장음표시 사용
posterior apophyses. Ductus bursae long and narro . Corpus bursae nearly round . Signum dentate at holiona os corpus hvrSIC.
Institute os Biology and Pedo logy. Far East Branch of Russi an Academ y of Sciences. Viadi vostok. Russi a sor providing valvabie information. The project was supported by Nationat Natural Science
The intens ity of the faunistic exploration os sonae formeri y less investigate lareas has considerably increased in the last ten years. This has resulted in vastcollections os materiai frona the Asiatic pari os the former Sovi et Union. anil also in a sew. but frona taxonomic and biogeographical potnts of vie w very interesting. specimens have been collected in disserent parts of China. The taxonomice laboration os these new materials is stili in iis early phase bul the disco very os alarge number of ne w taxu among them can be predicted. The present paper is the seconii contribution of the series dea ling with thene w taxa preserved in large private collections in Hungary an illor disco vered by Hungari an lepido pterological expeditions the sit si part was publis hed by VARGA& RONKAY. l99 l). The holotypes. deposited in coli. P. GYULAl and coli. G. RONKAY are a vall- able for stud y through ille Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest. Chamyla Sullii Sp. n.
Taxonomic notes: The genus helong s. together with iis clo se relatives. IXD-chloria STAUD INCER. l882 and Grumici ALPHERA KY. l892. to the subfami ly Heli Othinae due to the presen ce of spines on their mi d- and hi nil tibiae. although the armature os spines is strongly variable with in these genera. Unfortunately this generic grotis' has not been taken into consideration in ille recent ly publis hedmonographic work on the subsami ly MATTHE S l99 l). The male genitalia of the genus-group Show a rather homogeneous structure see BOURSIN l 963. those of the species of Limylci STAUD INGER. l 900J l899 have not been publis hed yet). The ground plan of the se male genitalia is very uni
forna wii hin the genus, characteriZed by the long conicat, scieroti Zed ovi positor lacking almost ali sensory setae the weakly scieroti Zed ostium bursae, the ivbular. wrin kled and scobinate ductus bursae and the smali. membranous corpus hvrsae with wrint ted. conical orelliptical cervix bursae. Diagnosis: The new species dissers frona the related C. ti iniX DRAUDT l 935. C. PecorX PUNGELER. l 904 and C. intricanX ALPHERA KY. l882. by iis gimen isti grey ground colour. the complete lack of the stigmata and the dari Vellas, si ona the more or less greenish-grey C. circtomyS ALPHERA KY. l89 P. by the dissu se less sinuous ante- and post mediat crossi ines and the lack of the subterminat.
The se male genitalia of C. Xat i disser si ona iliose os C. intricians by their Stronger, more sciet Oti Zed ostiat ring significantly longe r. more wrin kled but lessscleroti Zed ductus bursae, larger cervix and the complete lack of the signa sint i-
n. holotypo male: 9 α Euchialciti Gureolinotitia Sp. n. . hololype male: l0 E. Gur 'Olivetitia. paralypemale
hooke l. Tegumen low. wide. penicular lobes well-cle vel ope d. rounded. denset y setoso. Uultura inserior relative ly large, strong. subdelloidat with truncated apex. Vinculum scieroti Zed, acute. V sh apud. Valva relative ly shori. apicatly tapering . cucullus rounded. with a sine peak at costat part corona missing. Sacculus Shori. strong. clavus absent. Harpe silualed distat ly. basal plate long strong, erected pari scieroti Zod rather long apicatly slatione l. rounded. Aedeagus cylindrical, rela- live ly shori. carina with two fhori. wedge-s hapcd hars. Vesica short hul wide. recurved lateralty basal part with two wide-based, rounded. sine ly pcaked cornuti, one os them triple-peuke l. part lys used wilh carina. Inner curve os vesica with a scieroti Zecl. wrin kled rib hon. posterior third cove rediuitii minute spiculi. Eo male genitalia Fig. l 3) Ovi positor strong. long. conica l. papillae anales Only Very SCarce-ly setoso. gonapophyses strong. moderate ly long. Ostium bursae calyculale. membranous with sine wrinkles and narrow. scieroti Zod arcuate ribbon ut Ventral edge. Ductus bursae rather long tubular. membranous willi strong longitudinat wrin kles anil sine scobination. Cervix hursae s mali. sti philyconical, membranous willi tiliae xvi in kles. ductus seminalis relative ly hroad. Corpus hvrsae ovo id. voakly membra notis, without signa. Bionomics and distributioii: The two known specimens os the species were soli nil in thesanae area norit, si ona the Kuku-Noor region China. Prov. Gansu). The mollis were collectod in the subal pine Zone, in the naidsummer period. no information is gi ven abo ut their activi ly period. Etymology: The new species is namcd in honour os the SAL K sami ly Berlin). the collectorsos the two known specimens os the taxon.
