Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


A. i cultus under A. lugubriS without giving any justification for the nomenclator

seems to be ille conseque iace of HARO D's misinterpretation of the laxa. Based onthe stud y of a paralype of A. incultuS preserved in the Geneva Museum by P.

Ammoecii X dentinuX PER INGUEY. l 90 l) type. 1 rom Polchel str. V Potchel stroom. Trans vacill sex not identis ted. SAMCT).DEXCroti in i - Length 3. - . 0 min. Oblong-o Val. convex shiny, glabrotis Fig. 99). Piceous clypeal and laterat margin os pro notum more or less distinctly reddis h. legs brown- reddisti: antennalclui, dark testaceotis. Head with cupulis orna epistoma simply. subregularly and rather cocii Sely punctured to the seel, ly rai sed and ulmost shori anterior carina in front of whicli punctation is sine lygi anulose willi mixed smali punctures: clypeus triangularly and rather deeply sinuate at naiddie. strongly denticulate at si des, denticles strongly upturne l. very th in ly bordei ed and widely roundedlaterat ly. genae obtusely rounded. rallier e longate ly and sparsely ciliate. protruding more than eyes frontal suture sine ly impresse l. lateralty faini: frons coarsely punctured, punctures sonae hal largerilian on epistoma: epipharynx: Fig. l03. Pro notum transverse, strongly convex. do Ubly punctured.s mali punctures regularly scallered thoughoul. large punctures; three to si ve limes larger than s mullones, irregularly sparse on disc. denser on fides: lalter feel, ly curve l. tinely hordei ed. willi maximum id th near base: hi nil angi es oblique ly subtruncate: base saintly bisinuate. distinctly hordei ed.


Scutellum triangularly elongale. at base as wide as two sit si elytral interstices. sparsely punctured onhasal thiril. Elytra convex. moderately broadened backward and willi very smali humeral tooth: striaerat her Line and crenulate on disc. deo per. wider. transversely punctured bul not crenulate precipi catly interstices seel,ly convex and linely punctured on disc. subcarinate at naiddie unis narrowly explanateat cach si de near striae ut elytrat apex. Hind libiae with superior apicat spur sonaewhat longer than sit si tarsul segment: lalter sonaewhat shorter than sol lowing three combineis. Male inferior apiculspur os mi lille tibiae shori. abruptly inward ly curved apical ly: aedeagus: Figs l04-l05 Female inserior apicat spur of middie libiae rather e longate unis regularly acuminale toward apex. Distribution Sotitii Africa eslurn and Sotitheria Cape Province. Transvaal )


bordei ed. border sechly upturned anteriori yr genae angulose . shortly ciliate, disi inci ly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture linely impresse l. sonaewhat gibbous at mi dille: frons sinely. distincllyand subregularly punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 5 . apex os corypha Fig. 58. Pro notum trans Verse. moderately convex. doubly punctured: large punctures sparser on disc, sonaewhat denser On fides. sine punctures subregularly sparse illi oughotit: anterior margin Ginely bordered: sicles almostrounded. th in ly bordered: hi nil angles obtusely rounded: base suintly bis inuale. ruther lli in ly bordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular. sonaewhai sun ken. basully ulmosi impercepti bly punctured. Elytra moderately convex. Stighily broadened posteriori y: epipleui ut carina ulmost satiat at shoulder: striae rather deep, supersici ally punctured. suintly crenti tale: interstices stat on disc. slighily convexon precipi cal declivi ty. ulmost impercepti bly punctured. Hi nil tibiae xviiij superior apicat spur longerit an sit si tarsal segment: lalter sonae hat si orier than sol lowing three combine l. Maleo pronotum relati Vcly more transverse. willi large punctures sparser on disc: mi lille tibiae willi in serior apicat spurVery Shori. Stoul. obliquet y truncate apicatly metasternat plate deeply excavate: aedeagus: Figs 59 60. Ee male pro notum relati vely less transverse. with large punctures denser on disc: middie tibiae with in serior apicat spur regularly elongate and acuminate apicut ly. metasternat plate stightly concave. Distribulion: Porlugat. Spatia. Morocco , Algeri u

elongate ly ciliate, distinctly protruding more thun cyes: frontal sulti re almosi satiat ut mi dille. sine lyimpressed laterat ly: frons distinctly and sparsely punctured: epiphurynx: Fig. 33. apex os corypha

