De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류



Eusteri and Northerii Tribes of Do tibi fui Germani origin.

46. Peueinorum sine lorumque et I sstinorum nationes Germanis an Sarmatis anseribam stubito, quamquam Peucini, quos quidam Bastarna Vocant, Sermone eultu, Sedea domieiliis ut Germani agunt. Sordes omnium aetorpor procerum. Conubiis mixtis nonnihil in Sarmata 5 runt habitum foedantur, Venelli multum e moribus traxerunt. Nam quid quin inter oueinos Fennosque sil- Varum ne montium erigitur latro iniis pererrant. Hi tamon intor Germanos potius referuntur, quia et domos figunt et scuta gestant et pedum usu ne pernicitate gau-10stent quae omnia diversa Sarmatis sunt in plaustro equoquo viventibus. Fennis mira feritas, foeda pauper-tRS: non Irma, non equi, non penates Victui herba,

vostitui poll0s, ubilo humus sola in sagittis opes quas inopia serri ossibus asperant. Idemque Venatus Viro 15 pariter a feminas alit passim enim omitantur Rrtemque praeda petunt. Ne aliud infantibus ferarum

imbriumque suffugium quam ut in aliquo ramorum neXucontegantur liuo redeunt iuvenes, hoc Senum re eptaculum. Sed beatius arbitrantur quam ingemere agris, 20 inlaborare domibus suas alienasque fortuna Spe metuque Versare: Seeuri adversus homines, Sesturi ad Versus deos

r0m disiuillimam ads00uti sunt, ut illis no Voto quidem opus ossos. Cetera iam fabulosa: Hellusios et Oxionas

Ora Ominum Voltusque, Corpora atque artu ferarum 25 gerere quoi ego ut neompertum in medium relinquam.



Chapter . . usitatum the neuter singular folio perie ut passive partieiple is frequ0ntly used substanti vely, aking the place of

S. ignorantiam recit Et invictiam : the inabilit to recoynize rue merit anu consequent en ἴν. - Tli et Mesexegetie, S . . Dial 5, 26, accinctus et iustae, here o note . In thi trentis again h. 5. 1;


synonymOUS XpreSSion Oecurring With constanti decreasin fr0quenc irom the Dialossus to the econi par of the Anustis, eo Introd. p. XXiX. - n the brachylog in hi Sentenee, Se Introd. p. xxxiii. Celeti Errimu quiAque ingenio, clarissima ingenia. Instentum is O used in the Singula in a Persona Sen Se liene celeberrimum quodque iustentum a impOSSibi here Celeber, clarus see in t occurrilrst in Tibull. II. 1, 33. B. Aine gratia aut amUitione: i. e. ithout the destro os curry- in favor Or ironi Solsisti motives Our noWledge of the historians of the lepublic partieularly the later annalisis, cloes not bear ut this favorable VieW.9. Donae . . . ConSCientiae Pretio : i. e. by the reWard that Wait on diit mel performed. P. Anu. II. 22. preti m praemio. 1O. Plerique many Thi Wenkene Senseri the more sua in Tacitu anu in post-AuguStan Latin generat ly. Auam ipsi Mor suum ipsos m suam ipsorum). e hould have expecte bysos Subj. inarrare in accordance illi alitus' custom i akin ipse, honcombinest Witti a personat Or OSSeSSiVe pronoun the Subj. For an instanc O the usage illi a finite verti se ch. 46, 25. - Observe that two ideas here coalesce into One. a They rote autobiographies. b Thendi no thinlicit open to censure toruo So. - 1 the Onei Senes of this hause, Se Introd. P. XXXiii. 11. Rutilio et Cauro P. Rutilius Rufus, Orn BOut 1584. C. cons. 105 D. C., a di Stingui She Orator, uri St, historian, and pupil of the Stoic Panaetius. In 3 . c. he Was ceuSed Dy one Apicius iextortion. Besistes hi autobiography, orations and legat publications, he composed a Roman Histor in repli H is Xtra vagant lypraised by Cicero an Others. - . Aemilius Scaurus, his bitteropponent, a bora 16 B. o. an diei about 80 D. C. His autobiography, in threo bookS, Seem totaVe been an apolossia pro vita sua. Et for aq/t, parti beenuSe theSemen are closely RSSOeia ted a Contemporaries an nutobiographors, parti owin to the aut folioWing. Itmus De Observest, however, that the Latin, as et a the roeli, has a peculia fondnes io the copulative conjunetion. liore ur di omprefers the disjunctive partiete. p. e. g. ὁ καὶ τρει tW Or three ;ch. 29, 24 Germ. 19, conri mpere et conrumpi Aun. II. 10. 12. Citra i sine Though extremel common in OSt- Augustan

