De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


ch. 30, 2b. monstrati, distit monstrati, solute uisui. illi se exception this as a sigi Oi admiration among the ancients. See noto Dial. 7, 18 illi the ellipsi o distito, as here, p. .g. gr. 13, 29. Omnium . . . Pugnarum note the emphati colloeation Oi orus. 22. hae : by attraelion or horun Or eae his Cp. note h. 7, 11. PTim . . . Cies may mean ei ther the front rank of li batile

campnigia hieli Domitian conducted against the Chatti in 3 A. D. The noui is itiner an archai dative, o eis Taeitu Wrote visui. For another peculia meaning of the adjectives, P. Astr. 16, 21 delictis hostium novus una qua intest inith and as here, eh. 43, 4. On thedimouit involve in the traditional interpretation, Se Critical Appendix Cultu mitiore mannueBCunt, mitiores et mansitetiores sunt, the sol seu under a militer forin f life Cp. Sellio, frastil/., ut mitior mansuetiorqite sat Cic. de in v. I. 2, 2, mites reddidit et mansuetos. The intransitive ense of the finite veri, is a rare poeti and Ost- Augustan sago, ut the partieipleri generali common. 2Φ. Nulli ctomus: like the Germans unde Ariovistus, qui intor annos XII tectum non sit bis se ut Caes. B. G. I. 36, 7 . prout ut, chenever In his ense notist se Where in Tacitus. 25. Proctigi alieni, Contemptore Avici Or a Simila antithesis, cp. all. Cat. 6, 4, utent adpetens, sui profuSUS. 26. EXSanguis aeneotus Probabi Ono O the an Tacitean remini Scen eo O Luean wlio se illis identica phraso I. 343), lis attributive avolstin a possibi contradietion illi caue ut insist nes t. 20). cturae virtutici eaeacti ny proisse S.

Chapte 32. 2B. certum iam aluctorationum in Ontrast illith uppe Rhine, the river' hed i ad edom sussiciently 001 and bron to Servo S a natura bulwarii. The Rhino 800m in Romantimes no to have been navigabie bove ingen, and the li)ues eganim mediately outh of the Teneteri See map. 29. AuffiCiat consecutive subjunctive. The infinitive illi liis Ver i Poetie. p. e. g. Verg. Aen. V. 22. Usipi a TenCteri probabi branches Oi ne and the fame race, and liene generat lymentioned together. The ea ossed tho Rhino in L. n. . ut suffere lacrus in deleat at theliand of Caesar L. f. IV. 14s.) mear oblent Z.


the rei gn o Domitian and the are iound among the auxiliarie of Agricola in 83 A. D. P. yr. h. 28. Thei casual mention here maywelli dii to Tacitus' a version to credit Domitian illi thoi subjugation. liat is sal of the Tencteri as in ali probabilit sequat lytrue of the Usipi a lensi Caes. IV. 12, 1 f. confirm thei equestrian

ch. 10, 15. g. tractuntur, etc. ii the intement in his passage, in Spite of their rhetorica coloring are to De accepted as on the holetrustworthy, Tacitus attributes the cuStom Oi primosteniture an testation to the Tencteri and Usipi), a somelliin peculiar to thematone, o the forme is significanti Omittet in h. 20 5ss. While theabsene of illscis speciali note a Characteristic o the Germans generali ; ut the prout ferox, te , could Ont have been determined by the testator in eas thero ere severa adultisons. IV aremo totu vita clisposition a malle o the equi in caseritiore ere o hil stren, O Onindaughters Surviving. Xoipit implies that the son adjudgestthe ravest could laim the ors0s at once, i thout attin for theregula distribution o the res of the Atate. It is hoWever, intrinSicali improbabi that nil the horses hould have been i ven to this Son more likely only the favorit st00d of the fallier pass6 dri him.


tili tradi, lici, existimari, et , S Xtremel rare illa narrari, .g.

Ovid, II et XV. in Plin. N. H. XXXV. 11 38, 21. s. Paene tum EXCi Aia Tacitus liabitualinthus mouisses What might

1O favore . . . deorum: refleetion On hi Subject ar frequont in Taeitus, ut ar considerably. 9. e. g. Hist. IV. 78, uec sine pedivina . . . tersta victores vertere l, multa mira Ula evenere . . . quis caelestis favor . . . in evasianum . . . Ostenderetur, illi I. 18, nec enim umquam atrocioribus populi Romani cladibus . . . adprobatum est non esse curae deis securitat m Ostram ess ultionem SPEClaCui . . . invictere ither ablative, illi nobis to e supplied


