A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

발행: 1825년

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vir assumed se the ancient actor his mas , whici, respoHed in thei assume character ad person ste manhimself mea persona m person, LProbus, IJ good genuine, sincere t when an hiniis,hacit Was taxen rLas, aurum probum: .ὶ good, honourabis, uinright as,imbus amicus, a sincere silend.

Scrupulus I. 4 potnted stonea b cause in the hoe it presses alid causes une iness, thence 2.hhesitation uncertainu, scrupla.


their construction, hom construere, to put to the orbuild, somelimes their syntax, DO συντασσειν, O Rrrange lagellier, is marshal in Order, musti consi

The ovemmensos, d respecis ender, number, erae time, mode c. The solioWin previsus observations deserve muta

2 sente e contains ne subjeccand predicate: it marcontain, e. The subjec is the word whether denotingthinior pereon os,hicli sontestiniis said ille predicato is


270 in Goverament.what is sm os me subject e. g. The ather is learned thefather is the subjeci learned the predicate: God is great Godis the subuect grea the ledicate. e ma reverserit, and say, Greatris God; ut God is stili the subjeci, and great me predicate. In the fame manner e may say, Great are themores of the Lord, orahe work of the Lor are great in both

cases the x ork of the Lord is the subject great ine predicate. Alio in the sentence, o en is human or tris humanas onmersiste predicate and subjeccare substantialis the fame. 3. Sometinae uae subjectris accompanie by an adjective: The sine book istost thes book is the subjeci los the predicate. he bough booksi here the bough books the subffeci, lis here the predicate. Insisad of this, may an Thesbooks,

which were bouo si here the Mori, inita eret muris me subjecti ad There are osten more than one subjeci, o predicate: a sui ject as, My ather, mother, rother an sister rude inere ille predicate dea belong to the seu subjecis,fathiar, mother, rother, sister, hicli, laven together, i, a

plural the predicate, heresore, illi the verti, shouldie plurat. Sonie times, however both in Latin and Englisli, the singulari suci instances is used; hicla S les accurate.

M pressicate an My sester is leam , ich, wise, and vi tuous here are Aur predicates, ea eri ris M. 5. The subject is osten separatia rom iis predicate os uuatho immer inouldie in aware iis, My aether, Who has Menabsent many Milo, has notyet wrium Miere the wotas,fuher has notri et raten, orni a sentence, bet en Muci, ni ouier sentence, o has been ubio mani me , is interposed: in the interposed sentence, ωhoris the subjeci, absent the predi-

Cate There are Ome greater se puration S; as, lie book which a qui te conlident ou have long finished, and though earnesti Tequeste H, nevertheles have notis Ut me, is noteven et sent in me. The principat sentenceris, the book is noloen ut en to me; os,hichule boostris the subject in iliis


decompose it, and distinguisti the subseci and predicate. Without this nowl ge, he may labour mechanicatly sor eam in trahing the ordo es the wotas, an alter ali, illi lituo ad-vantage. 2. In the solio inisections, it willae osten remarhed accordinito the common languam os schoiasythat a particular word orcase precedes o sollows orcis joined in another. his must not

omne tempus fui cupidus here discendi precedes and is separate seo cupidus aiad et grammaticali it is sa1 to folioruand hecioine i it. e must, heresore, conceive a doli tile ordorci . the Orderi sto vernnient in hich tho word must sono one another, an is,hicli e explain hy one case, mimber &c is presenta in pater amat te is the ordo est ventinent though the actua arrangement e pater te amat:


in Apposition. hic M. another substantive is added, o the salio os explanation or definition witliout et and ille ver esse,

so that both denote a single person or thing the lastis alWays in the fame case a the fidit ollis is called Apposition. xample l. os a properi me missi a

substaiitives Cicero Consul, Ciceronis Consulis, io roni Consuli c. a Cicero Consul hoc fecit, Ciceroas Consul O the Consul Cicero id illis Ciceronis Consulis ossicium fuit, it was the duinos the Consul