Latini speciali in Quintilian, his usago is found in Tacitus ni in

the minor OrkS. On the collodation iis repositiona Clause, nil an ablative or dative, ne of the noteWorth features o Tacitean


Style, eo ut Od. P. XXXi V. acteo, te. the eonfirmationii a concreto statementi ille ide generaligation Oi an admittod trulli siliaracteristic o Tacitus and LiVy. P. Diat. 26, adeo melius est, etc. 1g. At nun i. e. unde in circumStance ascit is . In his non- tempora Sense therudVerbon νυν in reela, i Ver common. narraturo, etc. to the ancient a narratio vitae implied a more ortes e Hostistic irentinent liene the Phraso here constitutes the properantithesis callest for b incusaturus opus fuit simila to the epistolar perfeci, tho author ut tin himseli into tho lac o thoronder Cp. Aim. III. 65, exsequi sententias haud institui. Themoaning of this uel dispute passage appendi toto this In rea

in of the ii o Agricola, hicli I do, e auso I boli seu it tora thoiunctioni tho historian ne virtutes sileantur An n. III. 65), Phad tocrave an indulgendo, hici I shouldio hau askest, ii Phad int0ustodio imponet tho age of Domitian ior obtrectatio et livor pronis auribus accipiuntur Hist. I. 1). Chapter 2. T. Legimus i. o. in the officiat acta senatus, so that

thoro asto reason for Oubting hat mi glit ther is have seemedindrocli bl0. Aruleno RuAtiC : L. Iunius Rustictis Arulenus, adistinguistised Stoici ille time os ero, a executed by Domitian in si A. D. ior ritin the biograph here sentioned in litet he spolieo Thrasea anu Helvidius a sanctissimi viri. The transpoSitionii tho cognomen stili raro in pre-Augustan Latin is particulari frequent in Tacitus. Se note Dial. 1, 1. In the Agricola again immediatelyhelom, Paetus Thrasea Priscus Helvidius. - The So-callei subjective dativo o tho DL illi the reposition Oecur some thiri times in Tacitus. So Herennio Senecioni. Pastu Thrasea P. Clodius Thrasea Paetus also a Stoic. A the ouispolien te aderio illo oppositionii incurret the displuasure Oi Nero, and was inalty dri ven to sui idob a rumpe d-uin hargo i reason in 66 . D. Cp. Anu. XVI. 1 ff. IB. Herennio BonoCioni an intimate frienti O tho oungerPli ny Who a associa ted illi im in the tria o Baebius Massa, proba bl shorti alter Agricola' dea in in 3. He a Subsequentlydenounde by the notorious informer, Mettius Carus Aee h. 45, 15), for ritin the lis o Helvidius, and was executex; ut his ori Wasroseuod ironi tho lanies to hicli it hau been consigne by a decreeo the senato D Fannia, tho ite o Helvidius, ho conceale acOPy. PriACu Helvictius : Helvidius Priscus, anished aitur thedeatli o Thrasea, iis ather-in-law, a recalled by Galba Praetor


