Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


Prothorax wider than long . pronotum subglobular. without laterat carina, widest just anteriorto naiddie. constricted hes ore base: si des arcuate. anterior margin straight. hasal margin stight lycui Ved posteriori y: pro notosternat future Straight. Vaguely indicate i. pro Sternat proces S narrow strongly declivoris belli nil procoxae. Scutellum longue-Shaped, flat, impunctate. Elytra subparallel-si ded, disc convex, humerat callos ity moderate ly prominent, apex rounded. combined width about 2x wider than pro notum with shori scutellary striola and id striae Consisting os coarse, quadrate punctures: interstriae sinet, ly costate , with very sew Setigerous punctures restricted to odd-num hered interstriae . even-num hered and odd- numbered interstriae subequalin convexi ly. epipleurat Carina reaching apex. Hind wings with sirst anal crosS-Vein Pi CSent. Metendosterni te Fig. 8) with statk and arnas relative ly narrow: statk somewhat s horter than arm s. laminae medium- si Zed. anterior tendons sit hapicat. Legs moderate ly long se mora seel, ly clavate. hi nil femora reaching hi nil margin os 3rd ab dominal sternite: tibiae narrow, strat glit, seel,ly widen ing toward apex: tarsi sonaewhat s horter than tibine.

Ovi positor Fig. 3) with paraprocis elongale, as long as coxites: baculi os paraprocis longitudinat: baculi os ist coxi te iobe transverse: ist iobe s hori. 4th lobe free hut shori and si attendit limits of lsi. 2nd and 3rd iobes vague so lobation indistinci: gonostyli terminat: procliger nearly twice longer than paraprocis: distat end of procli gerat baculi situ ating sar bes ore base of coxites. Female genital iube s Fig. 3) with large primary bursa copulatrix and long spermathecalgia nil hase of hursa copulatrix with many smali scierites arranged in a ring. Sexuat dimorphis m. Last antennomere os male longer than that os se male: last abdominat sternite rounded apicalty in male, stightly impressed in semate.

Distributio n. Oriental Region. The specimens avat labie for stud y comefrona the following countries: China. Thalland Laos and Vietnam. Remar S. Mi Ohorchmanici is a member of a group of genera of the sub tribe Statii in a whicli contains subcylindrical forins with robust antennae and nar-row and more or less costate elytral interstriae. Apart frona MimsDorchmania

elytrat costae and the s hape of antennae. Howe ver the separation is inconsistent


As for the se male iube. Mimohorchmianici apparent ly belongs to the least derived branch in the phylogeny of the se male iube s naeuus type of TSCHIN KE L DOYEN l080 336 33J. 36 l) in whicli a constriction os ille primary bursa copulatrix separates a large distat sac. The se male genital iube is sonaewhat similario that os PhymateXteX EXXcu tus depicted by TSCHIN KEL & DOYEN l 980 339. Fig. l9 A) in iliat the base of the en larged fac has a number of smali scierites. Theo vi positor Giis more or less the toxicine type generat contiguration is primitivel, ut paraprocis are elongate and dili coxi te iobe is si altened).

Descriptiora. Vale holotype). Length ll. 2 min. llead hiack willi ut per sui sace os mundi hius and an indistinci spol hchinis eyes reddisti: antennae hiack. apex os last segment vaguely reddisti pronotum yello isti red: scutellum black: elytra yello isti red willi apical l 20 hlack prosternum reddisti in si oni os procoxae and black helii nil meso- and metasternum and abdominal sternites h lack: legs black with basal l 6 os mi id te and hi nil se mora and mi dille and hi nil lihi ac yello isti. Habitus: Fig. l.

Head longili-to-widili ratio as l. 3 l. sui sace impunctate. excepi sew punctures at anterior corner os eyes. on clypeus and on anterior hals os labrum: vertex willi a longitudinal fovea: inter )cular distance l. 5x cye diameter temples wilh shallow hut distinct impression helii nil cyes: anten-


Prothorax length-to-widlli ratio as l. 02 l. pronotum convex, cach si de os disc with an indistinci; rounded pit: disc impunctate. excepi se very sine punctures toward hypomeron and inprobasal constriction: hypomeron and prosternum with very sine transverse wrin kles. Mesosternum smooth mesally, willi sine punctures laterat ly. Mesepis ternum With Scattered, coarse punCtures. Mesepi meron smooth. Metasternuin Smooth me sal ly. with se punctures toward laterat margin . Melepisternum with sew punctures mainly in anterior hals. Elytra l. 6x wider than pronotum. Elytrat epipleura impunctate. Elytral interstriae with se-


