Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류


et agi Mere is used particulari os politica agitation, propoSin legiS-

lation etc. f. 9 8 tribunis rem amentibus 53 2 rem actam ne CtC.

The substantive actio is especiali used os a proposa madet a tribune;

eoruniri represent vestris of oratio recta. e liould expectuvis, See

G. vexari et subigi L oppresse an downtrodden'. 28 exrgiis muris sistique naturali DCf. I. 5. here Veii is described asurbs valida muris ac situ ipso munita Veii Was uili on a stee hili, between the wo mali streams, hicli combine to sor the Cremera. The strength of the position and the sortification rendere Veii disticulit Subdue, Speciali a the Roman were notis that time kille in attachinisortified places. 3 g . nivibus pruinisque CL 6 3 per nives ac ruinas the pluralos substantives denotin physical phenomenaci frequently uSed cf. 15. 2 sine ultas caelestibus aquis, and 6. aeStus, frigora. pellibus the hibernacula hut covere With Skins. si quae . si qui L ,hicli usuali fise a reSpite': See n. Ono . . terra marique The abi. os place here,ithout a repoSitioni an attribute is generali limite to certain ord terra mari loco 5 . 73, regmone 8. 7), via 49 6ὶ Liv extend the Serio ordinar Substantives,

p. 3. I m. hoc See n. on Q. The partitive genitive servitutis is remove as sar a possibi Do the pronoun with whicli it is used. f. 53. 5 an Cic. pro Arch. 6. 3 where quantum is Separate by an unusual intervat stom temporum . ante tribuniciam solestatem creatam Abe re the institution of the tribune' ossice'. his combination os a passive participie illi a sub- Stantive in a sense equivalent to an abstraci verba substantive illi a genitive, is a savourit idioni o Livy's. It is no osten Mund with a prepoSition we have three ther instances in his book 5. 7 a/ate conceptum Porum); Io Io interi; 8. 7 ab). Superbos illos consules The consul were in therars centur of the


t. facerent A laus introducedi ut is frequently epexegeticisa Preceding neuter Pronoun, Maere rio .ut Cf. 7 9 53. 2.5 griod re um exercerent Such was the tyranny that'. There is no Prope antecedent O quod regnum. Hoc servitutis ould naturali he

go quidnam illi. . facturi essent The ut usuali observe sorquestion in oratio obliqua is that a question, hicli in oratio recta would e in the secon person, is ut in the Subjunctive, hil queStions, hicli ould e in the sirs o third person, are ut in the accusative an infinitive. Such question are usuali rhetorica an dono require an angwer Liv generali sollows his rute an in D putarent represent sumtis of direct speech et cur re mari plebem repreSent cur releiatur plebs; ut the rule is roken here as facturi essen would e fecissent in oratio recta an in et . o. f. VII. 5.

ecquis Sequeretur.

A J tribuni militum.

consules dictatoresve as consul or dictators', i.e. is the wer etc. 'qui fecerin L seeing that the had made'. In oratio obliqua, hena Speechielivere in past time is reported primarynenses may be SubStituted sor secondary. The origina tenses of direct Speech are preServed, and this has the effect of givin emphasis an vividnes to the Style. Liv ho eve frequently use primar tenses ithout an particular desim. There are an instances of thi in his book, cf. g II, 12;

proconsularem imaginem The ossiciat ille of the militar tribunes was Iν ibuni militum consulari potestate' cf. o. in . In IV. 7. I, where iv mentioris the rs appotniment of these officers, e calis them tribuni militum fro consulibus

in octo tribunis Thiscis Livy's miStake Se n. Ono 2.9 goo antea The number of the militar tribune Varied, Se n. nI. et in the ear hen the were firs appotate there ere three IV. 7. I; Cf. IV. 44. 33. trina loca The distributive in the sense of the ordinar numerat, whicli in prose is usuali limite to ord whicli ave no Singular, Ssomelimes sed illi ordinar substantives Possibi this a mean three a year' cf. VI. 37 6 octona loca.


cum contentione summa using thei ulmos essoris'. io nuncJ in oratio obliqua sor tunc See n. na 3.

