De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


ortos ab Germanis, henumque antiquitus traductos . . . ibi ORSedisse, Gallosque . . . expulisse 10 Condrus 's, Eburones, Caero SOS, Paemanos qui uno nomine Germani adpellantur. 1g. ita nationis. te. thus the num os a tribe. O race,


I. 63, non ob praedam aut spoliandi cupidi re mota Sub8equently the usual ino an in in Tacitus again, h. 10 10. 16. Germanicis the Latin rendition o Some Teutonic ordotio vlost, anu means rethren, andis the nneient themSelVe alWay under-

Se Introd. . li X. Chapte 3. LV. Et, etiam, also, i. e. Hercule a mong therS. Sobelow l. 26. HerCulem i. e. the interfretatio Romana o Graeca idsentisie bim illi Donar Thor), ho a many characteristios andattribute in common illi Hercules Thus, Olli figlit illi iant sani monster an descendo the OWer Orid, both re great an-derer ani benefactor o mala, Dein appealest O as λεξίκακοι, both sinali are sepresente aes sin rusti charaeter an Unuouili demean Or. Othser regarde Jupiter res a belle parallel, heiace dies Iovis, Fr.jeudi Germ. Donnerstast, Engi Thurs lay. p. Introd. P. X. memorant e quidam auctores, a l. 26. Germani is impossibi eliere, o So uel been Se thi WOuid require se in place of eos fortitis confusion Oceur elsewliere in Tacitus, ut simply beenus ille identification in question Ouli not liave emana ted rom tho Germans thomselveS. p. also note ela. 9, 25. Primumque : audis a matteros fuci et Q. On hi asSeveratiVe fore Oi que, See . . , λ 5, 30 6, 27 Primum, principem. P. Lucret. Ι 86, prima virorum.1B. virorum fortium: heroes. The designation is ni apparently inconsistent illi cli 0, 27 ior Hercules is a demigod an os sueti parta est both human and divine characteristius Hero the formerare empha Sigeil, RS also in Ann. II. 12. Canunt e Germani. The sol ne ita abrupi change i Subject is unObjeetionabie, henoverno ambiguit is involvo', as here and h. 5, 17 6, 1, 14, 27 20, 5. Suel batile onys are osten referrest O. 19. Sunt illi haec quoque Carmina i. e. est de the Pi lays, celebratin the κλέα ανδρῶν, liere ure alSO Stili in se uiaec among


description in Ammianus Mareellinus an Other riters. 21. 9A Cantu : .e Willic ut referetice to tho QOntent Oi thoiliant. 22. OCi ille . . . Virtuti Con Centu harmon valor ruther thau of voice. I repro Sente notiso uel a musica harmony, as ne militant Spirit pervadin ille ranks On the alliterativuantithesis, a favori te de Vice Oi Tacitus ep. Introd. yr. P. XXViii. In this reatis again, h. 4, 3 i. 23. AMECtatur : On ii empliati position Oi the Verb See Introd. p. lxvi. It agroes in the Singular illi the parer noun, undis gener- ally, heia placui a thologitin ing, a the Prediente of two subjectA. 2Φ. fractum subdued. Tae. Anu. XIV. 20, fractos sonos. 25. gravio : de per Ceterum here meret a transitionalparticle, i. e. O Oni are e toti that Hercules came, ut even

26. victam opinantur Probabi Posidonius S tho artiost authorit for his information. p. also Solinus XXII. l, ho ischisest ind0biodo Plin in quo recessu Ulixen Caledoniae ad iH- sum manifestat ara Graecis litteris inscripta, and Introd. . vii. Accorditi to rates o Mallos the famous h ad of the schoo os Pergamum 2d Cent. . ), dySSeu renched India by crossing the Atlantio Thereatior e ear o various cities ounded by him, asOdyssea in horia, tisippo in Spain Lusitania), and trades o his presenue On the Rhino ere also found. p. Claudian in usu. I. 123. Dolabiles nil thes traditions we thoi origin to sanciei re-Semblanee to tho nam Ulixes, as Olisippo bove, and OssiblyUlohoXis in Germany opinantur impli es a less segre of credibili ty



31. TEPETtR-: C. Sse ad rinant, O De supplied uti opinantur. monumentaque et tumulo A ilio Specisi is addet to the morse generi term On hiel See Introd. p. lxviii. 32. GraECi litteris, te noS. B. G. I. 29, VI. 14 3, Spe akSO their se amon ilio GaulS. They ere Ore proba bl Writ ten intho ut lighil difforsent Etruscan alphabet, res appear irom Oinsand ironi inscriptions Ouni in consul Laetiae. Ρage 34. 1. neque Confirmaro. etc. liliough quali tyin State-ments of this nature re characteristi Oi Tacitus Se note Dial. 2, 19), his particula passage Seem to e re reminiscenee o Li V. Pra . 6, ea nec ad rinare nec refellere in animo est. U. l. 9, neque adsim mare neque refellere operae pretium est.2. ingenio: disposition.


