Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


Dexcri lion - Lenglii 5. 0-8. 0 mm. Oblong-elongate, conVex, shiny. glabrotis Fig. 243. Black clypeui margin brown reddisti: legs dark brownish with tarsi pater: antennal club testaceous: so melimes ventral si de and legs reddish and more rare ly. elytra brown- reddish also. Head willi cupulis orna epistoma rather sinely and irregularly punctured on disc. punctation lateralty coarser anil irregularly granulose in front of transverse anterior carina: clypeus widely sinuate at naiddie, distinctlydenticulate at sides, illic kly bordered, horder u pluriae l. genae obtuse, elongately ciliate. distinctly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture sine ly impressed frons sparsely puncture l. epipharynx Fig. 25. apex os corypha: Fig. 26. Pronotum broad ly transverse, moderate ly COn Vex. doub ly punctured: large punctures deep. sparse on disc. denser on fides, mixed much siner punctures regular lyscallered: anterior margin sine ly hordei ed to levet os eyes: si des subparallel. thinly bordered: hi nil an- gles obtusely rounded: base seel,ly bis inuate. thic kly bordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular. Some-what convex. willi few punctures very sine and irregularly sparse. Elytra Oval-elongate. Stronglyconvex, seel, ly backward ly broaden ed and wilh epipleurat carina subdenticulate at shoulder: striae dee p. coarsely puncture l. distinctly crenutate: interstices inal on disc, moderate ly convex on pre- apical declivi ty. almost impercepti bly punctured. Hi nil libiae with superior apicat spuras long as sit sttai sal segment: laller as long as following three combin ed. Maleo pronotum relative ly more trans- Verse. less convex and with large punctures more sparser inferior apicat spur os mi lille libiae shori. sto ut anil inward ly cur 'ed apical ly: aedeagus: Figs 2J-28. Female pro notum relative ly less trans- Verse, more convex and willi large punctures more dense: in serior apicat spur os naiddie tibiae ruthere longate and regularly acuminate apical ly. Insi aspecistic names: Morpha: edentulus MULSANT. l842 Chobauti HAGUENA . t 92J: α co- relicti BALTHASAR. l 94 l) clypeat denticles. at si des of median sinuosity. notably reduced. Colourvariation fusciventris MULSANT. l842 ventral fide. legs and somelimes elytra brown- reddis h. Distribution Sotii h western Europe: Portugat. Spatia. solitheria France, norlh western italy westem Liguria): Mediterranean Africa Morocco. Algeria, Tu nisi a. Libya).


REDEFINITION OF TAXA OF AHERMODONTUS AND AMMOECIUS COL. APHODII DAE) 293sew sine and sparse punctures on basal hals. Elytra strongly convex, regularly O Val. wilh smali humerat denticle: striae rather ne and distinctly crenulate lo preapicat declivi ly where in they aredee p. not crenulate by large transverse punctures and as wide as interstices: lalter faintly convex and Sparsely punctured On disc. narro er and subcarinate pre apical ly. Metasternat plute ne arly nat . 1 inelypunctured. Hi nil tibiae with superior apicat spur stightly shorter than sit si tui sal segment: lattershorter than folio ing two combine l.

Distribution Known only si ona type locali ty of the se male hololype.

Remar X - e suspect that this taxon is a junior synonym os Ammoecius lugubris BO HEMAN . t 85J from Sotith Africa; bul we refra in frona propos ing a ne

synonymy because no male specimens have been studi ed.

DeXCr tisit - Longili 3. I i. 0 nam. Shori. Oblong Strongly con Vex. shiny. glabro US Fig. Il). Blackisti: head toward clypeat margin sit aclowy reddisti: legs hrown- reddish antennal cluti testaceotis. Head with epistoma coarsely and subregularly punctured throughout, punctation sonae hattiner in front os strongly rai sed transverse anterior carina: clypeus widely and distinctly sinuate ut mi lille. subdenticulate at si des. ih in ly bordered: genae obtusely rounded. Shortly ciliate. seel, ly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture sine ly impressed: frons coui sely and regularly punctured epipharynx: Fig. J3: apex os corypha: Fig. J4. Pro notum transVerse, Strongly Con Vex. Simply, ruther coarsely and regularly punctured, punctation sonae hat denser lateralty and ma in ly toward anterior ungies: sides seel,ly rounded. very th in ly bordered: hi nil angi es widely rounded. base not bi sinuate distinctly hordei ed. Scutellum triangularly elongate with cur 'ed fides. sparsely and irregularly punctured on basal thii d. Elytra strongly convex. seel, ly broadened backward: shoulder with a very smalidenticle: striae sine, supertici ally puncture l. saintly crenutate: interstices nai. ruilier sparsely but very distinctly punctured. Hi nil tibiae with superior apicat spur stighlly longer than sit si tarsal segment: lalter longer ilian following two combined: aede agus: Figs J5-J6. Male inferior apicat spur os mill ille tibiae very shori and oblique ly truncate apical ly: metasternat plate concave. Female: in serior apicat spur os mi lille tibiae normalty shaped: metasternat plate nat. Distribution: Algeria.


