Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류


per dilationes pluralis an abstraci substantive denotin manne or mean cf. D fer intermissiones. The phraseris simila to the Greeli ἐς αναβολάς, hicli occurs invidi an Thuc. oportet retum to belrum . . persci quam primum oportet and

Serve a a tranSition to the nex argument.

i Da. a cupiditate The repositio a is frequently used in Livy

no in Cicero or Caesar to denote interna or externa cause Thereare many example in his book, 7. II ab memoria interna cauSeras here et 8 7 ab re bene resta); 4 6 ab secundis rebus), externat. I ex alieno For the se of the neuter singula os an adjective in phrases forme with prepoSition See n. Ο 3. 2. I isto consilio addresse to the tribunes iste is osten used sor tuus orvester illi a notionis contempt cf. ciet vestra congilia. 17 - quibus dat both with extorquere and consultum. I consultum volunt hos interest the wish to se protectedri ThepaSSive participi Without esse is frequently used as a predicate illido, habeo, volo etc. cf. Cic. de Fin. III. I liberi consultum volumus. et g G. per tantum sati In Latin a neuter adjective or pronounsollowed by a partitive genitive is osten ound where an adjective in agreement out be expected cf. D tantum labo= is 39 6 hoc consili. et munitiones abstraci or concrete, munimenta; this pasSage SalmoSt a repetition o I. 8-9. Se the nn there o the credibilit ofLio' account his speech has of coursem historical value. et spectantis si qua Cf. I. and Se n. there. 23 DG. quid. . . loquar a formis rhetorica transition cf. 52 7. Other expresSions Sed in the Same Way are qui quid tandem et I 3; loquor g 84 2. I, ne loquar 54. 5.2 vineas testudinesque These and the QPer mentioned ina et were appliances sed for attachinisortifie places. The vineae an testudines were hedS, O Wood an si ins, covere at the op an fides, ut penat the ends, hicli,ere pushed uinto the walis of auown to enabi theattachin part torus the balteringuam, o to dig mines, hilerihelteredsrom the missiles of the defenders. For testudo in another SenSe Se n.

25 exhaustam sit Exhaurire With labores, pericula etc. SPend undergo.


Cf. XXI. I. 8; o. quid laboris exhaustum esse Verg. m. X. 356 poenarum exhaustum satis es ; X. 57 exhausta pericula. 27 aestarem For ad in expression o time f. ad vesperum, ad praestitutava diem III. 22. 3. rursus novus de integro Rursus suggest repetition an novus de integro a fresti eginning Foruli pleonasm novus de inle rores. XXII. 5. 7 nova de in Tro fugna exorta est. et exsudeturi a rare metaphor cf. IV. 3. 4 certamenin Hor Sat. I. Io et cum Pedius causas exsudet. 29 DF. t. . . ac... que The Mur infinitive grou themselves in patrswhicli are connected by c.

defungi cura 'get qui of our anxiety' defungo is sed absolutely

quantum in illis est Seen on 3. . quantum ... t. . . lice i equivalentio the common phraSefer illos ... licet.

7 g 1 si dederis The secondierson singula is used os an indefinite

subjeci. laxamentum Cf. II. et . 5 si sit laxamenti aliquid. maior frequentiorque more important an more numerous I et g 11. quot res, quam inutiles CL I. 6. Instea of the doubie interrogative e liould emplo in Englisti ne interrogative, an an adjective; How many things o injurious totur interesis'. viam consiti This phras occur also in IV. 48. A XXVIII. 28 8. I iactura ...vastatio attracte into the casei quot res instea of beingin the accusative aster videte. 1 iumJ with vastatio not with inminens. Veiente Liv use both sorms of the abi. - CL Capenale, a. 5 Veienti. . . et Casenati, I 6 2. I 6 Aa curari. ..passus Clanditiones mai...passus sis Fo= Iiter muStbe alien illi curari 'iste submitted orandergo strict reaiment'.


r fraesentis The adjective hicli is more appropriate to gratia stransferre to the dependent substantive. Ionginquum lasting'. longinquus is used both of time D. 5; 5.5 and of distance 32 7ὶ cf. VII. 29. et longinquilas vel resionum vestemporum. 18 forsitan here qualifies a single or insanabilem, quae forsi an insanabilis Sit, Se n. no5. O. CΗΑPTER VI.

