A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

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patient, than by any other method. The success of diure-tics in dropsy is however very precarious ; Sometimes none of them Succeed ; somelimes one scis more poWersul ly than another, though in this thero is no uniformity ; nor are the Causes of this variety of operation weli understood. In generat it is obvious, that where a strong predisposition to thedigease exigis, or where it originates hora organio assections of the liveri or other chylopoetic viSCera, no grent adVIntage Can be expecteis frona the more evacuation of the watex by the action os diuretios : it is only in those cases Where auaccumulation os fluid has lation place froni diminished ab-SOrption, Or Some Similar cause, that they can he expectedio effect a cure. It accordin y osten happens in practice, that an increased discliarge of urine is essected by ille exhibition os diuretios, and stili the dropsical gwellings are notremoved, or is they are. thoy speedij retum. The combi - nation os Tonios with Diuretics, is useful in preventinet a

Di otios have been used in calculous assections, with ti eview of preventing the incrense of the calculus, by vendering the urine more ivatery : and they have occasionalty, thoughrai ely, heon employed to tessen plethora, or 'checla profuse perspiration. The use of diluenis, so as to increase thequantity of mine, is of advuntage in g orrhoea, and othorassections os the urinato passages, by lessening the aoximony


lS O DIU RETIC S. of the urino, whicli excites pata Dom iis action on theseparts, when they a re in an inflamed state. Tho cautions with regard to the administration os diure lics, are obvious front what has bceu Sald of their operation. The sursace of the body must be Lept coul, and there retho dosos of the medicine ought to be seven in the co se of. the day, and the patient should, is possinte, be Lept out ofhed. The use of diluents ought to be permitted, at least this is more necessary with respect to those diuretics he longing to the class of salis, and whicli operate directly onthe secreting vesseis of the kidneys, , and indeed is probablyuselat with regard to them all. The individual diuretios may be considered under the Subdivisions of Salis, Vegetable Diuretius, and one or tWο derived hom the animal hingdom.





carbonate, is a diuretio ; and, as has been Hready rem ked, is secreted by the kita S, so that when continued for a sussicient time, it renders the urine athaline. In iis pii estate it is scarceb ever employed as a dimetic; but the saline matter hom the aShes of broom, w mWood, and other planis, whicli is sub-carbonate os potasti, more or leSS pure, used sormerly to be frequently prescribed in dropsy. It is dissiculi to continue the administration of the eskali, however, even in tris mild forin, to the requisite extent, Without occasioning irritation ; and the sub-carbonato heing inferior in diuretic potver to the Super tartrate of potasti, it has sallen into disitse. When employed, it is given in a dose of 20 or 30 nauis dissolved in a large quantity of water, and

TRIS Sest, prepared accorduag to the process of the Pharmacopoeias, by saturati,ig the potasti of the sub-carbonate os potasti ivitii dis illed vinegar, and evaporating the solution to dryness, is oblataed in the state os a Whito soliated mass, deliquescent and very solubio in water. It has been considered as a powersul diuretio, and has been used in dropsy,


or two untii it operato. It is unciriain in iis operation, however, and has thorosore fallo into disuse. SUPER-TARΤRAS POTASSAE. Crystalli vel Cremor Tartari. Super-tartrate of Potasti. aeream of Tariar. Page 353.)Tuis sali, of whicli the chemicat history has been atready fven, and iis applications as a cathartio noticed, is eXtensively employed as a remedy in dropsy, and is inscrior inefficacy to few of the substances belonging to this class. There are two modes truder u hicli it is exhibited, ei ther soas to obtain principalty iis diuretic effeci, or along with this iis action as a hydragogue cathartio. When given rarith thesrst intention, the of exhibition is solution in ivater, hom hau an ounce to an ounce boing dissoluod in the due proportion Os water, and this boing taken in the covi se of


is induced by the oporation os purging than is merely eX-citing the urina discliarge, there is sume visk of the po versos the system being exhausted under iis protracted use. These effecis, there re, require t O be. arded against, undsomelimes lead. to a preseretice of other diuretios, or renderit necessary to substitute them ivliere the super tartrate has

received a fair tries. FITRAs POTASs M. Nitratu os Potasti. Nitrum. Nitre. THIS Sali, consisting of nitrio acid and potasti, is frequently formed on the sua suco of the soli, in Warin climates. In the Solath of Europe, iis production is usualty accelei aled by artificiat arrangement s. hnimul and vegetable subStances, in a State Os decomi)osition, are mixed with a quantity of carbonate of limo, the mass is exposed to the nar, but prCiccted frona the ratia, and is occasionalty Stirrcti up . Ait ex



