장음표시 사용
the Gender of mum. and Otho particles, used substantively as, scire tuturi; thy knowledge scire rat pulchrum, knowledge is e- coming ultimum vale, the last sarewelLoo theseis referred clarum mane es moming bucinane is Osilaeis a substantive; as multo mane Cic. Att. 5. 4. a primo mane, Colum. II. l. a mane diei Auct B. Ahic. 42. a mane et e Uere, Vari R. R. 6.9. mane erat, v. Fast l. 547. and esse here M also in critica notes scire est delendum, ad est inserendum, post est addendum, cum insertum est ab aliena manu, M.
l. Diminutives generan retain the gende os mei primitives; as, liber libellus, filius filiolus, equus eculeus, senestra senestella, arbor arbuscula, aetas aetatula spes specula stiloliope , cerebrum cerebellum, signum sigillum tignum tigillum,
vas vasculum, Cor corculum, genu geniculum, d C. heresore, we a reciprticali inser the gender of the primitive seo thediminutive. The exceptions are rare acua aculeus, ranaranunculus, 3 c. ut eveniere e ma suppose, that there
formerly existed acus and ranus in the masculine gonderi 2 Wor is derived roin the me retain the genitor,hichule had in Greelici hcnce one se of the knowl ge os Greeliis evident Wotas os me sint deciension in m s es, are purejGrect and ther ore, as in oreta, in mare uniane, in an es
mascidine epitonae ἐπιτο uoi cometes κορώπης, M. tiara semianine is more conec stan tiaras masculino since in Greetait is τιαρα not ὁ τιαρας both hoWeve OCCurri as, acerque tiaras, Virg. aen. 7. 247. O in the second deciension, petiodus, methodus, an othe wotas sto ἄδὸς, uiso biblus, costus, hγssopus, nardus, Papyrus, arctus byssus, dialectus, diphthongus, M.
In ille thir echo, me inip Argo, sindon, icon, halcyon, aedon, stren, simplffeminine: in the offer han chaos, epos, melos Ud the plurali tempe, cete θη-η insisad os εα neuter
Ofth Gende/ V Muns. 49 since thenare so in Greeh. It is the fame uitli the names of sciences, and term os science. 5. Wordi, in us derived rom supines, are ali in culine, and long io the buri declamion as actus, hicius, usinius, gestus, habitus, visus, venatus, planctus, plausus, questus, usus, M. 4. Substantives occur, hicli ere originali adjectives; these have the gender of the substantives, hicli are omittedandis emtood as equite, bubile, ovile, sedile, are neutera, since stabulum is underato theses long neuter in aland M, whicli are commonb insisad os ale, are, as puteal sorpuleale, stom putealis, , scit operculum animal se ani male, scit negotium, a livinithing so specular, i, speculare,
scit negotium ; calcar sor Calcare, Scit negotium o instrumentum so also cocluear Or cochleare, scit instrumentum.
5. Ilan substantives depar sto thei grammatica ar-rangementi gender. cause their physical gendo is indicat ;as, bubo sola Virg. n. 4. 462. scit avis dictamnum pota, centunculus trita in Pli ny scit herba. O biblus costus, hyssopus, nardus, Papyrus repi rhapsfer u li iri se hesore, n'. 2. cause planta or rathe μοτανη is understooda sor thesare properi Gree wores, and in Gree of ille seminine gender Also Glycerium mea, a Womaessime Teren And. L LMO7. G. For the assistance of heginners other genera rules Can dormed as, names of metals aurum, argentum, aes, Stannum, M. Me neuter, hecause metallum is understo . heiam
os many crimes o bis actions scelus, flagitium, homicidium, Parricidium, veneficium, stuprum, M. Me neuter, si e facinus o riuum is underem . The names os many actions are semunine hecause actio is reserrexto a lectio, auditio, M. On
dersinos serpens is both masculine and seminine, in the formercas anguis, in the latae bestia betatunderatood. o sera, s rum Wild Mast, Where bestia, and animal are underatood Thu serus occurra substantivel sor a wil beast o meret a Mast;
50 in hemender o Nouns. and as ille ominative serum does no appea unquestionabis, the cases vilicii are referre in serum, might e referre toserus Euen animal is properi an adjective so animale, and genus is underat d. o Perhaps illi as, numerus, with cicer, legumen, has Me supposed Farther inquio, leaveto the diligent leamer Thetin os suta rules is considerabis, though, allam stat osten thesca oesyae mugiit a saras probabisty, and that the exceptions are numerous.
