장음표시 사용
insormality. et emissis J Artificia channeis, constructe so the purpos os draining the lahe, are stili in existence See Introd. i. et g a fatalis Adestine sor , illi ad excidium and servandae atriae fina dative). Liv prefers variet to Symmetry, and we have here a combination o an abstraci Substantive an a gerundive as in . 2;17. 1 and in different cases. et servandae atriaeJ refers to the deliverno Rome rom the auis hyCamilluS. p. 25. dictus Dicere a technicatly used os appotntin a dictator, ashe was nominate by the Supreme magiStrate. et mutaverat Notice the emphatic repetition is muto ann
si more militari The method of executio 'as virgis caedi
securique percuti IV. 29. 5). Veios In the accusative of place to hich, as in the ablative os Place lience, names of towns may be sed ithe with or ithout a preposition cf. Veios here illi ad Veios, i. intercurrit 'hastens meanwhile'. The reposition is SuperfluouS,as the fame idearis expressedi interim. G. nullo defractante This ablative absolute describes the circumstances under hicli the leuntook place, and is not ascit shouldie,
nulloJ Cicero and the Augustan writer invol the genitive and ablative os nemo, an use nullius, nullo in thei Stead cf. 32. nullo
defensive so that Rome could not laim the services of the Latin and Hernicans in the war illi Veii. I, G. omnibusIm omnibus rebus, ac in I. I omnibus compositis; 6 3 omnibus peractis Liv frequently uses omnibus in his ense; an omnium Or omnium rerum Stili more frequently, speciali in the
adverbia expression omnium primum Io. 4 4o. Ι) cf. 38. omnium oblivio. Iudos magnos Ludi Qui a the technica expression sor extraordinar game performe in conSequence of a voW votivis; cf. I. 2;
14 aedem The temple o Mater Matuta bullii Servius Tullius, anu restored by Camillus, as in the Forum Boarium It was restored again in I aster ein burni down XXV. 7 6ὶ Matuta, the Italiangoddes of the dawn Lucr. V. 656, Matuta auroram disseri Wa aster-ward identifieo with the Gree sea-goddeS.In or Leucothea. refectam predicative m refecturum ei. 16 go exspectatione is sed in a neutra SenSe rouSin more SUSPenSe than opes 17 Negesino Nepet was ust fouth of Falerii. 18 gis fortuna ut si The expression i proverbial cf. IV. 7.
for una, ut aere alias, Pirtutem Secuta St.
2 ad quaestorem There,ere at this time Mur quaestors, w of homusuali Staye a Rome urbani, V. 43. in Charge of the reaSury. Possibi the uties of the wo urba quaestors ere divided, and ne Wa Speciali appointexto receive Sum palesint the aerarium. ita utrumJm so much very much ' ita is o Sed illi adjectives eSpeciali aster negatiVeS. et a gis densiora castella Aid rom the Latin and Hernicans perhap enabled the Roman to complete the lochade. et edicto, ne The se of participies in the abi abS., without a subjecti agreement, ut illi a dependent clause, as rare in the est period. Liv was the rs to se edicto in thi Way cf. X. 36. 7 edicto
26 'O cuniculus The proces of driviri a mine beneath the waliso a it was practised by the Romans IV. 22. in and the aut aresai to have attache Rome in his an See n. m 7 2ὶ it Seem doubt-sul, however, hether the Romans could have accomptished his or asquichi a Liv represenis, an other authorities impi that the Veientes succumbed toriamine. et g 11 in orbem in rotation, in turn ' cf. . 7 6 imperium per omnes in orbem ibat VI. . O. nocte ac die, Die ac nocte is the more sua order, ut nocte is here emphasiged by it position.