Fig. 34. Pronotum moderate ly transverse. sirongly convex. SOmewhat explanate near linterior angi CS

doub ly punctured with large punctures sparse illi oughout anil flightly denser on fides. mixed sine, almost imperceptibi e punctures subregularly scattered: si des seel,ly rounded. thic kly bordered: hi nilangles oblusely rounded. hase bis inuale. lhic kly bordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular, 14 at mici Oreticulate, nearly smo ath. Elytra strongly convex. seel, ly broade ned backward: epipleurat cu-rina distinclly rai sed hut nol denticulate at shoulder: striae almost sine. ralher Supersici ally punctui cu subcrentilate: interstices stat wilh extremely sine sparse punctures. Hi nil tibiae willi superior apical spur stighlly longer than sit si tarsal segment: lalter us long as solio ing three combine l. Male pro notum relati Vely more transverse less convex and willi large punctures sparser on disc: sore tibiae illi apicui spur pium p. cylindricui. apicatly wide anil spatulate: in serior apicat spur os mi dille tibiae


Vale. aedeagus: Figs. 35-36. Femuleo pronotum relati Vely less transverse. more convex and with large punctures denser on disc: fore tibiae willi apicat spur rallier shori. st aut . seel, ly out arillycurve l. obtusely rounded ut apex: middie libiae with inferior apicat spur rather stiori but regularly acuminate at apex: mel asternat plate 14 al. Distribution AZerbaban. Iran.

Type depository Sotitii Asrican Museum. Cape Town. Dex rotis i - Length d. 0-β.0 mm. Oblong Strongly convex. Shi ny glabrotis Fig. 98).Piceous. clypeat margin, si des os pronolum and elytra more or less widely reddisti: legs brown- reddisti: antennal club clark testaceotis. Head willi cupulis orna epistoma coarsely. densely und regu larly punctured to the plicis orna. rather elongate anil flightly rai sed anterior carina in front os whicli punctation rather dense. coarse anil sonae hal irregular subrugose: clypeus distinctly sinuale at mill ille. widely rounded ut fides. lalter nearly struight. ruther thic kly bordei ed. border upturned: genae obtuse, elongately ciliate. distinctly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture deeply impressed frons stightly depressed at naidule rather sparsely punctured: epipharynx Fig. l00. Prono lum trans Verse. con Ve X. Simply, regularly and ulmost coui Sely punctured. punctation sonae hat denser onsides: lalter distinctly bordei ed. seel, ly incurvate, maximum wid th near base: hi nil an gles sub truncate. truncation fiet, ly sinuate: base not bis in uale. distinctly bordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular. at base as wide as sit si two elytral inters lices. scebly convex and sparsely punctured on basal hali . Elytra elongate. seel, ly broade ned backward. almost impercepti bly denticulate al shoulder: striae sine. saintly creta ulule on disc. progressive ly wide r. fa inlly punctured and not crenutale at ali io-ward apex interstices feci, ly convex on disc. more convex on precipi cui declivi ly. sinely und sparse lypunctured. Hi nil tibiae with superior apicat spur as long as sit si two tarsal segmenis: sit si segment distinctly shorter than solio ing three combine l. Male: in serior apicat spur os mi lille tibiae shortened abruplly in varilly curved apicut ly: ae leugus: Figs l0l-l02. Female: in serior apicat spur os mi dille tibiae elongate and regularly acuminale loward upe X.


Remar X - In the original diagnosis PER INGUEY l 90l: 409) noted 'clypeus ... J with the fides of e margination angulat V and later 'elytra L ... J with the intervals a liti te costate in the anterior pari. but much more distinctly so frona the mi id leto the apex. where they are carinate and impunctate . These characters cannot heveris ed by the syntypes preserved in the Sotitii African Museum. SCHMIDI l 922 Pl) apparently did not see this taxon and dealt with it on thebasis of the original description only. PETRO VI TZ sl 96 l) described A. hoc hi and ENDRO DI l 964) A. du et but they did not give any distinguishing character si om

Later. PETROVl TZ l 964 l88) stat ed that A. mimus is insufficiently describe l. though in his key he distinguished A. Eu ei. A. mimus. and A. kochi on thebasis of morphological characters mentioned in their original descriptions. ENDRO DI and RARO VIC sl 98l 3 l) dealt with these taxa in ille fame manner. Stat ingiliat they had dissiculi ies in tracing the type materiai. A study os a paralype of A. Ochi PETROVITZ preserved in the Geneva Mu-