II cIotu es only used here an in Tertullian literalty yoked ight

together', eight abreast'. obtinenda maintaining 'not obtaining ' CL Io. II. in turba haere= e a contemptuous phrase be a anger-on in the

1 et g 11. si Mi alius In IV. . , he Canuleius is urgin his proposal to appoint militar tribunes, Liv attributes to im a similarargument: Gatione nostras, quibus quid aliud quam admonemus civis

no eorum erae.

si nihil aliud sc faciat This ellipse is requent; the expression is analogous to quid aliud quam, hicli occurs in the paSSage stomIV. 3. 3 quote in the precedin note. 13 liberos et civis emphati an predicative, that those are Deemen and sello citigens, ho serve a soldieri'. I g 12 domos ac rectaJ rhetorica pleonasm, hous and home I liberosque ac coniugies Liv is arbitrar in his employmen os Conjunctions CL 25. 2 feririque atque occidi. Liv does not, as his predecessors id avoid the use of ac besore a guttural Cf. 5. 4 44 6 stationibus ac custodiis). I usurpare libertatem exercise thei right a De citigens' cf. D venisse libertatem. 1a haec taliaque CL ac Ann. II. et his atque talibus haud permotus princeps. Sallust usuali says haec atque alia talia Lug. 62. et . I Ap. Claudium Se n. on . . Ap. Claudius a no the onlytribune test in Rome 7. et), ut he was the advocate os the patricianparty. 18 tribuniciasim tribu=rorum See n. naci .i inburum lit. steeped in , .e. accustome to, practise in ' alavourite metaphor illi Cicero and later riters. et iuventa4 See n. m O. I. 1 . auctorem does no referri a sorma proposal in the senate, oni to the ad vice hici Appius gaverio his sellow senators. auctorem ... tribuniciae fotestatis dissolvendae Cf. IV. 8 6, here Appius Claudius is represente a saying that his ancestor the decemvirhad shown viam unam dissolvendae tribuniciae fotestatis fer conte rum intercessionem'. Pone or more tribunes ere attached to the patriciancauSe cs. 5. a partem tribunorum I i patres in suam sententiam


traxerant), thei Power os veto Mould enabi them to sto at the proposais of thei colleagues. In the hird an second centurie B. C., it was a regula device of Senatorialiovernmen to emplo the tribunes toneutraliSe ne another. et aliquot annis ante Seem on 33. 5.2 et memoratum est See n. n adferebaturo. 8.conlegiarum Di. e. Iribunorum implied in tribuniciae. For the se osan adjective in place of a genitive, cf. muliebris o 3 militaris 47. 7;

CHAPΤΕ III. et DI tum iam tum on his occasion' iam refers to the wordswhicli sollow, speciali to usu exercitatus. On Livy' speeches se Introductionaci 5. Liv has give the arguments of the tribunes brtes an in indirect speech, ut he has elaborate a long oratio sor Appius Claudius. Possibi he has expande a speech hic he ound in ne of his authorities. At the beginning o book V., e have a simila contrast; the speech of the consul is Summarised briefl in oratio obliqua ch. et), hii that o Canuleius is give a tength and in oratio recta clis. 3 5). The sollowin analysis ill serve toralio the sequence of the disserent


belwem the wo classes the are tingatrioticali obstructing the extension


requires usis fersevere and o How in arithe fame en furance that me

cannot en re heat an cold this mas no the character of our ancestorS,

XXIII. 22. 9 Si quid ιmquam arcani. . . in curia fuerit.

et desisse tibitari When desino and coepi are sed as auxiliaries illi an infinitive, the are generali assimilate in voice to the infinitive et . I; Iet. 6 17. I and 53. Occasionalty the active formos these verbiis und with a paSS. in . cf. Hor. Epist. II. . et amphora coegi institui; and this is more frequent in the case os desino. Seven inStance are quoted sto Livy cf. IV. 35. 9 ubi contemni desissent VI. 6. 6 desierantiam ulla contemni bella.

certum habeo Liv uses this phrase IV. . 9 and pro certo habeo II 15 indisserently. et Da potissimum emphasises secundis vestris rebus, above ali in the time of your prosperity'. 3i A. dubiteri Non dubito, illi acc. an ins reserring to a laci,hichi doubted is Deely used by Livy Cicero preser quin illi the subjunctiVe; s. 5. 3 38. haud dubiuS. fore.


p. 4. I vestris sussered by ou See Critical Appendix. si quae forte aliquan L Whateve the may have been at an time The phrase has the effecti minimising the iniuriae.

aeque quamJ Besore Liv aeque ac as almos invariably used. iivyuses this expression cliten in negative Sentences cs. 6. II.