CHAPTER XX. 31 g 1. cum iamJ when a laSt', a in a. 3.3 et casi for castum iri y the present implies that the capture asassured, and alliut accomptished. p. 26. I omnibus . . . bellis The phras is equivalent to a conditionalclause Ante has the effectis an attribute, Se n. Ο Ι6. 2. Da indet ex ea re, explainedi ex malignitate etc. and ex prodita largitione. caperet incur'. The compound suscisere is more frequently used in his SenSe. 6 iamJ immediately'. censerent represent censetis os oratio recta Se n. On et . . Censereor decernere I 5. 12 followed by the gerundive is sed of the decisiono the Senate cf. . I; et . . The senators hen Calle upo sorthei opinion ans ered censeo, decerno, o mihi placet. gQ senarum distinebant dividen the supportis the senators'. frimumJ with interrogatum. When a senatus conSultum a paSSed per singulorum sententias Se n. on . in the residin magistrateasked the opinion fiach senator in turn ordine consulere, II. 29. in . a filo Licinius as a consula tribune, an presided in the senate in the absence of the dictator. ferunt See n. on 3. . In his account of Licinius, ho play amos important par here an in h. 8, iv is probabi following Licinius acerrus his authority. I g 5. altera sententia. Periis omitte in the revious clause, as alios is in I. 5. II novam ... The adjectives solio one nothe without connectingparticles the asyndeton ivin emphasis an effect Novam, hecausehitheri the ulli of the boot had gone to the reasury inaequalem, hecause i every soldie took hat he could et the division could not e lair. Ia Si semel. . . ducerent isince the began to thinti'. si. . . ducerent his conditional sentence, is part of thoe oblique narration dependenti auctor erat.13 auctori,ith genitive of the gerund is also Mundes 33 4 oppugnandi. Ι5 go. SenSuras . . domos an instance of personification. 16 avidas in Avidus, hici regulari talies an objective genitive, is irequently found with in or ad and the accusative in Livy cf. XXII.
II. et Hispanorum ... avida in nova re ingonia Tac Hist. II. 56 in Omne nefas avidi.
I urbanoruniri adjective sed asin substantive and qualified by another adjective. Liv is thini in os the contrast etween the prosessionalsoldie and the ob of the town ascit existed in the late Republic. 18 eveniat The primar tense, in his instance, is perhaps Sed
hecause the statemen i a generat truth; See n. Ono . . ut...si J Vt is consecutive in the nex clauserit is comparative ira in Proportio asy).eto contris I rie n. no . . et ad plebemIm suae flebem. Cf. III. . et saretim superbiam adflebem crimi ratuS. et legum novarum joined illi seditionum in a ad sense See. n.
p. 27 go gens profectis I The transition is abrupi and there
6 ga olloJ The worshipis Apollo as introduced sto Greece; the god is here addressed unde his speciat ille of guardian os the oraclea Delphi.
7 hinc The adver is used like inde, as a substitute so the ablative with a preposition ex hac urbe Meis). a. uno regina Iuno as an Italian Oddess, ut he was identisie with the Etrusca deityir ra. The ancients helieved that the god abandone a doomed cit deos. . . ea urbe Sua evocatoS . Plin N. H. XXVIII. 18 telis us that he the Roman attache acity the patron deit of the place was invitexto leaverit and promised
Io amplisusne majesty'. II suserante multitudine as he had a sussicient superiorit of rces'. The inrens multitudo ho ad come sto Romerio hare theboot enabled Camillus to attac the cit on ali fides. I et ingruentis threatening '. iv was the first writer torus this ordi proSe Cf. 32 7 37. I. I g 5. vatibus i. e. the Etrusca haruspex. The plural in his sectio are rhetoricali used for singulars oractilis reser to the Delphicoracle, deos to Apollo Det in alios to Iuno g 33.
ab . . . oraculis Ab is sed illi the ablative os instrument parilybecause the oracle is identified with the god partinio assimilate oraculis to the ablative in the preViou clauSe. 1 in partem Cf. 46. ut in parte praedae essent Verg. Aen. ΙΙΙ.22 issumque vocamus in partem praedamque Iovem. deosy Alios is omitte in therars clauSe Cf. o. 5.16 ultimum diemJ .e a ciligens of Veii it was thei last Jay. I gis timentes With acc. and ins instea os illi ne and subj. Livyuses this constructio frequently. I mirantes quidnam Cf. III. 38 8 plebem mirabundam quidnam accidisset mirari is used with a dependent interrogative in the sense of
et g inprovidri rechlessty', sed in an adverbia sense. et gis tabula Liv record in his histor the prodigies and
miraculous evenis relate in the annals , ut e cloes no commithimself to a belle in them. He reser to leave the question Pen cf. D an Praef. 6 nec ad mare nec refellere in animo est), an to caution his readers cf. 22 6 Ι. II 8 additur fabula. et prosecuisset technica wor formulting ut that par os the entralis whicli,ere tot sacrificed prosiciae). et exauditam distincti heard ' Cf. a. o. ad dictator I Camillus as leading the attachin the walis.
