장음표시 사용
stre thens the negation. A. 3, a I G. 444 Η. 353, 2. For the subjunctive folio in cave se Roby, Gram. 584, 6α; enned IN A. 69 a 3, 33I. Rem. G. 64, II. 548, 2 Η. 489 ai, 499, 2. - hutiis facta, illius dicta on huius an iluus se A. Ioa a G. 292, Rem I Η. 45O, , . In facta. . . dicta e have the contrastbetmeen thecisse es action, the πρακτDebs sos, hic the Romana re-garde a the ni prope lis for a mani rank, and the literar orcontemplative lila, the θεωmmκbs sos. The Roman looke o alloepariment of thought an literatur a gracesul adjuncis to a liteo activity, ut nothin more. f. n. o I sumus otiori negem: See G. 398, Rem 2 H. 33 n. a. - quam id recte: seen in . . s. - viderint sapientes ho cla I am right is forthe wis me to consider . The litera rendering of viderint ouldbe shal by and by consider', viderisu ein probabi not perfectsubjunctive, ut future perfeci indicative. Phrases like his arethoro hi discussed by Roby Gr. Vol. II. Preface, P. Vi., and DI 593. B sapientes no doub the Stoic are meant, ho aught that menought to e entiret unaffecte by an emotions. ither of ain ores pie ure. - moveor enim : suppi desiderio fro the precedingsentence. - confirmare the senseris ather stronger tha that formare. - me ipse et cf. n. on 3 ω μα- decessu: abi. of
cause and time. - nihil mali etc. the fame opinion is expoundedat lenn in Tusc. Disp., Book I; es 'specialty III. Se also the reflections o the eat o Hortensius in Brut ε 3, and Fam 5, si nihi mati et seq. - incommodis the wor is here potntedi comtraste Wit mali There is no doubi a light reference to the Stoictheor of προηγμένα an ἀποπροπημένοι. Although ovi viriue is bonum, ni vice malum in the yes of the Stoics, stili here aresuch differences mong the things a mill incline the wis me todestre ome of them προηγμένα - sumenda an rejectisther stir προηγμένα - reicienda or incommoda , his reat appiness, hoWever, remaining absolutet unaffected. f. Acad. I, 36 and 37 se Zeller, Stoica Epicureans, an Sceptim, Ch Io Ueber eg Histor of h,
losophy, ε 3s Ritter Hist. of Ancient Philosophy, Book II. h. s.
11. cum iii ... praeclare: Who ould say that his destin hasno been glorious' lit Athat he has no been eat with Le by thegod o fates splendidiyλ' Cf. Is also Academ. 2, 28 quaeret
th sentence or laus more euphonio . - puero for his anclother references to Scipio's life se Intr. to C. . p. xxi,-xxiii. The appositive tempora clause, Mem 324 Η. 363, 3, 2 adulescens : his no ad scens s hic is the participi os adolescol, is the correct Apelling. P. 6. - factu consul aome scholam is inuite unnecessarii'to strike ut the wor consul, o the strenn es passages like urii quaesturam una fetiit e sum Do factus prior Dom. 2 consula sum ei serere liceret, cum factus esset. . . f. ho ever Cic. Leg. Agr. a. me erae unum ... qui consulatum redierim, cum primum iacitum sit, consia factus sim, cum primum fetierim. - ante tempus se Inu.