os an assertion, a the Sabine god Semo Sancus cf. v. Fast. VI 2I3 Ouaerebam, Nonas Sanco Fidione referrem, An tibi Sance fater). Hewas identified illi Hercules, an on his account Hercules as also involied Se n. O 4. . . infereratJ In his conditiona sentenc the apodosis is state as a laci, notos an hypothesis dependent on the protasis;

eto insuescere Liv uses adsuesco in ci3 and the simple veri, suetus in 43. et g a. Hiam With lentior. et quamvis serae The adjective is transferreddo spes when it,ould more naturali go illi exiluna the issu of ouriopes, howeve late the fui. filment' cf. the Englisti phrase liope deserred M. et aestivas avis bird of passage'. et statim musti taken in close connection illi auDιmno: immediatet o the approach os autumn Da. obsecro vos an appea to his earerit give attention to his statement an admit thei truth. It is ound in IV. 3 9 Cic. de Fin. II. I cf. oro vos 5. I. O the form of the Sentencerae n. Ο . o. et lusus ac voluptas are regarde a forming one idea and theae fore have a ver in the singular. 29 Q. adeo. . . adeo Notice the emphati repetition a device of hichLiv mahes considerable use, L DI non); I5. II Sic) 53. 5 floc) 31 tamquam With the subjunctive metamquam Si.

patrocinium his ord, hicli occum in II. I, originali meant the diit os a patron to his client it was extende to denote protection or


delanceis an sori, and Cicero sescit speciali os delance in the law

moltariae inertiaeque Wordidenotin abstraci qualities are used in place of adjective describin the peopte OSSessing them CL inopiam, 39, 3.7 in umbra is oppose to aestus, aestate in tectis to frigora, hieme.

i trum tandem etc. explain ex ac re.

et adywith bella, sor, illi populos it is used in the sense of apud. II o. an mediocre discrimen The sentence thus hegu is carriecton ithout a rea to the en o the parallel clauses introduced

by utrum ... an XPlain ex hac re.

12 ginionis Osinio is sed in the sense os existimatio reputation in Iti s used in Cic. pro Susi. o Orat. 76. I eum cuiusJ emphatic metalem ut eius.1 Utam The demonstrative is ometimes sed illi carcet more emphasis than the artici in Englisti. Here it generalises the sual, ordinar attacti'. 18 i. noverit The object of the revious claus hecomes the subjeci. I inpetu . . serraverantia ablatives ithout epitheis sed in an ad- Verbia SenSe cf. XLII. 29. II in tu abs quam consilio. The ablative os manne without an adjectiva predicate is limite in Ciceroand Caesar to a se special ords ratione, consilio). Liv extend theuSeri s. 5 . I sifraude, si casu incendium ortum Sit See n. I. 5.2 et g v. unctionibus ac naturali sim Veii a describe in . Gregiis muris situque naturali. et temsus ... vincit Notice the personification. et goo sicut Veios expugnabit Veii di no succum to amine, and the fac that the cit endure a ten ears siege, mallescit unlihelythat the Roman eve rendere theirilocliade complete. nisi. . . quaerunt The Speaher return to the subject with whicli his Speechiegan the factious and inpatrioli actionis the tribunes. et 7 g 11. aeque. ..quam Se n. n 3. 4. 29 velut ex con a ione inflea=atur should e insected a is Domcontagion'. The comparison o sedition to a disease, hich spreadsby contagio is requent. Cf. 12 7 seditionis contagione IV. . Iocontacta rabie plebs II. I sanata discordia. Tacitus Se contactuS


vi J NOTES. 89

3 g 12. modestia 'discipline, respect for law' opposed to libido);

Cf. IV. 52. o modeSIta tribuno m.

non denique nor indeed'. Denique, hicli usuali introduces aclimax, is omelime employe to emphasige the second of tW clauses, is it contain the ulmos that an e sal sor o against a particularargument; cf. IV. 52. O non civisma non denique hominum numero. 3 quicquam ... noNatum Sit See n. ni. 2.

p. 9. 3 g 14. fustuarium This as a forni os executio inflicte ondeserters by thei comrades, whicli a very similaro running thegauntiet cf. Cic. Phil. III. 6. I . praesidio abi. o place lience ithout a reposition after decedit so Liv uses emitto 5 I. in demisto 5 . 73.5 tini aut alteri one or two'; cf. Hor Ars Poet. 5 Unus et Per adsuisur annuS. militi. . . exercitibus The datives are dependent on auctores qui

auctore Sunt, Suadent).

g 15 ad y used tot with a single 'ord, hut confirmin: and justi*ing the previous sentence: f. 38. I. 8.frodendae atriae . est See n. On 3. 5.8 aequi predicate: with patience', or perhaps with ven avour'; se Critical Appendix. I, a G. reliquum est, DCf the common expression restarit. hic in Rome. The power of the tribunes of the plebs was at this perio limite to the cit an a circuit fine mile ithout the walis. In the cam the would have been subjecto the inserium of the magistrateS. I g 1τ non repeated Six times se n. na . Senatum . . . militiae The senatus and ma istrarus impinthe executive government, the eo an mores the constitution whether the writtenstatutes o the unwritte precedentsin instituta sums up these Murelements and the civi institutions are then contrasted illi the lawsos militar discipline. I more maiorum The Roman ha a great respect so the customso thei ancestors, and were alWays strongi influenced by precedent. Mores are osten combine or contrasted illi Ces cf. I. I9. I legibus ac moribus).