et g s. similia D is Se Critica Appendix Livy uses similis illithe genitive or the dative apparently ithout distinctio of meaning. The dative graduali supplante the genitive aster similis. In Plautus an Tereno the genitive is always Mund in Cicero it is twice asfrequent a the dative, ut in later author it i comparativel rare. In this book the dative is ound in I . 34 28 4 36. II 38. D 39. 2 te. and the genitive in 7. 5. et ad osten arionem scaenari sor theatrica esseci' cf. Praef. 6 foeticis magis decora fabulis. 3, goo. militibus plenus The sua constructio os flentis is illithe genitive Lix employ the ablative illi comparative frequency. 3 et aversos i par of the predicate, turne to flight and attachen'. p. 28. servitiis Servilia is commonly used in the sense of servi.
1 g 1 . dedi middie sense to surrender' cf. 48. 7. The Same phraseris Mund in IV. 29. 4 3 - . II aliquantum With a comparative instea os aliquanto See n.
I et rerum The genitive defines praeda, the antecedentis quae CL 24 2 praedae rerum 25. 6 fraeda quae rerum Ioventium P. 13 g 15. ut repeate in . 15. Ut is repeate foruli salie of Clear-neSS, here the sentenc is brohenm by the insertio of the clausesscf. Cic. fro Balb. O.
I eam invidiani the ealous arising rom that success)'. The ancients belleve in a jealous god, lio visite excessive prosperit With
Some COUnterbalancin missortune. f. di . . et τὸ θεῖον παν ιν φθονερόν.
The Roman in prayin always ad the statue of the go on his right; aster prayin he wheele to the right so suo front the statue and then prostrate himself f. Lucr. V. II99 vertier ad lapidem): Suet.
Viteli et here ali these ceremonte are described. Iraditur impersonat, Se n. Ο Ι 8.19 consecrantibus with both acc. an abl. the phras corresponds tolli Englisti prophegying after the Vent'. et castae urbis The genitive defines an limit cladem. Quod id
quom et g 1 F. atque This clause resume an Sum v the narrative of
the sack of Veii. CHAPTER XXII.
et quaerendo The gerund is used by Liunt give a descriptio of the subjeci, instea of the participle se n. on 3. 7. O the se of the gerund with a direct object instea of the gerundive se n. o I. 6. et g a. accestum referebant This Phrase, hich was originalty limitedio usines transactions, a metaphoricali use of Qivin credit sor, Deling obligation to 3 g a. amoliraJ ajor Dund in the earliest,riter an firs used in prosei Livy. 32 Q. pure Aman about o persor an important religious dutymus firs dui cleans himself in a running Stream. f. I. 45. 6. p. 29. 1 deportanda used like an abstraci substantive, the ut os
et regini noJ The usual orde is uno remna acin I. 3 3I. 3.3 admovente manus It was customar in approachin certain deitiesto move the and to the lip an to his them as a sign o adoration.
essetJ The subjunctive is sed aster quod, to how that this a themotive of thei action.
iuvenali This ord was irs used in prosei Liv instead os theregula iuvenilis. DG. velle The subjecto is omitte a in I 5. 6 besore the fame
sede abi aster motam ithout a prepoSition. molimenta power'. 11 T. aeternam This is a resereno to the enduring ower os Rome justified by the later history, hichiiv had in iew.1 et idem more emphati than D. I gis occasus generali used os the setting of heavent hodies; Cicero also uses it in the sense of downsall. 1 Etrusci nominis the Etrusca race'. Nomen Romanum 39. Ιοὶ, EIruscum etc. denotes ali thoseolio bear the nam os Roman, Etruscan, etc. The idio is more familia in the phras nomen Latinum. f. . o. 3 nomen Caeninum. suam sc Veiorum refers to the logica noto the grammatical subjeci. 16 plus aliquanto The sua orde is reversed cf. 29. 5 maius aliquanto 55. I post paulo. I fato uriente Cf. et 7 Dro in ruente 36 6 urientibus urbem Komanam fatis. In ali these instances the phras is sed of disaster coming upo a great ity S in XXII. 3 9 the phras is sed illi reserence to the batile of Cannae. operibus, non For the contrast etween lochade an assauit
et ga tot annis 'in the ourse of so many years' the ablative here practicali signifies durationis time. DarisD with varyin fortune'. et ex insperato See n. no . . et decerneret notri a fina Sense, Se n. Ο Ι6. I. 27 matruml matronarum, the more sua expression 18. II; 25 8;5o. 73, hicli is notissed here to avoid the ingle illi Romanarum. rates rares agore is sed more frequently in Liv than gratiaἷ ere os rendering thanks to the gods.
