A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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분류: 미분류



retics ; yet, On the whole, peis S soX OVe is more poweria fui than any of them in evacuating the water in dropsy : and the conclusions of Withering are stili nearly just, that so far as the removat of the water ivili contributo to cure the patient, so sar may be expected frona this medicine audibat although digitalis does not act. universalty as a diure- tic, it does so more generalty thun any other. V In hydrothorax, iis superiority to other diuretics is more Clearlγestablishod than in ascitos or anasarca ; and in the sirst orthese states of dropsy, it is unquestionably SuperiOi' to any other reme . Mithering remarhed, that it was most successses in those cases of dropsy in Whicli debility was com pletely marked, where the colantenance is palo, the pulseaveala, and the muscular enero reduced ; utile, in au opposite state of the system, it was more Ii te to sati. In thelalter case, theres e, he recommended a previcus exhibiti of squis, or of Super-tartrate Os potasti, by whicli sonae reduction of strennii might be induced. The observation, however, has not altogether been confirmed by subsequent

lant action.

There is a peculiarity in the operation of this remedy, that it may be continued for sonae time withorat sensibb in-

nistration Of the rem dy, so that the dropsical offusion is more speciii ly reduced by tho action of it than by any ollierduirotic. Iis diu retic potver too appears only wlien it is administer od in diopsy, and liciaco thure cata be liti te dolabithat it operates principut ly, is not entii oly, by exciting the action of the absorbenis, tho absorhed fluid being disclini ged



by the kidneys. The diuretio effect is not connected Militis nauseating operation, Ox with tiae reduction in the force of the circulation ; it can, On the contrai , be obtained withoot cither of these accompanying it; and Withering remarked even, that he had foviid the increased discliarge of urineto bo chechod, when the doses hin been imprudently urgedso as to occasion sichness. He observed also that is it purges, it abnost certainly fatis. EoXglove is given under the forin of the dried leaves in subglauce, Or in infusion or tincture. The tincture has heen supposed to be better adapted to iis exhibition a narcotic. The infusion is a preparation sufficiently uniform and active, and iis dose is rather more eastly regulated ivitii precision, Soas to admit os a graduia increage, than that of the powder. Its action too is at Once exerted On the Stomach, and thereis there re less righ of iis effect belug del od untd it is accumulated. The medium dose of the powder is at siret Bona half a grain to a gravi twice a-day : Dom hali an o ceto an ounce of the infusion, prepared according to the sormula os Withering, no v received into the Pharmacopoeias, is a similar medium dose. The great desideratum M illi regard to this remedy, is toeonduci iis administration so as to obtain iis fuit diuretic e feci, without those consequences Whicli arise hom it Wheniis action is accumulated in the system. The reses given by


Though Mithering orioined strictly the Caution necessa-ο in the use of soxglove, the doses prescribed in liis diroc tions are perhaps rather large; and the propriety of the in thod whicli has somelimes tuo been recommended, os progressively increasing the dose tantii the essecis are obtained, is do istes. Is the dose he at sirst smas, or at least i ha ing been inised to one grain of the pol er, Or One OunCe Athe infusion, twice in twenty-Aur liours, it he continued atthis quantity, the diuretic operation will be obta uel in Dolong time without any unpleasant symptom, and when it con mences, will continue of itself, even though the doso be suspended. or i m peculiarity of habit, or state of dis- ease, the dose requires to be increased, it ought to bo doneslowly, and without that regularly progressive augmentationwhicli has heon recommended. And is the offect be n toc se helare the reduction of the dropsicut swelling be completed, it may be insily venewed by a repetition of this moderate dose. This mode os administering sex ovo is that suggested by the nature of iis action. The peculiarity Whichlias always been po ted out as characteristic of this medicine, is iis tendency to accumulate in the system, iis effecisnot appearing Dr a time, but at length being suddenly induced. There is no necessity, there re, to incrense iis dose, or to sue one that is large, with the vie v of speedilyindueing iis action, since, merely Dom iis continued administration, this wid in no long tilae bo establishod, and without that hazard whicli is other se incurred freni this peculiari ty in iis operation. The administration Os it, however,

ought not to be too long continuod, is it stat in producing iis

diuretio effeci. Ιt always injures the tone of the ston; ach, even where it has not been pust Od to that extent to occasionnausea; aud there is reason .lo belleve, ita at suo in iis generaldebilitating operation, tho potvers of the Ustem have Some-


times sunk under iis protracted uSe. I he alarming symp- toms whicli an over dose of sex ove is liable to produce, ithas ad ready been rema ined, are best obviated by smali doses of spiritous cordials wam; Sulphv ic ether, aromatic spiritor ammonia, bitter infusions, and aromaties. Vinegar, Whichis an antidote to other narcotics, might be trie l. There are other diseases in which DXglove has been sup- posed to prove usesul . by iis diuretic power; as in insania, or in epilepsy connected with serotis effusion in the brain ;and more especialty in dyspnoea arising Dom serous effusion in the bronchiae,-anasarca pulmonum, as this affection is

dose of the spirit os nitrous ether is useses as co ter ting


LACTUCA VIROSA. Strong-scented Letluce. Ρage I 69. THis plant, though it possesses a narcotic quali ty, is also a diuretic, and has been recommended under the forna of the spissated juice as a remedy in dropsy, the dose being gra- dualty increased Dom 5 or I 0 gravis to 2 or 3 drachius. Though celebrated by the German practitioners, it is neverused in this count .


