장음표시 사용
19. laureati : Se litteris. The laurei, Dein the Syinbolis martialvictorios M a sent illi ille meta reporis liteli commander for-Wardest to the in peror. - The elliptica phraso Seem to Occur Onlyhere ani Hist. III. 77.20 fama famam : O n-Simila chiasm S, ep. Aun. I. 39, testati s populi omani omani in castris. REAtimRnti UuS. te. Q. e. 90Ople re asonet ilia a stillirenter future res in tore foris an hocould e reticent abolit nubie venient So note WOrthy. - Tlle Oti Struetion is ,robabi an elliptica dative allier than an ablat abs. Se notech. 34, 30. 21. tam magna more emphatic linia tanta nil comparativelyrare. - Vith the liougiit ep. JuStin XI. 1, ita moderate de se multa pollicitus est, ut ad araret plura eum eaeperimentis reservare Rud Ann. II. 22, si se nihil a latit, metu invidiae an ratus conscientiam
the temp r. 23. ootu per aliena Sperimenta : aught y the experien eos thers. o Dial. 1. 6 eruditus . . . alieni experimentiS. Forthe meaningi experimentum, eo note h. 6, 24.2Φ. πCictere rein ore, eradicate. P. Cic. de pros consul. 18, 43, tristissimum temseu . . . eae animo . . . eaecidere. Surgicalor medica metaphors re comparativel rare in Tacitus anu elS0Where in Latin excepi in Cicero, ho ad a peculia fonduses torinem.
Spe Introd. P. XXVi. 29. ACire exoptimum . . . PutaTe m Scire Sed optimum . . . ascire quia elim . . . puta ut On the prolesSi S, Se Introd. p. XXX.
31. Conmoctare isthibere. Ita his sense the ver Seem no toOccur et Se here P. Introd. P. XXXVii. 32. EO Oen . . . Contentu ERAE: e considerest satisfactionalia ined not tway by punishment, ut more fleu by repetitauce. Observe the alliterative antillies iS, 11 hieli See Introd. p. in viii.
se Sulla ain thereniter ecasionali in ther riterS. 15. octeAtiam, modestos, the abStraut O the concrete P. ch. 16, 21. In iis militar SonSe Synonymou With obsequium, nil Oppose to discor lia, here expressed by disiectos, strastylers rom theran s. Observe the hinSmus.16. Aeatuaria: ni Sti region ne a the ea nil under ator athigii isto. Unies ille topographymi Brita in has undergone considerable changes, the present passage Ouid indicat ilia Agricola' marchwas long the post Oa St. PraetemPtare e lored tu adoance, a poetierunt post Augustan phraso p. v. et XIV. 189. 17. Et nihil, neque quidquam. p. note el1. 6, 23. interim: ut the sume time. So irequently in TacituS. quietum Palici P. Sall. Iust. 66, , nihil intactum neque quietum pati quo minusi quin, ut A good instance of the idiomatio Se i hypotaXis, es p. frequent illi quominus and quin, here e refer eo ordination illi an adverSative conjunetion. p. e. g. Ter Hecyr. I. 1, 7 iv. I. 2.2 ac Dial. 8, 4. IB. popularetur the abSolute se of this veri, is no uncommonii Tacitus. ut sis ne ver Oin a persona object illicit, e must Suppi in iliought so in phras like hostium aurOS. 19. TurAu ou the thor haud SO Sed in Went Other assages in Tacitus inCitamenta incentii es, Sed on the analogyo incitamenta belli An n. XII. 42 . p. h. 32, 7, incitamenta
on the collocationi abstra et anil concreto notans, a peculiarly agiteanuSnge, P. Introd. P. XXXi V. - circumdatae is sed απι κοινου in iis proper Sonse illa praesidiis, te. figurati Vely illa ratione, et . p. Introd. P. XXX ij. - Οn the media poSition O the Verbi e Introd.
