Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류


3 - inter I See n. no 3. 9. colonians In 29. 3 iv mentions a colon inulta attache hythe Aequi. It has been generali assume that this is the colonywhicli is here describe a plante in the countr of the Volsci. LivySeem Sometime to Se VolSci in a genera sense, to ove both Aequi an Volsci cf. IV. 57. in Suet. Vit. I. refers to the colon o Vitelliabein defende adversus AequiculoS. deducendam cenStierant Both,Ord are technical See n. On O. 3. Cf. IV. 7 6 Senatu censuit coloniam educendam. triumvira When a colon was to e planted a commiSsion ofthree men a appointexto superintend the division Planx IV. 11. J. terna. . . et SeptunceS 317 Afera o ach man. Septunx septem unciae, ut the as of twelve tinctae Was Sed to denote an unit. Hence an uncia asci, os a Mot, a POund a iugorum Or even an State. 5. Spei. . . solacium a sopo disappoin them os large liopes'. The genitive of the gerundive is ound aster solacium in XXXIX. 6 8 ad deflendae iniuriae solacium. obiectum a contemptuous ord Cf. IV. 5Ι. 5 delenimentum obici.

mean t be remove fro Rome i nominiae aut poenae causa ut releg alio di no involve an capitis dentinutio as exsiliunt did).

13 DV. ILL that amous proposa sor migratinguo et was mooted'. The proposai as made by Sicinius o an renewed in the extyear 29. 3, and after great exertion on the par of the patricians and the concession o a large par of Veientine an to the plebs 29. in deseate by a majorit of ne vote 29. 7ὶ. When Rome ad been destroyed by the Gaul the proposa was again brought sorWard 49 8). I utiquet certe, salum se Critica Appendix. transmigrandi epexegetici illa actio. 15 B. ceterum 'at ali evenis the actualty intended'. partem plebis Se Critica Appendix The plebs re contrasted with senatus, hicli implies also the patricians, an both claSSe are include in the term populus fra the whole citige population).


optimates In the political struggies of the later republic the senatoria part were calle ostiurates in opposition to populares). Livyapplies the term to the early political Struggle o Rome in referene towhicli it an mea nothin eis than patricians'. f. III. 39 8 TaC. Ann. IV. 23 flebis et optimatium certamina.

18 cstius quanaJ like potius quam is followed in Livnhy the subjunctive

1 quicquam J neuter although used illi the partitive genitive rerum. So ad ea is sed in IV. 5 here the antecedent is magnarum rerum. et goo nunc . se This clause contain a condition state a alaci, quidfore is the apodosis. 2 ut...fraeferris Vt in combination illi the interrogative particlen introducin an indignant question is Mund in IV. 2. I et also in Or. obl.), but no else here in Livy. his constructio sorm an exceptionto the usual rule sor question in oratio Obliquari See n. On . . et fuerit primary, representinisuis of Or recta Primar tenSe arealso found in the nex section. 11. se The patricians refuse to have par in the ne city Sthe tribune had proposed gra).

et feririque atque On the combination que atque Se n. n 2. 2, and cf. que et in the nexi section. aetatibus dignitatibusqueJ the fame combinatio a in XXX. a. o. The plura is sed hecause the me in question ere o disserent age and rank. In place of the abstraci SubStantive a concrete XPreS-


sion Mould e more natural ab eis qui homines talibus aetatibus . . erant).

tum See Critica Appendix. ad Lis osten sed illi a ver of hindering to introduce the actionwhicli is prevented cf. IV. 3. et quae ad levandam annonam insedimento fuerat. Da contionabundus CL haec profatam contionabundus, 29. O.

Liv implies that Camillus tostis opportunit o deliverin harangues in opposition to the proposai. The oratio obliqua is naturali introducet by contionabundus, ut the omission of the principat ver is harsh. iiDanticipales the acc. an infi damnata voti The Roman religion a in some Specis commerciat; the Roman promise to a his go certainaisis, o conditio that his praye was sulfilled AS oon a thi occurred he was voti damnastis, bound to sulfiliis vow. his expression occur frequently in Livy cf. C. L. L. II 75 Allen, Remnant of Eari Latin IIIJ, Semo te orant ut

Ii crebro condemneS Verg. Aen. V. 23 Poti reuS. 9 5. stipis Stis Smali coin was speciali used in a collective sense of religious offerings CL Cic. de Lei II 16 ne quis ligem Gilo. stipis verius quam decet nari a concise expreSSion sor eius quae I sverius quam decuma sit. A regaros the tithe of the booty the responsibilit ha been histe seo the state to the individual 23. Ivi, ut Camillus proteste against the god vein deprive of thei dues hom