Ciceroci Ciceroni Consuli mandarunt, the intrustedio the Consul Ciceroci Ciceronem Congulam laudabant, theypresse the Consul Cicero. Ρο eius vir clar mus aetna moris, Roma res, Athenae vires, Rhenus lumen c. In Latin the prope nam myreadit be place besere the appellatives the reverseis usual in Molah. et, at times find os inania mate inino the prope nam in the genitive, as urbs Put ii, Virg. m. I. 247 25 l. sor urbs Patavium in oppido Antiochire, Cic. Att. 5. 18 urbs Ruthroti, Virg. En 3 293 amnis Eridani, ibid. 6. 659 flumen Rheni accordinito the rule bat Whe two substantives come together ille lauer is put in the genitive in these lalter cases hoWever, the prope nou stand astor the offer. e also fin arbor fici arbor palmae, the figuee, palmuee: et fici a denote stefig arbor abietis e. g. arbores abietis, i. e. abietes,as in EnglistiGrtrees, Liv. 24. 3. 2.)os a substantive With another substantive a socer tuin vir egregiuS: aquila rem atrium convocavit concilium: aqvita re gime M. hoc me docuit usus, magister optimus:

multa nos docere potest e. Percitatio, ragiδtλ' optima. Liv. 3. 62, clamorem tollite hic, indicem voluntatis, virtutisque vestrae 3. os a pronouit substantive orie


con3ulam vidistis. Observationδ. i. et his adistion in substantive apposition is properly a

ore mode os speising sor qui, quae, quod, o Cum, with theves esses a Cicero Consul hoc fecit; or Cicero, cum eonini esset, hoc fecit the ollier examples may be explained in hesana way. o quin Continetis vocem, indicem stultitiae vestras,

testem paucitatis, Cic. ab peta. ., is qui est index M We mafalso suppose anquam; as, Cicero, tu vim consis hoc fecitdin. q. The annexe substantive, here it is possibis, agie with ste sermo in gende and number ah docuit hoc me usus, magister optimus is se usus, e su exercitatio hichas sem., we must add magistru optimo aquila, regina Sarn no rex: pecunia, domina mundi, nox dominus. Someumes it is noti Milae: a in gender pecunia aureo multorum malorum;

ructor sis , hough masculine, ecatis ille ein auctra is notinuse tempus agrater multarum rerum Scipiones duo Iuhnina, Cic. Balb. I. i in numberci Athenae urbs urbes wouldie Nong, ecause Athenae denotes Oninon city so, aborigmes, genus Ommum agreste, Sallust Cat. 6 Lang

hardi, gens ferocior Veli 2 l06 Tulliola deliciolae nostrae, tuum munusculum flagitat, Cic. Att. I. 8 thereis no sing.

to deliciolae. c. in both gende and number deliri vero suae, noster eiusmodi fuit Cic. ad Div. . l. 9: Nais meae vires, Vis . n. H 664. 668.

J te. It is manisest, stat is a ver sono an adfective orparticipi as a predicate, it must agre wissi ste sis and notwissi infamed substantive; as, Delicis vero tuae, noster Es pus, talis ut Cic. ad Div. . I. 6.8. Insisad os a nou substantive, e continuali si , -- cordinito the sense, an adjective o participis in apposition as, Scipio, et ius in bello, suscepi imperium Hannibal patria


Apposiιion. exputius, veruto a Cicero, patria et retin, mox redui; i. e. Post quain, o qui eiectus erat tu tractas res, Murtes quidem, sed non utiles. Here,out be the fittes opporiunit in ueat of participies, includinialectives. 4. It is a particular scind os apposition. - oleias a nation M.hiis pari is ame in the fame case whereir perly the whol shouldie in the genitive a Liv. 6 4I, Galli

in forum per aeniunt, inde delapsi ad prMam, pars in proxima ruunt, pars ultima petunt. Ibid. SO. 24, Onerariae, pars maxima ad Egimurum taliae adversus urbem ipsam, ad C lidas quas delatae sunt, or onerariarum. To these, may

ad Iav. 40. 3, Galli transalpini, tria millia hominum, in Italiam transgressi M. Cic. T. l. 4l, Pictores et poetae suum quisque opus a vulgo considerari vult. 5. Wemust here remare, mea unius culpa, tua unius opera, as an apposition. 6. We must also remark, lapis silex, and saxum silex, ri here lapis an saxum mavae omitted, as in Engsisti, petibi e-stone,pebble), e. g. lapident ilicem, Plaut. cen. I. E. 77 Iapide silice, ibid. 78 lapides silices, Liv. SO. 43 saxo silice, v. l. 24 in saxis silicibus, Vitruv. . I so turbo ventus, Plaut. m. 5. 2. 47 Trin. 4. l. 16 Where turbo would sussice.

live, alective, O partie Iple the Verbisum Stands, theyare both, via subuect an predicate, in the same se as, Cicero suit consul Cicero dicitur suisse coim sui scio, Ciceronem fuisse consulem tu es homo:

pater est elic scio te esse hominem mater est amata : audio matrem esse miatam Theuce.We SV

mihi licet esse beato, licet nobis esse beatis.