to C. . p. xxii. Te,us here eth prope or regula time - καιρόν. The legat age was forW-three Scipio Wasininthiri seven. - aihi: a dativus commodi fas regard himself' sora amicitiis I sapienti. - suo tempore manus sal to gain ossice suo se ore Whenheris electe to the ossice at the earlies age hic the la alio A. On suo Se G. 293 Rem. I; Η. 449, 2. - sero hecause themmmantine War ad atread continue eight years and ad prove cli astrous to the Romana Se res above-Gahus Carthage and Numantia, in B. C. 46 and 33. - non modo ... delevit it is os course inaccurate to spea of lotting ut omethin in the future, but the expression has an parallel in very angvage. Delerebiarum for the more sua confere or rosimo A is found also in Nepos Alcib. 8 6. - facillimis mos affable'. - de pietate ... honitate it is impossibi to ive genera rules for the inser Uon or omission of the reposition in the secon an subsequent places. L ho ever, the reposition ad been repeate heres foretiferalitate, pietase, an bonisate, ac of these qualities ould have
stood ut it greater prominence an distinciness, ould in facthave been more emphasiaed cf. n. ono μία. Scipio me a lega rio his mother after her divorce fissaui, besto ed i after hercleat upo his sistera liberata au), an gave to his eide brother properi received hom his father' estate bonitate . - maerore et dolor isarienas fel at the heari, luctus as expressedi materiai signs,
in the resa, for instance, maeror a expresse by the conditio oractionis the sufferer, for example by the gloomon his countenance. The tollo incis a strikin passage - Att. I 2, 28, 2 maerorem minui, dolorem nec solui nec si s Sem, velum. - quid indv. acc. potuisset A. 3IO, a G. 594, 3 H. O7, 3 n. 7. - memini. . . diSaerere is o 2. Laelius an Scipio re tw of the interlocutors in the Cato Maior, and ita trives artfuit here to give an atri realityto the conversation e relates in that dialogue - viriditatem: laeshneas'. o the metaphorica use of the wor cf. Verg. Aen. 6, 3o cruda deo iridisque senectus Tac Agr. 29 iuveneus et quibus cruda ac viridis senectus Verg. Aen. 5, 29 viridique iumenta. etiam nunc : Ven in the est,riter nunc occasionalty goes With apas teme, a Cic. Verr. 3, 47 quos eo campos anua nitidissimos vidissem, hos ira anatos nunc videbam ut ... In that passage tum ould have been ambiguous acter antea, o in urs tum might have been
referred by the reade to the time of the conversation belween Scipio, Cato, an Laelius; so in Liv. 3, 9 8. ut esten the motive is meret the destre to mine the narrative vivid, a in Caes. B. G. 7, 62 6 incerto nunc etiam exitu . . . signa intulerunt es idiis, o, 6; Cic. Cat. I, 9 Sallust, Iug. - 312. vita ... gloria Cic. means that ome movi look o Scipio stila a meret showing the effectis lucrior hance While ther Would thin of the renoω attendincit an assume that Scipio deserve in Gloria here implies Artus. Fortuna and virtus are the wo important
attributes of the Roman general es. Pro Balbo o Pompeius in
quo uno is summa fortuna cum summa virtus ceriami instas hominiquam deae eribueretur Fam Io 3, 2 Hrtute duce, comis fortuna; De Imp. n. Pom. 8. so the ablatives se Roby, 2IO A. 253; G. 398 H 424. - accedere : c. vel ad fortunam De ad Horiam. --moriendi sensum moriendi is the ac o proces of dying; mortis Would have a disserent meanin and could not be substituted here. f. C., 74 Phil. 9, 3 si quis est sensus in morte onScipiola deat se Intr. to C, p. xxii. - quo de genere mortis:
i. e. Math so sudde asinis for the formis expression cf. n. - . vere there is a loose contrast with Meiae diem eas hic impli ni si veri poseu diei. - eIeherrimoa: mo 'most amous' utiliteratW mos attende by crowds , i. e. M on hic Scipio Wasthe centre of the popular interest f. Mid' n. on Arch. 4. clarissimum for the application es clarus to thino a uel aspersons, agelsbach quotes Div. 2 83 Att. 6, I a clarissimi iurisiurandi. motice the emphasis inve by the repetitionis diem from