v imitaber os monilis, the materials are soland to contain Di-trate of lime and nitrate os potasti. These Salis are extract-ed by liriviation ivith water: impure sub-carbonate of potasti is added, by whicli the nitrate os lime is decomposed, and the quantity os nitrate os potasti increased ; and this saltis purisied by repeated solutions and crystalliZations. DuPing the process by whicli the nitrate of potasti is formed, itappears that the Oxygen of the atmospheric ait', and proba lyalso part of the oXygen of the vegetable matter, combine Withthe nitrogen of the animal matter, so as to forna nitrio ac id; the a finities ivlience these combinations ariSe, heing sua Oured by the amnities, orted by the lime. The acid is attracted in part by the lime, and in part by a quantity os potasti, either contained in the materialS, Or, NS Some have sup- posed, formed during the process. The nitro used in this country is imported froin India, Where is occurs as a naturalformation.

Nitrate of potasti is crystalli Zed in hexaedral pristus. Iis crystals are Solubie in Six paris of Cold, and in an equaliveight os boBing water. It is decomposed by heat, assord- ing a large quantity of OXygen gas ; and Doni the facility of this decomposition, is cin important pharmaceutic agent in Oxidat ing hodies by deflagration.


SPIRIΤUς ETHERIS NITROSI. Sphit of Nitrous Ether. NITRIc acid, added in due proportion to aikohol, con- veris it into a species of ether ; but as the process is diff-culi, Dom the violent chemicat action uiat takes place, ithas long heen the practice to usu less acid than is requiredio change the whole aikohol into this produci; a portion os nitrio ether is formed, and this is oblatued by distillation, combi ned with the machanged aikohol, and generat ly also froin the mutuat action not having been complete With a pomtion os free acid. I his process has a place in the Phaona-Copoeias, and serms what used to be named Spiritus Nitri Dulcis, what is now named Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi. Iisodour is fragrant ', iis taste Aharp and acidulous. In medicine it is employed as a refrigerant anil diuretic, in a dose of 20 or 30 diops. Heiug gratefiat to the Stomach, and relie



Squili, DXfove, and super-tartrate of potasti, are the dii retics principalty employed in modern practice in the troat-ment of dropsy ; and it is not easy to assim precisely theiae comparative poWers, Mne frequently proving successisl wheueither of ' the others has preriousty falled. Squill operat more directly as a diuretic tha0 the supe tartrate Os potasti does, and is not li te, even is iis administration has becia carrita rather far, to produce those injurious essects which arise honi the action of DXfove in an ov. dose. Heliceit is Dequently preferred. As a diuretic, Squill is aliun s given in Substance, i deritio forna of the dr1ed root. Iis dose is Dona one to three gratiis. Α grain may be given at syst, moming and eveniunin the forni os pili, and this increased flowly id iis di stic effect is obtaine l. Is the dose is too large, it is liablo toexcite nausea ; and tho utile has even been desivered, to giveit always to the extent necessary to induco sonae degret os nausea. The production of this offect can bo regarded, however, only as a test of the squill being in an active state; . it is not necessary to iis diuretio operation; it provos dis-ircssing to the patient; and it has been observe that whenit has once bem gi ven to such an ex Ioni as to induco this



stato os the stomach, the sanae state is more liubie to recureven when astor an intervat ii is seven in sinalter dosos. Itqnauseating operation, theresore, ou it rather to he aiioided

by the due rogulation os the doso.

may be used; the usual medium doso the generali action of either on the s)ihe dose of the squili, or heing giventhe squill is gi ven in the mornmgo Icombined action probably depends oning the absorbent system, vhile the so f the vcsseis of the Edneys. This iwest Adapted to the troatinent of drop:quently is mitti obstruction or Chroni liver or nei Obouring oirans, and iS aca se thau any other diuveti . Wheretion OccaSions purging, as this impeos the squili, mercurial friction may

is a stili more important article. of thdiuretic. It had frequently been use in dropsy; but the occasional VOperation, When not administered ivit

vented it Dona being employed in praing potia ted oui, Willi more precision, ed to in iis exhibition. It is dissiculi to conlpare the p0We The diuretio powor os Squill is much promoted by combi-