De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


utitur, ita praecellet atque exinde sapere eun Omne dicimUS . . . stultum autem illum quoi orti male Cie pro ab . . , consilia eventis ponderemus et cui bene quid proce8Serit, mu tum illum providisse, cui secus, nihil sensisse dicamus. TraCti uinx: O Hist.

III. 29, and vid. II et VIII. 497. 23. Fo At illis tribo is noWhere eis mentioned, ein probablyat ways includ est unde the nam Cherusci. The Supposition that the

CRAtT AC APRti m castrorum spatia o castra spatiosa. HendindyS,

castra lato ambitu . . . trium lessionum manus ostentabant. ObServeth alliteration nihil hinSm S.


1 arva civitas. 5. alterum . . . OnAulatum .E. RI4 1. 98 A. D. Trajan Succeestin Nerva, tio diei Jan. 27 of the Same ear This passage lixes in date os composition of the Germania. s. uoenti Ermo Et cleCem i. o. irom 11 D. M 98 A. D. O 211years the ad ver abo ut justitying the round numbor. P. Conliguntur : a re made ut CP noto Dial. 17, 1. tam ctiuGermania vincitur: o On have me been conquerin Germanν, ille present tens implying, With a lovehi sarcasm, that the Romans Were a farra eve remove Mirom actua conque St. p. iv. IX. 3, 2, quem Se Samnitem hostem per annos iam prope tristinia vincimus. Such boast Apomo have been very common. Soe Sp. AuguStu in the Monum. Ancyr. V. 26 and est l. Pal. II. 96 f. 104 ff. B. ectio . . . Patio: irith in the pace of this Ony period. multa in viCem clamna se fuerunt, in viceim on both sides taking the place of an attributive adjecti voci it is a suci alWays in mediat POSition. P. Hist. I. 65, multae in vicem clades IV. 37 mayuisque in vicem cladibus and note h. 8, 17.9. Non Samni the three Samnite ars astest rom 343 341, 327 304, 298 290 in thes the visaster of th Caudin Fork in 321

pelledri paSA Unde the Oke non Poenici more particulairly the secon O Hannibali War 2l8 20 l) signatiged by the doleat of the


Romans at Ticinus, ille Trebia, alie Tra Simene an above ali Cannae 2 lyn. α). non Hispaniae the refere ne i to the Severe ossessusta ined by the Roman in the Celtiberian an Lusitani an revolis, unde Viriathus and Deiore Numantia ib4-139 B. α). Galliaeve a Caesar' campaign are referre t belOW, the allusion is here more

Roman victory. The change rom the Singula to the plural iroin thenames of pople to the a me of Ountries, is a Tacit ean device toavoti monotony. p. Sp. Anu. II 60 Libya Aethiopia Modisqi e Persis et Bactriano ac Sc/ltha potitum.1O. ne Parthi qui ctem Rome' Struggles illi Parthia, egi uiunde Caesar, hau praetieatly eo me to an nil in the rei gnii Augustus.

death by the Parthians at the batile o Carrhae in Mesopotamia), June 9, 34. Q. Et ipse, i ei se, elong t Oriens, alii the abi live absolute ero an oris active participio in the nominative καὶ

ropeatocli in Taeitus p. note Acyr. 26, 7, diriSO et ipse . . . Xercitu. 13. Pacoro Pacorus, ille ourteenthii the ArSaci dynasty sonos rodes the ait o Brutus and Cassius, a deleate and lain by Ventidius in 38 p. o. aeeordinito tradition On the very da o Crassus death. infra Ventimum P. I entidius Bassus, at One time a mule ieer, ecam Pontifex maXimuS, Praetor, ani finalty OnSul in 444. , throuo th influone o Casesar. Aes e status of Anton he secureda triumph ver the Parthians, and on his death as honorest illi a public funerat Tacitus means to a that the Orient more than atonedior ille murder of Crassus by the los O Pacorus, and by eing, san additiona humiliation, troilden under Oo by a manis Ventidius


1 . artione Cn. Papirius Carbo a deleat0d by the inibi iat ore in Illyria), iii 113 n. c. The nox deleati M. Iunius Silanus,

in 109 D. C., is here Oniit ted beenus it Was insignifieant in cona Pari sonmitti tho thors Liv miit. 65, ad rei si s Cimbros infeliciter pust narit) in aut Eutrop. IV. 27, represent i a a Viet ory. CAAAio : L. Cassius onyintis ascicilled by the Tigurini a Helveti an tribe allies of the Ciuibri, in 10 n. in an his arm Sent unde the olae BC auro Aurelio M. Aureliit Scui rus, the legatus o Mallius, a talion prisono by the Cimbrian in Boiorix, and ut o enth in 10 D. c. On the transposition o the Ognomen, spe not S Dial l 1 and Astr. 2, 17. Servilio Caopione Gnaeoque allio : C. Servilius Caepio and Cn. a ius Maximus, consul in 100 and 10β respectively, eresseparat ly 0f0ate in l05 at Arausio the modern range ora the Rhono), ne of the mos appali in cli Saster Wilioli Rome ver us-tained even thougii the Statem ent that 120 000 ere statu e grossly

