장음표시 사용
in Decismons. has also iecindris, seo the obsolete iecinus and iocinoris also is used. in as, change a I. into alis With a long as aetas, nil and ali names of qualitios and virtves in as as brevitas, castitas, M., also Abbas Q. intestitis,itha ShOrt a mas autocreas erysipelasci . into antis, when the are Gree masculines as Atlas, Aeragas,
elephas, gigas, adamas, Pallas ecian prince), c. 4. into odi With a inori, in Gree seminines as
in es, change es I. into is a nubes, vulpes, S des, sames, verres, acinaces, palumbes, torques c. :2. into elis With eloni as quies, magnes, apes, labes, locuples to these belong Gree proper ames in es, which have is an eris in the en. as Chremes, misand metis, Dares, ermes, anes, Thales, Eutyches, 3cc. 3. into etis illi e shori; as abies, aries, parieS, interPre8, eges, teges, hebes, c. 4. into dis illi e long as heres, merces 5. int edis,uli e shori; a pes pedis, With iis compound bipes, quadriipeS, compes, Sc. 6. into eris,illi e stiori as Ceres, Cereris impubes has impubis, ut impuberes comes smin impuber: into His With Pinori as obses and
8. intortis illici hori; as ales, antistes, comeS, eques, semes, gurges, miles, palmes, satelles, e pes, limes, trames and the adjective dives, superstes. Bes bessis, aes seris, Prae Praedis. in is, When thesare Latin, ds, retain I. esther is in the gen. as avis, cassis hunting-net, paniis, Pi3-
itis,ithri long aclis, dis richsalso Dis, Plutri, Samnis, Whince plur Samnites aleopte Osatain, Quiris, Whinc Quirites RomanQ. iners have insteta eris
vomeri iners have inis missici stiori a possis sa guis, froin the old noni pollen, sanguen; ut the com- P0un exsanguis, gen exsanguis. Glis ahes gluris. Bucis they be Gree Words, the retain I ywiththo Latin is the Greehios and ios a poesis, genesis, haeresis, metropolis, ellipsis, emphasis, apocalypsis, phrasis, syntaxis, metamorphosis, Charybdis, Ne mlis, c. Ali these have is, Os eos, though the las ismos common 2. . have dis and Hos With Pshori:
as aeneis, en eidis o eidos S aspis, iris, iaspis, pyxis tyrannis, c. s also mos proper ames, Mimnymios, and gentilia in the seminine a Paris, Pli, laris, Eris, Artemis, hetis,'ereis, c. butato ris,
is and idis 'iberis mahos Tiberis, but Tibris or I hybris Tybris has idis 3 yinis With i long as Sal mico Salamin, Delphis o Delphin, Eleusis o Elem
sin but these genitives come frona the termination in in as Salamin inis 4 yentis a Simois, entis; Omis, oentis, contri puniis. in S, are Gree Words, and change et '. int yos
Withystiori as Erinnys, Chelys, Tethys, c. Cotys, Cotyis Iae An 2 67.) 2. into 'dis and ydos,ith, shori; a chlamys, pelamrs 3. inis nis illi long a Phorcys, Phorcyn: et this is ather thegenitive of the laueri
in aus, change scies dis os fraus laus, M. in us change us I. int eris,lu e in t a sce-dus, and ther neuters acus chas ), genus gibbuS,munm, lus onus, pus latus, pondus, rudus, scelus, sidus, vellus, ulcus, vulnus, the unusual Word viscus, whince steti viscera, and the adjective vetus Pignus also soluetimes has pigneris se pignoris andisom tempus, temperis,as Amerinused se temporis, ince temperi. . into oris,ithis inori as in pus and ther neuters, decus, dedecuS, a IIIus, senus, frigus, litus, nemus, pecus, Pectus, penus, Pignus, Ste cus, tempus, tergus, M. also lepus. ut comparative adjectives have o long a maius, doctius. The amitent also sat pignus pigneris for pignoris, and tempus temperis se temporis, Whinc temperi: 3. into uis a grus, sus 4. int udis missi u long as
5. cinis uris Mithi long as ius tellus, mus, crus, Pus, thus, rus 60 intestitis missi u long a salus, virtus, iuventus, senectus, servitus. Intercus has litis missi,
imitate this terminatio an have odi With o fhori; a tripus tripodis in Antipus, hinc Antipodes indipus, Polypus have dis and ais Paster the s
inis, changeis into bis an mile the precedingsyllabie hori; as Arabs, Arabis; s trabs, serobs, chalybs. hos in ebs, change e inlaci si re a coelebs, coelibis. Plebs mae plebis missi e long. in is, change scintilis os puls pultis in s putri besereis; a hyems, hyemis, illi a
in ns, change scinto dis as frons leas , lens ni in the haid glans illi inglans, nestens, libripeus Dompendo: or intestis a non Areheta, lens lentis. Sesalso adjectives an participies a sapiens, amans,
os a Cyclops, hydrops Stirps stirpis gryps gryphi Wissi, long Cinyps, Cinyphis Witho fhori.
