De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


restricted sense of the amo i dice, though generali used in Latinii an gariae filia nee During the Republic it a repentedi prohibitodb special nacimonis a la o Sulla ein probabintho artisest, ortho leae alearia mentione in Plaut. Mil. Glor. II. 2 9 vs. 164 sequisto pio rathe to the rutes of the game. During the Empir gamblingstourished to an extraordinar degree, many mPeror bo in passion

The contrast here emphasi Zed S, thereiore, lint the sermans, unlike in Romans ep. Suet Octav. l. Domit. l), layed die inter seria, even hon obi ii, and liat the wentis far a to givo up thoi lib0rtyin paymentis a gambliuidebi inter Seria, ut serium. O ery frequently Cp. e. g. h. 30 L Hi8t. IV. iii inter dona ut unum ex donis); Aun. XIII. 23. inter iudices mut iudex). 25. tanta . . . temeritate irit such oolhard indisseretice, inhether the iron or lost. The dea expressed by ludendi is resolvedint iis Wo component paris io the ui pose of securing to the following staternent a more desinite antecedent, Vi Z perdendi temeritas. 26. Efecerunt: i. p. hen ille had Staked ali hei possessions. EStremo a noviAAimo iaCtu the ast aud decisive throw Thopliras is ni apparenti tautologi eat, extremo X pressing the astellance absolutoly novissimo the last that presented itseliin thisice Sion. p. te de div. II. 4:, 9 CaeS. B. I. 5, 3, aetremum atque ultimum. e lilaertat a cte Corpore Contenctant the sta etheir reedom that is to say their very perSon, ille Seeoni Phrase eingadde ep0x0geticali in orcle to desine deibertate more closely. The usual interpretation, de libertate corporis, is rendere impossibi byth repetitioni the prePOSition. 2 P. ViCtus the loser observe the alliterative collocation o nandis belo ). Voliintariam : Or a in modern communitieS,gamblin globi eould noti legali exaetest.2B. iuvenior e victore. Thi POSt-AUgUStan comparatiVe e. g. Sen Rhet. Contr. VII. prae 4 X. 2. Sen. Epist. 26, 7 Plin. N. H. X. 29 43, 3 there niter frequent Was probabi here sed fortunior, o provent robustior rom ein talien in iis usual sense i

λαι μὲν λιγῆρε νυν δ αλλιγῆρε καλουσιν; en EpiSt. 58 3. eruere . . .


tractunt the dispos of throtist the medium of trade, i. e. by X-changin thes Alaves for destrahi commodities. The Germani flave trade mentioned by Caes. B. G. IV. 2. 1 pertain Oni t prisoners

although pudor, res indicatsed by quoque is prodicatsed i both loserant in ner, it attributive genitivo victoriae his applicabie ninto the


non-Germanic thei number Dein recruitest rom riSOners of War. Cp. en Epist. 47, 10 alium eae illic Se castis ἰomariis pastorem. alii Du custodem casae fecit alter ille deleatis Varus). oscriptis . . . ministeriis thu a large Roman lavo ousolioli vpas dividedint a familia urbana nil rustica, and these in turn Subdividet into ordinarii nil vulyares soluti uni vincti. achii hom ad iis p cialiuties. p. Sp. Petron 30. unus eae pueris qui sit per hoc osscium erat positus 47. eae quota decuin i em . . . te iubebo in decuriam viatorum conici 68 puer Aleaeandri=hus, qui caldam ministrabat. Ρage 45. 1. Ectem . . . Penate : Ous and Ome penates, belli applied to laves, is here deprive dii iis Origina solemnity. p. ch. i5 8. The condition O these dependent village communitio is stolabiles identi gest.2. Frumentici stra in a in eli. 23 12. These taxes vere a Lindisi substitute for rent an illare stili et illi in later times. S. Eatia: loth. Whieli,n WoVen On the Premi SeS. ut Colono: ou detailed nowledge concerning the statu O the Roman colonus bHons illi the th centur 1. D. At hi period, and lator, he re-sent man Doliat os analog With the condition here deserit,ed. p. esp. Cod. Iustin. XI. I, licet condicione videantur iusteraui, servi tamen terrae ipsius cui nati sunt existimentur. In the time o Tacitus,ho ever, he Was a re leSSee o properi unde a contruct the rent bella pati in ind. ii term servus S thereiore miSapplied Seu tollo in note haCtenus paret e domino. Tlii is again alvariande illi later Conditions for the German Seri hasti loga righis, but a considere in a mere chaliel. Whielitasse Mon illi tho sale of the proporty For huctonus incit Stricti loca Sense Se ch. 35, 1. g. Cetera omu offi Ciaci the eooking, aking, breWing, et: as

distinguished romolio labor in ili fiet jus mentioned. On his idiomatio se of cetera for the assi orum osscia ere o par of the domus incia). p. e. g. Hist. III. IV. 56 Aun. III 42 iv. VII.