diebus. - reductus est: it Was the custo in times of excitementior leamn statesmen to e scorte to the senate-hous isom heirhomes an hac again by thei admirers. For the scortinWaydrom me educere is generali used for the scori home arda reducere. Se C. Μ. 63, here the wo oro occur together, a the do in Val. Μ- 2, I, 9 For the ood se A. 336, b G mo Rem I H. 5am 2, 2 . - ad Vesperum Wit the reposition ad sub in the accusative os vesper is generali used an no that os essem. -- populo Romano: simply limibus, the urgesses, as opposed tothe socii an Latini. - sociis et Latinia: these Wo oros must M taken together a forming one member of the enumeration Padi allelisit Heribus conscriptis Mid sopulo Romano. When an enumeriatio consist of nt two member Cicero, excepi in certain specialcases, neve omit the copula; hen there are three o more members, he either ut et efore ac member after the firs o leavescit out altogether. In ur passage, i sociis an Latinis hae M of them been entille to an separatet in the enumeration, it oulo have been necessar to strike ut et advi has mos thoroughlydiscusse this matter in a note o Fin. 4, 36 an in opuscula I, p. 333 π. The practice of most the writers of the est periodagree o the hole it that o Cicero in his respect Cf. n. on
8 -SuPer S. . . deo ... inferos the wor deos is purposely notplace immediatet alter superos, in orde to prevent the reade Domunderstandin inferos o mea inferos deos. Wit this arrangementsuper . . . deos means, a Senfert explainscit, superi, qui aeri suntra nuper no quite accurate es a in on . . 6I also on modo
in in nasmuchos the nowledge of the Gree speculations Uch dente the our existenc after death had beguito spread among the educate classes a Rome long beiore dicipio' death. The referen is hieny bM no solely, to the Epicureans Some of the Peripatetica an some also of the ne Academic hel or at least omelimes
advocate the fame vie S. - mortuis ... iura the principat temerent rites' ai to the dea are mentione in Cic. Leg. 2, 35 seq.; cf. speciali 37 miam religiosa iura The passage resemble Tusc. I, 26 seq.-Si ... Whitrarentur cf. Tusc. I, 27 For the impedifect in arbitrarentur an haereret, modem feeling ould require theptuperfeci. Cic. so the moment realiges the pastis present, and
so ook o the condition a not holi past ut stili continuing. The sage i liis the substitutionis the present for the past for thesak of vividness, in historica narratives. Re both protasis and apodosis contain a ver in the imperfect Where, should expect theptuperfect e. r. Verr. 5, 89 Sest 63ὶ but it cloes notitie happenthat the apodosis has a ver in the luperfeci, while the ver in the
protasis stand in the imperfeci, a in C. . I nisi essent . . . as sellassent. Irregularities of the fame sor are common in Greeli conditiones sentences A. 3M a G. 599, Rem I H. Io n. a. - nihil adv. acc. Wit pertinere suppi some or referring to iura ove. - ad eos pertinere es Aristolle Eth. ic. I, Io, 3 oκει γὰρ Dad τι ν τεθνεωτι κώ-ωeb καὶ ἀγαθόν. -- fuerunt: - vix runt. Se n. o C. . a sunt. The tollo ers of Pythagoras remeant. - nunc quidem now, I admit' for the concessive seo quidem es. 74. - tum Some adversative particle correspond-
in to sed autem vero or the like would e inserte in an modern language. his adversative smdeton is speciali common in Caesar, as in B. G. I, 8, I celeriter consilium dimittit, Liscum retinet;
P. 6. - vel eius in C. . 78 Cic. appeat jus as e does hereto the Pythagoreans an to Socrates as authorities for the immortalit of the oul. - qui sc. diceba r. - non suppi quotiens de e re diceret. - tum hoc tum illuda the later Academics, particulari Arcesilas an Carneades, professin to follo Socrates, madea practice of arguin o both sides of ver question, an declared that certaint was unattainable though probabie conclusion mighthe formed. The pride themselve o no Min oblige to supportdogmaticali an se of viems; hil others were in bondage to doctrines the only were recto ut for ard io 'his now that . f. Cicero's Academica assim, but particulari a I 34 tum o mihi probabilius, tum illud viritur; et, a modo hoc modo iuuae probabilius
oni M. Leeseris. - idem emper, animo etα Cic. a thinising of Socrates sine appears in the dialogues of Plato, particularly in the Phaedo, Apology, Phaedrus, an Timaeus. The principalargumenta in favor of the ouPs immortalit Whic are ut into Socrates mout in the Phaedo re many times reproduce by Cioero, speciali in usc. I, Somn. Scip. an Cato,aior. In the oro esse minos an reditum in caelum fas' Cic. recalis those argumenta in favor of the oursor nata exis: 'nce hic the Pl toni Socrates usuallycioins it his arguments for the ours life alter the eat of the ody. - ex corpore: sed for eorroribus, since in both Gree and Latin When a number of person are memtione and then ome ne hin common to them ali, that hincia osten ut into the singular, heremur idiom ould require the plurat.
