Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류


manere Xtra urbem nefas est hos Veientis pro Romanis facturi estis sacerdotes, et Vestales tuae te deSerent, VCSta I 4 et flamen peregre habitando in singulas noctis tantum sibi reique publicae piaculi contrahet quid p alia, quae auspicato 5 agimus omnia fere intra pomerium, cui oblivioni aut cui neglegentiae damus p comitia Curiata, quae rem militarem 16 Continent, Comitia Centuriata, quibus Consules tribunosque militaris ireatis, ubi lauspicato, nisi ubi adsolent, fieri possunt Θ Veiosne hae transferemus p an Comitiorum Causa 71 Populus tanto incommodo in desertam hanc ab dis hominibuSque urbem Conveniet p At enim apparet quidem pollui omnia nec ullis piaculis 53 expiari posse, sed res ipsa Cogit aStam incen-

as omnia Veios migrare nec hic aedificando in

aPParere Vobis, Quirites, puto, qui meministis ante Gallorum adventum Salvis tectis publicis privatisque, stante incolumi

et urbellian eandem rem actam esse, ut Veios tranSmigraremus.

et Videte, quantum inter meam sententiam veStramque in 3 terSit tribuni. vos, etiamsi tunesfaciendum non fuerit, nunCutique faciendum putatis; ego contra, ne id mirati sitis, priusquam quale sit audieritis, etiamsi tum migrandumus fuisset incolumi tota urbe, nunes has ruinas relinquendaS non enSerem. quippe tum Causa nobis in urbem Captam migrandi victoria esset, gloriosa nobis a posteri noStriS; nun hae migratio nobis misera a turpis, Gallis gloriosaeSt. non enim reliquiSSe Victores, sed amisisse victi patriam 51 videbimur hoc ad Aliam fuga ho Capta urbs, O Circumsessum Capitolium necessitatis inposuisse, ut desereremuS

L. V. c


penati nostro exsiliumque a fugam nobis ex eo loco ConSCiSCeremus, quem tueri non poSSemus et Galli eve tere potuerunt Romam, Romani restituere non videbuntur

6 potuisses quid restat, nisi ut, si iam novis Copiis veniant constat enim vix credibilem multitudinem esse et habitare si Capta ab se deserta a vobis hac urbe velint, sinatis p quidp si non Galli hoc, sed veteres hostes vestri, Aequi Volscive, faciant, ut Commigrent Romam, velitisne illos Romanos, vos Veientis esse an malitis hanc solitudinem vestram quam urbem hostium esse ion equidem video, io quid magis nefas sit. haec scelera, quia piget aedificare, 8 haec dedecora pati parati estis Θ si tota urbe nullum melius ampliusve tectum fieri possit, quam Casa illa Conditoris est nostri, non in CaSi ritu pastorum agrestiumque habitare est satius inter Sacra penatiSque OStro quam XSulatum 159 publice ires maiore noStri, Convenae paStoreSque, Cum in his locis nihil praeter Silvas paludeSque SSet novam Urbem tam brevi aedificarunt nos Capitolio atque arce incolumi, stantibus templis deorum aedificare incensa piget et quod singuli facturi fuimus, Si aedes nostrae deflagrassent, hoc inso54 publico incendio universi recusamus faceres quid tandem p si fraude, si casu Veis inCendium ortum Sit, ventO-

Rome is the Ue, Ut heri PoteSt, diffuSa flamma magnam

k iij fi fi Partem Urbi abSumat, Fidenas inde aut Gabios

Capito xules the aliamve quam urbem quaeSituri SumVS, quo usa transmigremus p adeo nihil tenet solum patriae ne hae terra, quam matrem appellamuS, Sed in superficie 3 tignisque Caritas nobis patriae pendet equidem fatebor vobis, etsi minus iniuriae vestrae meaeque Calamitati meminisse iuvat: Cum abessem, quotienSCumque Patria in omentem Veniret, hae omnia CCurrebant, Colle Campique



et Tiberis et adsueta oculis regio et o Caelum, Sub quo natu educatusque eSSem; quae VOS, QuiriteS nun moVeant potius Caritate sua, ut maneati in Sede VeStra, quam OStea, Cum reliqueriti eam, maCerent desiderio. non Sine CaUS 4 di hominesque hunc urbi condendae locum elegerUnt, SalUberrimos Collis, flumen opportunum, quo e mediterraneiS locis fruges devehantur, quo maritimi Commeatus aCCipiantur, mare vicinum ad Commoditates ne expositum nimia propinquitate ad pericula ClasSium externarum regionem Italiae io mediam, ad incrementum urbi natum unice OCum argumento est ipSa magnitudo tam novae urbis. treCenteSimus

