The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


C. I conside it to b a figure, but at thesam time, it has the substance connected

C. Maia indesti clos up the way t it, by thei corruption, and mahe it a vat thim

viii. Mus Operum P. 34. 1 Peter i. 19. I Joliti. 7.


partakers of this fruit; ut that diminishes

noti,ing rom ille natur of the Sacrament. 530 31 heiace have, regeneration

C. , Both froni the death and resurrectionos luist. For his posse is in his death, stat byci ou old man is crucifled, and the

corruptionis our natur is, in a manner, hu-

an ondo ed illi his Spirit, unies by rejectin the promises, e reniter the benesiis offeret therein torus uni ruitsul. 55 M. What must, do in orde tous baptism in a right manner C. The right iis os baptism is placed in laith an repentance that is that si si determine, by a sui e consiletice of oui that We are cleansed from ali spol byrili hloodo Christ, and are acceptablerio God thenthat, bellexo that his Spirit divelis in us

cation os theraesti, an obediencesto the Willos God. 535 . Is thes stin rure required sortii legitimate se of baptism, io v coniecit totas that we baptige insanis Θ


pentalice always precede baptism Theseare require Monlymi aliose ho si om age recapabiem both. It is sussicient, is insanis, after the come of age, produce the fruits of their baptiSin. 334 . an Ou prove o me that heret nothiniunt easonable in his C. Truly can, is it is concede to me, that oui Lord instituted nothing whicli is un-1'eaSOnable . For although oses and ali hepi 0phei teach, that circumcision a the Sign o repentance, and Paul that it was thesea of illi righe0usnes of faith; et, e See, that insanis ere not excluded rom it. 335 M. Bubare insanis admitted o bapti8mmow, for the fame eas in that the werethen admittet tu circumcision PC. Entiret the sanae For the promiSeS,


exclude seo in baptism, ther ould on that account, Sociose any of the moliris God, a that it might be aid that thei privilegeῶwere diminished by the coming of Christ pC. That is indoed evidenti manifest. For the sigi bellictahen way, Whicli avail-ed so much in testibin the mercu, and confirmin the promise of God w should bedeprived os that mos excellent consolation, whicli the Churcharoni the beginning enjoy-

sanis baptizod C. That he may have the visibi Sual.


Churemos Genera. pthat the are the heirgis stellessings promised to the foed Pheliever and that after the come to ear o discretion, the substance of thei baptism heing acknowledged, the may, fronicit, receive and bring orthfruit. 540 . et iis proceed to the Suppersand in the si si place, I Would know of ouwhat is it signification C. It was instituted by Christ, stat by the communioni his hod an blood, homio nourish ouris is in thelope, and ive


rament conser on us Θ 1 Cor. i. ph. v. 30 Molin. i. 51, 4 xvii. 23


348 Μ. What have e in the symbol os the wine ΘC. As Christioured ut his lοod Once,

in satisfaction for sing andis the price of urredemption; so e belleve, that it is nowroached ut to b drank by us, that, may receive iis benefits. 549 M. Accordinito these two aBSWers,

C. Ves Wholly. For at that time, oneoni and perpetua sacrifice a perfected;whicli miglit sussice formur salvation Theres ore notitin more remalia forius, but tore-estive iis fruits.


eat. e oes no here command us to offer


oni of thos benesis, o mentione or are


in orde to posSess ille sui Stance of the figias, oui miniis must be alsed to heaven, here

aliment. C. es, truly and therein is the resurrecti in f ur hodie uiso confirmodo iis,as by a giVen ledge, a the are made par

takers of ille symbolis life . 55 M. But whatri the true and latus ulus of this sacrament C. Fuch asci aut desines toti ho : Lot aman examine himself, and so et lini ut os


iliis examination C. Whether e is a triae member of Christ. 359 Μ. y what evidenc shali heano v that he is a true member of liris pC. Isae possesses true laith and repen-tance cis he exercise sincere love towariis his neighbours is his in is De Dominilhatred and malice. 560 M. ut do ou require in an per

361 . hould nobili imperfectiori then,