Cf. usc. I, O animos, cum e corrore excesserint ib. I, 72 animorum
e corrore excedentium: C. Μ. I; in the other hano, C. M. Manimos, dum in corporibus essent etc. - optimoque ... exPeliti Simum: cf. Tusc. I, o se . also Plato, Phaedo II 4 B. O thesuperlative Wit quisque See A. 93, c; G. 3os Η. 458 I. 14. praesagiret on this Wor cf. Cic. Div. I, 65 sarire enim semeire acus est ex quo sagae anus quia multum scire volume, et vaces
dicti canes. Is irim qui anu sagit quam Maza res est dici uri a sarire, id est, furum anu scire. Philus P See Introd. p. v. Manilium se Introd. p. v. - triduum disseruit the discourseis represente by Cicero's Wor De Re Publica. - de re puNica: concerning the common ealth , i. e. the idea or est formis commonwealth. -- extremum this neuter adj is sed as a nou is
I, 96o, Livy, Tacitus, etc. - fuit . . . de 'areate of '. - animorum the plura Where e se the singular, A the foui in the abstractsense. Immoriarisas animorum also occurs in C. . 78 Where se n., Leg. 2 68 aeternuas animorum in usc. I, o. - quae M onlytherias book of the De Re Ptiblica comprising the omnium eis
onis discusse the immortalit of the oui the neuter quae refers notto the whole ork,int meret to the extremum. Quod ould have been correct ut inelegant. Quae is a sortis explanatio of exm mum the conclusion I mea suc matters as . For the plures rei live referre to a singula antecedent f. the no uncommon phrases ex eo onere quae Fin 3 7o an ex eo numero qui Wit plura verbs Arch. 3I The mage is frequently found in Greeh, as Plato, Rep. 554
θησαυροποι. -)ρ, ο δη καὶ ἐπαινει τι πληθos A. 99, b G 6I 3 I; H. 45, 3. - quiete somno, a SomeWhat poetica usage, but occurring quite frequently in Cicero. - visum here the neut. participi used a noun, o the accus es visus, us. - Africano: sc maiore. - id si ita eat, ut Arinthe truth reallyris I mea that'. For the explanator in cf. o also the expression occisa necesse est M. - in mori upon deat ' i. e. immediatet after death; cf.
Lucr. I, III aes a quoniam foenas in mori timendumst, i. e. pum
evolare non excurrere videretur De Or. 2, - - cuStodia es. Somn. Scip. 4 ea visunt qui e corsorum inculis tamquam e carcere mola erunt; usc. I, 7 cum tuu ex is inclis emissi feremur, Lntis tardari, cursus animorum ib. I, II8 De Or. 2, 22.
