De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


Brita in se Introd. . iv.

1. Acriptorilaus subjectivo dative. Se note eli. 2, 17. - Among the writer probabi referrest o Desides ille tW mentioned, ere Pytheas Posidonius and Sallust.2. Curae ingeniive a Tacitus' prodeste Sor aro a id to have covere lip thoi ignorando by rhetorient inbellistiment, curae annot designate, ascit irequently doe elSeWheres laborious rese arch, ut is here synonymous illi ars, Whieli is frequently contrastest illi instentum Ormatura. P. . . Quint. . , 07, curae plus in illo Demosthenes), in hoc Cicero naturae Cie ad Q. r. I. si li), 4; Ovid,

Trist. II. 423 f., m. I. 5, 13. Tliis also neeounts io the usu ieloquentissimi below l. 1 in Plae Oi summi, locupletissimi, o the


sinio Oceano.

in X. 1, 10 I, superest adhuc et ornat aetatis nostra retoriam vir saeculoruiu memoria lynus qui olim nominabitur nunc tute Hestitur.

Fabius Rusti eus, together illi Plin and Taeitus, is naentionen ason of th heir in the will o Da sumius Writion 108 1. D. . I liobe tho amo A the historian, tho present passago ouli furia isti theoni instanc in aditu in hieti a riter stili livin is ei ted a re



12. Actsimulaver plura predicate ait se two Singula subjecis in culi ersative clauses is ne i tho characteristic eatures o Taciteanusage. - Here the incongruit is ali ut done Way ith by tho plurala PPOSition. o ls o. g. An n. XII. 1, huic Pollas, illi Collistus au tores a dei chit. Et anitas a multor of act. his asSoverativo Soo et, at the Deginning i a senteneo, i common in ne itus. f. e. g. 22, 21 Germ. 35 14. Cura siue See Ch. 1, 12. uncte: C. oriebatur With inde l instanees , and imitari With iii . inde. eae eo, and the like, Tacitus omit the orb. In the maller ortis again, Germ. 4 7. inde habitus se, unde causa. 13. in viaiverAum fama: .e the erroneou notion a inedioneralaeceptaneo that the sentire istand includin Caledonia, ad the hapse Spoken f. transgressis this dativo i loca stan Dotiit, kin totho Greeli dativo absoluto, is rest found in Varro L. L. V. T. p. note h. 11, 0. inmenAum . . . Patium the Phras Oeeur in live ther place in Tacitus. Under the influene os sergi h d0velops an increasin fondines for in me usus, inmanis instens, Sing

CP. e. g. Cic. Orat. 20, 6 and Quint. IX. . . and l ut se genuino instanees Oecur, the rhythmical cadeno Dein in the majorit of casses no teli, ii tho sentone is properib rea d. The reSent line, O W-0Ver Aun. I. 1 though inulty and speetali Germ. 39, 3, austi riis


thi elaaSe, P. Introd. P. XXX iii perincte Se ac cetera maria, an


Cp. the similaridoscription of the Dead ea in ac Hist. V. G, neque

vento impellitur . . . inertes undae Superiacta, ut Solido, ferunt. 22. rariores: Sed redienti Vely though in attributive position m rarius occurrunt), and correlative illi tardius for the appositionca liba et C. Can RPPly ni t terrae montesque. The OnStruction is0Xeee lingi common in T. RuAR Et materia Oristin aud occasion Tacitus is soni o combining ordes denotin Origin. O . g. Germ. 9, 29, causa et Oristo. 2Φ. EAtu : hi phenomenon a naturali a Ourceii Stonishment to the Romans, Sollere are careel a nyclides in the editor-rnn an . Squ . . . ACQ oes no fullo ith in the scis of this nor aud besides This collocation Seem to Oeeur in ut ne ille passago in extant riters, Vi Z. Suet. Cesp. 12 ac haVing the Same fore athere.

