A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

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N. G. D. A. V.

es, potentate. ae, os M. se ordor c. en, potentate. e potentate.

thos in a.-In thi Way are decline dynastes potentat Anchises, M. ObservationMi. Os the noin sing. Greewword in es osten are terminat , in Latin in a, as Satrapes Satrapa Anchises Anchisa, Scythes Scytha an are declined in the Latin mode, as V. Anchisa A. Scipiadam Scipiaden Thisalso inmetimes happensio wotas in e as syncope uncopa, grammaticegrammatica, .

E. Os the gen sing we remare: a A the melis alwars sori me en of wotas incla, a, incias and ras, the Latins have inmetimes imitated them Thus me genitive os Amilia is soni times familias instein os familiae biit only when pater, mater, silius, filia precede a pater anulis, o familias, ather os asamily, ni ater familiae, O lii milias also filius familiae se ni illas filia familiae, familias. Familiae therpsor is as usual aster pater, mater, M. a familias They V, momover, whenspeahingos severat, familiarum; a patres familiarum, Suet. l. m. matres familiariim, Pand. l. 6. 4. So filii familiarum, Sali Cat. 43. filiae familiarum, Pand 14. 6.9. but patres milias, Cic. Rosc. Am. 15. a Iamiliae, Caes. B. C. g. 44. m

tres familias, Cic. op. S. encerit is olea that pater familias is notine, hut two words. e find auras lor aurae, Virg. AEn II. . in some editions terras for terrae, Naevius M. Pris-


cian 6. b Somesime se ae the poeta se ai, as aulai, terrai, pictai-sor aulae, C., g. En S. Od Aula in niedio 9 26, dives equum, dives pictai vestis et alii: So terrai Lucr.

l. 2l3, c. cymnal , he ulectives una, sola, tota, ulla, nulla, alia, alterii, utra neutra, alterutra utraque, utravis, as also steirmasculines have meum in ius, and dati in i some prono ,

jective have the fame, as illa, ista, en illius, dati illi, M. 3. Os the acc sing. Patronymic in des have inmetimes eni in Gas Priamidem B Priamiden inmetimes ain and an, a Schfladam, Scipiadan, se Scipiaden, here the nom Scipiada or Scipiadas a suppos . But Hebre, wotas, asMessias, obias, Satanas, M. have commoni ana though the poets use an : Onieti me ulla Gree word in a, have an soram, as Electran, Ovid. Trist 39o. 4 of the voc an abi sing. Gree word in es havo thoterminationis as weli aca, as Atride Atrida, Anchise Anchisa: but here, must suppos me nominatives Atrida, Anchisa. 5. of the dative an ablative plural tia Sorne inord theyend in ab iis . his tali e place Dat ways in the two adjectives duae, ambae duabus, ambabuS--no duis, M. ysometune insome substantives of the seminine e re in a, as dea matas diis

and deabus, filia filiis and filiabus so mula: to these may beadded liberta, anima, qua asina, serva, socia, domina riti se terminations in abus aro sessimis , and onlyrio disti

guis them homine correspondinimasculines diis stom deus, filiis Domitius, Me a diis deabusque, Cicero Rab Perd. q. to distinguish god and goodesses, here in sacche couldio saydiis diisque so also filiis et filiabus But when ille distinctionis clear stomata contexi, o sto duabus, ambabus anno ,

the anciendi mostly used me termination incis,as ambabus filiis, no Gabus. So Cicero sus duabus animis, no animabus. So Plinym . . a. 40., asinisi male asses mammae a serula

lent. Varro de R. R. S. I 6. . speaking of themus es, his diis Heliconem ad uitiuerunt homines. en erit is plain that ille ancients used the termination abus, ni in case o neces-

έου there e me must notrihin it correctis ad times, a


without Consideration to Orm ille dat and abl. of asina, M. in abus. et we in them sed ithout necessi ci a duabus filiabus vi ginibus, Liv. 24. 26, here filiis ould have been cleari account os duabus. 6. of the en plur. Instead O arum, tim is somelimes used: coelicollim, Virg. n. S. I.; Dardanidum, Ibid. 2. 242. te Tyndaridarum i e filiarum Tyndari. gen sem inmorat. Sat. l. r. l .

ur, S um RS Puer, Vir, Satur adj. , lierus, ovum . hetermination ur ni occurs in retur SubstantIVM,

theresere, have Only mir terminations It is probabie, stat originalty there ere only two, and that the te minatio inci arose sto the erectionis us, a Puer smin pueriis Whei e the vocative puer Osten occursi Plautus), vir se virus: so in adjectives miser Armiserus, satur so saturus, M. To this deciensis are assigned Gree motas in os and on; hicli folio us an una. on herelare ista clined like a neuter. Eorm of the Secondiectorion. Singula VPlura