8 1. O very frequently in reeli, e. g. Hom. OdySS. II 412 μητηρ . . . ουδ ελλαι δμωαί an note h. 10, 15. liberi C. Servorum, Pertia PS

eorresponditavi ch. 15, 8 infirmissimo cuique eae familia ; ut Tacitus probabi Wrote liberti. See Critigal AppendiX.

S. VETUETATE Servum . . . Tarum in contra Si illi the cruei


ruri numerum, enus ferratile. Pere: e. g. in ili eryastulum, the pistrinum Or molae trusatiles trend-lnili S), O in quarries, ille ostdreaded punistimentii all. lae ilire mode here mentionei are enum serate in Plaut. Menaech. V. 6, 9 VS. 974 verbera con ' des, molae.

Dei Son Oni here ani Hist. . 59 and with the Xception of this Passage, coni binest illi raude, nee Mith maynum. The ligure si alien rom the seale, and of Ommon occurrenue in Engli Sti. p. ,hakespeare, Hamlet, mattei sit great illi and moment. s. numquam in Civitate contra Stest illi constition a Rome, Whero liberti es90ciali unde Caligula, ClaudiuS, and Nero, erefrequently the ea l)owe boli in the throne. p. note Dial. 7, 7 Hist. I. 70 Anii. XII. 54 Sen. de tranq. 8, 1. umtaxat: Only. The ordioes no occur el80where in TacituS.IO. Tegnantur: βασιλευονται are vied by inys. Genuin kiuglyride a rare among the Germans and confine to the les important tribes. p. h. 44 45, 30 Anu. XIII. 4, in quantum Germani rest nantur. The Ling of the Marcomanni and Quadi eli. 42 7 constitutemni an apparent eXception a the ruleuin Roman Austeranee, e P. note ch. 7, 29 10 20. The passive se of the verticis Vergilian, e. g. Aen. III. 14, ut frequent later. Di, etc. this statem ent in iis genera ligation is very questionabi and probably again due to AOme


. . . Sed etiam, S iten hen eorrelative liene also the repetitionis the proposition Cp. Introd. p. lXVii. 11. Ceteros i. e. Germanos qui non est nantur . e liould X- De et ceteras, Se sientes, ni Perhap Tacitu WrOte thus impares

lilaertinici the inferiorit of the reemen. The adjective impares Ausest for tho abstrae noui hicli oes no exist in Latin and agenitive. his construction, thouglirespeciali frequ0nt in aditus, is us0d by him protei abi Willi participies and pronoulina adjectivos. Tli origina distinction etween libertus, the r00uman in relation tolli manumitter, and libertinus in his relation to his sol in or political Status, is no longe rigidi ObServest in post-Augustan Latin and would in an casse e napplieable o Germani conditions. With the state-men itself, p. Aun. XIV. 39. Chapter 26. 13. Faenus here sest in the rare enS O sors, capital not uterest. So Plaut. Most. III 1, 10 vs. 629) Cic. dAtt. VI. , , and in Our ther Passage of Taeitus, vi g. Iist. I. 20 Anii. VI. 17 XIV. 53, 5. agitare, exercere, manuste, an ille.

IV. 6, frumenta et pecuniae vectistales . . . Gyllabantur and urexpression orarive a barga in. in Aura etatenctere Se faentis.

Cp. Anu. I. 10 pecunias faenore auctitabant. The stat omen is som0What inconsistent illi ch. 6 23 ff., hiuli se em to pro ludo the possibilit o systomati mone transactions Cp. What is sali eveno the a vago Fenni in h. 40, 21. 1g. Agi Servatur, etc. i. e. lii ignoranee o usur is bellermaintainoi than ii iis praetie had been orbiddon. The Germans, bein unaequa inted illi faenus assitare, et . , ere init no eventsemiplei to introduc it The sua interpretation of this in an Casu Strat ned epigram, hieli Supplie faenus non astitare, et . a Subjecto sorratur and the positive again illi vetitum esset, involves an 0X 0edin Wharshillipsis inparalleled even in Tacitus. He frequently allows tho positive de to e supplied uti a proVious negative e X-PreSSion, Ut neVer in reverSe. p. note Dial. 34, 10 vetitum EAAEt res a frequently done in Nomo, e . g. by the leae Genucia in 342 B. C. For a dotallo account of th legislation in segari to thelega rate os interest, See Anu. I. 16. For a som0What similarepigrammati antithesis, p. Justin. II. 2 citet note h. 46, 23). Agri ete. thi paSSage, Win to the studi est Concisonos of theauthor a corruption in the MSS. in vices), and certain discrepa iacieS