Se note tori. 10.25. multi rettulere o. g. AriStolle Pytheas, Strabo, Diodorus. Mela, Pliny Seneca, ut bove ali Posidonius is cent. B. C. in his Mετεωρολογικά nil Περὶ ' Ω κεανου, the Standari Work on these anilliindrei topic in antiqui ty. Icticterim beenus based on authenti information acquiret in illese expeditions and doubiles Commimi catsed to tho authori Agricola limSeli. 26. numinum: χιters. So Verg. Aen. XII. 18 Val. Flaee. II. 496. tiu atque illu ferro ebbs and of s, .e the hi gli idos senilhuge VolumeS OD ater far milie tritias and rivers, andiu recedin atlow id leav the clian ne ali ut dry - Elae here T. Se huc illuc, occasionali hucque et illuc, andine huc vel illuc. 29. velut in Euo as folio more stili a parti the oceati s best. Villi the personification e may ompare Germ. 30, 21, Chattos suos saltus Hercynius prosequitur sim tu ac deponit. Chapter II. O. Ceterum: ut o retur alter hi digression, Willeli a non huius operis to the description o Brita in Ceterum osten has his resumptive fore in Tacitus. p. note Dial. 20, 6. Qui . . . Coluerint probabi moueled Upon Sall. Iust. 7, 7, sed qui mortales initio Africam coluerint, te. Page . . inctigenae this a the opinion o Timaeus and Pytheas, the aut horities of Diodorus V. 21, 5 and a the laimina de by the Briton themsolves an actueCti CP CaeS. B. G. V. 12, 1, Britanniae pars interior ab iis incolitur quos natos in insula ipsi memoria proditum dicunt, maritima pars ab ii qui eae et stis


tranSierant ut a misthi e eaepe ted. his elliptica us o ut occursisten in Tacitus, e .g. 18 Germ. 2 8 22, 32 27, 27 30, 27 45 14.2. Haditu Corporum physica characteristi s. o Germ. 4, 8.

ethnology. Colorati usuali taken in the SenSe i inarthy, sun-buriit, an epithet applied by the ancients to the Hindoos, hinese, audi truscans ut Sucho designation seem qui te ut o place illi respecto a nation ivin in ortherii limes, and would b in 11sistent illi thei Celtic origin, nor is there an eviden e that the Iberians o Spatii ere colorati finalty it is important to ObServe that in tho res of th description O the Silures, uulike lint of the Caledonians, o physical, ut Only X terna and acquiret Characteristius aro referred O. It wili, thereiore, e est to interpret the epitliet in a like SenSe here, i. e. a intest, OSSibi tali 00 est, hicli S a ell- attestud practice of the Britons p. Caes. B. G. V. 14, 2.

S. et, et praeterea, and the fac more over Se note eli. 10 19. On et niter an a Syndeton, Se Introd. p. XXViii.ε. ABque AecteA tho conteX leaves it unde termin0d wh0thor Tacitus meant to antliat Iberian Settiei in ille territor thon occu-

pised by the Silures ille alter acquirin Iberian customs, in hielicas the Silures ere Celis ep. the term Celtiberi), or hether ille Siluros of his time ere tho descendant of the Iberian conquerorsWho drove ut ille Celtic aborigines. In eitherias tho hypotiiosis illi Ib0ri an migration musti rejected. T. proSimi Galli et Aimiles, et: i. e. the tribes umelling nearest to the auis vig the Cantians also et, etiam resemble them. The Wo et clauso do no give alternative sensons, ut the res is in a mensure ille direct result o the proximity, hilo ille similar


9. aditum : Se eundem. On the elli PSi Oi ille demonstrativo pronoun, Se note eli. 6, 19. In IUVETAum . . . REStimanti bi ton clienera consideration. Tlle O-Callei dative O the person udg-ing P. Germ. 6, 16, in universum ae8timanti. p. note ch. 10, 13.11. Eorum e Gallorum. EPTEliencta : Se apiti Britannos. To oti ignorant of thoi common origin the coincidendo ouin bosu rising on the fore Oi hi vel b, Se note cli. 7, 10, an on the collocatio verborum, characteriStic fonstituS, Se Introd. p. XXVi. superstitionum PerAuRAionSA: relistio HS convictions citit. Persu usio S ery arset found noli plural Caesar, phile confirming the identit of the cult, SSeris, in apparent contradietion to Tacitus

that it originalsed in Britain and as adopted by the Gauis Cp. B. G. VI. 3, 1 f. Disciplina Sc. Druidum in Britannia reperta atq)te inde in Galliam translata esse existimatur et nunc qui dilissentius eam rem synoscere volunt, plerumque illo discendi causa prosciscuntur. Th truth 00m to e that he rituat was originali Celtic biit, Wingio illo solation of the ritisti Celis, a by them developedin more rigid anu orthodo lineS.

a meret periundior ObSerVation O linguiSti Phenomena, and ther0ior littio Ormo sellanco an e laeed pon thei statemonis in uelim atterS. intepoACencti . . . formicto: Observo the artistic balancingi clauses. - Villi the Statement, P. Caes. B. G. III. 19, 6, ut ad bella suscipienda Gallorum alacer ac promptus est animus, sic

mollis ac minime resistens ad calamitates perferendas mens Orim est. 13. uti actvenere pericula.