THE interior bain of the elin has a place in the Pharma-


copaei: is, though litile employed. It has a stightly bitter lasto, and when bollen ivitii H ater amor is a mucilaginous liquor. The decoction, whicli has been received as an ossicinal preparation, is the forin under whicli it has been used. It is Sald to operate aes a diuretic, but dous not appeis to be offusticient activity to sortii a remedy of any value in the treManent of dropsy. Ad vantage has bestia stad to be derived Dom

TIHs resinous juice, sor it is impropexly na med a balsam, is the produce by exudation frona incisions made in tho trund


of tho trest. It solus thin, but becomes thicla and tondicio , is transparent, with a yello V tinge ; has a peculiar sincit notdisagree te, and a pungent bitier taste. It is insolubie in wator, solubie in alkohol, and in expressed and essentiat olis und with aikalis fornas a tand of Saponaceous compotInd. Distilled with ivator, it assords nearly half iis weight of an essentiat oti, an insipid resin being the residuum. Balsam of Copaiba increases the urinary discliarge, and

communicates to the urine a violet odour. In too large adose it is liablo to excite inflammation of the urinary pMS ges. From iis potver of stimulating these paris, it frequently proves successsul in the cure of feet, whore the inflammation has entirely subsided, and the discharge continues

frona weakness of the exhalenis or absorbenis of the urethra.

It has also been gi ven in leucorrhoea, and in haemorrhoidalaffections. Iis dose is 20 or 30 drops t vice or thrice d .gi ven in the forin os bolus, or, What is preser te, M re- maining more eastly on the stomach, and less irritating, diffused in ivater by the medium os naucllage. PINUs BALSAΜEA. Balsainum Canadense. Canadian Bal-Sam. Monoecia. Monadelph. Coniferae. Balsamum. North

THIs resinous juice, fori like the preceding, it is impro-

perly namcd a balsam, as it assoriis no benZoic acid, exudes spontaneousty froin the trimk of the tree. It is of a light yellow colour, transparent, tenacious, and inflammabie. Byage it hccomes thicher ; iis sineti is agrestable ; iis tasto pungent. It is solubie in alkohol and otis, and as riis an eSSenties Oil by distillation, similar to the oil obtained Dona thoother turpentinos or resinous juices of the disserent species os pini S. The medicinal virtuos of this refluous juice seem to be the


3ame as those of copuiba, and it is used DP the sanae purpo ses. Iis doso is front 30 to 50 drops. Os any of the tur pontines it is the purest. PINUS LARIX. Larcti. Terebinthina Veneta. Venice Turpentine. Pinus Sylvestris. Scotch Fir. Common Turpentine. Monoecim. Monadelph. Conferre. FRo M these treos a resinous juice eXudes spontaneon Sty, and in stili greater abundance Dom incisions in the trunk of the tree. It is thicla and tenacious : that froni the larch troeis semi-pellucid, of a yellowiSh colour, has a Strong peculiarsmeli, and a bitter pungent iuste ; it is named Venice Turpentine : that froin the Scotch Fir is thiclior, tess limpid, and iis odour is tess gratesul; it is named Common Tuxpen-tine. Loth of them, by distillation, With tho addition

smali quantity of water, to prevent the temperature Domrising too high, assord a large quantity or an ossentiat oti, whicli is volatile id inflammabie, hut more sparin y solubie in alkohol than any other essenties Oil. The residuum is a resin nearly insipid. 4'he Venice turpentine acthrds more Oilthan the Other. This Oil, oleum Terebinthinae, . Oil of Turpetitine, is used in medicine much more frequently than the resinous juiceitself. It is licti, limpid, and volatile; has a strong pene trating sinest, and a very pungent taSte. It is a pow fulstimulant, directed more particularly in iis action to the uri- nary passages, as is evident froni the violet odour it communicates to the urine, and froni the instammation it excitos when given in too large a dose. Froni this specisio action ithas been cmployed in feci in a dose frum 5 to I 0 drops, butits operation is always liatile to be violent. It was hi lyrecommended by Ch ne as a remed3 in claronio rheumatism,especialty lumbago, gi ven to tho extent os 2 or 3 drachms



Resina Alba vel Flava. White or yellow resin is the aresiduunt of the distillation of turpentine; iis various stiadesor colour arising DOm the purity of the juice, or Dum thedegi ee of heat applied. It is fusi bie and inflammable; issolubio in otis and in alti hol, but insolubie in ivator. It has litile sineti or laste, but appears frum the practice of the s Piers, who give it to horses, to have sonae degree os diuretiopo ver. It is onj empi ed in the composition of oinimentsuud plasters, Whicli it venders more adhesive, and perhaps

more stimulating. Various compositions of this Lind have a place in the Pharmacopoeias, as the Ceratum Resinae, or Unguentum Reginosum, long Enown by the nanae of Basilicon, the Emplastrum ReSinosum, and others. Frona the wood os ille different species of sti', exposed to

is the resinous matter meited Gut, intermiXed with empyrei inutio acetio acid, empyreumatio Oil, und a portion of carbona eous matter. When water is macera ted on it, it receives a considerable impremation os taste and smell,-and this liquor, Tam vater, prepared Dona a gallon of 'ater macerat-