Sexagesimu quintu annu urbis, Quirites, agitur inter tot veterrimos populos tam diu bella geritis, Cum interea, ne singulas loquar urbis, non Coniuncti Cum Aequis Volsci, totis tam valida oppida, mon universa Etruria, tantum terra marique pollens atque inter duo maria latitudinem obtinens Italiae bello vobis par est quod Cum ita Sit, quae malum 6 ratio est ista expertis alia eXperiri, Cum iam ut virtus vestra transire alio possit, fortuna Certe loci huius transferri non, possit hic Capitolium est, ubi quondam capite humanos invento responsum S eo OC Caput rerum Summamque inperi fore: hic cum augurat, liberaretur Capitolium, Iuventas Terminusque maximo gaudi patrum Vestrorum moveri se non passi; hic Vestae ignes, hic ancilia caelous demissa, hi omnes propitii manentibus vobis dei Μovisse Camillus cum alia oratione tum ea, quae ad 55 religiones pertinebat, maxime dicitur Sed rem Thri, book, igdubiam decrevit vox opportune miSSa, quod, abandonex and

Cum senatus post paulo e 1 rebus In Curia, Hostilia haberetur, CohorteSque aec PraeSidiis revertentes forte agmine forum transirent, Centurio in Comitio XClama


a vit: signifer, Statue Signum hi manebimus Optime. qua voce audita et Senatu aCCipere Se omen ex Curia egreSSUS ConClamavit. et plebς CircumfuSa adprobavit. antiquata

deinde lege promiscue urbs aedificari Coepta. tegula publice praebita est; saxi materiaeque Caedendae, unde quisque vellet, ius factum, praedibus CCepti eo anno aedificia per-4 secturos festinatio Curam exemit viCos derigendi, dum omissos sui alienique discrimine in vaCuo aedificant. ea eS CauSa, ut Veteres CloaCae, primo per publiCum ductae, nun privata passim subeant teCta, formaque urbi Sit occupatae magis o quam divisae similis.



p. 1. I. Tace alibi par Rome a so the time tueac 'iththe Aequi an Volsci See Introduction44. parta See Critica Appendix.

Romani Veiique Liv combines the nam os a peopte illi thenam os a place for the Sahe of variety. in armis erant Romela declared war three years before in o6 B.C. 3 comitia a Wor appropriate ni to elections a Rome is applied tolli proceedings of the Veientes. a. tribunorum militum . . . numerum At firSt these ossicers erethree in number et Io), later Six ere Suali appotnted, and Liv is probabi mistahen in saying that the number as increased to ight in his year. Other authorities Fasti Cas. p. 28 represent Camillus an Albinus a censors, an Liv himself, hil he mentions Camillusas militar tribune in oet 1 o. I and 398 1 . in in the lalter passage describes him a the holdin ossice sor a Secon time iterum). Plui. m. 2 Say that he a censor during the war illi Veii, and while holding this ossice induce bachelors to marry the widow of those Roman who hau fallen in the war. Ap. Claudius grandson of the decemvir appear in the early partos his book a the advocate of the patricians. In IV 48. IMB.C.)hecis describe a the ounges of the senators, an a he di no die unii 3 9, he wa probabi nomno more than 3O. M. Furius Camiltas the her of the lege of Veii, the delivere os Rome sto the Gauis, and the champion of the patricia party. Probabi Liv is indelite sor man os the legend about Camillus to the traditions os the Gens Furia se Introductionari.


Da. contris Dis sed to mari a contrast bet ween the action os twomen or hodies of mem; f. O. 7 53 3. taedioJ abi. giving the interna cause of the action. ambitionisy canuass', sed of the efforis of candidates to obtain votes. Ambitio is raret used in an onourabie sense it osten implies un-

1o retem creavereJ electeta hing '. iv leavescit to beranderstood that this as an innovation, and that Veii like the ther Etrusca towns,liadaltherio bee governed by an ariStocrae of LucumoneS. In IV I7.1 however, he telis us of a Veientine hing, Lar Tolumnius, and we may conclude therefore that the Present Step asini a return to the sortiter constitution. II animos seelings' not minds' . I et non maiore odio not o much rom distili os monarch as of themonarch himself'. 4. gravis here used in a bad SenSe, oppreSSive unpopular ' in agood ense the wor osten describes the dea Roman character, a Seriou man, a man of eight'. iam . . . anua Thi eXpreSSion like ήδη πρότερον S pleonastic It occursbelow 8 6 19 6 and 5o. 7. Iam is separate stom the woryto hich