es. e. g. Diat. 10, 16 infectos best alien in a good ense, notta inted ut chanyed. Ρ the mean in os conrumpere in ch. 23, 3. 6. Propriam et SinCeram : distincti nubi re. Simila SynonyimicgrouPS a re frequent. P. e. g. Diui 28 Hist. IV. 64, sincerus an diui ster uet Aust. 40, sincerus et inconruptus. The Statem sent μdoubiles sexaggerat sed and duo to the onera tende ne of the Greel sani Roman to idea lige lae Deoples of the Orth. p. Introd. p. Xiii. Et tantum ui similem like ut to iiset Nileueris. Tacitu is fond of round in ossis Polysyndeton or asyndoton D an amplissedet RUSO, et tantu)u, et i, uti lusio in particulari osten inployed for

The Oilinii liabituali Ovorestimatest ille population o Germany. With the ollipsis of the verbo p. h. 4, 31 8, 18. It is Particulari Irsequont in Tacitus illi quamquam and quamvi8. s. DuCEA Et Caerulei Culici these and tho follo in se a tures os the Germans are osten aluuiei to in ancient riters rutilae blonii. Ollior epithet applied to thoi lini a re savus, rufus, auri-

stant mar vel a the inige irames of thei German fo0S. The Statomentit soli has b00n ampi confirmed by the mensuromenis i keleton S. and even tolle present da ille inhabitant of orthw0S Germanyare among the tali est meta known no exceptin ille Patagonians.1O. ct impetum for suduen atta P. The were impetus iis, ut showestio enituranoe. The Samo ObSesvation is frequently mnde, e .g. Tae. An n. II. 14 corpus ut . . . ad breven impetum validum sic nulla vulnerum patientia Sen. de ira, . l, l. latiori atque Operum Tho collocation is ver eoni On. In Tacitus again Hist. II. 10 V. 12 Anii. I. 20 XI. 18. On the ad Vei SatiVe a Syndeton, P. Introd. P. XVii. non Actem patientia: c. quam expectamus demaunis corporibus . .e. liet eniturane cloe no correspondo theirpowertia iram es. The ellipsis is analogous to that iter aeque


360 qualis adest Se concordia Thetidi, qu His concordia se ad st)Peleo anil pertia PS ac m8t. . , supremae clarorum necessitates se fortiter toleratae ipsa Sc. ne essitas fortiter tolerata. lietae itfelicis ii sequently attestsed. p. Hist. II. 93 Plut Mar. 20,

καὶ χίονα φέρειν δυναμένους, καυμα δε καὶ ηλων Ουδαμως. WllereVer,

Posidonius apud Plut Mar. 1l, nil many SubSequent rite I S, P .g, Mela III. 3, 3, terra ipsa . . . multi montibus aspera et mustu eae parte silvis ac paludibus invia and a lato a tho lith contury, Adamoi remen sayS, omnis tractu Germaniae profundis horret mitibus. The mos famousii these primoValfo 3 est a re the Heroynian, nee nis


solae . illi ho statement, P. t S CaeS. B. G. VI. 35, 6, areno Jpecoris numero, cuius sunt cupidissimi barbari potiunt)tr. Argentum et aurum for a restariis, et in , EXPIimator Oi solae, the nrtioles here nam or enim bo in Omitted a Often heia tho importa 14 tword is semphasiged by iis position a the egi nning See note si .eb. 2, 5. illi liis sentiment, a commonplace both in classica undinosteria literature, P. o. g. Vid Met. I. 140 foditi utur opes, inritamenta malorum Hor Carm. II. 3, 49, aurum inrepertum et sic

melius situm cum terra celat.2O. No tamen, te oni apiparenti ContrRsti et Sola . . . Opes,


Germany CP. An n. XI. 20, nec tilio tost 4 A. D. Curtius Rufus . . . tu astro Mattiaco the ni Oderii iesbadon recti serat Specus Vi aerendis veni arc/enti, nil tenui fructus uec in Onyum fuit.

The iam bus Rhino oldii the ibet ungen saga is no mentionest ill


Chapteri . . ferrum: Observe the kiliui transition, the mention os preelous metal le ad in to that of iron, and this, in turn, o