B. Particula reses Ariende accordiutoste te mination os ille fidit case in eata deciension. I. In therarat deciension the termination a an eare seminine acandis, masculine. Note. orta ine, S, es are Greek, Whenceritiei gende is deduced; sine in Gree iue have the fame.
Excepi. i. An male denominations, as auriga, M. Me ma culmeci se above. 2. Adria, signisting the drmasculine. ote a To these elong cometa, sor hi h cometes κομή ς is used so also planeta, planetesiar in s , authoughahi nom. sing. does no seem to occur Miama talpa armo e used a masculine in Virgil, a timido dam Ecl. 8. es. oculis capti talpa Georg. i. Iss. Us wever is 1. seudom: g. in oesy one poet. . A me can assim to animalaeither the masculine or seminine ender, unies when indica lingsome actio peculia to the Sex. ote. Instead os tiara, Efind ais tiaras, Virg. n. 7. 247. sacerque tiaras; hicli is harin since the Gree is , , -υντώτοις. ore. The te mination o Adjectives in a, is always senimine.
II. In the secon deciensio er, in us are Memline a liber, vir, heres in ala adjectives a palucher, bonus to Whicli ur in satur probabissem ita Olysem saturus belongi on the contrarrum, in in stantium and adjectives, elong to the stir decla
ston, or is neuter a scamnum pulchrum. Some in us are excepted M,
eept drom the generat rules a Corinthus, AEgyptus, Cyprus. o Greewwortas froni ἀοι-periodus, methodus, exodus in arctus, abyssus, antidotus, byssus, dialectus, diphthongus, e thus, and diametriis, hicli is properi an adjective, scit linea.
Momoveriam is planis biblus, Costus, hyssopus, nardus, papyrus precious stones, amethystus crystallus, Sapphirus, illiother Greo words. V hererit must stilli rem kedabat crystallus is masc. Solin. 25.
Q. The coinmon Ouns, barbitos O barbitus grossus, Cytisus, carbasus also such as are adjectives pro riJ, as atomus. Yet Carbasus, cytisus atomus, occur more fi equently in the s
minine colus also of the second and thies deciension is masc insome editions. Catull. 63 alti 'op. 4 9 48. 3. Pelagus an virus are neutem vulgus, masculine and neuter. Nore. Μany md in us andrum, an in the latis caseare neutem a costum, crocum, cytisum, hyssopum, nardum, P pyrum, M.
Excepto. in o the feminines a caro, echo, Argoa to theseis adde halo αλως sem. the halo round the oon thos indo and as arundo, grando, imago, M. exceptor , cardo, ligo, harpago, Whicli are masculuae. γ Verbals nouns derived hom verbs in io as actio, alio, M. thesillo re in io, communio, consortio, ditio, perduellio, portio, proportio, alio, regio, legio, religio, concio Khich seems toto pulsor comitio aud tobe a verbalin Theres are masculines asinio alea l), pugio, scipio titio papilio, vespertilio oote. Som rechon pondo ofili stir deciensio an indeclinabis, and thereiore neuter. But Gmnovius aves it uis an ablative of the second deciension,
bablo. Note. argo is masc. and sem. in or Arbor is seminine Cor, marmor, sequor, are ne ter, o Whichielong ador offers preser adus, oris: ut ad occurs as an accusative, Hor Sat. g. 6. 88. S. inos Feminines, cos, dos, glos, eos the dari n) oris the mouili os ossis a bone, are neuter, and me rein Wotas chaos, epos, melos, as in Greek. 4. in er. t neuters cadaver, iter, i Cel pi I er, papaver, ver, siler, Suber Verber, tuberis velling, boli, tum P, inlishroom , uberi subst. mingiber, laser, spinter, siser, laver. inter is common, but more usuali seminine than masculine. ote. I. i paver is also masc. papaver Gallicanus, Cato U. Charis Lille e the accusative papaverem, Plauti Poen. a. Trin. 2. 4. 7. vare ap. Charis. I. So alio siser ire siseres, Plin. H. N. 20 5 wliel eat musti e et ther masC. oriem. 2.yTuber a tmesis feminine, an a fruit, masculine.
5. in es incre incin the genitive are the seminines, tegra, compe3, merges, merces, ira, requies, inquies alio Messubst a bird, is avis undereisod somelimes ales, bies, is used
in the nias uline, Virg. n. l2. 247. IaSS, i neuter, Prae furetro bail, is masculine. causerit denotes a male person.
