장음표시 사용
Noun Subriamive. Τhe nouilias amongst grammarians an denominations With respecta significatim und derivation. I. The name os a particular person or hin individuassy is
calle a prope name victi as are,specialifali chiristian and surnames of men; a Paulus, Cicero, Charies, Frederic Mulier, Beda 8cc. the names os Citiem, nuJuntains, ver Pas, Leipsic, Elna, Danube. Buc names hic betam in severat thingsos ne vita is called a commoni me nomen appellativum); assiumen, Mod rex, hing homo, man.
Note. tia he asked whether Our present christi an and sumames an be Calle Proper ames, sin e the are horne livseverat persons, and there are consequently now, no individuplnames originali perhaps it was in But in grammis eam notis ver preesse, an preser Meping the old denomin uons more er, the nantes Charies, lae are stili individual in comparison illi offers, such as hinsman, hin. 2. I the nouidenotes a man's countru it is called nomen geniale a Saxo, a Sarion Macedo, a Macedonian these long also the adjectives Romanus, Roman Graecus, Gr
in desios thesint deciension); as Anchisiades, sonis Anchises; aesonides, w of mon; Where stericis inori. I the lassi laname Ods in eus, the i is long Pelides, son os Peleus. A ding ter generali e scia is os the thies deciension); a Perseu,
daughter o Perseus Priameis, aughter os Priamus. Som times a son Ends in ion, a daughter in as orne though these areno so common. ote These terminations also denote descendanis thus Pyrrhus is calle AEacides, though he wasoni a distant descendant os Eacus.
NMe. Patronymic in is an as are properi adjectives: scit filia, semina, M. 4. Is it implies a lessenim os,bat in original,ord signi- fies, ii is calle a diminutive nolin nomen dimimitivum); as lapillus, a lituo stone, sto lapis, a sione avicula, a litue bires. The fame essect is producta in Englisti by the addition os hinor sing a lambhin, totaling. These diminutives are sed, a sor a thing, hicli is reali litiles a lapillus, a litti stone tb in caressing as corculum, sweetheart Tulliola sor Tullia so with us, Fred sor Frederic filiola, filiolus, dear dataliter,son, in contempt; as homulus, homunculus, homu cio, a litue multa mean, oomspirite man so in Engliis,
totaling, a contemptibi lard dythrouo modesty, when ones sis os himselli as, ingeniolum meum, underata ing H at times in mocher o ironγ as, fraterculus ganium. Such diminutives are extremely rare in Englisti, but occur si
quently ith the Italians aiad Germans. mole l. Sometimes Domine dimittutive a secon is derived in tessen the signification stili surther; as ager agellus agellulus tener, tenelliis, nellulus. Λ. . I liere are,ord which have the terminations os
diminutives, but there existio primitives hom,hichahey could bo derived i may be questione Whether thesare diminutives, particulari a me are nodis in mearum a baculus,
si s tumulus, in argilla, lay cubiculum, crepusculum,
macellum, &c.-untes perhaps ille radices ord e lost, and the diminutive used forcit. i. Some diminutives departarom
these; ut it properissignifies a litue mouin andiu figur svely mea alis. 4. Some diminutives are forme aster tho Gree serin as epistola, nsiolium, in Diminutives stequently ars used in the fame sense a the primitives asasellus osten occurre in Pharetrus ser asinus, M.
5. Thoso whieli are derive fioni verri are calle verbal ver siq; a lector, lectio, stoin lectum, sinc ibo princi-
essentia, senientia, M. When derive smin nouns, ille intermed denominativa a primas, mi Priinus,ine.
