De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


oit in to the euenites' suferior numbers, and ut a re disadnantasse by reason of their nowle De of the territory - numer i an inStrumental, peritia a causa ablativo circumiretur bella USed abetro κοινου, in iis regula Sense illi numero, figuratiVely illi peritia. D. Introd.

P. XXX ii.


instanee o anastrophe of the conjunction happens to occur in histreati se, ut it is exceed ingly common in the larger orkS. 22. Guoct nisi i9. Olech. 16, 13. Chapter 27. q. Cuiu : Se victoriae fama : ith referenceto that partii lio arm Wlii et liadiso engaged in iliis batile. 2 P. fremetiant the plurat, ecause of the woiold Speet under Wllicli ille arm is te sed in indicato by conscientia and fama, for, although Tacitus frequently has a plura predicate illi a uiliber icollective nouns, Sucli a plebs, mutitudo, pars, and the like, eaeei citus Seem noto De so Sed by him although the terna occaSionali includes severa legiones illi: Se ignavi specie prudentium

common enougi etSe Where, e. g. in Cicero. 3. tquct ita . . . MACERAum Soranii. XIII. 56, atq)ι ita infensis utrimque animis discessum.

Thuy wer in ali probabilit sublue in the early pari folio ea by


this and si uilla verba compotin is, ut here it is ori aps est talion in iis regular sense, signitying thei heiplos dristin a long the wanto pilot plavin theni at the mero os inii and Wavo.

12. utilia Se cetera, ther iecessaries of me. On the ellipsis, Se note h. 6, 29.


mutation ementium: commercia eae hauste.


vlio ad Proved theni solvos speciali brave To th08 ho ad ted omeother iro in the long sine pacifiei tribes o solithsern rita in Whoseloyalty ad 00n tost sed nil lio ad ut recently been conscribe l. Tli traditiona int0rpretation, identitying the avo, involves a contrR- lictio it for fortitude is in eo inpatibi Withaonstet pax. See cli. 11, 5 i. 2B. Ontem Graupium tho sit of this iam ous batile cannot edetermined larget o in to the vaguenes Wli teli generali character-igo the topographica descriptioni batiles in ancient historians. See

m merum.


9. praestan nomine CalgRCuS: 'heu ne Calyacus by a me, distinouisheu auton the severa chi talus. The Phras nomine Cal-yacus, equivalent to Greel os, i apparenti an e Xclusivel Tacitean exprossion and is Sesti himser osten, ut Ont in in casui non- Romans. Calyacus Wos his immortalit to this solitar mention. LO. in hun moctum IoCutu fertur: ther introduetor formulae are . g. Orasse fertur, his ferme verbis, tu hanc Sententiam. Here, and again Hist. I. 15 two re combinest, videnti to emphasige thewholi solitious character i these Wo speeehes Tho harangu ofAgricola, on the thoriand is by Way o contrast introduco by ita disseruit. Se note ch. 33, 24. Onoli natur anu objee o Calga

io sequat in ancient historiography. Among the conspicuous eatures of iis artisti construction attontion mani, drawn to li folioWing:

sam daν. 1g. initium lilaertati A. te. a Sentiment Ver common in peeehes of this natui p. p. Anu. XII. 34, illum diem . . . aut reciperandae libertatis aut servitutis aeternae initium fore, ille alter alternati ve


15. nulla ultra terram: ep. note h. 0, 8, ratilis contra terris. Suppi positae. nam et . : in hi ClauSe univerS . . . terrae explain the speaker A Ope Oi Victory, ne mare . . . Romanaae ount for nece8Sitatem OStram. 16. Ae Curum tutus, o Sine cura, Occur in Liv and post- Augustan writers, ut is generali rare inminent . . . Romana:

Tacitus is sonu i ii iiii a period illi an ablative absolute. See

Introd. D. XXVii.