B. Feminines Whicli end in M, s ys, aus X, S Pr cededi a consonant, an es no increasing in thei nitive a castitas, avis, chlamys, fraus, pax, hyems,
Except. l. Masculino in os, adamasilapis bring understoodin, elephas, dos son os earib, dant so also, as is selsevident, nias male vas vadis bai or sumir, Atlas a moliniam an hinnAcragas a montain where mons is underet d) also As, tho ole twelue twelsths, wissi ita paris, deunx eleve tweltas,
clinabis, and the Gree artocreas, e spelas. Adjecures inus as optimas, primas, insernas, summas, M. Me common. 2. Masculines in is, panis, piscis, crinis, cinis, ignis, funis, os vectis, follis, ascis, lapis, amnis, usus, postis, axis, vermis, ungitis, peius, collis, callis, sanguis, ensis, mugilis, mensis, possis, caulis, canalis, vomis, sentis, pulvis, finis, cucumis, anguis, cassis net), torris cossis Plinym. . in and orbis. N.B. Some os these occur alis in the seminine: iunnis, Plaut Merc. 5 l8. Varro R. R. s. 5. 9. Mesus a P. Nonius; canalis, Varro R. R. s. 5. 2 3. I l. 2. sentis, Ovid in nuc.' Ix anguis, Cic. at Deor. I. 36. Tacit. Ann. II. II. Val. Max. I. 6. 4. Crinis, Plaut. Most. I. 3. 69. a cordinito Nonius, though the editions have capiundos crines, in the masc.
callis, Livy cinis, Lucretius funis, the fame lapis, Ennius; pulvis, Propertius and operiali finis, Cicero an Virgil asCicero ad Div. la. i. in finem nullam laeso, Virgil. M. 5.
384. ile. 793 and essewhere a Cic. Leg. g. 22. Liv. 4. q.; 22.57. Lucr. I. and 5 R. Gen. l. 3. 7 3. Colum. 5. II. Asrio pollis, sor,hicli pollen is commonly used Priscian an Phocas alie pollis Priscia pollen. Ac ordinito Priscian pollicis feminine, an Caesar uses pollen in the neuter: accordis in Phocas, ponis is masculine. The nominasive perhaps sessim occurred. mis sor grus, is masc. and sem. si alie laueri S Masculines in x thoro, a X, Codo, caudex, cime frutex, grex, latex, murex, podex pollex, pulex, ramea, rumex, sorex, vertex vortex, vervex, calix, omex phoenix, bombyx
septunx, decunx, deunx. Some os these are ometimes seminine, an mafuaere fore he re Chone Commona a Cimex Plin. H. . M. O. grex, Lucr. 2. 66 l. Lucii apud Charis. l. latex, Acc. v. Priscian. 5. rumex, Plin. H. N. o. 25. The fol-lowiniare common culex corio, imbrex, obex, pumea, silex,
varix, perdix, natrix, tradux properi an adfective, onyx, sa donyx, lynx also calx Mes, bou My, en' is inmetimes masculine, but far ostene seminine calx sim' is alwvis mihine, e
cepi that in Cato there once occum calce armato, in the masculine,--untes armato M a substantive. Some place hystrix amon common nou , ut it is ound ni in me senum . Airiplex is seminine and neuter. 4. Masculines in spincede is a consonant a mons, Pons, sons, dens Minciis compou s, bidens, tridens, Ups, chalybs, hydrops, rudens. et rudens is seniliane, Phintus Rud 4. s. I.
Amongst these are rechonia oriens, occidens, torrens co fluens, profluens : ut uae se a re tiroperiJ, Ble Cinii Dr Parilincipies ; sol bein understood, illi Oriens, Ccidens, and amnis
wit the rest. Scrota sor,hicli sciobis is sed an adepsare conamon stirps is somelimes masculine serpens is common, bring prope m. participis and anguis or bestia underet d. Disse philosopluces terin are neuter ens, accidens, antecedens, consequens, hicli are properi participies, harin negotium
understo . Animans whateve lives)is seminine, scit bestia, and neuter, scit animal it is found in the masculine IIor Sat. E. I. O. hic stylus haud petet ultro quenquan animantem, SCil. hominem deos esse animantes, Cic. at Deor. 3. 4. mundus est animans, Ibid. 2 8. 5. Masculines in es no increasing in the genitives verres,
torquis, o bovi amise&; vepres howeverris noctound in ho m. sing. Gree neutere, as cacoethes, M. C. The termination a, , , , Π ari Ur us, re neutera a Poema, mare, lac, animal nomen e ut,
calcar, fulgur corpus Also, M in i, no deesbned, a gummi plurias in a, as moenia Greeli pluress
it e, a cete, tempe. Excepto. ina, sol is misculine, and uobis mugilis in
soniviam Maw. sommimes neut Salas, always m c. The ancients used sale in the nominative a Varr. ap. Non. S. I97.: Ennius ap. Priscian. 5. Modern cheinisus atreus use sal in i neuter a sal medium, and salia in the plures.