i. e. Mither masculine nor seminine though the lastis rQber a strange appellatim
Note. l. In the natureos things, there properis cur buti tendere, ille masculine, an sciuinitae the neuter uteretareis omeWhat extraordina . ut it must o remacteri that grammatica term are fel in accurate, cause illo ines etoo muta, and et must be expressed in a simie ord and in the wordiendor, adjectives are particularly referremis. Sin
thes have osten throe sorm in the nominative, us, a, um, alisubstantive are divide into ilire classes. Since the expres- Sion pater honus, Date hona, ere in use, honus vas terii edulas uline, an bona ieininine: thenco in generat, the samenaines cro retained, as in bonus ager, scili bona, dcc. Whenthese were determined there remainedio other distinctio serit, thir terminatio bonum, stan to say, it was generis ne trius, millier musculine nor seminine This is probabi theorigin os ille te s. In the termiendor genus Me must ther fore underetan no a natural but a grammatica distinc mkind, o fort.2. these grammatica genders, ver declinable word, and es ciali ever substantive, is referred; hic is mere oesther os me masculine gentati, os ille seminius, o os ibo neuter gender generis neutrius, i. e. long to nesther masculine nor seminine gender. Grammatians have also devise a common gender genus commune , hen a word substanuveor adfective with the fame ternunation, bellares at Onc is
the masculine an seminine geniter. But properly no the gen-der, hut the word is cominon to i lilirta kes os both gentiers. Gramiliarians have also imaginei a universa gendor genus omne , hen an adjective ith one termination cante united in ali substantives, whether masculuae, seminine, o neuter; as,
selix pater, felix mater, felix corpus Many have alio an epumne ender genu, epicoenum though it has Hready been - maris is ossiem, ilia the nou hia be epicen aut no thegendo. See page G.
II. The grammatical gende os a substantive isonis οwn with certain y is the ancients have uni tedit to an adjective of the masculine, seminine, O neutergender. But since to kno this os ali substantives, the ancient riter must e rein through; rat, sorsacillan the terminations os noulis have beenis duce to certain hinds and secondi y sor stili greater
inin generat reses have also been stamed There aris , theresere, ad Ne rese sortender i. generat, Whicli extend scio all,ord os ali deciensions 2. speciat, hic regard the terminationis each separat Wordin incli deciension. A. Genera rules, hici regard the determinationes the granunatical by the natura gender a pater, mater, M. His ille logica genderior hiud a Gly, crime, river, city, e. I. masculine substantives, Osine masculine gender, i. e. hic cante uniteroni to the masculine terminationis alectives are I. alliames os men, Whether Properi common; as Andreas, consul, flamen priestor a particula Dd, poeta, histrio comedian, artifex,&c. Where vir mas probabi underat d. 2. Cons quentl , angels,40ds; a Gabriel, Apollo, manes
such strangers, is of the masculine gende : RA, Rd-Venae sunt bene excipiendi advena est bene excupiendus Arahe male genta inen expresses theri male missicit Thus auriga a chariotes, a coachman
incola, an inhabitant, hester a male or an inhabitant in generali meant as, the inhabitants areir spemus, incolae sunt beati the inhabitant of Syria, Se Consequently the particularimes of mliabitanis as, Persa Persiam Persae Perstans Arabs Arabian, Arabes Arabians: hen males are meant, or a nationis generalisconsidered Butas me speah os a semate, at theso ord are seminineci as, incola Ona, c. Sesalso auriga, here a semale is a chariolaer, as S
turna, Virg. m. 12. aliis is set evident To themasculine belong also,
a names of winds, where ventus is understo as Aquilo,
norin, ad Etesias, certain wiud blowing yearly in Italy.b many names os risere, Minus fluvius o amnis is meantandi derstood as Euphrates, Acheron, Albis, MC. et many riversis account of thei seminine termination remain serniis nineci as Allia, Matrona arne, Sequana Seme, Garumna Ga-ronne, dera, Styx, Lethe, 8 c. Some also are neuter asIader Lucan . 5. tepidum lader: ither ecause flumenis undemtood, ori causerit is indeclinable. any also whicheud indi nil in us sc iluvius , or in umisc. stumen, area cordingly masculine or neuter, a Rhenus, Rhenum, M. Qisames os monilis as Aprilis, M. Vet these are minet