23. pariter inlaCEAAita uti molested tot like destree, i. e. the Brit-ons eremo subduei in pitchestiatiles Agricola arrivingit the fame resulti a constitiator poticy. Se the pnSSage abOVe nihil . . . Ostentare . The Ver Seem to bera aettean Oinage, an Oeeur again Germ. 36, 17.2Φ. transierit: c. ad Romanos. For a Simila abSO ite Se ep.LiV XXVI. 12 6, ut qui civis . . . transisset O deSerterS).
Chapter i. 25. in olla faciles faciles illi in in placo os
ad n ni S et SeWhere in Tacitus, is found ut raroly. illi ho Simila expression pronus and promptus, Oth ad ani in re sed
pla: a rhotorica plurat, sed for the alie Oi Symmetr With fora, domos for the temple to Claudiu a Camulodunum leuis to have been the Only ne in Xi Stence. p. note eli. 5, 4. The cumulative foro os ille asyndeton et martis the ager haste of the Britons. 3O ingenia Britannorum Aluctii Gallorum cinyenia et studia B. studiis et inuentis . An instanc O the So-callest comparatio compendiaria. O Xacti Dial. 1, 22, qui nostrorum temporum eloquentiam antiquorum instentis anteferret CP. Introd. P. XXXi. 32. Eloquentiam iis literature, a common mean in in ΟS Augustan writers The truthii hi state ment is atri open to question At ali venis, ut a te Latin derivatives have furvived in Englisti ironi the timo of tho Ornan Ceupation, S E. g. mite, Ort, Street, nil, ino, Wieli vicus), Chestor castra). - p. alSO JBV XV. 111 Gallia causidicos docuit facunda ritannos De conducendo loquitur iam rhetore Thule.
able the orbon usual alter inde Dein Omitted. s. Introd. P. XXXi. Et frequen toga Sc. adspiciebatili , audis a resul the tosta das osten se n. in hi epeXegetio et ep. note ch. 1, 5. 2. Elenimenta vitiorum: seminate and pro lissese ab iis. PortiCu et . . . Et the olySyndeton emphasiges acti element in
the enumeration. Se Introd. p. XXVH. Alinean: e. g. t Agitae Sulis, the modern Buth. - These enervatin luXurie are denouncedi, Boudicca a P. Dio Cass. LXII. 6, 4, εἴγε καὶ ἁνδρας χρη καλειν
3. Ictque : Or eaque. O h. 43 8 cura illa d. Regulari attracted in h. 4, 3 7 8. Puct, inter Soliten. mPETito : OOlS, the illiterate. q. AT arssumentum, pro . For his mean ing, P. Hist. II. 47 III 4 3 IV. 86. With tho thought, 9 Hist. IV. 64, Oli Matibus quibus Romani plus adversus subiectos quam armis alent, unu ch. 16 25. Chapter 22. S. Tertius annus . . . Aperuit 80 A. D. Miththe personification et . note h. I, 2. s. vaAtati m et astutis is raret applied to person excepi in Tacitus. Tanaum the location O this allege estuar i unde terminablo, excepi that it a in the weSt, nil, RS Ovas stente ShOWS, noriti O the territor of the Brigantes, an no farciromoli Clota
I. Qua formictine i cuius cladis . A very common rne 1ylogical Se of the pronouit, Occurring S early a PlautuS. D. Spatium time. Golatiant, etc. the Same is predicateloi Hannibal Liv. XXXV. 14, ), o Philopoemen id. XXXV. 28, 1), ando Vespasian Tac Hist. II. ).1O. Pportunitate loCorum m opporttina loca CP. e. g. mSt. III. 34, opportunitate suminum m Opportunis fluminibus).11. ut . . . ut ACcione a fugaci ac S sed for aut in huthir member, oenus ille No notan formis ne roup, OPPOSed O vi. . . e Munatum, the Ormer pactione precedin the a tua atta koi a besiegin enomy the lalter fissa his arrival With the collocation, P. HiSt. II. 37, aut Mercitu . . . aut leuato ac duce8.13. nam, lilce enim, iten implie an ellipsis. Sociar irom sus-taining an losses, the Roman frequently 8Sume the ostensive crebrae eruptiones), io the were et Supplied illi provisions, hielirendere illem Secure against a protracte bioeliade. 1g. intrepicta the inter assed ithout diSturbane irom theenemy. In his Sense, the worn is founi in Taeitu Ont here. 15. 1iritis, o person is oetieri in prose firS in Veli Pal. II. 63, 2.