q. masculines ini rem η'en, lien, licten, attagen peram;
w 4L Gemtiris' sum. and the Gree wOrds, alion, gon, tofi Zon properi a participie), hymen, delphin also Helicon a mountain , and themate marrae Titan, sive ollae male ames, a tamen, M., and Paean on the contra , the Greewwotas aedon, icon sindon, halcyon sirem are semiiune this vises sto the gende in Greeh. Lien is alio neuter Serv. Virg. 2 . 6 646. S. in arri arris ni asculine, o Rhic the plura trues, lIOui; holygod o home, is mos used. 4. in ur the nuue -- fur, turtur, vultur, sursuri Furiis vcmidinito the generat rese. 5. in us a the masculines lepus Oris, mus, and the omispound os πους pes , a tripus, polypus odis) hecause ποῖς is masculine But lagopus a vegetablexi latiunt ne h) hose ich have ine genitive in udore, excepimus, Meseminine assalus, virtus, iuventus, senectus in viis palus, incus, in udis; tellus uris to theses long pecus, esidis floch; ome ther Bre suppose an vi nominative pecudes, G dis. ut Caesarap. Priscian. 7- uses the nom. pecus, here sincera pecus o cum is grus is masc. and sem.
suppose accordinito analogy a prece, Preces, a bavehad the olla nominative prex o precia opes, opum ops or opis ops, in the nom. Acc. ap. Priscian. 7.ὶ theresere prece preces, opes opum, are semininu.
IV. In the Auru decienslan, Muncini are ma culine, in v neuter. Excepti in us in emimnes, acusi tale, manus, tribus, po ticus galla in domus, and the plures Idus, i. e. theisiemili duin arch, M Jub October, and the thirteenili in illo offer
monuis and the phira quinquatrus a certain east. Also
ficus, holher the latre orig on the other liand ficus, thename of adasease, is masculine Specus and Penus are common; t we findienum, i, and penus, oris. o these some reser sexus as a neuter a sexus virile but me immed maintain that in suis instances we inould reis secus. Disjtiro b Corale
duciae, insidiae minia , nugae, nundinae nuPtiae, Eunae,
phalerae, primitias, reliquiae, repetundae properi a Participle missi pecuniae underatood, scopae, suppetiae, i nebrae, thermae, tricae, M. and many names of - , Ihebae, Athenae Locri, Gabii, Gades, Tralles, is c. ;also liberi children, cancelli, fasti codicilli, arma, bellaria, crepundia, cunabula, incunabula, exta, praecordia,
cetia Plaut. Stich. 5. 4. 47. Gell. 3. 3. mina threat,
Cato ap. Fest. nundina, Sidon Epist. 7. 5. reliquIa,
Esaiae 14. 23. tenebra, Lamprid. in Commod 16.: also Thebe for hebae, rallis, Plin. H. N. 5. 29.: liber son, Cod. Justin. 3. 28. 33. 5. 9 8. Quintil. Declam 2 8. cancellus, Pandect 43 24. s. codlicillus, Od. I lieod. 8. 18. . : una, rudent in Dip-tych. oviaestam. n. . moene, Ennius V. Festus: esso cerus, i. m c. any also are sar more commitin tho plura than in the singular a preces, c., though the singula os preces is no uncommon.
II. Mannare usual in the singular oesy the re so generali is that the can onlyae imagine in the singular theses long,
I ames of mountians, rivers, Countries, men KC. a Petrus, ina, Rhenus. et when these names betonito morethan ne the have a plural a Scipiones, M arcelli, M.
since there a more than one Scipio or arcellus. The plurales thes me os me is es aenised in tropica sense Romelia se Ciceros, i. e. the were AWinchoratori, a Cicero-- Roma paucos habuit Cicerones. So, sarinarii, Hectores, os great warriora. 2. Nam Magus as adolescentia, pueritia, senectus, M. s. these are re redimes os virines, crimes, assections,
an qualities a pietas, iustitia, sortitudo, in i pietas, avaritia, ira, spes, MC. et these are gometimes soliti in the plural,
when a pluralit of them is indicatest; a sortitudines domesticae, omnes avarisas, in insanias hominum cupidorum indideram, L m Minus heris speising of the adnes of many or theis manifesὐm nesses Thus irae is used by Terentis Amanuum irae amoris integratio est. Spes alio is found in ita plures.
4. these are adde names of metat an minerias Maurimi, argentum, nitrum, M. et stela plumis occur; as aera, Hectra, sales, i. e. salti