II G. enimvero but reatly ' matas a contrast. illudJ is explaine by quod There is a change os constructio in the two clauses Theirs objectis tacere is illud, quod etα, the secondi more naturali in the ace an inf., mentionem feri. suam emphatic: his own conscience howeve indisserent thers

Ia rerum moventium move te erracis'. Res moventes an moventia are frequently used in his ense in Gaius and the Digest. Instea of this expression e findisse in an identica senSe omnia quae moveri poterant Corn. Nep. Aem. . ); it SeemS, heresore, that mo or astreate ascis it were a deponent verb, and a present participi in a mi Iesense formed hom it. Cf. Cic. de in II. Io 3 utra voluptate. . . SIanuan movente. Mithe ConStruction frerum Se n. n I. I . I quae neuter relative reserring t two antecedent of different gender. Et ipsa missa quoque, Se n. O 27. 7. I ea disceptatioJ the decision of thi Potnt', Se n. Ona. 6.


16 ιιod eius Eius is a partitive genitive dependent ii quod Quod eius fracio much of it S i a common Phras in laws, and eius herereser to urbis atque agri mentione in gi. Probabi Liv has alienthe phras direct Domine of the annaliStS; Cf. XXXI. . et agro Samniti, quod eius etc. Eius two lines below is the antecedent to quod. 18 partem decumam In g 4, 6 Hecalmacis Sed without pars. et g H. copia non esset Gold Wa Scarce a Rome unti the conquesto the East. f. Plin. N. H. XXXIII. I Romae ne fuit quidem aurum, nisi admodum exiguum, longo tempore. et communi screto The women had not stricti the power of disposingo thei property. sollicitae Se Critical Appendix A simila ac is recordedi thematrons in o. 7. I Liv has no made a mistahe we muS SuppoSeeither that thendi notiowalveminal their gold, o that the oan was

25 DB ut quae maxime J Comparative clauses are osten introduced by simila elliptica expreSSionS; Cf. XXIII. 9. a robinciae, ut quae maxime omnitim, belli avida The fui expression ouldae grata ea res senatui fuit ut ea quae umquam maxime grata fuit).timquam See n. On 2. 5. et silent, a four-Wheele carriage carsen tim a two-wheeled vehicle The change of number cloe no impi a Change of meaning. et profesto usuali an adjective it denotes an ordinary, ori in dayCf. XXXIV. 3. 9ut carpentis festis profestisque diebus per urbem vectemur. 28 goo accesso aestimatoque an wkWard expression Liv reatly means, the golo received rom ach having been valueo'. secuniaeJ plural because disserent amounts wouldie wexto disserent


CHAPTER XXVI. 9 ga. fat= patricians', a i 25. 3. Io propter bel J emphati sto iis position. The pretende thatit,as in iew of the wars that he wa appotnted generat'. II se but as a fact'. laetitioni corruption ' refers to the proposa about Veii Largirii commoni used by Liv to describe the proposais of the tribunes todivide the public land cf. ΙΙ ΑΙ. 2 III. . . I a P. Cornelitis It is uncertain hether his P. Cornelius is COSSus, o Scipio et . I in or aluginenSi. I 6. ).15 Da. frincisio an initio are used Without a prepositio as ablatives

of time; Cf. 29. 3. I disserendo elanguit res their cause ooled illi delay'. Res is sed in a Vague ense. Di erendo raper dilationes 5. I); the gerundis arule has the fame subjeci a the sentence, ut in Some case the gerundis sed like an abstraci substantive, ithout reserene to an particular subjeci, and seems to aSSume a PaSSiVe meaning Cf. 27, 2 exercendi.

classica construction illi quin Or quominus. mille passuum Liv osten use mille a a Substantive, Sometime aSan adjective, mille fassus IV. 27 3 . a satis quite', aster a negative in a StrongraenSe See n. Ono 2. 12.2 asperis confra sisque circa Thi clause explain dioicultate aditus. Circa is used in an adjectiva sensem the Surrounding ' Se n. Ono 6. and cf. 37 8 omnia DYa contraque. eissenbor explain this clauseas equivalent to iis locis, quae circa erant, confra sis, an talae it asan ablative absolute it is simple howeverrio tali it in agreement illi viis.

et g s. indiden ex agrisI- ex eisdem agris. The adver ordidem is generali used in combination illi an ablative o place lience, and usuali in the descriptioni a person cf. XXVIII. I. 6 ducibus indidem ex Celtiberia transfugis. et multa nocte when night was far advanced' cs. III. 6O. 8 postquam multa iam dies erat. et g F. triaris Se Critica Appendix The triarit,ere the veterans of the thir line, an seem to have been speciali chosen sor iege WorkS cf. VII. 23 7 triarii erant, qui muniebant. et alius exercitus the restis the army'.