15. quinque notis triet lyrae Curate, o Se nuru Was ut a lestati sWho comman led ni a delachment of the consula army. 16. Aimul: ne after another, .e in Sueli rapit sue cession it 105 as to appea lilio ne continuoUS War. P. O.g. LiV. VI. 4 l. tri tui simul bellorum victor se Camilliis . populo Romano the Roma ii emblic, RS OPPOSesto Caesari an in peror. In his ense agnin Hist. I. , dum res populi Romani memorabantur; ut else-where in Tuditus, o hom his sago Soem to e poeuliar, vetus Orprior is addod Alin. I. 1; IV. 32 XI. 24.17. Caesari the mention O Varus and Divus Julius, elow, est no doub to any Roman easter that AuguStus a meant here. Julius Caesar is styled by Tacitus otther Divus Iulius a dictator Caesar, X-cept Hist. III. 60, non a Caesare Pompeium, non ustusto Antonium, wh0re the antithesi and tho contextirevented an ambiguity.1B. .marius in Italia the retorsene is particulari to the


throno in 14 Λ. D. He ought the Germansim'ing the yearsit. C. 11 A. D. Germaniciua in Germany irona 4-10 .D. His encounter With tho Germans are narrate by Tacitu in Aun. I. 34-51. 66 7 II 6 26. 20. mota Subsequently i. e. 40 A. D. ingentos Gai Caesaris . . . versa : On hi mock Campnign o Caligula, Se Astr. 13, 23 f.; Hist. IV. 15 Gaianarum expeditionum ludibrium Suet. Calig. 43 f.; Dio Cass. LIX. 21. 21. Incte : noli ellipsis Sual illi theSe partietes, P. note h. 9, 29. Otium: i. e. relatiVely, When compared illi ho vigorous eXpedition O forinor ears Cp. Anu. XI. 18 ff. XII. 27 f. XIII.

53 i. o Casione MACOrctine, etc. i. e. 69-70 A. D. the onytim et unum annum. Whiel compriSed the Struggies of Galba Otho Vitellius an VeSpa Si n. 22. Civilituri armorum added by way oi parer definition to discordiae. Seo Introd. p. XViii. EXPugnati . . . idernis , L. Castra Vetera. On the o ver hine, ne a the modern anten, hic

23. Gallia actfectavero : Se Germani reached ut for eo veted. Vith tho eXpreSSion, P. . . Hist. IV. 17, Galliarum societatem Civilis . . . adfectabat. incte here Used in aloeat, immediatet above in a tempora SenSe pulsi vi g. by Petilius Cerealis in 70 Λ. D. 2 g. prorimis temporitius i. e. in the rei gn Oi Domitian Who,

though no pressent in person celebrate lis triumphive the Chatti in 83 . D. p. note Astr. 39, 19. Tacitus intentionali avoid the mentioni th hat ei despot here ver ossibie. p. note ch. 29, 17 32 29. triumphati, te the transitivo use of this serti is sirst ound in Vergil e .g. Geory III. 33 Aen. VI. 36) therealter qui te irequently both in Oetr anu Prose in acitus e. g. An n. XII. 19. Vith the epigrammati phrase, P. Florus IV. 12, 30 Germani victimastis quam domiti erant, a possibi remini Scene of thi paSSage. Chapter 88. 25. Suedisci Caesar B. G. IV. 1, 3, and traho, VII. 1, 3, hil agreeing illi Tacitus in rogarding the Suebi a the most numerous of the Germani tribes, di no as et recognige thei composite haraeter The vas extent assigne to them in the Germania may be due partiali to the great Suebic confederae uncter MaroboduuSin the eig o Tiberius, hieli embraee many non-Suebi tribeS, parti to the fac that the vaguenses of the nam itseli it mean Sivanderers easti lent it felicio a generi designation The folio ing


9aSSage Seem to intimate a proces of expansion simila to that i Germani eli. 2, 14), the nam os a single tribe gradually prendi nitoman othors, hile the origina nam os reasSerte themSelves at various times to the tota or partia extinctior of the generi appellation. This ould also account for the aut lint the Suebi, describsed by Caesar, Aeem orae non ollier ilian the Chatti and Semnones. 26. RiΟTE . . . latinent: i. e. the territor belWeon tho Danube and th Ballio, excuisive o the Vandilii Seo iap. In these geographie a Chapter Tacitus is olearly Ollowin cliffersnt authoriti se ironi hos in h. 2.

