장음표시 사용
16 Da. ad Capenam et ad Falerios The Romanilia apparenti talienthe aggreSSive against theSe places to retaliate so thei attach 8 5 an to prevent them so the future Dommendingueties to Veii. 18 g a. dilectu a or Suchis habendo must e supplied rom conferendo, hicli is appropriate ninio tribulo. 19 There ere two Orms of the stem of this ord, plebs and plebes the alter prevatis in inscription down to the Augusta period. Besides flebs, and iis regula inflections,' have the followinisorm in Livy, nominative, flebes et L; genitive, flebi representing plebei here
cooptandis Coostare denotes the electio os a magistrate by thermagistrate holding the fame ossice, hen through an cause their
et g si omnium primum the tribune made it thei firs care Primum is here an adjective, in o. I here the phras occur it S
et a iuniores me os militar age homo to 4 , seniores men ho had performe thei active service, but who could stilli calledipondo thedelance of the cit between the years of Dandio .
et nomina daretrato osse themselves for Service. custodiam aheren in periphrasis for the ver like φυλακην ποιεῖσθαι. G. quantum The accusative of tantum, quanimn etc., i Some- times found with comparative adjectives aliquantum amplior, . . 9ὶor illi vere containing a comparative dea, instea of the more usual ablative os disseretice For ther example of thi us cf. I. Id.
aliquantum maiori et 3 4 36. quantum raratarent). et consciebaturi e Critical Appendix. et tuentibusJ whil protecting the city'.
et G ideo aera Cf. et 3 hoc illud esse dic im/r es quod aera militibus
31 F. annum iam tertiun L miready for a third year', i. e. at ready so three years a common diom p cf. Cic. Legi Man. Q. a m Eo tempore annum iam teritum et vicesimum regnat The war ad reatly been going on sor sive ears Se n. Ono I), ut the tribunes are onlytaking into account the three years since theriown a firStilochaded. p. 14. gerantJ The primata tenSe i here uSed in contrast to conscerent. Conscerent State the purpos os an action hicli is entiret past Domiti potnt of vie of the tribunes ieranti an action hicli is relativelypresent. Primarnienses occur throughout the res of the peech.
3 pueros ac seu Dprobabi a rhetorica exaggeration. vectigalis 'liable to tribute, tributary' The word 45 contemptuous as it was usuali applied to the subject o Rome cf. XXI. I. vectigalis stipendiariusque et servus ostili Romani. ad uuimum The tributum a taxi properi usuali ratSed i meet the expenses of war had been institu ted or centurie. I. 3. 13), ut thepoint of the tribunes complain is that the present tacis the last straWto the verburdened plebs.7 incultaque omnia It was a great grievance to the plebeians, mos of hom ere mali sarmers, that militar service interrupted agriculture, and that on thei return stoma campaign thei sarms ad usualty gone ut os cultivation.
I numerus expleri nequiis We remo tot ho this happened. Livyattributescit elow 11. 3 ; et et to the in trigiles of the patricianM; possibi a sussicient number of candidates di not present themSelveS, Orthe residin ossice may have refuse to accepi the ames of thoSewhom the plebeians Wishe to eleci. ia ut patricii coostarentur This a doubi illegat. Cooptation assorbidden se n. o nex section and the patricians ad alWay been stricti exclude seo the ossice of tribune II. 33. I neve cui patrum capere eum magistratum liceret). 11. postquam ... non solerat Postquam, hicli is Mund ostregulari With the persect indicative, is frequently used illi theimperfeci, speciali in negative sentences, o denote an attempted
1 te is Treboniae See Critica Appendix By the ex Trebonia
paSSed in III. 65. 33, cooptation a sorbidden, an it was nacted that the residin magistrate liould continue o receive vote unti allte tribunes ere elected.
