Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


different speci S.

morpho-anatomical characteristics.


the manu script .


53 68.



The solitheria border of the range of tribu Blaptini rought y coincides with theso ut heria limit of the Palaearctic Regio n. Only a few species of the tribe penetrate into tropicat areas of Asia and Africa . L. PER EGO VITS and T. VASARHELYI Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest) have discovered a new species of Blaptini in Norti, Vietnam. This species, sor whicli a new genus is erecte d. inhabit shigh mountains 2540 m). The beetles were found to be active at night as in thecase of their Palaearctic relatives. The genus Hella Orici gen. n. is closely related to uel lol,lans FAIRMAlRE. t 886 occurring in the motintains of the easteria part of the Tibetan Plateati s Sichuan. Yunnan) and in Taiwan.

D cri tisit - Anterior margin of clypeus straight. Antennae Fig. l) of male with two terminal segments extending heyond base of pronotum is directed backwariis: antennae os se male with apices reaching base of pronotum. Prothorax and elytra rather Strongly narrowing toward base. Elytra offemale swollen. Epipleurat carina smooth at base. Epipleura extending to apex os elytra. Dorsat margin os in ner sui face of prosemur with weak rounded process apicatly Fig. 3). lnner sui face of ali tib


Fig. l 9). Viettagonia is similar in the structure of the ovi positorial l obes to the genus Coliasiti. differing frona it in the shorter and wider parameres Fig. 20) and distributiori . In addition. Coliasiti a iSoides KOCH. l 965 differs frona Viettagona in the

absence of pale hair brushes on plantar sui face of male pro- and me Sotai Somere, and in the bases of spei mathecal reservoli s being separated frona each other byrather long duci. bases of reservo irs and spei mathecal sphinc ter approximate. Aconsiderable de vel op ment of pale hairs on plantar sui face of tarsi differentiates Viettiagonia frona the generia Νe cili quies and Diti logoniti. in the species of the lalter genera; pale hair brusti is present Only on male protarso mere l. At the fame time the characters of the tarsal structure unite Uielitigonia with AXiushlia X and Agnes-VIOrici. Presence of a weak rounded proces s on dorsat margin os in ner sui face of prolemur and the structure of widen ed in apical half meso- and metatibiae reve alciose affini ty of Viettagonia to AXiushla S and Agna toria. Another suppori forthis potnt of vie w is the structure of legs and semale genital iubes in the genera Agria toria. ASi obici S and Uie Iliagona. In particular meso- and metatibiae in te litigona are abruptly widen ed in apical half like in Agna toria: and ist and 2ndreservo irs of spei matheca in Vielitigones and Asiuol,lases for instance, in Asido Diti X Smelianai G. MEDVE DEV, 200l frona Taiwan: see Fig. 2J and MED VEDE V200l h) forna a weli developed common base. Vietltigona differs frona these genera in the folio ing characters: apicat margin os ovi positorial l obes rounded: in nersui face of ali tibiae covered with pale setae: para meres evenly curved in laterat


view: common si ast os spiculum ventrale wide. ln ASii Diti S and Agnes lorici Only pro- and mesotibiae are covered with pale setae ora in ner fide: parameres in laterat vie w S-curved Fig. 2l; 22) common sitast os spiculum ventrale long and