II. Os the Feminine Gender are,
whicli elong the names of oddesses a Venus, Pallas os the muses; as, Calliope, Erato, M. Os ine graces as Aglaia, M. of the fates a Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos os the suries;
as Alecto, M. Os nymphs as Wo -n naphs, Dryades, Ilam dryades ntain-nymplis, oreades rive nymplis, Naiadesor aidec se nymplis, Nereides, accordinito their severat and Prope naΠIeM; a Dryo, Spio, &C. also Other semale prodigies; as Spbinx, Celaeno, Θlla, M. The areason is, cause Minali these names semina is suppos . 2. disserent names os trees; as, malus apple-tree Pirus Dear-tree, quercus, ficus, abies, lex, ulmus, ebenus hebenus), To. since the feminine nou arbor is understood. Et many onaccount os thei terminatio amisi asculine as Oleaster, pina ter, dum , ebulos, spinus to whichielong the Gree styrax. Somesare neuter a acer mas ueri siler oster siler molle, robur holhhoch, - - , or hard ood, suber cor tremi binum ebenum e ny buxum si e the wood os theso tree is particulari referressito, and theresore signum understood. I. many names of Cities, inere urbs is unde tood a C rininus, Lacedaemon, Carthago in Athenae, Thebae, M. et sommon account os thes terminations are, a masculine as
Narbo Narbo Marsus, ippo Hippo regius and Hippo di-
arithytus , Suhaa, aquosus Sulmo , Croton or Croto. Liv. 24. Q. ad Crotonem oppugnandum and soon aster, ut receptus Croto
Bruttiorum esset . o these elong Parisii, Philippi, abii, Delphi, M. though Parisii is properi aimple. Neuter;
Anxur is masculine Candulus Alixur 5. S. 6. Plondit litis Anxur, IO. 5 l. S. So also the plurat Ecbatana, Oruna Hier
solyma, orum oetove meet illi Hierosobuia mae, o the fidit deciensiori, and seminine. 4. the nainc os countries, liere terrea is understood asAEgyptus, Europa, M. Me Pontus, Hellespontus, and Bosporus, inhicli are properly the names opseas, signis also the coastor counu bordering on them and then retain their Mnder, orare masculine. 5. the namesis istands as 3prus, Delos, Lesbos, Pharus, Rhodus S. c. wliere insula is undento . 6. therii ames of qualities of persona Orahingsci a latitudo, magnitudo, longitudo, altitudo, brevitas, Canities, M. juventus, senectus, humiditas, longinquitas, cra Ssities, C. here proprietas is undosio . et mmem account of thei ternun tion are masculine asialis, 7. names of preci ous stones, hecause gemma is understood: as amethystus, Crystallu S, MC. et Somerare masculine throughthei termination, o MCause lapis is unde Mod us beryllus, carbiinculus, smaragdus, Thus crystallus is masc. S linus 25.
III. aliose substantives are common, Whicli Wissi onetermination are applied la the masculine and seminino genderios living creatures Properly the disserent e der si1ouldie distinguished by disserent terminations. Τhis omni pens as rex regina caupo copa, herus hera, dominus domina nepos neptis, leo leaena, gallus gallina, avus avia, inventor iii ventrix, c. ut at timesit is otherwise, When both gendera have acommon terminatium and suci Wotas are called common a corio, spouse hic conjux, his Minand, haec conjux, this Wise; parens, sathe or mollier parens meus, y ather, but
ον the Gender of Mum parens mea, my mothees bos ox, hos pulciter, fine hiili; pulchra fine coW. S antistes, directoris directressos a temple vates, prophet, prophetem sacerdos, 1 est,irtestes adolescens juvenis, Myoung Person,
man patruelis, cousin by the ather fide, hether male or semale adfinis, relative by ma age inte pres, interpreter mediator so auctor author r, dux, iudex custos, testis, eiVis, hostis, canis, Sus, eomes, familiaris properi in adjective, insans, hospes, nemo, opifex, index, princeps, vindex, rivalis M. hereare also common adjectives, oris illes Omnio gender, whicli include the masculine an feminine unde onetermination, and may be oined With a substantive oseither gendo a sortis, maior vir sortis, semina sortis, C.