G. Hrum. D.

A. M. V.

N.B Thus ane decline puer bo, ager seld, liber book, vir man, dominus master servus inive ovum eta, scamnum benis, So alio adjectives, as pulcher, pulchriim, beatissul niger,


laetum, &C. So agor omisi liue pulcher, u malus ovum

are, puer eri), adulter, socer, gerier, Liber i. e. Bacchus, Pres inter Celtiber, an liberi children erorum in alio omea lectives a liber, era, erum, liberi r C. me Prosper, era, erum, en eri, prosperous tener tendor, miser miserabie,

lacer tom gibber hunch-backed also compotin Word in se and ger, a Luciis, rugifer, inuiger, corniger, M. Therost rejectis; as ager agri, aper, auster, arbiter, cancer, caper, culter, coluber, faber, liber book, magister, minister,

M. and the ther adjectives, a pulcher, lira, Chrum, gen. Chri niger, ruber, teter sacer, aeger, ater, C. As to theretainanior rejectingis, tho seminino an neuter solio the genitive a lacer, lacera lacerum gera laceri, lacerae, lacerici pulcher, Pulchra, pulchrium, en pulchri, pulchrae, pulchri, M. 'late. The single adjective dexter is usual both Ways a dexter, caetrita, dexterum, en dexteri, dexterio, dexteri, and de ter dextra, dextrum, gen dextri, dextrae, dexiri. 2. Some prope names in riso metinam end also in iis asEvander an Evandrus hinc also the oc Evander and Evandre. The voc puere instea os puer is osten ound in Plautus as Asin. e. s. e. 5.2.4 i. Merc. 5.2 7s, M. S. me adjectives in us and er, have ius in the gen sing. anda in the dative, and that in ali the three et ora via unus, solus, unus, nullus intus, alius, alter, neuter, uter, illi iis commund uterque, utervis, uterlibet, alteruter as unus, a, um, gen unius, da uni, M. uter tra, trum, gen utrius, dat utri;

uterque, traque trumque gen utriusque, dat utriques utervis, Utravi S utrumvis, en utriusvir, dat utrivis: so in uterlibet, utemunque, C., utrius libet, &C. s ais alteruter, tra, trum,

gen alterutrius also altorius utrius dat alterutri alius ingen alius With lonii, Halitus, dat alii. N. B. l. Τhe i inius is always long excepi in alterius, ,here ibis, 'cinori


virus, M. in me accusative. 5. I he voc is the fame a the nom. excepi that ille terna i- nation us wlienio of the neuter gender, mahes E a dominus,

domino. Virgilius thereiore should mali Virgilie; ut propernames in ius, is substantives, in the voc a Virgilius,

Vir 'i Geotius, Georgi Caius Cai disun te notCψὶ:so Pompeius, Pompei trisyllabio, M. f. ectives, thois iniit e, a Cynthius Cynthie, Delius Delie, M. the wotas

in ius, hici, a re not proper ames, and adjectives also retaine; a tabellarius tabellarie fluvius fluxie, pius pie, MC excepi filius, hic has fili and genius, geni. A gram n raria quo tedis ell. Id. 7. maintain that, mus use terti, egregi, morii, voc stoni tertius, egregius, modius. So meus mi contracted formee) an deus, o deus virebrie Plautus also ostensus puere so puer, rom me unusues, diuinis. Mei sore n. g.

6. The nom. plur maias and a in the neuter: et both the adfectives, ambo, duo, mave o a ambo ambae, ambo; duo, duae, duo. have alie fremarhed stati cus mahes lociand loca ; sibilus, sibili and sibila iocus, ioci and ioca cambasus, Carbasa tartarus, tartara sto the old neuters, locum, sibilum, iocum, carbasum, tartarum o the contrar coeluminatas coeli, stomicelus. 7. The gen plur Orum in alan wOrd is osten contracted

dimnsum for deoriam, sestertiorum, M. so oppidum Sulp. in Cic. ep. ad div. 4. 5. actum Pacuv. U. Cic. r. 46 exitium, exitiin, proeli iam, arinum, M. Pacuv. ibid.8. The dat an ab plur stom ambo, duo, en in obus; as ambobus, duobus.


ter retians in the accus the o of the nom. as dum ambo.

io. Deus mahes in nom. plur dii and dei in dat and abi. diis and deis: the fit si is the mos usual. II. Gree wotas in os and on solio is and um: et horetari ne or more cases rom ille Greeli a Delos, si is lon, te, in evangelion, lii, Eo,sion, lion, lio So Androgeos, ges: ut Virg. n. 6. Ex uses Androgeo gen after ille Greest. Gree names os me in us monosyllabie stom me Greeli as Orpheus, Perseus, Theseus, whicli are disss- labie, parily festo ille Latin deciension, ascis inefwere tris,ulatae, and parunmtain the Grect cases as Orpheus, gen Orphei coni phthan Orphed dat Oiphe and Orphei coni. phi); acc. orpheum and Orphea voc Orphei; abi. Orpheo;

δες dat εἰ a . . Thus lysses, Achilles, hici, are regulariros the third deciension, are inmetimes declined like me second, asi thes nom. Oded in eus ilius Achilles, Achilli sor Achillei, cause os ille Gree Moo- solbsses, Ulyssi, Where,emus suppos Ulvseus, smin the Greek-: et this isoni occasiones illi in poeta se me generali seno thethies, a gen Achillis, Ulyssis. 13. The voci sing. Panthu, Virg. n. q. 29. om nom. Panthus is peculiari et it is notiso, is mare acquuii ted with


arid ita the neut.

