The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1815년

분량: 549페이지


분류: 미분류



atmospheric air, produces an alteration in iis composition, and, in faci, renders it insolubie, so that a continuation of the process diminishes rather than increas es the strength of the Solution. As the solvent power of the water is increased by heat, so in most instances cloes this saturaled hol solution deposit sonae part of iis contenis and become turbid as it cools ;iis separation Dom the insolubie paris is, there re, to bemade by straining whil si it is stili hol, and is best done, generalty speaking, by squeeZing the solution through a coarselinen cloth ; but in many instances Where the decoction istoaded with mucilage, and the separation of gross particles is est that is necessary, a common strainer is sussicient. In the intimate connection Whicli exigis belWeen the severat paris of vegetabies, it osten happens that the actuat solution os one is attended by the suspension in a minutely divided state os another, Which is, in faci, itself insolubie in the solvent emisployed; and this principie is also applied to the preparationos some decoctions. All the aqueous solutions os vegetablematters are apt to decompose is they be long kepi ; hence, they should not generat ly be made in large quantities atonce, but rather be considere 1 as objects of eXtemporaneous preparation, introduced into the Pharmacopoeia for the pur- Tose of convenience, and of avoiding, in articles of generali USe, the constant repetition of those directions Whicli mouldiotherWise be necessary in every prescription.



This decoction, now srst introduced, is analogous to an article in very frequent popular Use, Under the nam e of Beatime de Vie. By the proportion os tincture Which is addedit will be kept unchanged for any tength of time.



Decoctum cinctonae, P. L. 1787.

Water, a Pint. Boit for ten minutes in a vesset stightly COVered, and Strain the decoction While hol.

According to the option of the Practitioner, the bark ofelther of the other species of Cinchona, the cordi lia, or Fello or the oblongi lia, or redi may be substituted forthe lancifolia, or quilled Which is here directed. In thesermer directions, three more ounces of Water Were added, in order to provide for the loss by evaporation, and to yieldone clear pirat os decoction ; but this provision has been deemed unnecessary. The use of bruised, or coarsely divided, instead of the powdered, or sinely divided, baxk, is practicallyadVantageous, on account of iis tess price and the greater certainty of iis quality, and it is at the fame time fully suffcient for the purpose required. This preparation is a Stronginstance of the necessity os attending to the time of boilinga decoction, for is it be longer continued it becomes Weaher, and almost inert by the combination of the extractive matter With oxygen stom the air, and the formation os an insolubiu

resinous substance.



Mucilago seminis cydonii mali, P. L. 1787. Mucilago seminum cydoniorum, P. L. l745.

then Struin.

This decoction has been removed Dom among the muci-lages, as being less dense than either of the others, and asbeing employed in larger doses like other mucilaginous decoctions. In addition to gum, it contains other constituent paris of the seeds, and is, theresere, more apt to spoli than common mucilage, over Whicli it possesses no Other advantages, than that it is more gratesul, and is suffciently thin, Without farther dilution, to form the bulla of any liquid medicine.



DECOCTION OF BARLEY.Decoctum hordei, P. L. II 87. Aqua hordeata, P. L. t Il5.

and strui n.

The directions for this and the following compotand Decoction may seem rather to belong to the nurse than theapothecary. Iis preparation, hoWeVer, is matter of no snaallimportance, as those Well kno Who are in the habit os see-ing it in the chambers of the sich ; and it is sonaetimes usedalso as a vehicle for Other active medicinal substances.



Decoctum hordei compositum, P. L. II87. Decoctum pector te, P. L. I 45. P. L. II2O.

The utility or necessity of stoning the raisins has beendoubted, but at any rate it assisis the exposure of the interior part of the fruit, Which Would otherwise be defended by theskin from the action of the water.


Decoctum pro enemate, P. L. 1787. Decoctum commune pro clystere, P. L. t 745. P. L. II20.

Water, a Pint. Boit for a quarter of an hour, unii Struin.

The impregnation of Water from various herbs for the pur- pose of clysters and fomentations has Very generalty pre- valled ; and two formulae applicabie to these purpOSes Were directed in the Pharmacopoeia of 1787 ; this is substitute lfor the Decoctum pro enemate, and may anSWer the Purpose of either.


FOr Variolas Purposes, especialty fomentations, a luantage is derived frona the solution of the narcotic matter containedin poppy heads; this may there re be considered as a usefuladdition, and as reducing to forna a direction in Very common


This astringent decoctiori is chiefly used for externat applications.



Decoctum sanaparilli, P. L. t ISI.



put it again into the liquor, and macerate itin a similar manner for tWo h OUrs more; thentioli it down to tWo pinis, and Strain.

The directions for this and the following formula are varied Dom those of the Pharmacopoeia os II8I, by omittingthe precise temperature of 195', which Was there desined, and substituting the more practical and convenient digestionDpon the fide os a sire in an ordinary StOVe.

Decoctum sars arillae compositum, P. L. II 87.


This is noW first introduced, as being a useful medicine, especialty in affections of the lungs, attended with debility, and inordinate Secretion.


Decoctum ulmi, P. L. II 87.