frolli r sta nos oriative. The ablati Veii ille thin is expressi stated by Quint. IX. 3, 1 to e post-Ciceronian Tacitu has both constructions, ut there sint one instance of the dative of the thing, viz. Anii. XIII 53, invidit opem, here opere, however, may be the original. 11. EeSaginta milia . . . CeCicterunt: i. e. On both ides. Tacitus Suali avolus large round nuuibers. Se note gr. 37, 11. Hor his ardent patriotism go the bellor of him. 12. armis telisque the specific term is adde to the generi and both balance With oblectationi oculisque. P. Ote h. 29 8, and Introd. p. lXviii. 13. Ulecitationi Culisque for the detiyh of our yes, asci thecarnage ad been linessest in a Roman amphitheatre Else hereTacitus i ver Severe On gladiatoria exhibitions On the round ithoi domoraligin influsenue. The fina dative illi intransitive Verbs, Other han esse though no uncommon in the later orks, is found in the minor ritings ni here and gr. 3l, 2. O the additionis ille coneret noui by way Oi definition o an Strae Substantive, P. Diat. 22, 13, risum et oculos delectet Cio de orat. III. 44, 3 detectationis atque aurium causa Val. Flaee. VIII. 60 and Introd. p. lxviii. Though convenienti translate a hendi a dys the phras is no QOneeiVest a Sueli as hoWn by armis telisque, With hicli it is librate l. Vith the Savage sentiment, P. Sen de ira II 6 4 Hannibalem aiunt dixisse, cum fossam anssuine humano plenam vidisset formosum Spectacula ni 14. gentilaus the wOrd is here et on it way to iis later

o Tacitu oni here urgentilaus . . . fati it the fate fempire pushin on, in aecordance illi the historica mission os Rome crystalli Zed in the memorabie passage of Verg. Aen. Ι 851 ff., tu restere imperio populos, Romane, memento, etc. io that Tacitus, Unlike e. g. min. are. XXXI. 1, 4, ad n yet notisVen a Vague presentiment, ascis generali inferrei from his passage, that the empiremight AOme da succum to lio attacti O theso ortherii barbarians, i clearly Ahown by Hist. IV. 54 writiei perhaps ten ear alter the Germania), Captam olim a Gallis urbem sed intestra Iovis sede mansisse imperium Fatali nunc G9 A. D. lyne sist nu)n caelestis iraedatum et possessionem rerum humanarum Transalpinis entibus portendi SUPERSTITIΟΝ ,ΑΝ Druidae iuno haut Thoe phrase ris


perincte memoratae Se atque Dul9ubui et Chasuarii no equally, stili ess discussed, amely by the aut horities hom Tacitus tollo veil. The meanin memorabiles, memoratu distuae, generalty ive to the participi here, is unparalleled. illi haud perinde the ellipsis of tho comparison is the invariabio ut in Tacitus.19. Frigii the ni Deopte mentioned in the Germania ho have retainest thei name, location and language to this day. The fit stuppea a Opponsent Oi DruSus, ere Subdued by Corbulo in 7 .D., but o in sed the revolt uti de Civilis. The Frisiarones O Plin. V. H. IV. 5 29 l01 are probabi identi eat illi ho Frisii minores Theother branch probabi maintained a reator independeneo as simplied in the phras eae modo virium. EXCipiunt folloioin closely bo in directly In his stridit loca Sense the Veri, i rare, e .g. CaeS. B. C. I. 66, 4, inde excipere loca aspera ovid. Fast. IV. 28 Plin.

Epist. V. 6. 25.2O. Utraequo nationes for the more Sua utraque natio the plural se in Often Sed lien the connection is ery lOSe. P. e. g. Anu. XV. l. utrosque intuens aviam et patrem); Sall. Cat. 30 14 Verg. Aen. VI. 685. 21. Rheno subjeetive dative. o classibus elow. p. notech. 3, 30. Praeteπuntur : ordei est fritisse l. p. lin. N. H. VI. 25, 29, 112, stentes fraetexunt se montes). Cie de rep. II. 4 9 Stillapologi ges for the metaphor astri quasi adteXta quaedam . . . Ora. 22. i EnSOS maynos. p. note eli. 1, 4. The largestis thesema Lali Flevo, ut in the reat inundation Oi 287, the were alijoine into hat is no tho Zuyder eo insuper i. e. Pari romth Bank of th Rhin0. In iis loca sense the ord is alWay POSt-