sollemnia ludorum the festiva of the games'. Sollemne the neuter of the assi sollemnis is sed in Liv and Tacitus ascis it were a substantive proper an here talae a genitiVe os definition cf. 17. G a Mand , and ludicrum Q. The Etruscans ere celebratexsor thei games, and the Romans derived stom them many of the institutions of thei religious festivalS.I nefas est The games ere a religious ceremon and an interruptionos them a regarde a a Sin againSt the godS. The present est is sed here, because the remar i os genera application, and no limite to the particula time o which iv i Speaking cf. a. 7 hiemis... suae. . . Sit quies in oratio obliqua). Cf. also the common expression uis I9 8 32 7 and uti mos est XXII. 57. et), both used of evenis in past time. diremissetJ oblique. The actio is state no as a laci, but a a cauSe influencing the ons os praelatus esseta Dan excelleret g 6. o. cum . . . abduxit Cum illi the presen or persect indicative is


osten used to describe an actio identica with the actionis the principat ClauSe. Here cum . . . abduxit defines the method in hicli sollemnia diremisset cf. 3. 4 49 84 2 3. ob iram repulsaeJ Liv more frequently than his predecessors use ob todenote the interna cause of an action o ob unam mulierem giVeSthe externat cause). He generali uses ob iram illi an objective genitive cf. I. 5. 3 ob irana praedae amissae, an belo 33 3 here theabi ira is similari uSed. 15 duodecim opuloruus Se n. and Cf. 33. . alius sacerdos another ... M priest'. The high pries of the leaguewas apparenti electe annuallyrio Superintend the game etc. I eri In a subordinate sentence is reserring to the subjectis the principalsentence, ante sed instea of the reflexive, is the subordinate clauseis no represente a the thought of the subjeci. Here, however, SSet must reflect the though in the ing's ind, and sibi ould e more


arti cesJ actor ete , ho ook par in the games an conteStS. I ex medio ludicro Se n. on sollemnia D , and cf. I. 5. 3 huic deditis

wor of the sentence, is osten Mund in Liv in his position cf. o. o; 3. and namque II 6. O the ther an igitur, hicli in therwriter raret begins a Sentence, is Sometimes ut firs by iv 51.

anu omnis alias Ante omnis in combination illi a comparativerendercit equivalent to a superlative. his phras is concisely writtensor anu omnis dedita religionibus atque eo magis quod cf. a. 5 tanto ante alios miserandi magis quom

religionibus The plurat here denotes religious observances ascindo. religionum cultor); I. ; et et, o publicae religiones an Io. p. 2. I colendi eas bios Latin writer avoid the genitive plura of the gerundive, an uSe in preserenc the gerund with an objeci: cf. 2. 2;6. I et . . LiVy, o ever, Dequently uses also the ablative of the gerund with an object in place of the gerundive 8. 2; 5. O 22.1 etc.); ut the dative of the gerund is notiso Sed. DF. a quo tale quid Cui the encliti indefinite pronou denotes a hypothetical person in opposition to aliquis, hicli usuali describes a person indefinite ut eat . Quis is speciali found after certain Conjunction an adverbs, si, nisi, ne, num etc. g 9 5 4ὶ aster the


relative, as hereri aster relative conjunctions tibi a 7 et , unde et I ;or in combination illi alius 13 4 15. 2 33 4 54. i. referretur Livy uses the subjunctive imperfeci and lupersecti astergui, quicumque, cum, ubi, seu etc. to denote indefinite requency. Thisus is rare elare his time Cicero, Caesar an Sallust employed the indicative, ahin no distinctio belween particular an genera conditional or temporia sentences Other examples of this idiom occurbelow 5. et tibi clamor ortus esset); 42 4 quocumque Pertinet); 47.

fro seditionis... habebas treate him as a ringleaderis sedition not merely a the narratoris an empi tale'. 5 quietae res peacessit news 7 conciliis See n. no7. 6. eam remJ i. e. the question hether the Etruscans asin holeraliould relieve Veii. adferebaturi sollowed by acc. and ins Verbs of telling, reporting etc. can e sed in the passive eithe with a persona subjeci and the infor impersonalty ith a c. and inf. The impersona construction is rare in earlier riters, ut frequent in Livy Cf. 8. Io 2I. 6 33. 2. ita muniebant The object munimenta is expressed in the dependent

8 Ο in urbena se. Veios. aliis frons Munimenta in D denotes both lines of sortifications,

alia... Tena deScribe the purposes of ne of them, and ad Livycomplete his sentence logically, we hould have alia in Etruriam spectantia quormn frons auxiliis obstruebatur. The construction S, however, Changed, and obstruebatur, a principat verb, coordinate illi muniebant is introduced. Aliis is ablative of the instrument, and auxiliis dative aster obstruebatur. Io Si qua ... Tenirent The phras is repeated almost word sor ord in 5. 5. Si introduces a protasis to hicli the principat ver does notServe a a logica apodosis, m in case that or to See hether'; cf. 2. I. This description of the Roman cam may be an imitation ofThucydides account of the Sparta camina Plataea III. I. I ε ε ι, το τειχοs δύο οὐ περιβόλους, πρό τε Πλαταιῶν καὶ εἴ τις ἴωθεν detr' 'Aθγγνῶν ἐπιοι Arnoldioubis hether a doubie lineis circumvallationround Veii could have been complete so rapidly, and thiniis that there Were probabi oni a series o fortifie camps. The description of the attachin the Romans besore Veii in ch. 8, hows that iv ha in his


mino tW camps, a greater an a maller 8. 93, with castella betweenthem connected by munitiones. Unti the last year of the war, there cloes no seemo have been a complete lochade of the own se n.