Thos in eps have pis hori a princeps, adeps, manceps, orceps, and the adjective particeps exceptauceps aucupis: ibos Whicli come sto caput have ipitis in q; as anceps, ancipitis; so Praeceps, bicepS, triceps seps a rare,ord has sepis. incis, change s intestis; sors, pars Mars CO-
in Melantioris. pound stom coraee the in dis a concors, discors, misericors, vecors.
latex, s sex, and thos in dex, lex plex, sex stoma ciQ, rex as codex, index, vindex, iudex, pollex pellex stom pellici ο), duplex, triplex, c. artifex, pontifex, carnifex, caro, M. et rex and lex ith their c-pouos have eos long as rex regis, lex legis. ADL
stom seco) vervex vervecis long sex, and alex Dominalec. Remex reniigis, Senex senis, though D moly senecis, Mnec senecem, Plaut. il. 3. I. 54. in x, have l. icis long a radix, cornix, cervix,
lodis phoenix, perdix est verbal in trix, and adjec tivos in ii as ultrix, nutrix, obstetrix, felix, c. 2. Icis hori a calix, pix, silix fornix, hystrix natrix, salix varix, coxendix cilix thes sme add4p-
in lx nx, x, change cilito cis a calx, falx, lanx, arx, merx The res have is, a Phalanx angis,
in then indeclinable except the genitive us. OII1e- times, meet with the dative in o like tho ablativo; as, morte datus, sor morti Varr. V. Gell. 1. 24. III. The accusative sing. With the exceptionis neuterienditii em; as patrem, avem, c. et Ome Latinword in is, whicli do nes increas in the genitive, haverim an so me Gree Word haverim, in a, . I. The sollowiniare alWays in im vis, tussis, sitis, pulvis, 2
in Declamions buris, securis, cannabis, amussis and properiam and Greehnouns as Albis, iberis, Arar o Araris Syrtis, Charybdis; Tigris river o wild beast has tigrim and tigridem, hecause uingenium is Tigris Tigridis. Cucumis, en mis, misin malimam unum, se cucumerem, and praesepis praesepe praesepimin Plautus. The sonowing have im more osten than em puppis, restis, turris: ut navis, clavis, febris, aqualis, strigilis, se mentis have em rather hancim. From securis inme editio have securem Virg. En. l. 6o6. Somer laicli saliere inio Priscian. e. Gree wotas ahinas. iis avo in the genitivo eos orcios, retes ille Gree accusative in a Charybdis, vim sepolis Genesis, Apocalypsis, Emphasis, ephitis, magu-
dari or magydaris. et the Latin somelimes Change it toim a Chai vhil in an Charybdim. Gree word in is whicli in the genitive have dos o dis retain, it is true, the Gree terminations in and a, but osten end like tho Latin inini and dem a Paris, Parin, Parida, Parim Paridem inalso Alexis, Daphnis, Eris, Iris, Adonis, Phalaris, Isis But inmes h wotas have onj da and dem a tyrannis, Meis,'erris, Amaryllis vi in D, Mn. os retainon, ut the Latin uinals ym a Tetbrs, Tethyn and Tethym so Halys, Erinnys.
Chlamys mahes os in the gen an da and dem in the acc. c) iee leiIulii ne in o in the accus have o likewises a Sappho, MC. Sappho also Dido Alecto, Echo, Cal3pso,inc. unlos montie declinia in the Latin mode, a Dido onis, onem. din ther Gree wotas, particulari prope names, bave a in hea . besides the Latin em especialty in the poeta as aer aeremand aera, aether, rhetor, Hector, Agamemn m, Lacedaemon, M. Pan mahes oesy Pana and Paean, a ostener than em e D mosthenes an Ganymedes avo beside the terminatio em, particularly in the poeta, the Gree ea Demosilienem and Demosthenea Chremes, em, ta elem Dares, en, in etem.
IV. The vocativo i liue ille nominative a Pallas nam os a god dess), vocat Pallas. ut many Gree kWords, particulari proper ames, reject s l. in M,
ε Oflectensius. 5antis; g. Pallas a Grecia clii ef), Pallantis, voc. Palla: so Auas. 2.)inis a Daphnis Daphni QAmaIyllis, PaIi S, ceris, Simois, Nereis, c. 3. Tethys Tethy, elampus elampu. Nola FrOm SOme uncta es, come es and e; a Socrates and Socrate, Chremes Chreme, Laches Lache. e must hereis maia stat eris formed aster tho irst deciension, whichalso has es in the nominative. e must considerat fame os Achille, lysse, unies me suppose stat heyare fro in the Gree vocat. In eu, rejectingi.