CHAPTER VII. 16 g 1. etiam mitti in contionibus. It is implied that hitherio Appius had attached the tribunes in the senate house, here he would have thesuli sympath of his audience. I rinde...credereri his hould probabi be alien generally, and notwith apud Veios Domin cause, hom hich no ne Could expect Sucha result'. o the ood an tense of crederet f. XXII. quod minime quis crederet.

et g a. a Per In attachin a sortifie place amound of earlh was osten throw up an gradually brought ea to the walis of the ity. This enable the besieger to attac the defender o the walis Domulie

et tantum nonJ like the Gree oso oo, aliaut et maxime AmoSt of them'; cf. o. 5 alia maxime flebis turba. et g a. horaeque momento in ne brieflour'. The phras occurs in

Hor Sat. 1. I. 7 horae momento cita mora venit, an elSewhere. In I.

I et w have momento temporis in a brie space of time'. omentum With hora o Iemporis osten has the Same meaning a functum ten oris in Cicero. Perem The mound mus have been strengthened an heldtogethe with Woodwork, hich was capable os belli selinire. ood was generalty Sed in lege orks CL XXXIX. incensis operibus. et hausi consumed destroyed' cf. ac Hist. IV. o cuncto incendium ausit. et mortalesyis used by Liv as a simple equivalent sor homines; cf. 16. 6 36. . Cicero only uses it illi an attribute Such a multi, omnes


et g et tum vero This phras usuali marks a climax in the narrative it is arei used, scit is here, in a dependent clauSe. p. 10. I DG census equester This phras is inappropriate a appliedio his period Froin the time of Servius Tullius a number of theyounge me in therarsi classis the Comitia Centuriata ere chose by

the censors to form theo centuriae equitum, and these ere atrars theoni cavair in the Roman army. The received hom the State a Sumos mone to Purchas horses aes equestre an a early allowance aes hordearium in From his date the number of the cavair Wa increa sedand the distinction belween the eqtutes equo publico thoe original


eighteen centuriae and the equites equo privato arose Hencelarili theciligens hos properi qualifie them sor service in the cavalry eresai to have the census equester; ut the expreSSion, S Sed here byLivy, is an anachroniSm. factaque dicendi potestate It was necessar sor a magistrate tointroduce non-Senator an obtain or them leave to addres the


eqtiis suis There ere hencesorth g 3 a number of equites equo privato These serve with their own horses, ere enrolle by the consul an entille to receive a for thei services, ut the had notthe privileges of theo centuriae. stipendi, hom meaning militar pay', came to mean military

Do fama GJ fama eius rei B in agreement With a substantiveis frequently used as a substitute sor an objective o partitive genitive ora repositiona Phrage cf. 17. Io eum numerum eorum); 25. 7 ea disces atto de ea re).6 n. sedestris ordinisJ his is not a technical phrase like ordo equester. It is used here so the seu lower classes h were liablerio serve a Mot soluiers. In the nex line ordinem is sed in a totali disserent sense. pedestris ordinis. . .ess See Critica Appendix. si. . . ni sint The perfeci Subj in oratio obliqua represent thelatur persectis oratio recta.

prius quam capta urbe prius quam is sed ellipticalty ith an

ablative absolute.

12 gis laudari iussi J The passive verbs iubeor an prohibeor areosten sed ii passive infinitives an a personat subjeci, here theimpersona passive ould e more logical Trans. order Were giventhat et . 3 cf. o. Mandi and XXII. 6o 3 nec prohibendos redimi).i P. ex superiore loco. . . in comi J A great par of the forum asconsecrate by the augurS, and se apar for public purposes comitium). On the nori fide of this a the Curia Hostilia, the ordinar place of meetiniso the senate, and o the alsed space in front of the Curia thesenator addreSSed the eopte assembled helow.16 'o invictam invincible'. i concordia ablative os cause. 18 laudibus ferre for the phras CL Cic. ad Fam. IX. 14. I te Summis laudibus ad caelum extulerunt; uv. 6. 8a laudibus esserre.


