장음표시 사용
Hephaestione comitatus X. 8, 3, pueri comitatus and 3in XIV. 8, trierar in . . . comitatum Thi idiona must De caretuli distin guishod iro in the sago notet On ch. 2, 17. 12. DE Amditionem : by utreari di lay deSignei to gain popularity. p. h. 29, 23. The ori here elOSely appronches iis originalinea ning captatio favoris). EAtimare : Suali construe With a simple ablative or With illi per though a Ver eouamon substitute for the ablativo in Tacitu ep. note oti. 9, 9), ni here nil in Liv. XXXVIII. 47, 10. viso actApECtoque the more poetii termaddet to tho generio, for adspicere implios See in iaceo face. So
understood the motives of his concluet naniely the des ire noto invite in open enmit of the semperor and the enu o tho otiosi), and recogniZ0st his gareat nos in Spite o his attem p to concea it. Chapter i. q. eoA MEA: the perio subsequent to his recall.
RUAenA, etc. note liment Plinii anaphor and the alliterativo antith0Sic accusatus - absolutus , On hiel See Introd. p. XXViii. 1 P. ESSimum . . . S B in appoSition to laudantes Theprecedene O the appoSition is more common in Tacitus than in pr0vious riters FO a Ver Simila collocation, ep. Hist. I. 15 adulatio. blanditiae et pessinium veri adfectu venenum ua cuique utilitas.
21. militare viri a Phra se of irequent Occurrene in Tacitus, designatin nren Oi an and nillitar OXpseriene a opposset to thocommon milites of the cohort Here it a b rendered .cers. 22. Spugnati Oi person firS in a Single paSSage i neSar, Vig. B. G. VII. 10, 1 then repentedi in Lisy, .g. XXII. 30, 2, and in laterprose limite the Celebrat sed times Romam cor ironiter line of defendes, Stretchin ironi the Rhinomen Cologne to alisbon on the Danube a distanc o 350 miles Domitian ad uili and ait out a considerable parti it. 23. Et ripa here an Germ. 28, 18, of the Danube, ut eis0whero in Tacitus, heia Sed absolutely, it refers to the Rhine, the contexi proventin an ambiguity. - The et i epeXegetie, that icto say. So Aun. I. 1 consilium mihi pauca de ustusto et extrema tradere.
2Φ. cluditatum os in uestion, ut sta e With the Phrase, p. Lucret. III 836 illi the thought Cie Acad. r. II. 43, 132.ctamna amni Continuarentur 'hen ne Hisaster folio sed closetisupon the ther. p. iv. II 64, 2 continuatur paci aeternae confestim discordia domi. XXXI. 41, P Lucret. III. l. 25. omni annu : ear after ear funerilaua deaths. In this signification the ori is poetio nil in Tacitus ound ni here, though he repeate di uses it in the quali poetic, ut raro, Sensem a
2 P. Constantiam: intrepidity, OppoSed O formido, a uissorem to inertia. EXPertum Delli animum: viales Tacitus rote belli, res in Verg. Aen. X. 73, belli ne eri08 Hist. IV. 76, militem . . .
expertumque belli, it ill e proferable to tali bellis in tho senso Oi proeliis, o e. g. Hist. IV. 58, sirenum belli Batavus dubit for
Agricola es militar eXperione Was continet to the war against the Britons n et alter an a Syndeton, Se Introd. P. XXViii. 29. auri verUeratam the ear mere tormented a colloquini metaphor, found ns early a Plautus, e .g. Amph. I. , 77. ctum: vhile, vitii tho imperieci indicative, for temPorni ci m e. g. Hist. I. 1.
3O. amore et ficte: Se erya saniti Gin m. Adhortabantur mustbe supplied by Zeugma uti exstimulabant. 9. Introd. P. XXXii. With ille coni bination, p. Hist. I. 76 and h. 32, 4. The ablatives arocnuSal. malignitat et livoro Se in cyricolam. Instrumentala blatives, oinei to balano ille synonymi grou Preceding. Onolle collocation, Se note Dial. 23 10. Ρage 28. 1. pronum re a VOrite Ord DTaeitus construet also
With od o tu. Witti dative res here, eh. 33, 13. eteriorilauA: neutor Tacitus is habituali uiam indiu of the possibi ambiguit oi Sueli Ornis Cp. e. g. h. 1, 3 6, 22 Diul. 10, 8 21, 1, Hist. I. 51, recentibus Ann. IV. 59, n udentibus, and speciali osten in thegenitive iurat.
2. Aut virtutilau . . . vitii aliorum: in the alliterative antithesis combinsed illi chiasmus se Introd. p. XXviii, and illi the Sentiment, P. te pro te s. an. 23, 67, y usi vero Cn. Pompeium non cum suis virtutibus, tum etiam alienis vitii mare num esse videamus. 3. ipsam gloriam: i. e. the Ver fante hiel Agrie ita aeuor lingio ch. 40, 8 ff., ad Ao Studio asty VΟided. PraeCese agedatur: hui ted headlony. The prominence O aequire t repreSented not
B. ultro: uratuit busire, i. e. the Were O ager o have Agricolawithdra that th0 could not ait ill he had done o of his o unae cord a probabilit foreShndo ed by nec . . . deerat, ut actuallyask0d him to annotino his decision to item at Once. 9. OCCultiuA: Oλὶ eat in their purpo se, OPPOSed to non iam obscuri. quietem et otium: On hi Synonymi collocation, p.
