장음표시 사용
an in Plin V. H. III. 25, 28, 148h; li forni aris i. ause oecurs
lli alternatives here fiered, ni the irest hypothesi is ethnologicallyaeeoptable. The Si, OSSibi by regreement, remainest in thei territor While thoir insinen tho Aravisci, crossed the Danubo the departure Dein probabi due o ver-population. A simila cause Orth migrationi certa in Gallio tribocis gi veni Liv. V. 34, 3, u this plausibi solution of the problem id not ceu to Tacitus o his
19. Treveri in Gallici Belgi an tribo, of llicli Caes. D. VIII. 25, 2 SayS, propter Germaniae vicinitatem cotidianis exercita bellis cultu et feritate non militum a formanis disserebat. The callest in Roman id against thoi Germa n aggressor ani are frequently mentionsed in ur OureeS. Their nnuio Aurvives in Trier o Trhvos i Augusta Treverorum) thei capital Nerviici the ostio ver-iu of th Bolgian auis, sellonown to Scirona CaeSar A eampnigna gainst them, hicli ended in lipi Virtunt extermination. Caesar
her attribute to these tribe iS, S Sual, a mero ancy 09. Ote h. 7, 5), a thei vigorous OPPOSition to CaeSar ProveS. 21. Per . . . gloriam: per O the instrumenta ablative is orycommon in Tacitus. Similituctine et inertia : the pestili termaddet to the generat in hieli Tacite an Sage P. Introd. p. lXVili. Onth slothiulnes of themauis, p. l. 5 an Atyr il linii This is som0what inconsistent With the statem ent in h. 15, ii. and thusiurnishos an ad litiona proos of the purei rhetorica charaeter of the passage. 22. Rheni ripam, hen sed ithout an attributive Ire nostra, dextra or sinistra, Signities ibo est orionian fide of the river. auct Die to bo alien a ind0ed iis position 800uis to indieate, illi
Ρag 47. hapter 29. 1. tiarum gentium: i. e. quae e Germania in Gallias conmistraveri ut cli. 27, 3). Hatavi: their immigration into hat A the ni oderi Holland se ni ap took lacu seioreth time o Capsar, for te ali eady ound them n the insula Rheni, callei Taculus B. G. IV. 10 l). They a re described by Tae Hist. IV. 12, hero the cause of thei departure seditione domestica iusis as ullis tho statument that the were a branch of the Chatti is reiterat0d. The truth of this relation Ahi has pen uniusti calledinto question It i in a mensure confirmed by the alliance hichtho Subsequently qrmed unde Civili 70 A. D. With thu Chatti and
proeliorum . . . Hii, Se note h. 30, 5.
B. Epo Attici a Oi Spoein value. p. yr. 31, 28 in n. XIII. 19. tela atquct arma irequent collocation. p. h. 33, 12, an note Agr. 25, 32.
1O. protulit in the emphnti position, P. Introd. . taVi. 11. ultraque: and in conseque u e the que Dein epeXegetic, whiel also accounts for the repetition of the reposition imperii objective genitive illi rei erontium. Ita, itaque. P. note Cli. 2, 14 Aecte finitiusque : ablative os specification. 12 mente animoque here o insed to balane tho precedin synonymi grou9, iliougii the collocation S Xtremel common, e. g. Ter.