With a0S. B. G. IV. 1, 7 VI 22, 2 s. the ni Other Xtant reat- menti the subjeci, is perhaps the mos uiasatisfactor in the entire Germania. Norian the truStWorthines of the accountie stetermined, a there is an intorva o more than a centur belWeen Caesar and Tacitus On the ther hand the earlies post-Tacitean documentsin German lani tenure re a late a the ili century, and the relatet agricultura communitie With permanent a boues, wlterea tho Germans o Taeitus time ad noto et altogether emerge irom heir primitivo nomadi Stateri ut the changes in an tenure incident tolliat evouition inust have been many and significant. What the author meant o say, ill nevertheleS be ound tolerabi olear, ii, emancipate ursolvo ironi the mi Aleastin insorination iis relativel modern date. Pro numero ultorum: the migrating, conquering tribos occupiet oni S muel of the acquiret extensive clomain a could etillest o utiligem subsequently definito alloimenta ero parcelle out in aecordane usilli the an of the Severat oecupants. hi phrase, ieourse, implie a reVious eale o di Stribution, hicli Serve a a

17. Arva soli under illa ge, as OppoSexto asser, the S et uneultiva ted ieid. per anno mutant e. cultoreS. P. ReS. B. G. IV. 1, 7 privati ac separati astri apsti eos Sc Suebos nihil est neque longius anno remanere uno in loco incolendi causa licet VI 22, 2, magistratus ac principes in annos iussulos stentibus . . . quanti m et quo loco visum est astri adtribuunt atque anno post alio transire costunt. The Si Sodiologieali politi alis asons for his enumera ted by Caesar, are Stranget ignored by Tacitus Tlie Would have ad


19. latior Contenctunt thei si no b hare labor vie nith, i. e. thoi labor is no commensurato illi the asinos and fertilit oi thoarable lanii. The Same phraS Oeeur: in Colum de re rust. III. 1. , ita ut In Tacitus again Dial. 33 7 Anu. V. 38 an comparati vel raro lse here Pomaria: Orestariis, Suebis aboundedin Italy. D. Varro, de re rust. I. , , si arboribus consita It ilia ut

tota pomarium videatur poliat this and the folloWin praetidos bolongio a more develope state o agriculture is potntediuti Lucret. V. 1301 1378.2O prata eparent: mar in meastores, i. e. rom the pasture landes. p. Olum. I. 7, necessarius aratori cultus est etiam prati cui veteres Romani primas in astricolatione tribuerant hortos rigent tho Statomen is confirmed by the observation that very many Germania melior arden Pro luet ar borrowed. The simpleveri, o iuristare is poetie, nil, illi Ver te exceptiolara, . g. iv. I. 21, 3 confineu in Prose o PoSt-AUguStan authorS. Sola . . . imperatur corn crop is at that is Heman led of the soli lili a di ait that has come duo. The Same mereantile figure S iound e. g. in Cie. de sen. 15, 1. p. ni So Verg. Geor9. I. 99, Xercetque . . . tellurem et imperat arvis Sen. de tranq. 7, 5. 21. Uncte : illi Spoeia referene to pomaria, hos fruit and thesam is truo Oi vineyarils Would O ripen ill autumn Orchariis Wore praetieatly unknown in Germany ill the ad Centvry. amaum quoque ipsum: illi tho collocation, P. Astr. 2 9. 22 totictem atque nos Romani). hiems et ver et aestas tho origina division of the ear amon ali In lo- European Was into Winter ani Summer, Pring εαρ, ver Dein a comparati vel late addition Three Sensons χειμών, εαρ, θερος are recogniZed in Homer an dimplied in a passage of Soph. ed. eae 1l35. With the devotos' montirona a nomadio anilia Stora to an agriculturalitate, a Word ior autumn, namely Herbst, contieeteil With a root monilinguo cui carpere), or Willi καρπός, fruit, a introdueed. Our Wn or autumn it is signisi antio noto, is the ni foreigia term in the designation O the pasons, forfallious no occur il the fixi 00nth centur an has no Graeconi an Ameridanism although ne uso by the est Englisl Writers. Thoysear 0gan illi the inter Whielicis henue mentione sirst intel


mani literatur of the Middie Ages, in significant contrast illi iis

sinalty absolut0l prohibite unde Chario the reat.