more than eyes: frontal suture sine ly impresse l. frons sine ly and sparsely punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 4l: apex of corypha: Fig. 42. Pronotum transverse. Strongly con Vex. doub ly puncture l. large punc-lures sonaewhat sparser on disc. much denser On fides and loward base. mixed punctures extreme lysine and subregularly scattered: si des subparallel. thickly bordered: hi nil ungies obtusely rounded: hase bis inuale. thic kly hordei ed. Scutellum triangularly elongate. Stightly Sunken. seebly conveX. sparsely and very fine ly punctured. Elytra strongly convex. seel,ly broade ned posteriori y: epipleurat carina distinctly rai sed hut not denticulate at shoulder: striae deep. almost sine. on disc super ciat lypunctured and subcrenulate, lateralty coarsely punctured and distinctly crenulate: interstices stat ondisc. seel,ly convex on preapical declivi ty. ulmost impercepti bly punctured. Hi nil libiae with superior apicui spur sonae hal longer than first tarsal segment: lat ter stightly longer ilian solio ing three combine l. Male pronolum relative ly more transverse. less convex and with large punctureS more sparseon disc: fore tibiae willi apicat spur plump. cylindrica l. saintly in arilly hooked ut apex: in serior apicat spur os mi lille tibiae wilh shori and oblique ly truncale ut apex: metasternat plate feel, ly excavate aedeagus: Figs 43 4. Female pronotum relatively less transverse. more convex and willi large punctures denser on disc: fore tibiae apicat spur out ward ly curved and apicatly acuminate: meta- sternat plate flat. Distribution: More or less widespre ad in central Tui key: Greece .

Type depository BARAUD collection. Muscum national d 'Histo ire natu relle. Paris. Type material: Holotype, male Slennse. Syrie. 0J. 05.l9J0. Navi aux R. leg. Descrotion - Length 5.5 nam. Shori. ovat, Strongly convex. Shiny, glabrotis Fig. 22). Black clypeat margin and legs piceous: antennal club testaceous. Head willi cupulis orna epistoma densely. irregularly and subrugosely punctured to the almost narrow and nearly strat glit anterior carina in frontos whicli the subrugose punctation sonaewhat siner and superficiat: clypeus widely sinuale at mi id te distinctly denticulate at si des. lateralty rather th in ly bordei ed. border saintly upturne l. genae obtusely rounded, sparsely ciliate. distinctly protruding more than eyes: si ontal suture sine, stight lyra i sed: frons almost coarsely and regularly punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 3J: apex of corypha: Fig. 38. Pronotum strongly transverse, sonae hat larger than elytrat base, doub ly punctured. sine punctureSSubregularly scattered throughoui. mixed larger punctures very sparse On disc toward base. much denser on fides: lalter subparallel. th in ly hordered: anterior angies distinc t. thic kly bordered: hi nil an- gles widely rounded: base feel, ly bis inuate . distinctly bordei ed. border faintly sunk. Scutellum very Smali, regularly triangular, seel,ly convex, Smooth. Elytra Shori. ovat, broade ned posteriori y. distinctly denticulate at shoulder and with strong epipleurat carina: striae deep. rather ine. seebly


RE DEFINi TlON OF TAXA OE AHERMODONTUS AND AMMOECIUS COI .: APHODllDAE, 309crenulate with punctures moderate ly impresse l. more coarsely punctured and distinctly crenulate lal erat ly and on preapical declivi ly: interstices moderate ly convex on disc. more strongly convex later- atly unu pre apical ly. sparsely and ulmost impercepti bly punctured. Hi nil tibiae with superior apical spur as long as fit st lai sal segment: latter as long as sol lowing three combine l. Male sore tibiae with apicat spur Stout . clownward bent. regularly acuminate loward apex: inserior apicui spur os naiddie tibiae shortened, obliquet y truncate and sonaewhat inward ly hooked apical ly: aedeagus: Figs 39- 0.

Distribution Known only si in the type locali ty.

Fig. 65). Black. clypeui margin saintly reddisti: legs dark hrownisti: antennal club testaceotis. Head illi cupulis orna epistoma sine ly regularly and almost denset y punctured to the sharply rai sed anterior transverse carina in front os whicli the punctation is sine ly granulo- rugose: clypeus deeply sinuate ulmi dille. subdenticulate at si des. lalter distinctly hordei ed and regularly arcuate to genae: lalter obtusely rounded. elongale ly Ciliale seel,ly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture very sine ly impresse l. frons rather densely, fine ly and regularly punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 89: apex os corypha Fig. 90. Pro notum transverse: strongly convex. do Ubly punctured: larger punctures irregularly Scat- tered on the basal two l hirtis os disc. denser on fides: smaller ones regularly und not very dense lythroughout sparse: anterior margin sinely bordered: hi nil angles subtruncate: base not bis inuate ruther thickly bordei ed. Sculellum regularly triangular, nai, with a sew sine punctures on basal hal f. Elytra Shori, Ovat, Strongly convex. not denticulate at shoulder: striae rather fine. super cialty punc-lured. very seel,ly crenutate: interstices suintly convex. impercepti bly punctured. Hi nil tibiae willi su perior apicat spur distinclly longer than sit si tarsal segment: lat ter as long as sol lowing three combine l. Vale: in serior apicat spur os mi lille tibiae shortene l. apicatly truncate and in arillyabruptly beni: metasternat plate concave: aede agus: Figs 9l-92. Female: inferior apicat spur os mill ille tibiae elongate and regularly acuminate toward apex: metasternat plate nearly nat.