CHAPTER XI. 18 DI cui Di .e. Trebonion e Critica Appendix. nomini ac familiae The ut was regardei as hereditary in IV. et et iv Speak of a tribune Icilius propoSin an agraria iam velut sensum nominis familiaeque Nomen implies hegens. et g a patres o patres conscripti a the Sua nam so senators I. 8. 7ὶ Patres aS, however, Sed ais to denote the patricians as a class, instea of the more precise ille patricii whicli occurs elsewhere in his chapter . quondam ... tandent See Critica Appendix. quondam In the patricians had manage to have tw of their number coopte a tribunos, and this ad te to the passing of the Trebonian la. III. 65. I . et repulsi and ad been checked on thei firs attempi'. Repulsi denotes an actio Simultaneous illi, fiso continue aster, the actiondenote by petissent This diom, hicli rises rom the want os a present paSSive participle, is frequently employed by Livy. There is agood instance of it in III. 3. I in oppida sua se recepere uri suasopularique passi See nn on 8. I diductamin; I. 9 avecta). tribunos militum The actior has itherio been attribute to the patricians as a hole, ut the militar tribunes may have alien aleadin part There seem to e a reference to this two lines elowin the words inserio parriciorum, as inserium denotes the power of the
vociferans There is no principat ver except the historical infinitiveamuere at the end of gQ. et coostatos an instance of Zeugma. The wor is appropriate to thesecon clause inserio patriciorum), butis ord like creatos is requiredwith suffragiis posuit. et adseculae a contemptuous ord, 'dependent. et g a sacratas legos The laws protecting the tribunes involae a CurS O anyone ho harme them. Such a a Was passe on the firs institutionis he office II. 33 3 an renewed by the Lex Valeria Horatia in III 55 7j. L. V. 7
3 P. Curatius etc. The names of the tribunes ho ere coopte aregive in o. II. The tribune mentioned here muS have been reSpon- sibi for the violationis the law. Iresidi rerum suarum apparenti imitated rom Verg. Aen. XII. 589 ages tresidae rerum. For res in the plura meaning siluation , cf. Cic. gro Cluent. 7. et di entena rebus Suis.
p. 15. et die dici, At this epoch allorial sor public offences ereconducted in the Comitia Centuriata or Tributa, o appea seo the Sentenc os a magistrate. An magiStrate iShin to impos a punishmenti fine gave notice to the accuSed an to appeari a give day and show cause hy the penalty hould not be imposed Diem dicerethus camerio mean o give notice of an intende prosecution. 3 5. longinq&itas long duration ' Se n. O 5. 2.5 Iugobris domos habeant had theiriouses in mourning '. 7 namque I tu is the firS ProSe riter lio suis namqueelsewhere than at he heginning of the Sentenceri e n. Ono. 6.8 accusatoresJ See Critica Appendix. I 1 quorunt m et eortina it cloe no influenc the construction. I consecto adverbia ablative, sed also by Cic. pro Scaur. 8. Theus os passive participies a ablative absolute without a subjec is rare in early Latin Cicero employed his construction illi severat Words, hut iv gave a great extenSion to the Se cf. 8 6 necopi=raro a compound of negative an participie); aetispicato 38. I itato;
I g . nec... nec The sirs nec me ne and connecis possisat vitii conSen cat; the econtra neci and connecis de commodis illi de agris.
agris obviousi reser to the public landS. I frequentiaque literalty by means os a crowde attendance in thecit malae the proposais of the tribunes thronged' i. e. Secure effective Suppor so the proposal by means of the crowds os plebeians in the
28 12. venire ad iudicium D presente themselves for triat'. Rosuli iudicium denotes a tria conducte in the comitia a tria belare aquaestio in later times as describe a iudicium sublicum. et defuncros esse were quit'. Defungi is ometimes sed ithout an ablative in the sense of escapin a great hvrti Suffering a stigii one. p. 16. 1 goa inroratam 'inflicted'. The wor is sed of proposin a penalty in the Comitia, and i therelare ni appropriate to a posui iudicium. 3 aQ. Quirites is emphati an represent the vocative of oratio recta, justos regnerent represent the imperative. The description is
rendere a vivid a possibi by the se of hic gri et g I hand of primary
in contione Aster the tria ha been conducted in three contioneson three separate Jay a Murth SSembl Was et when the votingtoo place.
gas iratos proleptico against whom the had involae the angero the ods'; cf. ΙΙ. 5. I Si fallat Iovem patrem. . . aliosque iratos
io in eis In illi the ablative is frequently used aster verbs denotingsriendi or hostile conduci, to denote the person toward Whom theactio or laetin is directed cf. et 8 36. 9 ne decerneret in antae nobilitatis viris).CHAPTER XII. I ga plebs The proceedings were in the Comitia Tributa, here theplebeians could command a majority, ut the vote os condemnation aspassed by the whole populus cf. Det ira populi; II. et populi iudicium). denis milibusJ For the ablative Se n. n 29. 7. I aeris gravis i.e assium. The firS Coin os the Roman was a massos copper eighin about a ound a libralis). In the ourse of the republic the a was reduce in eight unti a las it diu not eighmore than ais an unce Ae grave denotes the old coinage, in Whichthe a Iibralis a the unit, an Io,oo of such asses ould beequivalent to about ceta Mos Englisti money. s. 29. 7, here the Same fine is impOSed.