V. The ablativo in most motas eos in e in some, liho tho dativo in i in offers, both in e andri vig.
M he folio in mise nisi Id neuter in e ab ar, asmare, vectigal, calcar excepi sar, baccar iubar, hepar, nectar, which mahe e: et, sin mare sor mari Ovid. Trist. 5. m. Ponti 4. 46. Ibis 198. Lucret. I. i62. Pand. i. s. s.;41. I. 58 edit Torrenti Varr. U. Char. I. 2.3Motas in is
Whicla loci ot in reas III ille genitive, an haveritior in in theaCCusative a tu8Si 8, Vis, pelvis, genesis so canalis, mugilis, strigilis ivc. Araris has Arare. Those whicli increase,mahee a Paris, idis, di, im in ida abl. ide so Iris, Eris, M. There are exceptions a Ura, abi. Elide Cic. Nati Deor. 3. 23 Caes. B. C. s. im: Eli Cic. ad Diu is 26 Accus. Elin Liv. 38. m. a. adjectives in is an er, a sortis serti,aCei acrici so gentile nouns, an naures Os Dionths as Atheniensis, Ovember, Aprilis, iac Also substantives in is, whichare properi adjectives and dolo increase a natalis birth-darx familiaris, popularis count man , rivalis bipennis, vir mis, quadriremis, aedilis sodalis, contubernalis, generali havei: et we mmeum indiatale, similiare, M. but atanis, nersin rudis a fore os finirin volucris subst. always misce: and properimes in is, hic are mediis adfectives asMartialis, Iuvenalis, din. byssio solis niliave e and i I. adfectives of one termin son; as felix, degener, M. thus ultrix, victrix, whenised as
ον Deci akusjectivolyci participies inlas used sor adfectives as amans butalectives inis, and participies inis henised actuan assa ticipies, have raster e and is die participies are,sed in the abi. absolute, as imperante Augusto, hey tway mahe e. Memor, vigil artifex, adjectivel end inci; ut pauper, hospes, SOSPes,
whicli som ad inops, cicur,-mata ni e But impuber comes si mi impuber no impubis, an pubererimm puberi comparatives, a doctior, doctius, om and ori an abbitives in plus scamel occurra, et Cham 2 give plure abi L cit Plaut. Cic. 3. wotas hic in tho accus have em a
avis, civis, cannabis, Classis, Collis, finis sustis, ignis, imber, occiput, orbis, ovis, Pars Postis, rus supellex, tridens, vectis, umguisci et e is more usual. e sita Lacedaemoni, Νm praes. et Carthagini, Iav. 28. 26 sor Lacedaemule, Carthagine perhapso thos may occur. Grite Gree word in is andos, hic in the genitivo havea voine hesore os, reject ni s a genesis eos, genesi, Erinnys, os, Erinny, in. Gree feminines in o long a Dido, Sappho, Clio, and neuter in os as chaos, melos, M., haveo, a Dido, chao, M.
VI he nominative plural enditii ex but neutersinae and when the usi sing. eos in ta asinare mari maria. Adjective os in neuter gendor hau ia i the abi sing. end in i oris and i as lenis leni, lenia felix, felice an felici selicia. ut comparatives, commundios corpus, and iste mord vetus haveonina os doctior doctius, doctiora vetus Vetera, c.
VIL The genitive plura commoni moesim itinould properi miserium 'ut i is generali reject-
, particularly in long ords t accelerate the pronunciation: et man retari tum as
. those whicli in the abi sing. ha ieri oris andri a retii una, felice an selici tum et thes liave um l. mugilis
and strigilisci . comparatives, excepi plurium Cona plurium: 3.hine sollowin alective es ne terminatio, celer, dives, pauper, vidi, degener, uber, memor, immemor, supplex, bipes, tripo, quadrupes, compos, impos, bicorpor, tricorpor, vetus, inops, senex, anceps Praeceps Particeps commund os color,
a Concolor, M. and sometimes locuples d. wotas in sex aspontifex, artifex, carnifex, opilex. Note maru Π foris artum fio mare, sev ap. Prisc. 7. q. word which do no increas in the genitive sing. as nubes, avis, solli S. et Soni O them are contracte by thopoeis into um. Canis, Pama, iuvenis, Vates, Pater, mater, frater,
accipiter, senex, have a arcum apis and volucris generalb
s. monosyllabius as ah mas, vas sis, glis, os ossis, cos, dos, mus, salia, cor, Par am, Pars mons, pons, dens, M. M t flos, fur, pes, en, splen, laus yet laudium, Sidon Carm. II.), fraus fraudium, Cic. OT 3 1ου ext M. Gustu.
bos boum , trux Phryx, Thrax The genitives of os oris , eas crua, bus, fax, sea n , sis, mel, Pa liae, lux glos, sol, Pus, ros, rus, an plebs, can carcet be et with. et weta plebium Prud Peristoph. 4 de Romano os inicium mice, Tertuli Apol. 16. M. Pamsi, where offers read crucum Charisius says stat fax mahes facum, sis sis cum Uiny apud Charis. I. do is hester lux mahes lucum
'uelmin. 4 Polysyllabies in as, ns, s aherium andrum; as aestas, facultas, civitas, Sapiens, bidens, Parens, Serpens, Arpinas, nostras. et the termination in um is more usual a collo
tum, civitatum, o theses long the plures Quirites, Samnites alio max, palus, radix Dirum is more common. o. neuter plures incia a moenia, sponsalia, Bacchanalia: also offers a vires, tres, sale ichiatherhetores in mon ullabies have tum momo haverum; as ambages, opes, coo-