pressest, is recordest in the Acta Arvalium Sorte proconsul factus provinciae Asiae se aecusavit Se C. Salvius Liberali Nonius BASAus, about 100 A. D. unde Trajnn). p. also Aun. III. 35 Lepidum et Blaesum nominarit, eae qui proconsule Africae esseretur . . . intontius excusante se Lepido Tacitus cloe notimi the reflexive pronouit in his phrase, Xoepi heia the accusative of the hin allegod in
Son de tranq. 14 4, Gaio Caesari astebant oratias et quorum librio cis et quorum bona ablata erant de ira II. 33, 2. Denoficii invictiaci the iuridio usu es of the allested favor. FO a Simila troii y, closely approacti in the figure Xymoron, P. Hist. I. 21, eae illi hono
salary, ut Agricola A eiusal to accepi it eould Oni liave been purchassed after illa d been granted. 1B. Proprium, etc. Willi ille Sentiment a b compared Sen. de ira II. 33, 1 hoc habent pessimum animi . . . in SolenteS quos
19. vero: Ois, introdue in tho applientionis the genera maximio a partieularia Se PraeCeps in iram S in Liv. XXIII. 7, 12, and like promptus, pronus, facilis construed both ith in and d. inrevociatillior i implacabilior iis substitute et seWhere in aditus)is ellipsi poetio anu rare. Itiueui sciti si in Lucret. I. 468, here it is applied to time. 22. famam fatumquo provoCatiat challensse distinction unddeuth. The alliterative collo ention is Vergilian, e. g. Aen. VII. 7s VIII. 731. fatun is no usseu et se here in Tacitus o an uti moly
Claruerunt: observe the fine esseet os ille Se two Diost favore ofrhytlimica clausulae, giving a Sonoroia Gni Sh to eight Senti mentis. CP note ch. 30, 2.25. inctuAtria a vigor actAint On the plural redicate illi two abstractioians Oinodi ac See note h. 4, 21. 26. plerique litiu mi, the classieni Signification, ut pry rare
the majorit Who lacla the qualitie jus mentiori sed and injustioloustyrebel against nulliorit inny in deed, ais reneli rent renoWn, ut theydo So ove perilous paths, heir fior culmina ting, without an ultimate enses to thoi country, in a sensationa uenili Tacitus oes noti liove in politioni martyrdom, ii ii is no likel to bring bout the Haligationi tho obj0et fought ior. p. An n. IV. 20 XIV. 12, sibi causam pericubi fecit Se Thrasea), ceteris libertatis initium non praebuit. Chapte 43. 29. FiniA. etc. his ope ning parngraph et OSoly Ossembles Ciu de orat. III. 2 8 fuit hoc se mors Crassi Di tuosum
suis, acerbum patriae, strave bonis omnibus. It Sin rhetorica τόπος preserit,ed io the epilogus. Cp. Introd. p. viii f. SO. Straneis ouisiders in Tacitu agnin Ann. IV. 1, i no
Tae. Anu. XIII. 3 XVI. 22, quoque non Dein frequently thus used ignotisque: and no even to those Who uere in not. In
mula loquebantur ani Aun. XVI. 22, nunc te . . . civitas loquitur.3. Relatu EAt, te. On the collo setio verborum Se Introd.
tiam quod . . . ir strestius . . . intinctus.
present instanee, alS unsul Stantia ted 73, praetuleritne venescii styna parum constitit. 11. nullo rectonte, set i. e. o ne bellovin that id ings ii received illi genuine cirroW, ouldie Ought illi Auch ager hasto,
th implication e in that Domitian cne ille cause of Agricola silliuess, and de Siroi to learn a qui eici a possibio hether tho pol sontia dono iis uadi Work. Thus Tacitus Virtuali expresse his private conviction that the charge, thougli it could o b dii oetlybi ought homo to the emperor, as SubStantiali triae. Se also ch.
44 P 45, 28 i. Dio Cass. LXVI 20 accuses Domitian uirecti of tho
Conlesta. He is mentione dis ille Oungest X-conSul to givo his optimion in regarn to the punishmenti Martii Priseus, tho proconsul fAfrica, ho a convicted os extortion in 100 4. D. Plin and Tacitus appearin for the laintiis. PriACO the praenomen and nomen gentile are alit: unknown and even the cognomen is doubliui, Deing
bra αυτos inoctio in patio integrae aetati Ereptum the comparison o lite illi a rauo-tra est is a commonplaee, nil occur asearly a Plautus, e g. Stich. I. 2, 23 VS. 4), decurso aetatis spatio but in phras medio in spatio, illi the unusua position of the adjective a here, Seem to have been alien ironi Cio de orat. III. 2, 7 apnSSage hieli ear Ottier Oints of resemblane to these closingehapters. Se below. - utererae is virtuali equi Valenta an a DPOSitionalilause, defining spatio aetatis. IV may thereiore tranState : Cutos in the very prime of life whil his fucullies inere stili unimpati ed. 2 P. quantum act the sua form in Tacitas for the more common quod ottinet ad On hieli See note h. 33, 19.2B. Opilaus nimiis, etc. he ook ii Helisthi in aecessive riches, and asi matter of facti resplendent euith ad 0 fullen to his lol. speciosus S a Ver Strong XpreSSion. P. Hu. III. 55, Opibu . . . speciosus. The Statem erit itSelicis ampi eontii insed by the passages
Sula salar ch. 42, 15), a re allislike incompatibie illi great wealth.