Martem communem J The go Os Warcis regarde a impartiat, asin Hom. I. XVIII. 3o ξυνο 'Eνυάλιος. Cic. eir. III. a. 167 quoteSas a common rhetorical device the nying, Martem belli esse communem, and the phras Mars conamtinis belli, Sometimes illi fortuna adde ashere, o casus a in Cic. pro SesI. 5. Ia, occurs frequently both in Cicero
an LiVy. I Da cooptationis In the excitemen caused by the tria os Sergius an Verginius, the tribunes ho ad transgresse the Trebonian law II. 3, Scape ProSecution, hile the coopte tribunes etaine their
et Da victores tribuni Substantives, speciali verba substantives in tor and trix, ere sed in Latin a adjectives. Victor an victrixare frequently So Sed cf. 24. o victrici fatriam; o. I urbis victricis. Cicero has vis or exercitus, Icturae victrices ad A t. V. I. in.
et Diem agrariam See Introd. go .sromtiliant When a magistrate intende to propos a laW, heissuen a notice summoning the comitia Aster his an interva ofet Jays trinundinum Was necessary, in the course of whicli the law ob proposed was published promi, ari). tributum conferri prohibent eithe by the direct exercise of their
veto, ori promisin protection to any citiZen ho refuSed to pay cf. IV. o. Dedixerunt tribuni auxilio Se futuros, Si quis. Iribulum non contulisset. et cuse probabi introduces the reason of the tribunes, sincera muchmoney a Spent an so litile as effecten'. Other tali ii as al
et Da militia The ablative is used like bello to denote the sphere os
et nec ossa nata See Critica Appendix. 3 DG Grosulato The participi of the deponent ver fossulor andit compound is sed by all,riter in a passive Sense, ut the se of populo in an active or an other par of populor in a PasSive sense is restricte to the poets and late riter CL 24. 2.3I OS quam . . . erat See n. On Io II here inrita malles the clausevirtuali negative.
p. 17. et Volsci provincia The apposition os a plura to a singularnoun is natural with the names of cities, tribes etc. cf. urbs Veii et I a); Volsinienses provincia evenit 32. 2 Veientes provincia II 5 . . provincia' signifie originali a militar command tot exercised insome definite pol Henc it derived the meaning of an public duty, e.g. of the praetor urbanus promincia urbana XXIV. 9 53, later stili it camerio have the geographica meaning, hicli itio bears. evenerat See n. On orti evenit, 24. 2. go maiore mole, quam bella tractabantur an abbreviate ex-PreSSion O quam quan a ea moles erat qua bella tractabantur. The emphasis lies o mole, hicli, seo the mean in os mass, bulli', acquire the meaning of burden, essori, train'. Trans. Internalsedition gatherin force involve a greater strat than the wars hichwere o hand fer tribunos on account of the oppositior of the tribunei et haudfrocul erat quin See n. O 4. 14. contagion See n. ni. ΙΙ. DB. nunc illud tempus esse O nunc in Or. bl See n. n 2 3. Litatis here emphatic now was the great times Io stabiliendae libertatis establishing thei politica righis'. Forthis use of liberta Cf. a. a. Sergiis Verginiisque The plura os proper ames is sed to describe a type or class; me like S. an V. ' cf. Cic. Cat. . . 6 Fabricii, Curii, Coruncanii. II fortis ac strenuos are osten o combine in Livy Cf. IV. 3. 16. I a gis unus Liv mahes a mistake other member of the college Were certaini plebeians, e Introductio P. XXViit n. 6.tinus ex plebes one of the plebs L Ablatives illi ex o He are ome- times sed instea os a partitive or defining genitive Cf. 32 6 M. Caedictus de plebe 39. 13 multitudo de plebe; o. omo de plebe sode legione prima XXII. 53. 2.13 Surgandi iuris causa 'in orde to mali use of thei privilege' twas the rs time that a plebeia ha been electe to this ossice, and Liv implies that it was ni a forma conceSSion. 15 'O L. Titinius, P. Maelius, L. Publilius These three a least were probabi also plebeians. 17 g 11. nullis honoribus He ad probabi been tribune os the plebs, ut his office a no include in the term onor . The Onlyother offices ope to him ere the Quaestorship and Aedileship. 18 senator It is oubilat he plebeians ere firs admitte to the
senate Liv sollows theolaeor that a number os plebeians patres minorum gentium were adde to the senate by Brutus on the institutiono the republic II. I. Io). Hema regard Licinius a belongindito ne of these gentes, o Licinius may have been chose by the consul to ea Senator. It is noteworthy that this is the rs plebeia definitelynamed by ur authorities as havingin ea in the senate. 19 g a. nec salis cons at nor have e sufficient nowledge'. Satis aster negatives Suali m Surely, adequalely'. primus ac potissimus Liv has a fondnes for his alliterative expreSSion, an he was the firSt proSe writer o se the phrase illi
ad delibandum to ast the weets of the ne dignity'. Ciceroalso uses delibare in his metaphorical sense. et Cn. Corneli fratris We must assume that Cornelius as a patricians that Licinius canini have been his Step-brother. et equitibus These ere the equites equo privato Se n. Ona. 5. LiVydoes no mentio the propoSal to give hem triple pay, in the ea in whicli it was made. Triglex stipendium means panthree times that of the ordinar Soldier. et g 1 a. quod sor the more sua id quoae relaxed thei oppositioni the matter of the tribute, the thing hicli embarrasse the State ostofati'. CHAPTER XIII. et g 1. Anxur in Volscis Anxur ha been surprised by the Volsci in o a see . . e have in his Section a Serie of Shor notices, evidently aken almost ithout change rom ne of the annalisis cf. 3I. ). his may account so the Se of the rare ord nivosa whichi no found elsewhere in prose excepi in XXI. 59 8 and innavigabilis whicli is no used elsewhere).3 fuerit primar tense in a consecutive Sentence, although the
p. 18. dulcedo destre', no in iis usual sense of Acharm ' 6. 5). Liv extende the number of substantives sed illi thegenitive of the gerund cf. praetereundi verecundiam; 42.