et sufflicasiones public prayers and thanksgiving ordered by the senate originalty the di no last more than ne Jay, ut in the laterdays of the republic the were much extended. 3 gQ celebratior in D attracte a greater crowd 31 diei illius L of a da os triumph
3 et aliquantum See n. no O. 5. AE conspectus is the primar predicate, invectus the secondary. p. 30 iuncto f. Cic. ad Att. VI. I. 25 raeda equis iuncta. parumque ... visumJ unbecomin to hi not oni as a citigen ut evenis a man Civilis denotes that hicli is characteristic of the ordinar citigen civitas an humanus are contraste in . 9 ut in adisserent SenSe. s. equis aequiperatum The comparison is abbreviated Camillus made his Mario equat to the chariot of the gods. his idio frequently occur in Livy cf. XXI. I. et Saguntino Carrhaginiensium societati praeponere. in religionem trahebant the regarde superstitiously' se n. nI . . Liv and the ther authorities alicia stres o the fac that Camillus a rivalling Iuppiter illi his litterateedS. It was, however, characteristic of the triumph that the generalaad ali the insignia of the Statue o Iuppiter; cf. . . o ovis stimi maximi decoratus this stor is therelare ope to Suspicion. DF. Iunoni The dative aster locavi templum find a parallel in XXVII. Io. 13 ad vestimenta locanae exercitui, ut the change of case in the nex clauseris harsh. Iocavit dedicavitque This sentenc is an instance of chiasmus, theverbs of the wo clauses ein pu nextrio each other and thei objecisa the eginnin and end. e have another example of this in gradiceret Camillus, fonti eS. . . cenSerens. go ponti ces The pontiffs were the adviger of the senate onali matters of religion. Io religione Relirio ma denote that hicli is religiousi binding, religious obligation Cf. 25. o ab rellione animos remiserunt; II. 36 3 liber religione VI. I. Io religione obstrictos animos Camillus, as dictator, as entille to mali vow onielial of the community, and thes the communit was bound to sulfil.
II g s. referre This hould probabi he ahen in iis litera sense, the bootyia tot collected an a tentii os it et aside. I might betaken in the sense of referre rationem to malae a return, give in a list i gra eo The adverbiso, hicli is osten equivalent to an ablative
os cause se n. on 6 3 is also sed as equivalent to a dative or a prepositional phrase. Here it m ad id, and is sollowed by a relative
17 ea quoque Camillus had atready offende theseopte by his disposalos the captives et et . 1 and by his arrogant ostentation εὶ This demandsor a tithe of the boot mus have increased his unpopularit anxie tollis subsequent all. 18 g 12 inter haec See n. Ono 6 3. fac catum the ni instanc os thi supine. sto igni feterent The emphasis is o the adjective. CHΑΡΤΕ XXIV. et g 1. Publio Cornelios Plura nomina re usuali combined with
singula cog onmta in thi Way cf. III. 35. 9 duobus uinctiis, Capitolino et Cincinnato.
et Scipionem He had been master of the horserio Camillus I9. in . et g a Capenas Sc bellunt Both peoples ad been deseate by Camillus I9. J.
sorti menit The ablative sorti is mund in Dur ther passages in Liv in his phrase cf. igni I . . ore osten LiVy use evenire without sorti in hi Sense; cf. 2 6 29 5 32. 2. EVery ea thesenate decide the districis in hicli militar operations ere to e carrie o an assigne the proper militar forces. The magistrates then chos thei provinces by sortitio or comparatio cf. 26 3 Camillus tui id beltam mandatetim erat).27 Latit operibus See n. on 22. . et depopulatus See n. no 2 6. erunt this defining genitive Se n. n I. 4. felix fruit-bearing ' Felix comes rom the fame roo aifecundus,
fetus cf. the definitio givena Paulus ap. est. p. et felices arbores Cato dixit quae frucrum ferunt. et frugiferum refers to Crops of cor etc. p. 31. saXI Apparently the were ad Subjecto Rome, Sin 7. 1 Liv says that the Falisci ad preserre the late of Veii topacem Capenatium. et restabatJ lingered on'.