obstruebaturi put in the way Π cf. Lucr. V. 752, a terris altum caput obstruere et In the corresponding passage i 5 5 oggono S Sed. CΗΑPTER II. II o. obsidione. . . S J so the more Sual Nessosita esse in. obsidione. . . oppugnatione Ablochade ... assauit The two method of prosecutin a lege are frequently contrasted cf. 12 5 o id nec o pugnata nec obsessa sunt); non urbes vi aut Oseribus templatae);

3. . The offugnatio might e carried ut in various ways by a simultaneous attac o disserent Potnts by aisin an a Per 7. in opposite Some particular par of the wallS, o by running mine under the walis : by this Ialter method Veii is aid o have been alien et I Io). The obsidio require siege orks to e bulli round the to , asLiv describe. 1. 3.13 militi Romano collective singular. The hie concrete substantives used in a collective sense re miles g in sedes, eques 7. et), ostis 37. in and the ames of eoples sed itheroo denote the wholepopulationi a State, o a Particular arm 8 9; 3. 3ὶ Liv SOme

times uses adjectives a Substantive in a collective enSe, a I. I in


gerund is heremo the fame a the Subject of the Sentence, Se n. n26 3 disterendo. continuare to malae continuous, revent interruptionis 15 Da. iam diu. . . invenientibus Iam diu is sed with the participi in the Same Way as illi the presen or imperfeci indicative, o an actionbegu previousl but stili continued cf. Cic. ad Tam. IV. 13. I quaerenti mihi iam diu certa res nulla veniebat in mentem. 16 novandi res in a ad sense creatin a diSturbance, Causing revolt L f. 6. I non quicquam nodiatum sis; o. 7 novae e S. Sonovae res is frequently used an νεωτερίζειν in Greeli See Introduction

15 o Livy's reaimentis politica questions. i in contionem prosiliunt a graphic phrase. Contio is an publicvicetin calle and preside overi a magistrate.


18 g a. hoc illud esse Athis a the reaso that Hoc illud esse is used idiomaticalty like τουτ κεῖνο in Greeli, to impinthat a previous idea has been confirmedi evenis. hoc In oratio obliqua ille regulari talies the place of hic an tunco nunc. Sometimes howeve hic and nunc are retaine sor vividnessjus a primar tense are Sed instea of Secondar See n. O g in. Here hoc is necessar to void ambiguity, ut it is Mund also in gra;

dictitantes Liv has a sondnes sor frequentative verbs a substitutessor the simple verb), and the areispeciali frequent in the irst ten books.

Cf. 8 et recepto 32 6 a vento); o. 3 rogito). aera The plura is sed of the disserent stigendia, the pansor achyear' SerVice, cf. 3. 4 4. 7 7. 2. Hence aeriis Sed like stipendia, of the disserent ear o service, Cic. in Verri ΙΙ. 5. 33 omnia istius aera illa vetera. Pa ha been introduce in o6 B. C., and thi ha madewinter campaign POSSible. sint primar tenSe, Se n. nai. sto inlitum fore This formis the infinitive is generali supposed to correspon to the complete latur of the indicative cf. V. cum se quisque Subiectum fore cerneret; ut Liv seem to se the formmeret so the Sahe of variety. Q venisseJ DOm Teneo. et ab Ialam ab urbe Cf. IV. 58. I the tribunes are there representeda OPPOSing the proclamation o war illi Veii, and Liv puis into theirmouth very Simila sentiment eam plebem procul urbe haberi atque abigari. The two passages houldie compared. republic Ira the state in iis politica aspect. iuventutem an abstraci SubStantive in a collective enSe cf. 7. 9;I8. Io 36 6 So aetas 27 7 and nomen See n. o et et 8 are frequently used Iuventus commoni denote me of militar age stomo to 5). Cf. Verg. Aen. I. 467 Troiana iuventus iuvenes is seda 5. et aut tempori anni Aor indeed an SeaSO of the ear', epeat and emphasises ne hiemi quidem. Cf. XXXVI. Io. 8 nunc hiemem et Iempus anni rei bellicae aptum, ancla I belo hieme salum. . .et aliquo tempore


a .ac not correlative. The firS a connect cedere an iuvisere, the second, domos and ES.

numbers'. Translate is the were present in large numberS'.