virtutis 'om man gen hominis orcari, gen artis avis bita, gen avis nubes claud gen nubis sermo disco irae, gen sermonis, c. also neutersu a poema poem, malis rete et retis lac milh, laetic cervical pilloW, calis caput head capitis, M. So iam amjectives in is, e a lenis lene, gen lenis in or us; a maior maius, greater, gen maioris Q ns, a sapiens entis in ax, as capax, acisci an sume in er,as acer, gen acris. e in theresere decline tog ther nes Only poema bonum, malum; ut poema maius, rete capax, homo lenis, io tu sapiens, ac dulce, e vical molle, nomen sanctum, avis parva et velox, caput crassum et mirabile, M. Yet sonte are declined in apeculia inaniter, as a Iupiter G. Iovis. D. Iovi. A. Iovem. V. Iupiter. Abl. Ioves particularissome Gree Word in is, yS, O, S, c. a geliesis, G. genesis, eos, Sios D. Si A. sin V. sis.


service te.

ietters precede is, whicli catino alivay be conjectured.

in e change e into is a rete retis, mare maris, &c. in o ad nis Withis long as sermo Sermonis, M. Grech, d fosso the quanto es the Greeh; as a rhabo bonis draco, nic leo onis With o long but Pepo Onis. ames of nations gentilia have ostiori, acedo, nis; s Saxo, Teuto, c. excepi Laco, sinis, here, is long Thos in do an go, have Inis, Willici stiori as hirundo, cupido, imago, c. Inis ais homo, nemo, Apollo, urbes subst. exceptunedo, donis: s ala comedo harpago, Turbo a femcer inmorace , have ditis With o long. endo mahes tendinis an tendonii caro, carnisci Gree word inas Sappho, Clio, Dido, Clotho, lecto, Erato, C lypso, Echo, M. relatius stoin the Greeli a Sappho, phus, c. ae it is no considere inaccurate to de-


in Declenatoriscline them like ste Latin os Sappho, phonis phoni, M. From Anio some derive Anienis, an a . Ani nem; ut these come stom Anien since a minchas

in , adesis, Wissi heri egoin e long as halec, halecisci excepi lac, lactis. in , ad is a David, dis Bogud, udis theseword are orei ; orla Latin Wor end in d. in t adesis; as Q in ac animal, alis With a long sotribunal, cervical Vectigal, c. aris Alior incitiis drubal, alis Hannibal, sal H in il as vigil vigilis, Withilabori, pugil, M. O in es a ses, solis: d inui; a consul, inlis Q praesul, exsul but thos in ei, ad xlis; as et sellis; mel mellisci et foretgn Worda ad ovi is a Daniel, elIS. in an adesis a Paean, anis Titan Pan Panos. in en adesis a ren, splen, lien, attagen lichen, Siren, Troezen, Wisi e long hymen it e inst. ThereSt, a lumen, nomen crimen pecten, c. change e

agon Babylon, Conon Corydon, Damon, Deucalion, Solon, Lacon, o Laco , Colophon, Helicon, c. :sbor in anon, epon, Daemon, icon, sindon Strymon, Amazon, Lacedaemon, Actaeon, M. In Orion it is Sometimes long at ollier shori. 2. the adythesyllabie is, as Xenophon, Gen. Xenophontis Ch ron, Acheron Horizon, Phaethon, Laomedon, Ch maeleon, Phlegethon, c.


inon ad is a Phorcyn, cynis. in is, adesis, With a long a calcar sor calcare socochlear, specular torcular, and simila neuters: ista hori a Caesar, lar, nectar iubar, par, Arar, Ilami, car, c. Far sarris, hepar hepatis. in er, ad is, Wissi e long a ver, and Gree WordsWit η, as character, crater, M. Wissi e stior in Latinw ds a cadaver an other neuters ais mulier, agger aether, aer, carcer, o Some rejectis imber, imbris; speciali thos in ter a lenter, Pater, mater, frater, venter, uter sub ,M. also adjectives;

also rejecte in the feminine an neuter. O thesebeloni me os monius as October, Octobris, M. Whicli are adjectives. ut iter joumen has itineris,sroin the obsolet itiner Iupiter is entiret anom lous cit has Iovis, isto the obsolete nom. Iovis, M. Iovi, M. in is and yr, ad is as Gadir, martyr, Wissi penult

in or ad is, Wit o long as amor, honor, decor, and oster Latin masculines alm soror, uxor M. Witho in t as arbor, marmor, sequor, memor an Grea verbal and names O men os rhetor, Castor, Hector;with the compotandsi corpus bicorpor, tricorpor c. Cor has cordis. Fram ador apparenti comes adoris, and mm adus, adoris, as decor decoris, decus deeωris: et adus is notised. in ur, ad is,ith u in t a turtur, turtiirii sovultur, furfur, fulgur guttur murmur, sulphur surlaris, has u long Severat change, into O sh t asebur eboris, robur, roboris, semur, iecur: et iecur