aera Foruli plura Se n. n . . militantibus It is characteristic o Lin's style that he extend theus o adjectives an participies a substantives This Se is more common in the plura than in the singular cf. 4. I; 5. 4 2I. II;22 3 38. 7. go dissolvenaeae...potestaris esse For the phras cf. 2. I . The genitive of the gerundive illi a substantive is sed illi esse as a predicate in a final sense, serves to tend to'; cf. 6. 5 III. 24. I frustrationem eam legis Iollendae esse. Thesidio is restricte to Sallustandiivy. DG tamquam introduces a comparison, and qualisies the substantive, as in . 8 Iamquam cum cisibus. et artisces inprobi J like unprincipied orlimen the tr an mine wor for themselvOS'. quisse is frequently used to introduce an inserence 2 6 II. 3;

ut sit is unnecessary, as aliquid Would e the prope antecedent o

adhibeanturi calle in The wor is sed in a medica sense; CL Cic. Far. 2. et medicum adhibere. The medica metaphor is

enimJ introduces the question P cf. quid enim, quidnam

1o nisi forte introduces a principat sentence containing a reductio ad absurdum. O are e to Suppose'. The Peaker at this potnt turnsto addres the tribunes directiy. I gi cum servis suis The comparison implies that the plebeiansare realed by the tribunes like laves an are notollowed even to receive benefit stomuli patricianS. 1 in eisJ Sc servis, in thei caSe', Se n. II. 6.15 interdicitis patribus commercio The sua constructionis interdico in Cicero an Lio is the dative of the person and the ablative os thething, achere. i nec is Mund in the ense os et ne is ut, ne or a Simple Subjunctive


or imperative has prece led cf. . . ut animo conciliaret, nec .smu

dicto audiens Dicto is a dative of the indirect objeci, an audiensis Sed as an adjective no the par of the veri, ein Mund with dicto).a que oboediens add nothini resti it is simpl a rhetorical pleonasma

cf. XXIV. 37. 7 volente ac non coacri.

humanity'. Neuter adjective are o osten Sed a SubStantiveS, excepi in caSes here thei gende is manifest in particula the genitive singula os adjectives of the thir decienSion i Ver raret So Sed. Such a genitive is Mund in combination illi a substantive of the Secon deciensio here an in XLII. 7. 9 potior utilis quam honesti cura. For the genitive of the econ decienSion in his Se cf. 55. sui alienique discrimine. I quantum in vobis esset This phraSe hicli Serve to limit the state-men occur in two the passages in hi book 5. 9 27. in . his claus is regarde a par of the hypothesi Si. . . set, an Sedit there fore in the subjunctive.

et oportuitJ The apodosis is in the indicative, although the protasis is in the subjunctive an expresses an uniuifille condition. Rob g 1529says The auxiliarie fossum, licet, oportet, etc. are Sed in the indicative because the expressio hypotheticatly but absolutei the existenceo power, ill lawsulneS etc.' f. oportuit 33. 1 potuerat. 1o quae concordia The relative reser to the SubStantive comisas and obsequium, hicli, alien in connection, impi concordia. et ausis archai form for ausus sit, Sed by iv alway in negative Sentence except VI. o. 5 illud contendere ausim in He employsitherarchaism Suchos faxo duis, duellum te. either ahing them ithout change hom his authorities, or ishin totaive an archai character tollis diction. CHΑΡΤΕ IV. et g I. rιam. fuerit aster disseram, in much the Same ense a theace an ins, hicli is the more Sual conStruction; cf. IV. ut sciatis quam mihi Aseria placeant. et a Veis Se n. on a Delphis, 6. I. L. V. 6


videri fosse This periphrasis is commoni used instea of the future infinitive os videor. 3i contenDι essemJ inould e quite content illi the arguments of m adverSarie hecause the would resut themSelves. p. 5. I quia numquam data essent The ood is oblique thereason is regarde a part of the tribunes statement. Appius Claudius i maderio migrepresent the objectio of the tribunes. In IV. 6o. thechie argument of the tribunes is that pay an inly be raised by impositi additiona taxes O theseople. et litur cloes no introduce a stricti logica conclusion Theargument Seem tote, now that pa has been introduced the have noright to object is certain Services are expected in return O thi newbenefit' commodi usedis a substantive an qualified by an adjective like a SubStantive proper cf. 2. I tanto incommodo. g si nusquam nec The ouble negative is sed for the salie f

