A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ΡISTACIA TEREBINTHINUS. Chio or Cyprus Turpentine. Dioco. Peula d. .

planis in Spatii and Italy ; they are delached by shining the



Cantharides inflante and cxcoriato the flain, and are hince used as the basis os the common vesicatories. Their κctive matter appears to havo a peculiar determination to the uri- nary Om S, as even si Om externat application strangury is Sometimes induced ; and a sinali dose of the cantharides internalty administered acts with much violence ou the kidneys und bladder, producing inflammation and a discliarge of bloody urine. In dropsy, it has been given as a diuretic in ua dose of One grain Once or i vice a-day, continued for sonae time, but it does not appear to he a satin or manage te diu- retic : it has been prescribod in a similar dose in obstinate Heet and leucorrhoen, and in rotcntiori of urine arising Dom id debility of the both of the bladder, or in the 0pposite assection os incontinence of urine. It is principalty in the lalteros these affections that the internat administration os cantharides is attempted, here tho inability to rei in the in inearises froin weakness of the sphincter vesicae, a State Whicli move. Iis action requires to be moderated by the free use of diluents. It has also been employed as a stimulant in amenorrhoea ; and it is stili more extensively used externallyas an epiSpastic. The tincture is a milder forna, and has

caseS where the cantharides in substance have succeeded.




operation of hoth is the fame, dissering only in degree ; dia-phoretios in doses sussiciently largo acting as sudorificS, and sudorisios in diminished doses, or under peculiar Circum Stances, occaSioning onj a stight diaphoresis. The fluid estvsed too is in both cases ali , bemg chiessy the watery part of theblood, with a Stight impregnation os saline maiier. In theone case it is discliarged more flowly, and therei ore paSSesoss in the state of v our ; in the other it is discliarged copiousty froin the exhalent vesseis in the liquid forin.

The operation of theso medicives is not obscure ; the natural exhalation is merely increased ; the action of the exhalent vesseis on the surtace must there re have been ause mented, and the substances belonging to this class must belliose whicli stimulate these VeSSela.

Os stimuli of this Lind, externat heat assords an example ;it is directly applied to the vesseis, and must occasion in themincreased action ; hence it osten produces sweat, and always promotes the action of sudorific s. The fame effect may be produced by a disserent operation, y uacreasing the generat sorce of the circulation ; this propelling the blood tuto tho minuto vesseis more soxcibbB u l


DIAPHORETIC S. Acts as a stimulus on the exhalenis, and in re es their distachar . Heiace violent muscular exercise is attended willic ious SwCating.

In ono or other of these modes, the medicinos h longingto this class operate,-Cither by directly stimulating the cu-taneous exhalent Vesseis, Ox by indirectly communicating tothom increased action by increusing the force of the circulation. The saline diaphoretios scem to aci in the sormer manner; they have litile or no action On the vaScular System, Deither increasing the velocity nor sorce of the circulation ; theiraction there re is exerted on the stomach, and thenCe communica ted to the vesseis of the shin. Perhaps they may like vise be absorbed tuto the mass.os blood, as they 1eadilypasS With the chyle, Or enter the absorbent VesSelS, and mayaci more directly on the CutaneouS VOSSClS. Those diaphoretios, on the contra , Whicli are more Stimulatium probably act by increasing the force of the vascular System, as they usualty augment the force and frequencyof the pulse, prerious to occaSioning SP Cat. . Diaphoresis is not, hori ever, the neceSSury C SequenCe Ofthe circulation bolog increased ui 1 orco; for it osten happens that the pulse is frequent and harii, vilien the Ahin rem alias My. 'Jn this Case there Seems to exigi a constriction os clie halenis, sussicient to resist the impetus of the blood, and whatevex can remove this ivili savour Sueating. Diaphore- Sis, therofore, it may in generrat he salii, mill s ollo si om in-Creased vascular action, udien the eXhalents of the skin uteuot morbidly constricted ; and it Vult talae placo stili more colatousty When the circulation is increvsed in the larger ves-Selfi, while tho exhalenis thenaseives are a claxed. On iliis



being to increaso tho sorde of the circulation, and at the samo

able to diaphoresis; und, froin tho fame principio, tho dia-phoretio operation Os the combination os optum V ith ipoca-cuan, Or the preparationS of antimony, may perhaps be accounted sor; the primary effect of the optum heing to increasethe action of the vascular system ; that os the ipeca uan orantimony, by iis nauseating operation, to diministi the actionat the Surtace, as is apparent froin the paleness of the si in and the sense of colliness with whicli nausea is attended. Heiaco this combination is superior to any other arenaedy of this class in sudori sic po VCP. The primary effecis of diaphoretios are to evacuato the wa

tery part of the bl d, and thus tessen the quantity of it in

the circula ting system ; to determine the hlood to the si face Doni the internat paris ; to increase the action of the abso ' henis, and to ventove spaSmodiC Stricture of the Cutaneotis esseis, and render the flatu moisi and relaxed.