Distribution: Algeria. Tu nisi a. Sicily

Remia res in the OBERTHUR is collection at the Paris Mus eum two speci

mens s male and te male) labelled 'Sicilia'' are preserve d but we did not stud y any

other specimen collected there.


Type depository Museum national d 'Histoire naturelle. Paris. De vcrotion - Length 4. 0-β. 0 in m. Shori. seel, ly o Val. Strongly Con Vc X. Shiny. glabroUS Fig. 84). Black: clypeat margin brown reddisti: legs brown- reddish with tarsi pater: antennal clubtestaceous. Head with Strongly convex epistoma coarsely and Subrugosely punctured punctation distinctly granulose in front of the s hori and moderate ly rai sed anterior carina: clypeus angulate lysinuate at naiddie; obtusely rounded at si des. thickly bordered, bor ter distinctly Upturne l. genae obtusely rounde l. rather shortly ciliate. protruding more than eyes: frontal suture fine ly impresse l. saintly gibbous at mi lille: si ons coarsely and subregularly punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 53. apex os corypha: Fig. 54. Pro notum subquadrate. Strongly con Vex. do Ubly punctured. large punctures sparseon disc but much denser on fides mixed distinct fine punctures regularly scat tered: anterior marginvery fine ly bordered: si des seebly rounded. th in ly hordei ed: hi nil angles widely rounded: base dis tinctly bis inhiate. thic kly hordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular. coarsely and rather denset y punc-tUred. Elytra strongly convex. sonae hal broade ned backward ly: epipleurat carina distinct hut notilenticulate at Shoulder: striae large anil dee p. rather superficiat ly punctured, subcrenutate: intersti cesseel, ly convex on disc, more convex on precipi cal declivi ty. sine ly. sparsely punctured. Hi nil tibiae willi superior apicat spur longer than sit si tui sal segment: lalter nearly as long as sol lowing three combin ed. Male epistoma relative ly more distinctly und less coarsely punctured: pro notat disc willi large punctures more sparse: naiddie tibiae with inferior apicat spur shori. stoul and oblique ly truncate api- catly metasternat plate deeply excavale aede agus: Figs 55-56. Femuleo epistoma relative ly more irregularly and more coarsely punctured: pro notat disc with large punctures ruther dense mi dille tibiae willi in serior apicat spur e longate and regularly acuminate apicatly metasternat plate nat.


DEXCrotis/ὶ - Length 6. -J.5 min. Oblong strongly convex, Very shiny, glabro us Fig. I 0). Blackis h. clypeat margin and anterior angi es os pro notum suintly reddish legs brownish antennalclui, dark testaceotis. Head with epistoma doub ly irregularly punctured on disc se large punctures sparse lateralty mixed extreme ly fine ones becoming impercepti ble at center: punctation in front os anterior strong and wide carina simple. regular. sonae hat denser and relative ly more distinci: clypeus broad ly sinuate at mi dille; strongly denticulate at si des. rather thickly bordered, horder up-lurned: genae obtusely rounded rather elongate ly ciliate. protruding more than eyes: frontal suture obsolete ut m id die. almosi faint laterat ly: frons sine ly punctured on fides only: epipharynx: Fig. 29 apex of corypha Fig. 30. Pronotum moderately transverse. Strongly convex. doub ly punctured: large punctures irregularly sparse, sonae hat denser on fides. Very sine ones mixed and regularly scattere llhroughout: anterior margin with vestiges os bordor to levet os eyes: fides seebly rounded. th in ly bor dei ed. border shortly bri siled loward front an gles: hi nil angles obtusely rounded. base faintly bis in uale. rather th in ly hordei ed. Scutellum feel, ly convex. willi curved si des, willi trace os laterat border: basully sine ly punctured. Elytra oblong elongate. subdenticulate at shoulder striae rat herdeeply impresse l. coarsely punctured. Strongly Crenta later interstices nearly nat on disc. feel, ly convex laterat ly. impercepti bly punctured. Hi nil tibiae willi superior apicat spur longer than sit si tarsalsegment: latter nearly as long as solio ing three combin ed. Maleo fore libiae with apicui spurspatulate and seel, ly broaden ed apicut ly at each side: in serior apicat spur os millille tibiae very shortand obliquet y truncate apical ly: metasternat plate concave: aede agus: Figs 3l-32. Female fore tibiae illi apicat spur. as weli as in serior apicat spur os mi dille tibiae. regularly acuminate toward apex: metas ternat plate ne arly at. Distributiori Solitheria Turkey.