장음표시 사용
Aqua rosae, P. L. I 787. Aqua rosarum damaScenarum, P. L. t 745.
Tahe of Damask Rose Petals fresti, eight Ρour thereon so much Water, that, after thedistillation, there may re main a Suffcien Cy topi event empyreuma; distit over a gallon.
An in crease in the former quantity of petals Used for a gallon of water is made, both as improving the odour and appearing, Dom eXperience, to keep better. Some chemisisare said to preserve the rose leaves in sali, and to distit rose-Water thereisom at any time of the year.
WATER may be employed for the purpose of extractingcertain paris of vegetabies solubie therein, Without any continuation os iis bolling temperature by heat further applied. This mode is called inmusion, and eXpresses, in the language of Pharmacy, an ast 1Sion Os botling Water Upon any vegetable
according to circumstances, and allowing it to stand thereonfor a certain time. Water is also occasionalty astu sed eoid in the Same manner ; and when it is so, the specific terna of reuinfusion is expresse l. It is applicabie to the preparation ofiliose substances whicli contain any paris volatile in the heatos 212', to tho fhparation os more readily solubie constituent paris Dom those Whicli are less So, and to the preparation of
duces. The botling temperature of the water is so soon lostin this mode os application, that even with the most delicate substances it do es no injury, and it assi sis in loosen ing the teXture of the vegetabie, and essecting the solution much SOoner than cold water alone does. It Seems to be a usefulrule to heat the vesset by hot water, allowed to remalia in itfor a stiori time previous to the preparation of the infusioniis eis. Infusions are usually matterS Os eXtemPOrane OUS Pre
scription, and cannot generalty be kept ready prepared in thesliops Without spolling ; but their introductiori in to the Pharmacopoeia Will, as With Decoctions, preMent the repetition necessary for the former of these purpOSes, and the Smali quan-
INFUSIONS. tity of half a pirat directed for each will obviate the changes
induced by the lalter. Frona these circumstances of ConUenience, their number has been extended to most of the articles in Common Use, and the Strength of each is accommodatedio the most usual standards of practice. It should be observed that very Dw of the metallic salis, used internalty, cantie addod io vegetable infusions without decomposition, and that hence they can fel dona be employed together.
This infusion is clear, and of a pale-yelloW colour, Withthe peculiar odour of the flowers; is it be longer maceraledit becomes bitter and less gratesul.
This infusion is clear, and of a deep brown colour, Wit . the odour and bitteristi aromatic flavour of the cloVes.
This infusion is clear, os a pale reddish brown colour, With the odour of the bark and iis bitteristi aromatic flavour.
This infusion has a stight bitter, astringent, and SNeetistitaste, Without smeli.
INFUSION OF CUSPARIA. Tahe of Cusparia Barii brui sed, tWo
This infusion is of a brownisti colour, With an aromaticsmeli, and sonas bitterness of taste.