s id in him an impartia estimator appruiser of his deest, testis
22. ECTEtum et . : . . unlike e. g. Omitian ch. 39, 17 42 20)ani Tiberius Aun. I. 69, odia in Onyum iaciens quae reconderet auctaqtie promeret), be ave XPreSSion to his indignation lisen in angor, ut dii no Secreti cheristi an iurther resentinent ut
. . . timereS: O the SubjUneti Ve, P. h. 2, 31 tit internoscas. 23. offencter . . . MAA : On the alliterative antithesis, p. Introd. P. XXViii.
27 pateretur On the Singula Prediente, Se note h. 4, 21. -
io occur olore Solinus 250 A. D.). Superat: reland With an aream 32, 337 quare miles, Xeeed Sicily the larges istant in huMediterransean by 22, 401 quare mileS. s. ingenia ultusque . . . ifferunt ObServe the symmetrient grouping illi solaim caelumque. The Samo Phras Oeeur in Mela, II. 1 9 instenta cultusque sentium disserunt. The statem en itseli is at variatico illi the aceounts iven by earlier riters, .g. Strabo IV. 5, 4 Mela, III. . a Britannia mi solo caeloque et instentis cultuque Britannorum, an inStance Oi comparatio compendiaria. p.
LO. De ConmerCia et negotiatores: probabi Britisti traders,
but thoi information, as in the ense of the mercatores questione by
regulo, io Tacitus could o have et his Iristi hieitain. - his,ch. 4, 15, and h. 44, 30 are the ni passages in his reatis in hicli Agricola is directi cite asino of Tacitus' solaree o information. 1g. legione una et octigi auriliis the hiasmus emphasi gestina anu modicis, andalum gives additiona fore to Agricola' sanguine conviction in the matter. elaellari a poetic ord, occurring 1irstin Vergil. 15. ActvETSu . . . Profuturum: nouid resto unda the at antasse . The reposition XPresses meret relation tostariis, the hoStile oririendi sense se in given by the contexi profuturum), a Sage
more common in Tacitus than in reviou Writers. 16. arma e. SSent. On the ellipsis of the subjunctive o esse, especiali Whon another Subjunetiveri addest, Se Introd. p. xxii.
Chapter 25. B. Ceterum a particle ite used by Tacitus ontho resumption o a Subjectinitor a di ession to thorarie account itherunsuccessivi expedition to Ιreland is of that naturo. AEStum
2O ultra : Sed a an adjecti Voci P. note ch. 10, 8. 22. Primum actAumpta in partem virium: i. o. Agricola nom
Zeugnia. The liras i poeti and Oecur Ont here. 2 g. castris: On the ablatiVO O place here, Se note h. 12, 4. pecte equesque the armν the tW term joined by que tormingone rou9, to hieli et add nauticus miles the navν p. note h. 12 3. 25. Copii Et laetitia: okj Uy hariny their rations On thocollocationis the oneret anu ni Strnet, Se Introd. P. XXXiU. 25. Acttollerent se laudibus, ruised to the s ies With hismpaning the absoluto Se of the Veri, is Poetic, ut ver common in Taei tuS mocto . . . actVETAM: ObServe the Symmetrica libration. 27. in . . . inC: O inde ViZ. pedes eque89Τte . . . inc vi Z. aut imis miles). hi correlation is also Vergilian militarilaCtantia, etc. the aSSage ear a remari able resembla ne to Luenia, Phars. IV. 190 f., et miles castris permiaetu . . . concordeScaespite mensas Instituunt . . . Eaetrahit insomnis bellori in fabula noctes Quo primum steterint campo, quo lancea deaetra Exierit dum
attention otia directe to it by the respective position o the contrastest ternis. Mitti the Ollowin para graph Tacitus return to the
32. manus et arma th more specillo term addet to the generio, on hicli se Introd. p. XXX. - ΟbSerV in ellipsis icissitur Cp. h.