21. Eoque in ipAi penetralidus penetralia denotes the inne mos stirino in a temple. o Caledonia is here, Daioli metaphor, represente a the mos sacred pol o Brita in the nobilitas pinggivei a the rea Son eoque Why the were thus honorest. Such boasis


also It ad tres of the Scythians se fore Al0Xander, in Curi. VII. 8, 34, 19, tu omnium stentium latro es. 30. iam et so invariabi in Taeitus for iam etiam. Se note

Sueli asyndet avo oommon in Tacitus, O. g. h. 37 27 mist. II. 12, urere, aStare, rapere Ann. IV. 25, trahi occidi, capi. S. PACE Rctpellant: o. eam solitudinem faetani. Cp. also Hist. I. 37, dum falsis nominibus . . . supplicia et contumelissvestras disciplinam adpe lat. - This seuphemi sui as uoli asso et sed

by the Romans, se in ali ut astopted a the ossiciat sesignation or


Chapte 31. . voluit, decrevit. SO Often ; illi natura er- sonifled, e .g. Val. a X. VII. Quint. X. 3, 4. alilai: Omet chere Or ther, Ot eis inhere, o Calgacu cannot inve meant to0xcludo th Britisti auxiliaries in Britain iis eis. Se noto on aliquis ch. 38, 19). Britisti cohortes are Oundis. g. in tho armi es o Caecina an Vitellius, at the edoni battio Oi Bedriacum, in Pannonia, andelSe here, as e learn rom auitus' Historie and inscriptions. B. hostilem, hostium. Tacitus osten Substitutos his and otheradj00tives for the genitive. Subjective athere, e. g. An n. XIII 57, minae hostiles misi. III. 77, clamore hostili. p. also note Dial. 29, 2 l. s. nomine amiCorum atque hospitum th thought is lightly ObScured by veroonei seness, the implication citi that tho victim swere by the falso pro fossiones of frienvshi anilesiospitalit first thrown of thsei Diard and thon isti onore l. 1O. Ager atque annum theirieari harvest an irat calon in his sense coiars res in Cie Verr. I. 1, 4 40. In roSe agnin Germ.14, 1, ut osten in post-AuguStan pie Poetry, e. g. venti. III. 70;Stat Theb. IX. 406. Aster is ore addet for the salie o balancingilio sive ther groupsit virtuali synonymou expreSSion in thi One Sentence in frumentum, etc. With the Sentiment, an Oratori calcommonPlnee, P. Cla. 9, 2 f., and the speech o Boudicca in Dio Cass. LXII. 3.

ACQ uel ne Cumulation Oi ac re Xtremel rare in Latin. p. note Disel. 17 28. 12. inter vertier a Contumelia : contumelia has here thoconeret anu restricto Minoan in o cus Diu the face, alapae a distinguis sed rom tho senserie term verbera, lotos. p. Hist. III. 31, praeberi os contume iis 85 eristere os et os erre contumeliis. ii theeombination, Se Introd. P. XXX. - inter i .e alternatingiet oen. Sosimilarly oh. 32, 10 'ist. I. , inter infensos vel obnoxios. Conteruntur: sed πι κοινοῖ, figurativel Willi bona fortunaeque an l


another rhetorica commonplace in peeches foliis ind. ultro:=uOreoner, in the baryatu Oiten. 1g. Britannia on the ollipSi of Sed, Se Introd. P. XXXi emit . . . PRACit refer respectivel to tributum and frumentum l. 10). Calgacus Anys illi itiser sarcasmoliat the Briton are ait pay ingior the privilego of ein Roman laves instea of havin theirmas ters, ii servitude it mustio, caro O them. 15. AiCut in familia SomeWhat ineonSi Stently With true por- traiiure o character, the Speake is maderi allusterio purei Romanconditions of wltieli ho could not have lia an knowledge. But Sueliinaccuracies re frequent in the peeches of ancient historians. In Taetius o. g. h. 15, 32 5 30, 2 32, 32 Hist. I. 30. Observe also that his simile alie Calgaeus orget the Staternent made in h. 30 15. 22 T. - sicut . . . si , O Sicili ut . . . ita, alS Hist. I. 84 n the brachylogica character of the Simile, Se Introd. p.

Liv. XXI. 7, 7. Thei distance and eclusion ad them more io mi labie, a the Roman had n means to determine the ea strengiliand the purposses of the Briton and - omne lynotum pro magni co

nection illi the prisin unde Boudicca, ut Calgacus is here made