Austr. I. 1, 137 vs. 164 Lueret. III. 140 403 and ne Ilist. I. 4. Agunt: Sed απι κοινου concretei With in sua ripa d vell), figurativol mitti nobiscum sido it h). They 0r organiged iter thedoloret o Civilis in to the tritus Mattiacoriim trensium. 13. Cetera contra Sted only illi in sua ripa, as Silown y hisi quod et in for tho Batavians hau emigrat ed rom thoi ancostrat ahocles. But probabi Tacitus Wrote ceterum. 9A Rclliu terrae Aucte Olo Et Caelo, etc. Uinc to the ver climate of their country the are toti is se of a more spirited disposition. Adhuc a PerpleXin Partielebecause i iis variod mea nings, is horo est alien in the fons of hodie quoque, a in h. 3, 1 28, 9 13 έ, 24. On solo et caelo limate, ep. note h. 4, 2. The platea ui the Mattiae is contra sted illi lio leve of li Batavian fland the resultant characteri Stio here mentione hein stili observabi in the mercuria temperament of the Rhinotander a compared illi the reator stolidit o the utch. The insuetice of climat upon character Was a phenomenon familia tot he ancients. p. 9r. 24, 8 Cie de div. II. 42 89 Who attributes the doctrine to astrologers mela III. 4, 33 ut caeli asperioris, ita instenti ut es9. Posidoniu n9. Galen, de luc. Hipp. V. 290, κατα τας
χωρα ου σι ιικρὼ τινι διενηνοχέναι τοι ηθε τους ὰνθρωπους εἰς δειλίαν καὶ
19. imito : his iam ous frontie line th origina munia in of the word is a pathisci oss) Was hegunt Vespasian considerabi advanoedi, Domitian nihil finisti sed by Hadrian. t extended in ali v0 336
are artisti eatly elaborat ei to adii gli degreo illo style thus reflecting the sincere admiration hieli his Deoplo aroused in the aut hor. The most
epigrammati phrases ch. 30, 1. 3. 5. 7 f. 31, 25 poetica e re sious oh. 30, 23. 24 1. 29 rat 13 15 . 20 . 26 . . 21. Ultra OA on the ther fide of these, .e th Batavi and Mattiaei, ho though Germans, d vult on the ei Lank of tho Rhino, io tho inhabitant of the restri decumates, Dein Gnuis, a re probablyno consistere here Chatti the modern Hessians. Tite arefrs mentione by traho. Caesar probabi included them among the Susibi. 0 hsear of them tho astatim in 392 the nam Hessi not
with thei n0ighbors tho Cherusci anilier unduri initium . . . inCohatur on thi Vor Common Pleona Sm, P. Ote ch. 8, 31 Di l. 1l 18, the mos note Orthy Xample Deing, perhaps LiV. III. 54 9, prima incohastis initia. 22. 11uAi : pr ad mlt. 23. uranteA, etc. for the hilis, thousthahely inclee continue fori distance Tho lauSe XPla in non ita, etc. 24. ATEACunt open ut, i. e. Decome lower uiati the disappear altogether. Tho Phras is poetic in iis figurative ense sirs in Verg. Aen. III. ll, rarescunt claustra Pelori but i molintain properoni h0ro and 0rhaps Lucan III. 7, dubios cernit rarescere montes MSS. vanescere). Chatto Suo his elored Chatti. p. notech. 8, 18. 25. proAequitur Aimul a cleponit a very bolit ut picturosque personification, liene also the Variation satius Hercynius, Or, as meret geographica designation the prope adjectiVe, as aboVe, eems alWay to recede. Prosequitur is is0Where sed of the scorti an orator rom the forum to his home, as a mark i admiration. p. note Dial. . . Sim lac m et . . . t. p. notech. 12 28. Duriora . . . vigor the asyndeton, deal in With physica characteristios, is follo ed by et introduc in a ne idea an intellectua trait), thelast clauso ping as Sually, amplisied. p. h. 44, 11 and Introd. P. IXVii. 27. ut inter Germano considerin they a re Germans for heliad callei them nisens nou astuta nec a lida eli. 22, 7). For his US O ut, P. O te ch. 2 8. PraeponET EIECto : P. h. 7, 29. Observe tho artistic collocation. The Ollowin seven ea refud bal- an sed historical inlinitives are in apposition more Particulari tofoHertiae, hil ille ast membor fortimam, etc. of the asyndet iue numeration is amplissed, clOSin Willi a chiasmus, the Statem enisthenissetv0 Dein in turn in chiaStie apposition to rationis Cp. Introd. p. XVii. 2B. auctire PraepoAitos Cp. Aun. I. 45, onya adversus nos militia i)isueverant se Clierusci et Suebi sequi fissua . . . dicta imperatorum accipere. O the Sual Praelice Oi the GermanS, Se eli. 7, 30 Anu. l. e. audire, illi nec oriat. in the ense of oboedire is rare excepi in the phras dicto audiens. In T. Onlfhere. OEAE orctineE:
Sc. astendi, i. O the a1nderstani lio to et g the proper moinent fora tion P. fur. 4 15. 29. Qifferre impetus i. e. When the are in batile array thse dono Engag the enem unti the Proper mollient presentcitfeli. MA- ponere tem the aSSigia Specisse uti scio differsent ours of thoday h sexpression is i frequent occurre nee vallare nocitem se vallare noctu, a Dolii XPro SSion, coinsed by Tacitus to the saliuos stylisti symmetr With the re ecling. p. note ch. 16, 30. Page 48, 1 inter . . . inter on the repetition O tho reposition in an adversative a Syndeton, Se Introd. p. XVii. Orahe thought, ep. .g. LiV. XXII. 25, 14, bono imperatore haud magni fortunam mo=nenti esse, mentem rationemque dominari Sen. Phoen. 20 fortuna belli semper ancisit in loco est the commonplace charaeter illi sentiment howin re the sam time that iis attribution to tho Chatticis puro ly helctrient. 3. Plu TEPOnere iniuCe, te. re Seem to hau lost iis ore incompotin is earlier ilian the ther rePOSitionS. P. note h. 24, 28, and Liv. II. 39, 1, 1 I is spei repositum Justin. XXIV. 8, 2, plus iudeo . . . reponere. Tliis Dein an important chara et pristic, Ahared aliti by Germans ani RomanS, Tacitus Xpresse his astonishment attho coincidenuo. See note h. 6, 26. With the fa et it Seli, p. e. g. Liv. I. 39, 2, ut facile adpareret ducibus validiorem quam . ercitu
beon uid i liui disciplin0d methodsi Wariare, is superfluous, ut it Was here again empha Sigeu, Partly beenu Se the opposite a So common a nilin amon German tribes ep. e. g. Aun. II. 7, 45), Parilyb0 auso his modum figlitin is more characteristic o cava try, ut in the ense of tho Chatti omne robur in pedite.
exciti sus, the alter O fortuita furena. p. note h. 2, 1. On thenna Phora, Se introd. D. XVii. Cedere, o cedere loco ch. 6, 23), is themore frequent idioni in Tacitus. B. tutata : is morem in o. p. note h. 21, 15. It is combine lWilli propior alS Aun. VI. 42. Chapter l. o. Et moreover populis the Subjective dative.
substantiva use iis neuter singula perfeci passive participi ior a relative clauseris found repentedi in Tacitus and Do raret else Where. Hor it is the subjeci, the following infinitives submittere, exuere b0ingin apposition. p. h. 38, 5; Ote Astr. 1 2. Et, etc. Q. e. andis heret cloes occur is the utcome of the persona boldnes of u indiri luat.11. auctentia a poSt-Au Stan equivalent for u luctu biit in agood sense themordeseemAtot toto iound elseWhere in Consensum vertit: has ecome a recognized practice. With the phrase, p. note Dial. 4, 14 Hist. IV. 65, the ver tiavin the ore of a esseXive or
13. votivum: Such o v are frequently recorded, e. g. Herod.
bet liave iton talion a simila torm. 13. Uligatum virtuti consecratest o valor. For the alae i
Dein iii reulit equivalent O quo habitu se obligarerunt, dor thebeard is not isoli dedicat sed virtuti, ut meret Symboli Ze the voW.
charyed the obligations imposed by birth.
bi , both illi ha precedes and lini Iollows, ut ille author in theriise tori ea fervor hici charaetoriges his admirin account of the Cliatii ovorlookod the incongruity.1B. insuperci in addition, i. e. O he crinem barbamque Sit mittere, etc. p. note ch. 2, 20. ignominiosum i genti tor among tho Romans and amon Germani peopte generat ly, a may be Seen ironi the Βύowuli, his as a mari os rank and distinction. Tho implied referetice to Roman sage AlioW that a fingor in i meant, forother is iliore ould have been no basis for the contrast. Braeeleisas a symbolis bondage elon to later mediae val times. Accordingio Arist. Polit. VII. 2 6 the Macedonians ore a boli unti the had