2O. Revitum: C. 8Se triumviris Se capitalibus, the officiat

executioners. The delegationi ille ut o burning condemnoctio listo illos iunctionarie instent of to ille aediles as intendedis an additiona degradation. Tlie arti est eoordei insta nee foliis Praetice is la Durningit ille allego. book oi unia in 18 D. C. Duringilie empire Sueli Pennities ere Ot uncommon. The Diograplites mentionedi Tacitus pro the lastis uenit illi, th inelli acno the procoedin havin gradunt ly beeo me apparent. 21. Comitio a foro the comitium a siluat sed Orth oi ille forum and was the sua place or unishment S. Tli apparently pleonasti foro is addet to emphasin the publicit of tho transaction. So Plin. N. H. V. 18, 20, 7. I corresponit to in conspec tu populio Liv. XL. 29, 14 Ubri in comitio . . . in . . cremati Sunt. Ρage . . Consolentiam Domitian in his horisi glite inessimagine lie Ouid revent mon vom rotaining a vivii lino ledg of

si mihi decree. S. Dectimus profecito the asseVerative particle is generali omitt0d in Tacitus, lien the ver is placedo the egi nning. 9. Introd.

ε. Vetu aetas i. e. the Republican periOd. his uso Os et usis characteristic o TacituS. P. OK Se vidimus S ultimum niter quid, and esset niter servitute are supplied rom the procedin by an eas ellipsis.


SO testimonium memoria could notiave been Sed illi praesentium bonorum, bucause the stili uncompletod rei gn o Trajan was included among these. Hui, heia the Historiae had eun publi Shod, thei aut horiadiecistud o reserve the recordii Nerva' and Trajan's beneficent ut for an uidependent Orti a Plan liber abandone Orfrustra ted by his uenili. p. Hist. I. 1, quod si vita Vppeditet, principatum errae et imperium Traiani . . . Senectuti se POSMi. 31. interim : .e pending the conclusion os in large and strict lylii storient narrati Ue. 32. auctatu erit aut eXCuARtus: P. Dial. h. 10, 7 probata sit siles et libertas excusata. Tlae ut peri. illi referene to the reaclor scomplete perusal of the Diography p. note ch. 1, 14, Opus fuit.

oni certa in instane in Tacitus in hiel the tria nonhina Leomanorum Occur They are designei to ive to the Deginia in Ofolio Diographyprope a specia solemnity. ForoiulienAium Colonia : n own in Gallia , bonensis, noli Mediterranean, io unded by Julius Caesarii 46 B. C. during the early empire it Was a nava stationi Some importanee. It is the modern Frύjus, Siluated 45 miles noriti eas of


4. Iuliu Grae Cinu liighi ext Oded by en de beth. II. 21, 5, 8 exemplo magni animi opus est, utamur iraecina filii viri stressit quem C. Caesar occidit ob hoc num quod melior vir erat quam esse quemquam tyranno a pedit He eem to have reached the praetor-ship. In ali probabilit he was descendod ironi sonae Greel fauill in Marseilles, here Agricola a seducated, and e may have been heson o Graecinus the friend of Ovid. Aenatorii orctini : Se vir. Ono O the an instances of the abso ite Se of the genitive of quali ty. o elow, . , rarae castitatis Se mulier . Stuctio loquentiae apientiaequo notus: noten or his literary aud J l0sophica pursuit s. his ide mean in o eloquentia is no rare inpoSt-AuguStan Latin. sapientiae, philosophiae. Seo note h. 2, 3. his pro dilection the son inherite l. See Hlow l. b f.

s. omnem oneAtarum artium Cultum m Omnium . . , byhypalla se . hon Sta si te fra the more usualiberales artes.

LO. ArCedat in the emphatio position O the rediente, See Ii trod. p. xvi The Subjec is the ollo in quod clause. 11. ECCantium, vitii. The se of the participi ior an abstr0 t substantive is a Graeci sui, Stili rare in pre-AuguStan Latin, but xtremel irequent in later ritet S. In his reati Se again, h. b, , reciperatam 32, 21 servientium. Praeter nota mention. With tho phrasse, P. Diat. 28, 5.12. Aoctem a magistram Taeitus is oti lii Oining a concrete