cui censemus the formis the question is live that in a quid
arbitramur etc. Censetis ould have been more usual f. in. 3, 3 quem enim ardorem studi censetis fuisse in Archimede ρ- maerere . . . eventu ii the ablative folio indoleo, maereo the occurrenceis regarde a the occasio for the expression of the orro. ii the accusative, then a the objectis the emotion me tu here αδεω, as in Verg. Aen. II, 58 ducis exemplum eventumque secuti, andoite in iv an Caesar. - illa : Ἀ- of I3. - senSu enim amisso etc. the idea is follo ed ut in Tusc. I, 8 seq.-IRe-tahitur: -il exuit' laesari is stronger than gaudere. 15. actum optime est: m. II. - fuerat: the luperfectstanda here here the perfeci fuit o imperfeci erat ould have been more usual fuerat aequius implies 4 had alway been in ur yes more reasonable to expect'. The substitution is quite common in Latin comedy, a Plaut. Trin. II ei rei operam dare te fuerat alia quanto aequius Terent. Adelph. 685 viminem quam te non iussuerat lavere. Re introieram, in vitam must e supplied rom de ua
puhlica re usages like his how that the phras res publica re' resente to the Roman tW Words, notisne compound Word. f. Fam. I, 9, 2 res ipsa publica; ib. I, 8, 4 rei totius publicare Lael. 'eque publica ; res primam an res publica re osten contrasted as
in Attio 7, 5; ib. I, 8, i. n. 3 42. - HS . Messenee . viri mistum ... consensio ' the fullest agreement in poli , inste, avd Pinion'. The wor volumus in Cic. frequently means inclin sicin in politim. For the definitionis triencihi here give es 92;
aettim hi est put for Minertim cum falsa sit; cf. ff. I, I 37 α η me an in ei um praedicare, falsa praesertim Tusc. S. I fropriis
argumentis murianda quaeque res est, sunt praesertim. H. 442.
quam quod arem is the forme construction ad Men carrie on. Ah ald avo ad quam sessore etc. The change ho ever, is es sor common it Cicero, a Fin. 3, 2 sapientia enim et animi maenis finem commenti, et iustitiam, et ut omnia quae omin a Laeans in via se rari et . n. P. . ordi ree te' foro fuli discussion of the predic tive dative in aras iit examplea see o 's Gram. Hef. to Vol. 2,pp. --lv. he natau predicative Mem unsuit te here, for corinis the onera livo on illo lis Wit regar to hic the substitutionis the nominati eri in the ui edicative sense is inconceivabie. Cf. 43
curae 7 Aoniuέ. Hae ais; A. 233, an foObnote G. 35o; Η. 39 Ι --- vix tria in s Uin I, 65 quod quam magnum sit. Me murum fabulae δεαι/ιια in quibus tam multis amque variis, a ultima antiquitate re tuis, tria vix amicomum paria referiuntur, ut a s Oressem servenias profectus a Thraeo. The three patra re Theseus an Pirithous, Achilles an Patroclus Orestes an Pylades. he friendshipo a fourth air Damon an Phintias, of whom perhaps Cic. Wasthinkin in ur passage in is commente o in Off. 3, 45 cf. in a,
Sperare videor . . fore : his clause impi repeat the sense of the word amicitiae . . fore above Videor mihi Meor. 1ε ita necesse est the sucis ot pleonasti in phrases of thissori, though osten o regarded. The sens here is istuc necesse est, et eo modo quo Iu dicis necesse esse. Cf. Arch. a Ao ita diei. Anumber of simila passages are quoted by advi on in a, 7. EO in Plato, Philebus a m ἐπειδh o. μω εἶπεs- sumus otiosi the fame reason for the discourse salven in in I, I quoniam mutite sumus otiosum. Accordinxto Roman feeliniit a no considereo prope for statesmen to discus philosophica question exceptis a relaxatio from more serious business. f the exordia of Academica Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie
quid. aking wit them the word is amicitia quid sentias the wholema Moreel rendered, your opinio concerning the theor and practice of friendship'. In c. 6VII, hic correspondo qualem existimes, Laelius gives hi view of the nature and value os friend-ship in c. I XV h lay do practica rules an maxima concernincit. - mihi vero: this formis emphatic assent is common in Cicero' dialogues e. g. Academica I, 4; ib. 25 ib. I. antevertit: lit. turne in front', thrus in front , . e. his re- quest o his speech. mere trans. anticipate me'. - gratum