27. Struem rogi, te. pyre structure rogi is a noteWOrthye Xample O the epexegeti ea genitivo ne vestitius ne octori- Uu Cumulant: S a frequently done in Rome . p. the necoianto the buria o Germanicus in Ann. III. . vestem Odores aliastite funerum Sollemnia cremabant. Au Cuique arma: hi i confirme e. g. by 6owuli 3137, Foroim heu prepared the foti . . . A funera pyre . . . Nun wit helmeis, pith hieliis of mi , and it is attestet a late a the leventi centur L Adam os remen IV. 31, tum tua ut cum eo armaque butoliat this custom a notisXelusively Germani is hoWn by Verg. Aen. VI 233, imponit Sua arma viro. On th ellipsis of sed, P. Introd. p. XVii.

2B. Quorunctam e nobiliorum equus actigitur: O . g. in

Sepulorum Caespo Erigit a boli tigure, ais used by en Epist. 8, 5, hanc domum . . . caespes reaeerit. p. alS h. 46 8 Hist. V. 6, praecipuum montium Libanum eristit Sc. Iudaea, Astr. 12, 2. 29. monumentorum Arctuum et operosum es hypallage io m.


3O. ut gravem, et e. thi Sentimental eoneeption is characteristi eo the Greelis an Roman ep. Lueret. III 892 Prop. I. 17, 24 Juv. VII. 207 Eurip. Alc. 463 1 and the common Wisi in sepulelira inseri Ρ-tions sit tibi terra levis. Jay attributin Simila reflections to tho German T. RVOid a matter-Oi-iae eXplanation fortite absone o loitytombStone amon them, thus Sati Styin his tendene to idea ligo their conduet Lamenta C laCrima : irail in and ire tuo. On his peculia tonstites of Latin or lies and simila alliterative roups. Seo note ch. 10, 16. On the frequent collocation O ternis i mourn in g, the specific hein here, a s otton in Taeitus, addet to ille more general, p. yr. 29, 23 Aun. XIV. l. et u et lacrimis, an Introd. p. lxviii. As lacrimas cloes no bear the Samo relation to lamenta that tristitiam does to dolorem, though the air are balaneed the conjunction Varies e. g. Dia L 24, 24 Anu. III. 26 IV. 1.31. Cito . . . arcto in antithesi alS Ayr. 12, 5. ponunt, deponat ut is eXtremel frequent, nil articulari S in Tacitus ep. also Cic. Tusc. Disp. III. 28 66, ad ponendum dolorem. Feminia . . . meminiASO an essective epigram a the close of therars part imo trentis and formulatest for puroly rhetorica reasons, O the senti-men is again quite Roman. p. note Astr. 40, 2, an Sen. Epist. 99, 24, es usissime sere, meminisse parcissime inhumani animi est

. . . meminiSSe perset ei et Se prudentem viritan), iussere desinat; ut

universum, quite common in Taeitus origine Ch. 1-3.2. moritius: eh. 4 4-27, 32. CCepimus in Tacitus alWaysusedi literar traditioni information at SeeOndi and CP. SP. An H. I. 8 qui ipsi viderant quique a parentibus acceperant gentium . . . nationes tribes, the term Dein here seu a SynonymS. p. notecti. 2. 14. instituta rituaque custonis and relissioris rites, the


lalter belli include in the formor, ut adde epeXegeticatly Cp. Hist. V. , Anu. XVI. 28 an Introd. p. lxviii. 3. quatenus in o aris. The word i used in iis origina localmeantia in cli 42 G, ut else here in Tacitus in the ense of quoniam.

3. In Reitu again, e. g. An n. IV. 1, ut uc Originem, Ore . . . expediam. Chapter 28. S. Valictiores . . . res: e. tiam Germanorum. Summu RuCtorum mos trusti orthy of trit s. his laudatoryreierone to Caesar' Gallic arcis in significant contrast illi the ill- humored disparagement Oi Asinius Pollio. p. vet. Iul. 56, parum dilissenter parumque intestra veritate compositos putat. It is the Onlypassage in the Germania in hieli Tacitus mention ono iii SoureoAh name, and prove ineidentali that uel discrepanui es a existare no duo in has sese mainta inod, t a destre t contradi et Caesar, but are impintho result of the more authenti lino ledge aequi rest sine his tim0. The allusion is to B. G. VI 24, 1, fuit antea tempus, cum Germanos Galli virtute superarent. P. alS Ayr il l 3. P. Gallo in Germaniam tran AgresAo modern ethnolog inclines to the opinion that a counter migrationi Celt neve Occurred. Hene thes Galli, noli right ank of the Rhine, mus h rogardedas the remnant of tho original Wandering tribes h distio oros thu