illa temptavimus froni there re made tria os ventured ut pon)the Ocean, i. e. io PurpOSe Oi exploration. The veri, is Iten sedis clangerous marine exploitS, . g. Hor. Carm. III. 4, 31 Sen. Nat. Quaest. VI 23, 3, ipsum Se Oceanum quouit temptarit Se AleXander). On the personificationii the Ocean se below l. 27 h. 2, 15 44 22. Illa Se a parte ra unde or ibi a rare elliptient Sage, e .g. Plaut. Most. III 3, 27 vs. 931h; vid, ast VI. 39, an Tae. Hist. III 8 V. 8 Anii. II. 17. SuperesAe rema ined ver i. e. UneXPlored a ShOWn by fama vulssavit. 2 g. Herculis Columna this statemen is in ali probabilit ulti- matel du to Pythea si Massilia lili centur B.C. Who, in his Orkπερὶ κεανοῖ, tollis his reachin What a b idsentisiod illi the en-trancori the Ballic ea Whicli ho mistoo for the Tanais, io in into the Blac Soa. here pillarsii Hercules ore also loea te by the ancients. The belles, moreover, o the presene Oi Hercule in Germany See h. 3, li), and the actua existe nee o certain losty roclis in thenortlieri Ocean may ensit have e Pyllieas to this identification. The supposition that Some sancie resemblane to a name, like Hyste lac Bύowulf, 1820), was responsibi for the state ment is improbabie a this designation could o have been nown to the Romans, norhad annon in recent time reache this region a Tacitu expresstySays. fama vulgavit a cordin to a fidespread tradition. Thissam phras is particulari irequent in Curtius. 9. Sp. X. 3, 1, 17, ibi i. e. adses namque o umnas Herculis esse fama uistat erat. actiit istas actuali there the emphasis e in gi ven by the positiono tho prediente. 25. in 1Rritatem . . . referre ConAEnSimu it is astre ei toput to the credit of his fame. With the sentiment, P. Serviu On Verg. Aen. XI. 262, i od autem ait Protei columnas, ratione onvacat, nam columnas Herculis legimus et in Ponto et in Hispania. Hunc autem Proteum fortissimi m . . . constat fuisse. Novimus autem quod omnes fortes Hercules dicebantur.

2P. Druso Germanico Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus the Elder, the tepso Of Augustus, rother o Tiberius, a the sirst Roman to penetrate the orthraea a is expressi attestsed by Suet. Claud. 1, 11 and by implication in Augustus Monum. Ancyr. p.

note ch. I, 5. Ustitit . . . inquiri the iiiiiiiiii V after obsistere


is foundini hero. p. Pedo Albinovanus ap. Sen. Suas. I. 15 20 in referende to this identical Xpedition : Di revocant rerumque vetantcoynoscere nem Mortales oculos aliena quid aequora remis Et sacras violamus aquas divumque quieta Turbamus sedem Translate : the Ocean resisted an inquir both into isely and into Hercules. in his fore os simul atque se note et 1. 12 28. 2B. Μοα nemo temptavit Se inquirere, no Oceanum for thene0t o Tiberius and Drusus the o unger se above, i. 22 had also sati0din the orth ea, but the were nollentin a voyage i discov

deus abscidit Prudens Oceano dissociabili Terras si tamen impiae Non austeuda rates transiliunt vada audin the Statem en it seli, p. Sen. Epist. b, 50 primus est deorum cultus deos credere. Credo Willi de oecur also Sall. ut 31 T, and repentedi in Tacitus. Pag 50. Chapte 35. 1. a Ctenu . . novimuS: O far isse have eco me acqua in ted i th Gerina ny ou tri the se est. The Sual interpretation O the passage, this potui do ce Roman knowiresteri Germany, ut to the orth, et . is Pen to tW objections. In the irs place, it implie illa there a more i Πρsteri Germany Stili orae Xplored, iterea tho very geographica conception Oi Tacitus and of the ancient generali precludes this in the Sestonil laee, th renderiniis incompatibio With What folio s. in septentrionem ingenti fleSu rectit nos to the orth German turn bac ,ith ahuye eud. The Cimbri an peninsula a gupposed a late a the timeo Alire th Groat, ora situatest uel fartherius than it aut uallyiS. In themay of traho, si frankl avows VII. 24 , his regionWa practi eatly unknown On iustens in iis uia venkened Sense, See note h. 1, 4. On the figurative se of redit, P. Verg. Geory III. 3bi, redit . . . Rhodope Mela I. 56, redeunte sexu III. 1.2. Primo, primo loco. In his loca SenSe the adverbiseems o


quently thuy ero again tostile to Rome an ille joine the revolt unde Civilis. Pliny, V. H. XVI. 1 1, 2, probabi frona perSOnni observation deScribe them a Wholly unei viliget barbarians, adcling. et hae ethies si vincantur hodie a populo Romano servire se dicunt l, in glarin contrast illi the hi gli ulog besto sed pon them here.