Type loca lily 'Hoher Atlas. Ostseite. Circle de Jassar Morocco .lType depository FRANL H. collectiori, wie n. Descri iiDii - Length 5. 0-6. 0 mm. Oblong, strongly convex. shiny. glabrotis Fig. 66). Bluck: clypeat margin and legs bro unish: antennal club dui k testaceotis. Heud with cupulis orna epistomas inely. distinctly and ruther denset y punctured: punctation sonae hat denser lateralty and almost ii regular granulo- rugose in front of the rallier short anil moderately rai sed anterior transverse carina: clypeus subtriangularly sinuato at naiddie. subdenticulate al fides. lalter distinctly hordei ed and regu larly arcuate to genae that are secbly but distinctly auriculate. obtusely rounde l. elongalely ciliaie undprotruding more than eyes: si ontal suture distinci, sine ly impressed: 1 rons sinely und subregularly punctured. punctures sonae licit Sparser and coarser than those on epistoma: epipharynx: Fig. 85 apex os corypha: Fig. 86. Pronotum moderate ly transverse, Strongly con Vex. doub ly punctured larger punctures irregularly and sparsely scattered only on basul third os disc: much sin alter ones regularly und denset y sparse throughout, punctation stightly denser on fides: lalter seel,ly arcuale. distinctly bordered: anterior margin sine ly bordered: hinii angi es obtusely rounded: base seel, lybis inuale; distinctly bordei ed. Scutellum flat. sine ly and sparsely punctured ne ur base. Elytra ovai elongate. Strongly convex, not denticulate ut shoulder: striae sine. suintly crenulate: interstices nearly flat. sparsely and ulmost impercepti bly punctured. Hi nil tibiae willi superior apicat spur distinctly longer than fit si tui sal segment: lalter sonaewhat longer than sol lowing three combine l. Male inserior apicat spur os mi dille tibiae s hortene l. apicatly truncale and in ard ly ubruptly bent: metas ternalptate incavate: aedeagus: Figs 8J-88. Female: in serior apicat spuros mi lille tibiae elongate and regularly acuminate ioward apex: metasternat plute nearly 14 al. Distribution: Morocco Haut Atlas. Moyen Atlas)


terior transverse carina: lalter extended to levet os genae: clypeus angulately sinuate at naiddie. obtusely rounded ut fides. rather thickly bordei ed. border anteriori y upturne l. genae obtusely rounded rather shortly ciliate; seel,ly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture distinctly impressed: frons sinely, subregularly and sparsely punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 6l: apex os corypha: Fig. 62. Pro notum

67 68


DELLACASA. MA DELLACASA G. R HORDAT. P. transVerse, moderate ly Con Ve X. doub ly punctured: large punctures irregularly Sparse, denser on fides mixed very sine punctures almost imperceptibi e anteriorly on disc. anterior margin with laterat vestiges of ne border: si des seel, ly rounded. th in ly bordei ed. somewhat inward ly sinuate bes ore hin langi es: lalter obtusely rounded. base bis inuate, thickly bordere l. Scutellum triangularly elongate


Sparsely and irregularly punctured on basal hals. Elytra strongly convex. seel, ly broade ned backward epipleurat carina subdenticulate at shoulder: striae deep. distinctly puncture l. rather feel, ly crenulate; interstices stightly convex on disc, more distinci ly convex on preapical declivi ty. almost impercepti-hly punctured. Hi nil tibiae with superior apicui spur longer than sit si tarsal segment: lalter ne arly as long as solio ing three combin ed. Male pro notum relative ly more transverse. less convex and with large punctures sparser on disc. inferior apicat spur of middie tibiae very shori. oblique ly truncate apicatly metasternat plate moderate ly excavate: aedeagus: Figs 63-64. Female pronotum relativelyle SS trans Verse, more con Vex and willi large punctures denser on disc: inferior apicat spur os mi dille tibiae regularly elongate and apicatly acuminate: metasternat plate stat. In si aspecillic nameo colour variation - giamicus RAGUENA . l9 β) upper fide chestia ut-brown ventral si de reddisti. Distribution: Portugat. Spatia. Morocco

Remar X - The species is also cited frona Morocco, but we have ne ver studi edspecimens collected there. Ammoecius incultus PETRO VI TZ l 96 l), cs in h. n.

Type depository Naturhistori sches Museum. Basci. DEXCr tisu - Length 3. 0-3.5 mm. Oblong-oVal, convex. shiny. glabroUS Fig. 96). Piceous-blackis h. clypeat margin and so melimes anterior margin os pronotum and elytra brown- reddisti: leg shrown- reddisti: antennal cluti clark testaceotis. Head with cupulis orna epistoma simply sinely and SPal Sely punctured to the Strong. sharply rai sed and lateralty wide ned anterior carina in simiat os whichthe punctation is linely and sparsely granulo- rugose: epistomat disc relati Vcly more Sparsely PUncture l. clypeus deeply triangularly sinuate at mi dille. subdenticulate at si des. latier sine ly hordei edand broad ly rounded. genae obtusely rounde l. elongate ly ciliate. seel, ly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture distinctly impressed: frons tinely and very sparsely punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 93. Pron Otum transverse, Strongly con Vex. Simply, Spat Sely and sit regularly punctured, punctation Ondi sc sonaewhat coarser than that on head saintly denser on fides: lalter feel, ly curve l. rather th in lybordei ed villi maximum widili aster half: hi nil angi es rounded: base s lightly bis inuate . distinctlybordei ed. Scutellum almost regularly triangular. at hase as wide as two sit si elytral interstices. Smooth. Elytra regularly o Val. Strongly convex. saintly denticulate at shoulder: striae fine and seel, lycrenulate on disc. widened and superficiat ly punctured precipi catly: interstices nat. sinely and Sparsely punctured on disc. seel, ly convex unis almost impercepti bly punctured on pre apical decliv-ily. Middie tibiae willi inserior apicat spur e longate and regularly acuminate loward apex in both sex es. Hi nil tibiae with superior apicat spur nearly as long as sit si tarsul segment: latter as long as sol