L. V. O


rroelio intentus Liv osten uses infensus illi a dative of the objeci,somelimes h uses ad or in illi the acci, the constructio usual in other

et ad quaestores See n. Ono 9 8. cum A causing ' cum give the attendant circumstanceS. eandem predicative, in the fame time'. f. ac Hist. . Imilitibus eandem istutem admirantibus, cui irascebantur. obsidio . . . munitiones The auxiliar esse must e supplied. The predicate is expresse by an abStraci substantive here e liould expect a Verb CL 3o. 7 mentio erat. ex ante convecto For his se of the participle, Se n. O 47. . This phras ex του προτερον συνηχθεντος is found ais in IV. 22 3;

obsessis quam obsidentibus Both participies are uSed a Substantives. Notice that obsessi ,hicli is ound alS in . o; o. et I iS Sed without an notion fias time thos en during a lege), in o. it is evenisse of peopte about to endure a lege. The past participiepassive in his instanc supplie the place of the preSent. DLO. ac Veis fuisset The ver is in the subjunctive becauserit is par of the thought implied in videbatur. IO ni. . . dedisset This clause gives the condition notato videbatur, butio futurus fuisse), hicli represenis fuisset os oratio recta Se n. On53 9 and cf. XXII. 28. I videbatur si iusca pugna esset haudquaquam in arfutura. cog nitae. . . virtutis His valour in a Was known, ut hi magnanimit ha no been provexas it was a Falerii. II specimenJ lit. a patiern m a chanc sor displaying.


CHAPTER XXVII. 1 et DI istro ...e comise both predicative. f. Verg. Aen. V. 5 6 custodem comitemque impubis Iuli E Iiden. The comes Gli. παιδαγωγιs wasio introduce a Romeranti the late Republic. liberorum See n. On 35. 5.15 sicti fere si more common phras is ut si hicli occurs in

32 7.17 instituissetJ With s. m coegi et CL IV. 22. . exercendi See n. on 26 3 sor his Se of the gerund, and cf. Cic. de Fin. I. o. Iudicra exercendi aut venandi so the combination os gerund and verba Substantive, Se n. On 8. 2.18 nihil emphati non Cf. a. 7 5. I spatiis abi. of manne or CircumStance, here an CC of Xtent wouldie expected. trahendo denotes an action, o simultaneous illi the principalverb. I explain ho by accustoming the o forme occasion to traverse long distances he was a last nable to tali them p to the

et res circumstances, Opportunity'. et inter stariones Ainto the micis of the utposts'. Inter i appropriate illi stationes, ut intra or per ould e more uite to castra. ter illi verbs of motion a first sed in prose by LiVy, cf. 6. Iinter statione EPade' E.

et si casi aJ principes cs. I. 52. , ita nominis Larini. et g G. quae pacto, humano Liv opposes the connection, hichresis pon a serma alliance, to the communit o Deling hich may naturali exist etwee two disserent races. The natura principies fright he elsewhere calis ius humanum 37. III 57. I cibile et humanum foedus o ius gentium se n. on 36 6ὶ.3o belli. . . iuris I aliis correspondsuo international law iusfetiale). ea grammaticali refers to iura, ut in sense to bella suggeste bybelli.


of the Roma character Se n. O 28. 3.

in foro, in curia These ord are appropriate to politica assairsat Rome denotin the meetin place of peopte an os senate it hasbeen potnted out that the are rongly used in reserence to an Etruscantown, as in Etruria the Lucumones ad absolute powe and the eopte had onlyrio accepi thei decision. 1 g 12. ita locuti traduntur This implies that iv is reproducinga speech preserved by one of hi predecessors Notice the effect fought by alliteration, the letter hicli a Supposed to suggest pityὶ occurs in times in his section Victoria, victi, victor, are repeated, and victuros hom vivo is a plaympon OrdS. et legibus nostris contrasted with sub inserio vestro. The ancient idea os independencedat stres o the power of mahing law. αυτoνη α). et g 1 a. de provocati challenged by our good Dilli'. f. XXII. et et Iohabita des ipsam flerumque oblitat ent. et gag qui repeated three time sor effect See n. ni. . et g 15. in stipenditim In was arei used in a final sense e re LiVy. et pace data IDwe accepi Livy' narrative the Falisci were dediticii and had surrendere a discretion the had there re to accepi hateverterins of eace and whateve politica positio the Romans allowed them It is oubilat hether the Falisci ere reatly brought under the Roma dominion the were again at war illi Rome in 357 as an independent poWer VII. I 6 2).