S. TRTum et C. an X tremel condense expression to horrentem . . . retorquere . . . relistare in aliis stentibus rarum et q)tidem solun intra . . . Spatium, apud Suebo HSque . . . canitiem mos est. On the se of rarum a an a PDOSitive here equivaletit O a3 O t siti pa


torritus a red-colore laus of hair or ea thers aptabatur SOme Such highi coloret ornaments are probabi alluded tolere. s. a. id, tu his respect by attraction i. e. o in do theytie Sto care pon thei externa appearaneo. Probabi T. Wrote eo innoxia: arm Iess, a term justi sied by the odoWing. 9. Ament amenturque as a the ense illi the jeuuesse doree fu Ome. The combination o an active anilia SSive is an idiomati Wayof XPreSSing reeiproeat o mutua relationes. p. e. g. Catuli. XLV. 20. mutui animis amant amanti r Cic. Cat. II. 10 22 f., hi pueri tum lepidi, tam deliciat amare et amari didicerunt Phaedr. II. 2, 1, ament, amentur and h. 19, 15. Aect in adversative Syndeton. See

Introd. P. XVii. 1O. Comptius hostium Culi i. e. nou tit Romani feminarum oculis se ornant. P. Cie. Cui . . .

more OVer ilia a curiou religiolis rite common to the Suebi race Waslocali Zed in thei territor is alien ius a pro of O it origin mong them, and ence of theiriwn antiqui ty. . religione : a sacred rite.

So h. 43 24 Ann. XIII. 10 XV. 23, io the religio iis bellos O barbarians Tacitas styled superstitio a belo l. 20. P. Ote ch. , . Stato tempor vig the endii September and Deginningo October.


quotation, S, hoWeVer inulty a in prOS patrum an sacram ouldbe pronouneed pu-trum, α-cram. For Other rhythmica lines, ep. 8, 30, bellorum . . . incipientiS 32, 3I, praecellunt, . . . laus 46 8, hi . . . referuntur. P. alSo note Astr. 0 14 nil for thelboetica coloring erg. Aen. VII. 170, tectum horrendum silvis et relissione parentum VIII. 97 relistione sacrae et saevi omni line MartiS. 1g. omne eiuActem anguinis probabi the Herminones, Otal the Suebi, o sanguis connotes a Diuch lose relationsili than stens, the three division given in h. 2, 7, Dein S many cul unions. Iogationilaus the instrumenta ablative tor per essationes ThiseonStruction, though ery common, i perhaps no else hsere found in Tacitus Witti person an an active Verb Ann. II. 79, an Astr. 30 4,

ii the nume of the state, .cialty a in h. 15, 15, O openly, in thesisthi fili, a contraste With h. 40, 15 f. the lalter is preferable io that sacrifices at great religiolis festivales ore performe publice is


22. AMCit auctoritatem : se nobilitatis, i. e. leniis color to thoirolatu otio in nobilissimi a ueli eniter expreSSion than lites . . . Armatur bove, here Se note Centum pagis halaitant thosam Statomen is ad O the Suebi in pia erat L Caes. . . I. 37, 3 IV. 1, 4. It ponas to have been a tereotypost formula to designat a populous trib0. With the intransitive use of habitare, P. An n.

23. Corpore: multitude. Somiten. In Tacitus again Hist. IV. 64. p. ur a lodymi men. Here the term a probabi suggested by captit. 2Φ. Caput at the heud. p. Hist. I. 5. IV. 6 3. The entire

phras is a mere variationi nobilissim OS . . . memorant.


lli Chauci and tho semnones, ut o the Chorusci, an e here

25. per Useqvium: libro the Cherusci, formXamplo 27. Proelii a periClitancto: by arnis and astyression On thealliterative rous in g, Se Introd. p. lxviii, and On the favorit Taciteancollocation o aper lauS With an ablative, Se ibid. p. XX. Veli Pal. l. c. style the Langobardi stens etiam Germana feritate ferocior and thei later histor in a meaSure conlirm thi Statem ent. Reuctigescion the location of these mali tribes, O Whom, illi the exception illi Anglii an Varini, the ancient kne acti ille a We do, Se map. cteincte in a loca Sense occurs in Tacitus Ont here, ch. 42, 1 44 9, andi generali rare, e. g. Liv. XXII. 4, 2 but dein S ery commoni S used. 2B. Avione : no elsewhere mentioned. Anglii the fame

Who, unde Hengist an Horsa in the ili centu , invadest Britain. Ethnologicalty the Aeemo have bolonge to the fame stens a the Varini the Warni O later timos. Th0Ware probabi identica withtho Thuringi an in istille Germany wheno the migratet to the Schleswi peninsula, the Anglii having it Ouid Seem, precedest them. This hypothesis ould plausibi account for the titi of thei oldestia : leae Anyliorum et Merinori in hoc est Thurinyortim. Eucto AEA unles the orde followed by Tacitus is qui te haphagarit, hielicis incompatibie illi the systemati plan Oi these geographical hapters, his authorities or a mustiave placed his tribo outh, O noriti, fili Anglii an Varini They are generali identifi0 witholi later

lli regi Ons lisero e must SuppOSe hos tribes to avo weli. NEC HGquam . . . in Conmune Stighil illogical for e expecteither nec . . . in illis, 3ὶ is quod Or nec . . . in institiis, sed in commune. p. h. 27, 1 ff. in n. III. 27 non modo in conmune, sed in singulos homineS.