soldiers ere at in a tum sum in proportion to the tength of the

CHAPΤER VIII. p. 11. et a C. Servilium His cognomen a Fidenas I . 5ὶ, and he held the ossice of militar tribune altogether Si times. a. Anxuriri locative. Anxur, siluate on the ouili coas of Latium, an a position o Some importance, ad been captured by the Romans in οὐ IV. 59J. vacationibus. . . receptando Thi combination o an abstraci substantive illi a gerundri an instanc os Livy'S love os variety cf. 17. I; I9 2 27 2 lusu exercendique causisH. mercatores reces an See n. Ono. 6. vulDoL indiscriminately'. 11 g Q. quod tum casur Whicli a then the centre os ali publicinteresis'. A relative usuali agrees in number an gender illi a predicate noui in iis own clause, is the antecedent is of disserent gender

o number.

15 DG. regione in siluation ' explain proximi, an is notisse in alocative Sense, ascit is ina . devictis eis equivalent to a conditiona clause, i Veii ere conquered'. 17 DG. Fidenati belu The Falisci are mentione asiavinibroughtaid o Fidenae in 437 IV. 7. II . I tiuro citroque citro is alway used in connexion illi ultro, an is always place aster it. The expressio means ' backward an sorwards, reciprocatly ' cf. Caes. B. G. I. et ultro cirroque legati inter eos iu



25 g . transferrent The Sullaec is Romani. In thei pani theyattachedine post after another Ithout an Prope Plan. et munitiones and munivrentis are Sed in the Same SenSe See n. On5. 5. Munitiones refer to the fortifications of the Veientes, munimen ato the Roma Camp, SSaul ted on the outSide.

et g s. spes erat, si The sentenc is elliptical, their ni hope as that the might defend theniselves is etc. 'et Capenatem ac Faliscum J collective Singulara Se n. 14 2. .

alteram ripam.

1, interea and that in his absences his dieuienant should ake command '. In later times magistrates o militar service usuali hadseverat Igati on thei staff; ut it is doubilat whether these ossicerchadbeen institute at this date. placuit a ord frequently used of the resolutions of the Senate. 12 1 huic atque illi Suppinplerique. quosque The plura o quisque here refers o tWo et Os eople, an is heres ore quite regular cf. XXII. 6. I Hannibal, ...ut quoSgue traduxerat each division of his troopsin, ita in acie locabat. I occupaverat See Critica Appendix. CHAPTER IX. 15 gra esset The ood is oblique an depend on censuere Theleadin member of the senate id not isticio decide the question ofculpability. I iustum temptis Athe regula date'. At this perio the elections took place a litile hil besore the da for entering on ossice, Se n. Ona 3. I occiperent Abegin', a Word found in Plautus an Terence and used by iv in II. II; et I instea os the regular or inire maristratum).19 Da cum pedibus iretur when a division as hein talien'. Adecree of the senate couldie passed in No ways by asking the opinionos each senator in turn of whicli, have an example in h. o. o bya division of the senators per discessionem). In the alter caSe the SenatorS


22 primoJ besore the vote as ahena deinde aster the decree had been

intercedere A senatus consultum had nota itself the orce of lawQit was in theor oni a direction to the magistrate, hici he might

23 idus Decembris Thisia been the regularia sor consul an consula tribune to enter office ince See Introductio P. XXViii, D. I. sollemnem Hem the forma day', hicli marked the eginning of the ossiciat year. et honore abcturos esse In the theor of the Roman constitution abdication as, evenit the end of the termis office, a voluntar aci, an ii magistrate refuse to abdicate there a no legat method o compellinillim to domo. inter haec See n. Ono 6. . a secundis rebus civitatis CL IV. 55 5 ea adversa civitatis re viris tribuniciae actioni adiecit. et inviti. . feroces used in an adverbial sense. 28 in inculis I A simila threat is attribute to the tribunes in IV.

3, G. ne assirmative is generatimsound with a personat o demonstrative pronoun, hicli it almos invariabi precedes. quam non ...eSS J put to the Troo how theses threatsh lachauthority, a much a yo lac spirit'. experirer. . . sed J The hypothesis ould e naturali sollowed by a conditionat clause the constructio is however change and the condition expresse as a fact. p. 13. G. nostra certamin L an instance of patricia pride thetribune are supposed' have no concer in a disputes between thesenate and the Supreme magiStrateS. pertinacius tendent persis in thei obstinacy', refers ac totendere adversus auctoritatem at the beginning of the section. extemplo dicam an exaggeration a dictator as usuali nominated by a consul or a consula tribune oni aster a decree of the senate. cogat A dictator could no in theor compei abdication, ut as helia unrestricted poweris life an death, he could practicali constrain the other magistrates to do his bidding.