. aster at tho pr oedin period of Iis have ad thoi peculiar an prope evio menta assigne to them. The me readin hero is diaeripta sint,as donesin distribution. The common readincia deaeriptae aisu, but deseribere is et write domn, in copy.' Observe, more Vor, that partes la here employed in iis dramatio senae, as indicatin a partis character o b auatained.-Eatremum actum. The Iaatac of HLV i. e. old age.-Derti. Unavulsul. V me adjective iners ia here emploe in ita primitive meming the oro ingeommunde os in privatiV and ars Compare uella v. Serv. ad I . iv. 168 Ut perhibetur inera, ars in quo no eris ulla.''mae aliquod eaetremum, dic That there a uidi something tomis the cloae os existence, and aa in the eas of the ruit os mea and the productiona os the earin, aomething, stomahe fulines os ita - maturi , drooping, an it ere, and jus ready to sali, Whiolimusti endured by the wiae man with ciam resignation. 'oherε must eis comma aster maturitate tempestiva, inco these Worda

modo. Aster in manne of the gianis.' observe bat modo is here emplayed nes more, booma thsaianis Warre against heaven only onoe. Comparo Apinodorva, i. 6 I; Horat. Od. iii. 4 4s, aqq. Ochane cassa our attention to the inverte natur os his sentenoe, inatead os quid est enim aliud natura repugnare nisi oram tum modo bellare cum daa.


the old Ving, congregate mos easit Wit Iste. ' his is the


Qui mihi non id debantur Meusare, &o thea men γ are in in tollame nothingis the rino that ought to have been blam aerve, in the firat place that qui hem, at the begimning of th Hentencs in equivalent to hi autem, and conavit Zumpi, So3; ano, in the ex place that id is here the ame a tale.

Propter opea et copias, et dignitatim tuam. account of thoiastuence, aud ample possessions and hio character hic γω