I. It is plain that here also, vhen possibie, the predicate must he of the fame gende and number e g. aquila esta gma avium, notaec pecunia est domina mundi, noldontinus; usus est magister optimus, no magistra dicunt exercitationem esse magistram opumam, o magistrum so pater est bonus,

mater est bona M. et where this is impossibis, e find thegendor an number disserent; as Athenae sunt urbs Graeciae: dicunt Athenas esse urbem M. Allobroges sunt genus agreste: Scipiones fuerunt duo fultiuna belli M. 2. Instein os esse, ver of the fame imporcare sed asArem, maneo, an passivo whic denote Ming belagiam , in en M. as reor, eligor, designor: as, ego forem beatus; deus manet sapiens pater factus est tu diceris redditus esse felix dicunt te redditum iri felicem Cicero creatus est

consul, Cicero was creatia consul M. In ali these instances the fame obseri alio applies, that, i possitile, the predicate mustae of the fame gende and number. ther passive areuse in the fame way as habeor, video M. pater habetur doctus dicunt matrem videri doc a M. .

Τw o more subjectior predicates the lauer Mingsubstantives, adjectives o participies, hen thenare mected by the conjuncti ms, i md as,eli as, s also, notinia but than, as c. an have one ver in common, are in the fame case asI. aster the conjunctions et ac, nec Ac. as pateret mater: vidi patrem et matrem et patrem et matrem vidi nec patrem nec matrem' odi non solum patrem, sed etiam matrem amo: dignus es honore et divitiis M. Nore. - sometimes find the medicates in lino ditarent cases, hen the ver admitscit as, hic homo est sormae Pulchia et iii agno minio, lar magni animi:


as, homo magnae virtutis, et magno natu since natu has nogenitive it is helter even then to put both in the fame casesa' homo magna Irtute, et magno natu.

2. Aster ortas denotinia comparison; a quam precededis a comparative or iam seque sollowed fac o atque ita

o sic illoweda ut tantum OlloKed by quantu Ini . e. g. tu es doctior quam pater et ego te magis amo, quam pater, than thyriather Iove thee: ego te magis amo quam patrem, than Ilove myriather. Frater me aeque amat ac tu, a thou dost):

frater me seque amat quam te, as hei sythee. o pater dicitur esse doctior quam tu dicunt patrem esse doctiorem quam te audio te sapientiorem esse quam statrem; in.

The case whies is used in a question is also used in the ans pr utiles it e accompanie by another ver, so the forme ver is undersisod quis hoc fecit AnsWerci ego i. e. seci. Cuius est haec pennal fratris cui dedisti libriim si atri quem quaeris' patrem quo accepisti l a matre Sometimes heremus hela variation os, cuium pecus hoc est ' patris for cuium is an adjective os the neuter gender, and pati is cannot correspondo it M, quanti emisti librum sex denariis denariorum,ould be incorrect. So erent Eun. 5. 5. I4, Emit 3 perii hercles quantiqviginti minis. SE 1owsEco . in the Promun re proca Sui, an iis Derivati

The pronouns sui sibi, o SeSe, an Suus, a, mare reciprocat, i. e. reser to the subjec nominativo


of the sentenc : or in oster Words, reserto the nearest

nominative or subjeci. When in Englisti, say himsel Pheraeis M. it is sussiciently evident stat sui, sibi , t M used but sui, sibi δω are osten used, here in Ensisti me a him, os him c. in thesanie Way the Englis his corresponds both t suus and eius. I may be observed, I. That sui sibi se properly refers to the ne est subjeci, Whicli is generalty in the nominative in Emglis it is almos alway a nominative: I. In thosam sentence and then, there is no dissiculW: pater se amat, the sester laves himself homines sibi facile ignoscunt, men eas it pardon themselves patrem non miseret sui, the sather does noti it himself 2. oris the ne est subject in the sentenc immediatelypreceding, i in the sentence missi sui c. therebo no nominative; as pater rogavit, ut sibi ignosceretur, the ather ashed that i mio lita sergiven him: here sibi musti used, and not ei, sincerit reser lathe ne est nominative G subjeci, via pater: ecause in the sentence, ut sibi ignosceretur there is is no in jeci, ignosceretur beinlused impersonalty Ιζwe,ould

more correct than sibi pater rogavit, ut rex et igno- Sceret, or ut ei ignosceres. his is the proper sage, though it,illi asterwardinoticed that the ancients osten, ydrom it Particulari sui is used in a semience Arme os an accusative and infinitive, When it reser to the ne est subjeci, Whether his subjectio

expressed or understood pater dixit, se mox venturum