6 dissimillima An adjective reserrinit two substantive os disserent genders, hichioth denote hings, usuali agrees illi the earestri iti a mere attribute, an is neuter is it is a predicate. his ut Livysollo S in corgora animosque magna quam firma, here the adjectives are predicative). Here dissimillima, although attributive, is assimilate in gende to the predicate iuncta. In 19. I ludi Latinaeque instauratae erantὶ 23. I valtim responsa et othicae sones notae fuerant Livndoes no sollow the rule See alS n. Ono 5. 2. inter se one to the ther ter se oes ut so the oblique caSe of a reciproca pronoun, hicli is antinii Latin. Do suo sumptu CL IV. et II up to o6 ac man had served

idem at the fame time'; the pronou is osten sed in place fa adverbrio corroborate or mar a contraSt. quaerere unde The objectis quaerere is unexpressed, but unde id ex

domi militiaeque 'at home an abroad', locative frequently used

in combination CL IO. I.

translated, gladiy', or is gla toti There are many instances of this in Livy, Lara invitur 16. I insiste audax I 29. I taciti tulissent.


1 et satiatur gives the concluSion. The reCedin ClauSe gaudebat ... gaudet. . . might have been stated a conditions. I si T. ad calculos . . . DocetJ Comerio a rechoning with him L Calculiare the ebbies of the abactis sed in calculatin and the metaphor is commercial CL Cic. Lael. 16. 58 ad calculos vocare amicitiam, ut paruit

ratio accestorum et datorum. I annua aera Se n. n . . The oldier Were given a year' Pay

solidum stipendium is the campaig laste more than Six monilis, and pansor half a year, is sordes than Six monthS.

15 edri perform' Cf. III. 63. 3 fonium virorum opera edebant See n.

18 m. mercennario milite The Roman soldier are no regardedissmercenaries for thendi not malae a professioni militar Service, and the pay a oni intende a compensation sor the expenses of the campaign cf. gQ antea Suo sumptu geran fraebere). cum civibus Citigens are contrasted with mercenaries h have noratria. 19 agi The change of voice is naturat, a the passive is preferre aster

cum patria Therapeaher regards himself, the representative of the state, and the mentionis atria id the transition to the nexi potni, the honour of the atherland is a Stalae. et g P. fortuit an uniuifille hypothesis, in the indicative, as debuit

et pro dignitateJ The fame idearis expresse in et 3. II by ex dignitate. et g 1o uriemus preSent Sed so the future, o an actio at ready begun, is, continuetur blochades


The Roman annaliSi Probabi made Se of the Comparison, an may have adapte therator of the Siege of Veii in consequence. et quam procul ab domo We have here a formis rhetorica inserence, common in Cicero an Livy. The firS Sentenc introducin an admitte lact whicli is here state interrogatively is sollowed by an indignant question. f. 6. 3 52 4 and 8 53 9, an Cic. pro Arch.

28 g 12. infra vicesimum assidens Liv is understating his argument, as et was only twelve an aials miles Dominome. et Iasidens Siones ere rected at a later period o mar distances fa mile o the disserent road sto Rome cf. 37. 7 ad undecimum Iasidem. 3o scilicet an ironica anSwe to the question in the precedin clause. s. 6. I goa septies rebellarunt The disserent clauses enumeratingth ground of resentinent re introduce Without an Connectin Particles The asyndeton heightens the effeci. septies This a ranked a the eighth altogether Liv enumerates nine ars illi Veii Mur unde themings and sive unde the Republic. in face saea For the expression cf. I7 8 pax sali, a. O formeroccasion armistices ad been made illi Veii, ut the had been generali loyali observed. Fidenatis Fidenae revolte sto Rome in 38, and at the instigationis the Lingi Veii Mur Roman ambassadors ere Stain IV. 17. i. Ten ear later colonisis ere again Sent fro Rome IV. 3o. 6ὶ, and theseopte os Fidenae again rose an murdere them IV. 3Ι. 73.

auctores fuere IV. 7. et iussu Tolumni this and the evenis referredio in g 13 happene besore the armistice conclude in et 5 IV. 25. 2), and weremo therelare the direct cause of the present War. res repetensis demanditi satisfaction forma phrase. haud procul afuit quin So Cicero has aberit non longo quin ... velit ad Att. IX. 9. 3ὶν nihil abest quin ib. XI. I5. 3ὶ I tu has also

procul esse illi quin, Se n. On et . . The expreSSion are alwaySimpersona in Classica Latin. CHAPTER V. I. molliter et per Haliones Liv studies variety, and combines adverbs illi adverbia phrases gerund With abStrac SubStantive etc.