Fixs 3-5. Mimohorchmianici 'cingi Sp. n. 3 α ovi positor anu semale genital iube. 4 α spiculum ventrale os se male. 5 α Sili abdominal sternite os se mulc


so metimes the whole ventral part os prothorax is black. In the three male paralypes from Ytinnanthe black area extenus to nearly the entire prothorax and ora ly the hirad margin os pro notum remalias recl. The plerothorax sincluding the scutellum) and the abdomen are usu atly black. In four males the pterolhorax sincluding the scutellum) and the naiddie of the fit si visibie a dominal sternite arei ecl. Red plerothorax more frequently occurs in semales and semale abdominal sterna l-3 may beenti rely red. The yellow hasal colouration os mi dille and hi nil tibiae is sonaetimes indistinct. The frontal grooves may be deep to shallow. The fovea os vertex and the two rounded piis os pronotum may be large and deep or shallow to absent. Etymolo . The species is dedicateis to Vr. YANG XINGKE entomologist at IASB.


l l Tiropical foresis susual ly stream valleys and depressions of the karstic area) and isa rare beet te in that region. The representatives os other genera os Lycidae in Thallanil are even more disserent in coloration. For ex ample, Species of LFCDSminus MOTSCHULSKY. l86l are darker and large r while species of CautireS C. O. ATER HOU SE l8J9 are large ly yellow.Checking other materiai collected in Thallanil. Dr. L. BOCAK has found specimens os an uni lentis ted species of primitive Hispinae without thorias ondorsal sui face of ille hody) whicli are very similar to M. ycingi both in colour pat-tern and subcylindrical hody shape. Specimens helonging to one or two uni dentis ted species of the ceram bycid genus Erythrus WHITE; l853, whicli are also frona Chiang Mai and deposited in ille H NHM. are also very much a like M. yGHgi. Vari Ous species of Hispinae are members of mimetic complexes in disserunt paris of the woiud ali hough i heir palatabili ty is unknown to the aut hors. Many Ceram-hycidae are known to secrete odoriferous substances whicli serve as repellanis and make them uia palatable MOORE & BRO N l9 l) and ii is most probab lethat warning odour is wides pre ad in the fami ly. The Tenebrionidae, including Lagri ini. are well-known to have abdominat gland s whicli secrete defensive compotin is, main ly qui non es s BRO N et til. l 992). So. Mimohorchmanici Snoni- ea. Erythrus and Hispinae with or without Lycidae may forna a mimetic complex at least in Nortii Thallanti. Is ihey are equat ly unpalatable this complexmight be an ex ample of Mi illeri an mimi cry but ii is more prohable iliat ille members represent graded leve is os the range os chemicat defence belween ille Bate si an and Mulieri an extremes; similar to ille case studi ed by MOORE & BRO N



M. yungi Sp. n.



The ori balid species

describe d by Berte se

MAΗUNKA, S. and L. MAHUNKA-ΡΑΡΡThe authors had the opportuni ty for years to study the Oribat id Species described by Berlese current ly deposited in the Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria at Flore iace. The resulis of this series of studies are summariZed in this volume. The volume begins with an es say- like introduction heavi ly re-lying on subjecti Ve opinionS discussing the generat queStions of Oribaiology. The following section lisis Berlese's species placed in the modern System hel ping the speciali sis with morphological notes and many dra ingS. here also the condition of the specimensis discussed and lectotypeS are de Signated. The third, large Section is the catalogue proper, wherein ali the species are listed in the systematic order together with their combi nation and Synonymic nameS. Here one may find ali the i iterature data. usually mi SSing Dona ordinary works, with reference to Description and Taxonomy, Distribution with special emphasis onCatalogues whΟSe refere iaces are part ly unreliable. Where it was dee med necessary further information are added under the hea lingos Remai ks. The Volume closes with a very detailed list os lit



More than l00 species of the genus Anti miti ZELLE R. l839 have been recorded world wide; most os whicli are distribu ted in the Palaearctic. Oriental and Ethiopi an regions. Severat species have been reported to occur in the Australi an and Neotropical regiones. Only one species. Antii Siti lineatellia ZELLER. has heens oti nil in the Nearctic region. and this was introduced si ona Europe. Some species of Anti miti TELLER are known to he serious pesis. The known host planis include Papilionaceae, Rosaceae. Anacardiaceae. Rhamnaceae, Cappari laceae, Tamarica ceae. Loranthaceae, Salicaceae. Mimosaceae, Cistaceae and Elaeagnaceae. Some Asian species os ille genus have recent ly been trealed by PAR K sl 99 l. l99 β). PONO MARE NKO l 989). and PAR K & PONOMARENKO l 996ci. D). The preseni paper deals with the species of the genus frona the main land of China. A total os id species are listed, os whicli J species are new to science and β species are recorde s sor ille sit si time si ona ille mainta nil. The type specimens are deposited in the institute of Zoology. Shaanxi Normal Universi ty. Xi 'an . China.