delendi libido 8. 3 pigritia sepeliendi. invasityusest,ithout an object gainediround maderitSeis seli'.
omnelfere centuriae Cf. IV. o. Domnes centuriae iussere. Livytelis S I. 3. II that as a ule the votin in the Comitia Centuriata Wa no continued, after a majorit of the Centuries had vote in savouros an propoSal. his phras probabi means that in the voles actuallytaken there a not much disserence of opinion. gQ. intemperie caeli CL VIII. 18. I foedus annus intemserie caeli. Notices of this nature, as wel as of religious occurrences g 5-8)Would naturali be preserved in the old chronicies. 1 alia qua See n. Ono . . II excepit is osten sed like εκδέχεσθαι of ne succession o time; cf. a. 6. It is ometimes used intransitively.
I libri Sibilini in 1 . 3 calle libri fatales. The Sibylline books, whicli ere, in ali probability brought homone of the Gree townSof Asiam inor, ere kept by the duumviri gi in the temple of Jupiter
Capitolinus. The containe oracular verses, hicli ere SuppOSed toreis to the late of Rome. ex Senatus consul o aditi sunt The senate, a the director of the
State religion took the initiative in ordering the Sibylline books to beinSpected cf. o. in Adire is sed os inspecting the sacre books in
I duumviri sacris facitindis these ossicers ere supposed 'o bis thave been appotiate by Tarquinius Superbus to tali care os an to interpret the Sibylline books, carminum Sibilae ac fatorum sopuli huius interpretes X. 8. 2ὶ A the book were o Greel origin the usuallyprescribe the introductionis Gree rites, in honour of Gree gods, and in his a the wιmviri ha a genera superintendence of the risus Graecus, a the pontistis of the ritus patrius. In 367 thei number asincreased to te and inra by Sulla to sisteen. lectisternio a ceremon probabi os Gree origin θεοξενία). The Statue of the si god were et upo couches lecti in the temple, an tables loade with ood ere place besore them. At irs this
i Mollinem Latonamque J The god honoured with the lectisterniumwere o Gree origin The Sibylline book were speciali connected with the worshipis Apollo. 17 gis tota urbe The ablative os place ithout a repositio is
uia regulari Where totus o medius is sed illi the substantive; cf. 53. 8.18 promiscuo usu. . posito J Promiscuo is the predicate, amyin rogaltilogosis is an attribute, hicli ould naturali be in agreement illi
current tradition Cf. o. 4 25. 9 and Se n. O tradunt 3Ι. 3.
et iurg iis ac litibus The word both reser o disputes a law, iurgiabein those hicli are decide on generat principies of fairness, ius those hicli are decide in accordance illi strici law. It was a principie illi the Roman to abstain Do suci disputes on days os stival cf. Cic. de Leg. II. et feriarum festorumque dierum ratio requietem habet litium et iurgiorum. Scipio Africanus, he he was accuSed in the anniversar o Zama, pleade cum hodie laribtis et iurgiis
supersederi aequum sit Liv. XXXVIII. I. 83.22 DB vinctis flaves, criminat an deblors.
religioni fuisse Religio, denotin generali a thin o whicli man
et D. Interim ad Veios Ioterim, illi Some ordidenoting place, is frequently used in iv to mar a change fiscene cf. 5. I et . ; I. I; 6. I and . A clause illi dum has the fame purpos in 17 6 47. I; II. I. I aeum haec in Volscis gerunturi Tacitus seem to se at illi the Same purpOSe Ann. . 38, at in Chaucis; I. 46 a Romae). tribus in tinum bellis conlatis The phraseris repeate in o. 2.25 eodem, quo antea, modo Cf. 8 8 ancipiti roelio castra Romana pugnaban ur.3o 'o unae quibus a case of attractio as ubi Would e more appropriate illi cessatum fuerat.