On the significance of this di Serepaney, Se Introd. P. X iii. Quamquam on the Subjunctive, Se note eli. 28, 24. q. omnium . . . Sntium : Vi Z in h. 29 s. The statem en is exaggerate for rhetorica reaSOns laterilauA: boundaries, i. e.

vest anil solith. o again in thi treati se cli. 36, 10 frons potntingi tho ocean and the noriti, ter stum to the interior. 5. Utenctitur faces, Stretches alon opposite. O Ayr. 0, 7;Mpla II. 28 Plin. V. H. V. 19, 17 77. in Chattos usque inuetur ii Tacitus a no mi Sinformet Or est into error bycinaceurate

maps, e must suppos that the Chauci an Chatti ad 0spectivolymove solith and orthon occupiet par of the region of the Ch 0rusci and os altor thei downiali, th Angrivarii hi itin into the territor of the Bructeri See ch. 33, 6 i.

P. Se Et implent ep. Veli Pal. II. 106, 2, omnis eorum se. Chaue Oria in iuronius infinita numero. B. quique talis tit, consecuti V SubjunctiVe iustitia tueri: Se quam vi. In the ideati Zed aspect in hiel the ancient vise est thobarbarians of the remote orth 09 Introd. P. Xiii), a love Oi justi de tway figuros a thei mos prominent charaeteristie. P. e. g. Iliad XIII. 6. 'Aβίων τε δικαιοτάτων ἁνθρωπων AeSeh. Prom. Solui. fraym. 196 ., δῆμον ενδικιώτατον βροτῶν, απάντων . . . Γαβίους the Scyllitans eing spodiali A eulogi Zed. Sine Cupictitate, ine impotentia frithout reed, ithout nyo vernabie violen e Anubstrae nouit illi sine i the diomati substituto in Latin or a negative adjective no in use, and tris heuce Often in Tacitus combinodWith other attributivpS. So e. g. Dial. 32, 2 circumcisa et amputata sine adparatu, Sine honore 40, 10, sine Obsequio, Sive severitate, contumaae, temeraria Aun. XIII. 35, sine miseratione, Sine ira, obstinatum clausumque. In Ann. XI. 18, it ma be notest, Tacitusspealis of the ferocia of the Chaue i. s. quieti AECretique tranquil and secluded Thi Statemen is stighil inconsistunt illi the vas extent of thei territory, io that Taditus hau in inclini thos dwelli in nea the se is noWhere indi-


explanator o quieti secretiqite, the lauSe utiliis . . . populantur referring to sine impotentia in chiastic Orster, S iten in Tacitus, at ille close iis period. O thi poSt-AuguStan meaning of provocare, cp. Hist. II 61 p. arma Plin. Panest. 16, 1, Hla non provocas. LO. raptitius Et latroCimi combined Hist. I. 46 QI. 58, per latrocinia et raptus, latrocinia se in the narro Ner term This State-men is contra dicted by Tacitus himseli in Ann. XI. 18, here hesperelis Oi anton prodator raid o the hausti, nubia tissensit ne domi. The were deleated by Corbulo in To. D. populantur: se . nitimorum astros p. note Ayr. 20, 18.

ch. 30, 3 43, 3). Here it is in the nature iis compli mont, qui te in k00ping illi the eulogistic tone of the hapter Promptus est muStbe suppli0diu of the Preceding prompta.


15. Eacto fama : Se atque in bello.

Chapte 36. 16 CherusCi their great career in histor heganwith the erushin doleat of Varus in the Teutoburg OreSt in A. D. , unde their illustrious easter Arminius, o hom Tacitus has nida celebrate tribute in Ann. II. 88, liberator haud dubie Germaniae . . . proeliis ambireuus, bello non victus Asterii assassina


a pro aut ion attributei to tho Chauci ch. 36, 13 i. and Langobardi ch. 40, 27). The adverti Xpresso a judgment of tho author illo subjunctive niter quia implying the eooptivo Or ultroa character Ofthei allego. quies. This regnant constructio ii is o frequent occurrone in assitus anilio rare elSeWhere. p. o. g. Ayr. 30, 28, frustra . . . es steris misi. I. 16, si te bene elesti j I hane done et in selectiust ou Sall. Iust. I, , falso queritur de natura Sua yenus

Uitam justice alid ait deali ny talion ulmi, boui a quiq/te in litaSlieorder Tho plura predicato niter Wo abstra et notans O insed by ac atque is the rule in assitus, ut the singular ith t. p. note Dial 5, 8. The collocation o these term is ommon, P. Dial 5, 21; 29 16 An n. XIV. 15.

Sentiment, P. Sela. Epist. 45 7, temeritas sub titulo fortitudinis latet, moderatio vocatur ignavi in de ira III. l, 3, Olyus animosa miratur et audaces in honore sunt, placidi pro inertibus habentur. 22. sed Chattis adversative a Syndeton. The victor alludedio probabi bolong to tho ear 83 4. D. Soe note 36, 22. fortuna in apiontiam Cessit tho fame Phrase occurSin SalluSt,fras Nι. 1, 4 r. id illi in stipiensia in cesserit, nil similari mi t. II. Η, insolatium cessit Aun. XIV. 64 Tho thought isset suem clo have