For summar se Introd. p. ix. 17. non gravarer: AKould ais no objection 'ν cf. Cluent. 69primo gravari coerit, quod ... - Praeclara res cl. 4 ima mihi me visa est praeclara . . . otiosi, ChiaSmuS. - qui ego etc. for thealmos tautologica formo the question cf. Acad. 2, 32 nec vero satis constituere fossum quod sit eorum consilium aut quid sibi
velint Nepos, Dat cum quid ageretur aut quare e re ignorarent. For the sense, es Fam 9, 8, 3 ipsa illa si quaesuit in me facula, ora tionis Arch. I oratio, facultas The word μαδεω implies readines acquired by practice. - doctorum here philosophersis profession a in I; es the woros elow, eis qui tua prostentur. - eaque mauc righil remaris that Graecorum is substantive an no meret an epithetis doctorum othemis Cic. would have riue eorumque for eaque Eaque -κα ταλα See n. O 4 et eorum. - ut eiS... Suhito the practice elonge firs tothe sophist an rhetoricians then to the philosopher of the e
Acade . f. in. 2, I sophistae ... quorum e numero primus est ausus Leontinus Gormas in conventu poscere quaestionem, id est iubere dicere qua de re quis velut audire. Audax ne tium, dicerem impudens, nisi hoc institurum ossea tranatarum ad nostros Hiram os esset; Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie
De in I, Ox ih. 3, 27. - quamvis Suhit Dam tam NMI quam μα -- magnum Pu est: so in De r. I, o Cicero mys os Gorgias sermagnum quidem susci re ac romeri videbouum For marnum opus a great taSk, cf. Academ. 2, 2I Tusc. 3 7 and 84; Orat. 5. - quae . . . Possunt this refers to Fannius Word a veis amicitia dispinaris. here is a contrast et een dispinari and horiari Laelius at fidit declares himself unable to give a scientifican philosophica discussion o triendship he an oni ove omepractica directions concerning it. - cenaeo petatis se uis is directly dependentis censeo, ut bein suppressed, ascit ostencis With
curo, cameo, sinere horiari, an many the Verta es. n. Ono came.
- ante natis etc. for the sense es Io - nihil eat enim: note --, thir Wor in the clause; ad it stoo secon est Would no have been o emphatic. - tam naturae aptum the phrases naturae aptus, ad naturam aptus are common in Cic. a Fin. 4, 6;Off. I, oo an are es Stoic origin The Stoic define viriue as in τῆ φύσει ὁμολογουμένω ζῆν, naturae convenimur invere CLbelo I naturam o imam bene visendi ducem. -ve secundas vel adversas P so Cic. says o literature Arch. 6 secundas res
ant, adversis serrimum ac solorcium praebent.1s nisi in honia A excepi in the case of good men . f. 65,
here inter bonos correspondario in bonis here. - neque . . . reseco: no do Ι probe the question to it roois', i. e. the question hetheroni good me canis frienos. The Stoics ad declare that onlyperfeci men sapientes, σοφοί or 'oυδάιοι - boni, since non but the φό is 'ουδαιos could e frienos. So Diog. Laert. 7, 24 ha φιλίαν ἐν μόνοι τola 'oυδο δει ευαι λέγουσι, an Aristolle Eth. Nic. andis passim ἰ also Socrates in Xen. Μem. o. The Phrasea visum resecare, literalty a cui ac to the quick', is here identical in meaning Wit the subtilius disserere that follows, and wit thesubtilius quaerere os . - aedis etc. disserunt. - sit ita sane: his is a common formula a re concedentis Academ a Mne sit sane ς ib. 2, o sint fati sane. - eam ... interpretantur:
se erae es. o, the understand wisclom to M a thing Which. . .' eam is by attractio for M. A. 93, ae G. Oa, Rem 5 H. 45, 4. nemo cf. 7 and 9. The eadin Gree Stoic philosopher hardlyeVer Venture to Oint ut an actua person as havin attaine to isdom. Posidonius Diog. 7, 94 seem to have allo e that Socrates, Diogenes, an Antisthenes ad made ome invance to arda