1g. praeforunt: for tho more Sualpὶ'ae se ferre, o ch. 43, 12. 15. Da Emodierit On the enervatin effect of eace pon asavage eople See eb. 21, 25 f., nil Sp. Germ. 14, 24, si civitas . . . lonya pace et otio torpeat. Nam like enim, γάρ, illi the usu alsellipsis toto supplied in thought. I. o. his may bo confirmed by the example of the auis, O they, etc. 15. ACCEPimus: Sp. Caes. B. G. VI 24, fuit antea tempus cum Germanos Galli virtute superarent, citod Germ. 28, 5. 17. miSAR, te on the initia position o the seri, in tho singularmitti Wo subjecis, Speciali common in ablative absolute OnStru -


1B. olim vicitis refer to tho expedition unde Claudius in 43 A. D. Ceteri the stili unSubdued tribes in the orth and west. 19. fuerunt: i. e. eiore est uitia cum otio intravit.

nea his chariot παραιβατης). Uentes CaeS. B. G. I. 4, 2) doubt-los idonticat illi the comites o comitatus, o osten roferrei to in the Germania the aurista eing the princeps Orthies. Propugnant: i. e. sthi in defense of their hies P. Germ. 14, 2 l. olim regi- laus parotiant thisci confirmedi Caes. B. G. V. 11 9 ac Ann. II. 24, and thei S. 22. per prinCipe m principibus per quos On the prolepsis, eo Liti o d. p. XXX. ACtionidus et Atuctiis factionaliuari eis Hendia lyS. 23. istrahuntur the regula term for politica disturbanees. 24. pro nolai m nobis. Pro is Sed pleonastica linto mari a more poliat est contrast illi ad ersus. - Vith lae Sentiment, ep. the amous Passage in Germ. 33, 5, tryentibus imperii fatis nihil iam praestare fortuna maius potest quam hostium discordiam in Conmune non consulunt illis trait Amiten alludet to e. g. 15, y 29, 3 38, 19.2B. Aperita frigorum Uest: p. Caes. B. G. V. 12, 7, loca sunt temperatiora quam in Gallia, remissioribus fristoribus.

29. mensuram Se dierum. The O-eallei comparatio compendiaria used to avo id a Wkwari repetitions. p. Introd. P. XXXi. Ae-

cord in to Plin. N. H. II. 75 77, 186, tho longos da in Alexandria Was 1 hours in Ital 15 and in Brita in 17, hi uti is atri accurate. Tho longustia in London is 16l in ortherii Scottani more than 18

analogous substitution fini parti an antecedent solis fulsorem),


2. Caelum et Aictera on hi QO Ocation, Se Introd. P. XXX. 3. Praeter eaecepti ny a comparativel Tare Mage. In Tae again:

Hist. V. 8, 10 Ann. I. 13 XIII. 19 45. oleam vitemque et Ceter . . . Sueta n Ver frequent Co Oention in Taciti , que, oin- in a roup, follo ed by an independent element With et In histrenti Se again, h. 25, 24. q. terris the ablative o Plaee here, though Xtremel common in aditus, is stili rare in the minor ritingS. P. .g. b. 25, 24;33, 22 45, 3 Dial. 3, 21. oriri Aueta: SO Sall. Hist froym 1 9. frugum PatienA 1eCunctum: teli , Or ather abo und in fruits,eXeePt in Sueli asan o Ont in arme climates, like that o Italy. fecundum is adde asyndeticali to qualii patiens, hieli is at osta vagiae term and thereiore lable to conve a false impression Miththo PhraSe ep. e. g. Luenn IX. 857, impatiensque Solum Cereris. 5. arcte miteACivit. Cito proveniunt an adverSatiVe, O an enumerative asyndeton hieli ould involve an uncallest for hysteron Proteron. O Xnetly h. 3, 19. proveniunt annot here signi tystrorein up thrivilist it usua mea ning, illi fruges and the like), forthis out be incompatibi mitti tarde mitescunt; ut it is used in the


an silver are found though in no considerable quantity, in manyparis of the rit isti Isianus alia metalla : O these tu a themost abundant, and was Drou it ouila by the Phoenicians, hoprobabi securei mos o it rom Cornwali and the Κασσιτερίδες, or

in color.

thapter 13. 1 ff. ipsi . . . serviant this hori Paragraphgives the result by anti ei pation, of thse Roman eampnignes againStthe Briton v to the Oint of Agricola' arrivat. The following