Diagno sis: The new species dissers si ona ali known members of the genus by iis whit isti hind wings wilh sharply desined discat spol. ille prese iace of the orbicular anil renis orna stigmata os the forewing and the whilisti underside os holhwings with well- discerni hie discat spois. The se male genitalia disser frona thoseos C. intrician X by iis longe r. more conical o Vi positor. narrower ostium bursae Op-ened willi a longer narrower incision significantly longe r. more wrin kled ductushursae. largor cervix and the complete lack of the signa C. intricanX has threest Ort, more or less ribbon - like signum-palches). si ona C. Sal i by iis sonaewhat longer, apicatly more rounded ovi positor the smaller ostium bursae without scie-roii Zed ventral ring the s horter bul hroader ductus bursae willi stronger wrin klesai mediat i hirci and the large r. elliptica l. scobinate cervix hul Sue.
Taxonomic notes: The genitalia in both sexes of ait Briachygialea species are Very similar the main apomorphic features are the heavi ly scieroti Zed. serrate Clavus, the long narrow apical process of the fultura inferior juxta); the long scieroti Zed vinculum. the furcate apical part of the valva sa smali. mediat iobemay also be present) the long sciet Oti Zed serrate anil dentate bars of the carina of aedeagus and the presence of a large . more or less laminated terminal cornutus of the vesica, the Sh Ort. scieroti Zed ostium; rather sit Ort membranous-wrint ted ductus; the large disco idat, scieroti Zed cervix and the elongate J-elliptical membran Ous corpus bursae, bearing two rit, bon- like signum-stri pes. Some of theseseatures are common Synapomoplites of the genera Bria hygaleia and Beholino itiHACKER. l 900 the serrate; scieroti Zed clavus. the strong. long Vinculum the SCr- rate carina and the presence of the large terminal Cornutus-plate of the Vesica)
similar lo Litho hia, iti Peno, ulti STAUD INGER l802. while the nexu species resembles members os ille genus Lo holergeX HAMPSON. l 906. B. D togres liti Sp. n. dissers si ona iis congeners by iis Lo holergeX- like externat appe arance and severat delatis os the genitalia. The main specific se alti resos ille male genitalia os ille ne v species are ille presen ce of the penicular lobes whicli are absent in the ollier so ur species of the genus. the uncus is significant lylonger than illo se os ille allied species. llic apex os the valva is Νhorter. not aculehul the ouier margin is xv illi an additional. rounded extensio n. and the apical partos the sui iura in serior is s hori. weal . The se male genitalia disser mostly si omlhose os M. titholinotitia and L. nichhor i hy iis longe r. more trapeZoidat ostium bursae. The genitalia os ille relaled species are illustraled by VARGA & RONKAY
liemale genitalia sFig. 20) Ovi positor shori. weuk. gonapophyses sine, Shori. Ostium bursae natione l. trape oldai. granulosely scierotiZed on both sursaces. Ductus bursae s hori. si altened membranous willi lino wrin kles. Cervix bursae litige. discoidal. apical part sinoothly scieroli Zed. corpus hvrsae elliptical. with two long. inequat signum-stri pes. Sternite VIII with two. more or les squadrangular, granulosely scieroti Zeu plates. Bionomics and distribution: The new species was soli nil in desert habitats. in late spring hoth speci mens were collected by light. Etymology The specilic nam e renecis to the sine clark grey-hrown and whi te fore ing
Diagno sis: The new species belongs to the subgenus Al icholia RONKAY.l 984. iis closest relative is A. exoro vi BANC-HAAS. l 934). It externalty resem-bles the yello visit species occurring in Asia Minor and the Caucasus region A. exoro vi. A. jian hi limianni HACKER & MOBERG l 989 and A. Mot lores DRAUDT l 934). dissering si ona them by iis dark orange-yellowish ground colour xvii hi ather strong orange-hrown isti irroration in ille mediat stelis and the interrupte l. dissu se dark brown-grey hul not whilis h-ochi eous crossi ines. The male genitalia disser frona tho se of A. exoro vi by the less distinct apical processus os ille sultura inferior; the longe r. narro ver less dentate dorsal plate os ille carina. ille presen ceos a rugulose-cristate; scieroti Zed si eld of the hasal iube of the vesica; the equat lylong spinules os ille terminal cornuti sielis and the larger quadrangular terminal diverticulum. The male genitalia os the species of the subgenus Aloicholia are illustrated