It is do ubilat whethor tho sivst of these oste is tines placeto any extent ; sor, during Sweating, there is generalty considerable thirst: as much suid may tliere re he talien in , asmii supply what is thrown oui; and besides, the other fluid Secretions, particularly that os urine, a re diminished during the operation. It is probabie, theres ore, that litile alterationtades place in the quantity of suid containod in the hody Domthe action os diaphoreti s ; and We Can SCarcely, in any CRSe, ascribe any beneficiat essecis they produce to this cause. I lie last essect is perhaps the most important; at least his on this principio,-tlie removing spasmodio stricture of the culaneous Vesseis, that the estica y of diaphorotios in inflammatory discases has been expla incit. In such aiscctionesthe flatu is dry, and illo externat heat augmented ; init ivlien


os the typhoid type, aud it is principalty in the various phleg-masiae that it is employed ; in inflammatory catari h pari

eci ly, and in acute rheumatism. AS evacuating the serous part of tbe blood, and as promoting absorption, sudoriscs have been Sometimes emploedin the disserent species of dropsy, especialty in anasarca, in

increase the discliarge by urnae, and in these Su eathag hasbeen had recourse to as Iess debilitating thau pua ging, theonly other evacuation that can he excited with advantago. Ithas been remarked 100, that the operatiou os diaphoreti cs, whon it has been excited, has been accompanted by an in- creaSe in the quantity of urine, a prooi os absorption having been promoto l. It is disticuli, howevor, to excite su eat ing in dropsy, and the practice is xaxely attempted.



By determining to the s face, and preSerVing a gentie diaphoresis, the remedies of this class are found service eiu asthina, dyspepsia, habituat diarrhoea, chronic dysentet ,

lepra, ad 'antage has bcen derived froni the use of diaphorc-lics, probabb frona altering the morbid state of the extreme Vesseis On the sui face. The use of the warm bath, and the antimonial unii mercurial diaphoretics, axe foliud more particularly serviceable in Such affections. Severat circumstances require to be attended to in the administration os sudorisios. Is the disease is inflammato , theaction of the vascular system Strong, and the Skin dry, Willigi eat hcat on the sursace, thoso whicli are of the ρtimulati g

nues, or for Some time after it has ceased. When the su eat


ing the patient. tuto di sannes, diminishing the coverin and ullowing the hands and arnas to be exposed to the air. o particular diaphoretics may be arranged according lotho asini ty in their operation, as they operate by increaSing

the action of the vascular system, or they act without any sensibie stimulant operation, though it is someri hat dissicultio, trace the distinctions of the se, or even with reguPd toevery .individual, to assim the Liud of action it exeris. The salino diaphoretios aci principalty in the latior modo ; theuogetable diaphoretios in the sormex.



AcETAS AMMONI C. ACetate of Ammonia. ALL the aminoniacat salts are Supposed to have a diaph retic power. The acetate is the One whicli has been principally used; iis solution Aqua A cetatis Ammoniae) having been Celebrated ululer the name of Spirit os Mindereri Spiritus Mindereri) as a diaphoretic in febrile affections. It is prepared, according to the sermula of the Pharmacopoeias, hyneutraliging distilled vinegar, by adding to it carbonate os

ammonia, the Carbonio acid heing disengaged avitii effervo cence, and the acetate Os ammoniae rema ining in solutiona Ιis strensi, must be various, according to the degree of con centration of the vinegis; but as it is not an active sul

stance, this is not of much importance, especialty as it is usualty given in divi ted doges. An ounce is seven eve liour OP two, and iis operation is promoted by tepid diluenis and the su easing regimen. As it produces no increase os vascular action, it has been supposed weli adapted to exhiabition in inflammato severs, as Synocha and aCute rheumatism, und it is in such cases that sit is usualty employed. Iisdiaphoretic potver, however, there is reason to Suspect, is not Very great; it may be emplayed with more' advantage when iis operation is premoted by the addition of smali propoletions os optum and antimony. Externalty it is used as a. discutient, and somelimes as an application to inflamed paris. CITRAS AMMONIAE. Citrate of Ammonia. LEMON juice, neutrali Zed by putasti, assol S a aeomed wllicli has long been emplo d.ividuat tho Danae os Saliue Mix-



ture, as a refrigerant in laver. When it is neutralized by ammonia, it is supposed, along With iis refrigerant, to havex diaphoretic power. CitPic acid being the clites coinstituent ingrediunt of the juice of the lemon, this preparation is of coui se a citrate Of ammonia. In the diluted state in iubi elitho mixture is prepared, it can have no great pori er ; but iis diaphoretic operation is sonaetimes promoted by the additionos a Diu drops of tincture of opium and antimonial xvi ne

CARBONAS AMMONIAE. Carbonate os Ammonia.

Tisis sali is employed cither under the solid forin, or in astate of solution, for the preparation os both of whicli sormulas are given in the Pharmacopoeias. It is obta inod intho solid state by sublimation stom a mixture of muriate ofammonia and carbonate of lime, the heat applied giving risoto a doubie decomposition, and the carbonate of ammoniaboing sublimed. It fornis a solid mass, white and efforescent, whicli relatus the pungent ammoniacal odour, and which, as it also changes the vegetable Colours to a green, is

Its solution Aqua Carbonatis Ammoniae) is prepared, ac- cording to the sormula in the Pharmacopoeias, by distillingiuater frum a mixture of muriate Os ammonia and sub- arbo-

nate of potasti, carbonate of ammonia being sormed, sublim-ed, and dissolved by the water Whicli distiis over. Undereither forni it is used as a stimulant, and somelimes as a Sudori sic, iis dose being 10 or 15 grains of the concrete sali, and Doni half a drachm to a drachm of the solution. Iis operation is promo ted by the sweating regimen. As a stimulant, the solution is given in a similar doso in languor orsaininess, or xvith this intention, it is usta under the more gratesul forin os ita solutioix in altichol, with the redditiou os