Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


The male genitalia of P. s. l.) nobiliS differ frona ille allied P. Pres iis and P. ClementiSSimia by the smaller aede agus with very Simple. weal ly membranous vesica lacking the terminal cornutus and any scobination of the walis and by the narrower. higher fultura inferior. The harpe is siner. the costat extension is stior-

ter than iliose of P. ClementiXXima but stronge r. longer than in case of P. PrES- DyriS. The aede agus and vesica of the new species also resembles those of Pulcheria cestomelias ALPHERA KY hut the clas ping apparatus of the two species are

Euchalcia aureo linentu Sp. n.


greenish sussus ton and more dissu se, go iden-ochi eous - not whitish - crossi ines. The crossi ines os E. Gureolinetitia are less oblique. the post mediat is tess straightthan those of E. titilli and E. miariti: the hind wing of the new species is more uni colorous, and essentialty clarker than in the case of E. miariti and E. Emichi. The male genitalia of the new species is most similar to iliose os E. emiclii Figs 3 l. 32) bul the valva is s horter hul broade r. more rounded. iis Ventral margin is arcuate. not an gled at enit os sacculus; ille harpe is s horter. lhic ker. sit uate in ore distat ly. the apical proces s of the fultura inserior is sit Onger. narrower, more process- like. the vesica is shorter hut hi oader, the diverticulum bearing the cor




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hir knowledge of the taxonomy and biogeography of the genus AuchmisHUBNER l82ll and the related Νe resso viti RONKAY et V ARCA. l 993 has in- creased considerably during the last ten years. One of the main reasons os illis noteworthy devel op meiat is the re-examination of the ancient materials of sonae Ρwell-known V species, including their type series. revea ling the faci that these series are osten mixed. consisting os more than One. Sometimes not very closelyallied species se. g. of A. deterSina STAUD INGER. l896) and A. incognitia RON-KAY et VARGA. l 990). On ille other hancl. these studies have led to the separationat the generic levet os Ne resSovici species group, considered as AuchmiX hyBOURSIN l 960). and the description of the seconit species of the groti p. Anotherreason is that the intensification of the collectings in sonae, formeri y less explore larea. e specialty in Central Asia and the Himalay an Tibetan region. has resulte lin important, large . new material of AuchmiS species, containing severat formet ly

The present paper contains the new discoveries frona the last sive years with sonae comments on their hi onomics and ZOOgeography.


The holotypes. deposited in the collections of G. RONKAY and L. VARGA are avat labie for stud y through the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Buda-

Λuchmis murtini Sp. n.

Diagno sis: The new species is very similar to the les S marked, pale speci

clas h) is sonae hat longer with iis brownish undet line running to subterminalline and the hind wing is clarker; more hrownish with less dari ened Vein s. A. m&rtini also resembles A. dote minia and A. incognitia, but these two species have significantly shai per forewing markings, e specialty the renis orna stigma is mores harply desin ed. The male genitalia os A. miartini are unique with in the genus hytheir bis id ampulla and in addition the harpe is much shorter than tho se of A. AE tetrati, A. iri COAHitia, A. COm DSitia PLANTE. l 986 and A. imbi RONKΛY et VARGA l 993 and the armature of the vesica is also clearly different frona the related taxa by iis litige basal cornutus and dentate; bar- like distat cornuti.


illi large . sine ly scobinale dorso- latcrat plate. Vesica bimad ly tubular. u pluriae l. distat ly tapering with two subbasal diverticula. one os them bearing huge. claw- like cornutus, distat part willi large. conical diverticulum . armcd with dentale. narro . har- like cornutus. Bionomics and distribution: Almost unknown. the unique specimen was collected in northChina. more delailed data os the locali ty and date os the collecting are not given. Etymology The new species is dedicated lo Vr MARTIN R. HONEY. Curator os the nocturnal acrolepidoplera collection os The Natural History Muscum. London.

late. The crossi ines are more obsolescent lhan in ollier races of the species, eventhe subterminat is osten si adow- like, iis wedge-s haped mari s are smali, ostendissu se. The hind wing coloration differs si ona that os the olher East European wesi Asian populations. ille male has paler brown isti marginal area but with sine brownish sussu sion on the in ner part of the wing. theres ore the whole wing is tesswhilis h. the discat spol is present. regularly well-discerni ble: the se male has stronger brown isti suffusion in the in ner area hut the colour os the marginal area is tess intense brown.

s horter but broade r. apicatly more curved vulvae with smaller, significani ly nar-rower. more acute cucullus, and the harpe is si orier. less curve l.