Note l. Some of these are seldom used in the seminines ashostis, miles, nemo, M. 2. Some have also distinc seminine terminations: .as hOSPES hospita antistes antistita 8 C. 3. Ait these Wotas are in stemselves indesinito, unies analective uidi Cate the ender as, haec IlleIPPES, OStra Parens, illa sus Dor the contexi as, tres sorores erant antistites,4 cerdotes manifestir, directresses, Priestesses. Some Oivis a re Common, i. e. either masculine or seminine, aCcordinito different significations, without regard to thEnatura gender haec Adria, town hic Adria, ut of Venices liac cupido, Cupit haec cupido, destre hic flamen, a particular inest hoc flamen, blast of wind. articularis entiae doriensi care dis-nt; hic palus, i, pale; haec palus, udi' mol hic acus, i, a certainisti acus eris, chin acus, ,
4M Gendo in Muns. en itis masculine Is . Od. is. 5. s. i6. 59. Satiri. l. 61. Sil. 4. 99. 5. Grammarians distinguisti epicene sto common motas: the former are usta, notonis illi one termination, lihe common uns, ut ii onei der, in sumst me male an semale os Masis, M. Where it is no necessar to es an adfective of masculine or seminine inde sor distincti . Is heres e thoword is of masculine termination, it is os ille masculine geniter,
even, here a semseris spoken of is the termination e seminine, the nouo in like manne remam seminine, thini gh a malebe denoted as, lepus, passer, mus, pediculus, PuleX, Corvus, cancer, are alWays masculine that is, are Dined illi a mascu-
sine adjective, whether me mea a male or emale as, multi lepores nondum pepererunt, hic mus peperit Thus in Endiis, the horae is viripamus; though suin instances aream frequent with us On ille contra , bestia vulpes, formica, lauda,
aquila, Pica, musca vespa rana, are in seminine, even when males are spolien os It is obvious that this is a caretes modeos expression, and oni appliet ri animais, hos sex Cannot oris no important to he distinguighed. o in Englisti, e sayie has bough a horis, he has hilled a goose, without regarduig thegender. lim. wever, the ancients were oblige in disti guisti the sex they added mas, masculus, o semina; as, piscis mas, piscis semina, pavo masculos, pavo semina, Colum. s. in Plin Mindians an adjective os the proper Fnder, Ilist. Natius. 65 ex ima genitos, scit mure)so astematas, praegnantes et in
utero parentis repertas, scit muresin iliis is more accurate somus stet is preserable in mus laetus. It is also evident frontinis that the epicene are ei ther entiret the sanae ith, nordifferent rom, OmlIion nouns. The distinctio ma be thus marhedci Common ord are those whicli unde one termination include both gendos, ut so distinctio require an adjective os masculine or seminine termination, hen the contexi does no desine it an hie parens, hin parensa ut epicone Wotas Meah e Whio expressioth seaces under one taediendo as, hic lepus, the male or Amale hare. Is hic parens nugiit denote Mili Ameriand mollier, it ouldie epicene: ut since foris
uier vera ustisa haec parens, it is common. Is e naight sayhic lepus his male hare, haec lepus his semale hare, lepus wouldbe conuit Q ut as hic lepus expresse both, i is epicene Itis howeve probatae, that is me incienis had Mid much attemtion to natural history, and osten utenim it the would notis readij have used epicenes, i. e. -uid not have included tho male in the semate, o the semeso in the male gendor; ut would have distinguished them G adjectives of the prope temmination jus as e houis no sa in generRl, hare, crove, raven, is me ad familia term is denote the sex. Forsuch an expression as hic lepus peperit is repugnant, ali ac
Note I. The ancient also us mancipium flave, properly a possession acquire is purchase, and scortum both of the male an semes sex. Some ther ore nam stes mores epueene. ut it is the fame illi mancipium, a When me sarithis me thismather, iliis hous is, property. Scortum propoly means the shin. a. Some gramminans v genus epicoenum, but incorrecib: ille, d, and notata inder, is epicene.
IV. the thies grammatica gender i. e. si nemter, heloniali indeclinabies substantives, ilici in thesi cases do no alter thei termination, ut are themme in atras in the nominative a nihil las, gummi, M. O these in account os thei similarity belong,
This may also Miserimm the Greek, Where παρομοι, letter of the neuter gende is underatota. et thenames os letters are somelimes seminine a m gemina, haec., c. Where liter is understood. . the names' ait Worci, Whic are used not wit regar is signibseation, libelr letters M, paterest diasyliatum; i. e. the wor pater is a dis syllabieci vocabulum Or nomenis understo . . ali infinitives, imperatives, adverba,