31 1. cum ... Neaerant Cum illi the pluperfeci indicative a used by Cicero an Caesar os repeate action, ut in ther se it Was rareat ali periods; si instances are quote sto Livy cs. XXIV. . et cumfrofectus erat) Here cum ... vexerant i Subordinate to cum . . . redinet.

p. 36. et taciti. . . recundiam the senate could not illistand the delicac os his silence'. Camillus id not remin the senate os theirduty, and his reserve appeale to them at the more.


3 non tulit uim Ouinci myrra non, ut o an quominus are Sed aster negatives o quasi-negatives, and with verbs involvin a negative idea prohibeo, abes etc.). Liv extende the se; cf. I. I MUcenatum Si quominus etc. 42 7 nihil sexerunt animos quin defenderent 45. 7 vix temperavere animis quin facerent. Here e muSt translate but too measures in order that etc. voti liberare uri See n. on 25. . The construction o liberare illi a gen occur algo in XLI. 9 6 senastis nec liberavi eius culsae remem neque arruit), ut is therwis unknown Liv may besollowing the analog os absolvere o h may be imitatin the Greeli constructionis ελευθερουν. a crateramque. . . Notice the inversio of the natura orde inthis clauSe. Ion a una nave J This is the rs mention o a Roman war hip; the Romans hadiso considerable fleet untii the firs Punic ar, ut theymay have keptine or two hips of war sor coasi delance and o purpΟSeSsuch a this.

Liparas the larges of the Aeolia istands, which lay o thenorth-east coastis Sicily. Da civitatis In 27. I 39. I mos est is ound with the dative, Faliscis, eis Gallisin. vetari not ascis' qualities publico latrocinio, obtained by a sortis

Timasitheus The nam is suspicious, ascit meaninii So obvioustyappropriate to the parti playS.Io Romanis similior The Romani oldiays represente to Liv an ideat of honou and wisdom cf. 36. I 38. 5. Romanis On the dative aster similis, hicli occurs also in the nexi

Q. Diatorum nomen From the Gree potnt of vieW, the were θεωροί, ambasSadors to the god, and there remacred. II veritus isse Mas he himself reverenced'; ipse is in contrast tomultitudinem. I et regentiJ used absolutet without objeci, iis uter LI religionis ...i levit impressed illi proper scruples'. The genitive, as etllas the ablative, is Mund after inpleo, perhaps o the analogyof the genitive illi plenus I f. IV. I. 7 mutui erroris insi Se.1 Aospitium the guestiouse of the state', not acina 5. I g o. ossitium 'friendi relations are concluded with himon thepar of the state'. The Roman stat could enter o term os latend-


Shi With soreign States 5o. 3 ctim Caeritibus ossitium or illi individual os suci states. The man o honoured Masin hospes publicus, and he and his descendant enjoyed certain privileges a Rome.

I in incertoira incertum Phrases formed illi a repositio an a neuter adjective are frequently used to expres loca relations cf. inflano gra an See n. on 3 et, ut in ther Se the combination i rarer, cf. pro certo ex antiquo 33. IIJ.ret praesidio obtinere garrison . Verruminem a Roman sor in the valle of the rerus sirst mentionedin IV. I. In IV. 55 8 58 3 Liv describes illas hein in Volscis. flacuit sc eis, the agreeo'. et g ab re bene festa See n. O 5. 3.q6 adfraesidium alterum ad exercitum alterum in praesidio. 29 DB. merito ea audire that the deserve his reproaches' audire is used in a simila sense rith the adverbS bene, male etc. 3 eosdemJ the theniselves'.

p. 37. 1 v. duceret Sc exercitum. Liv generali omit the object

I. I.

et in conspectu, Et osten introduce an explanator parentheSiS. et nihil poenae ... the were ready to submit to an punishment isthe diu not te. Cf. nisi. . . tradidero, non recuS eundem Ai-rum XXII. I. I nihil recusandum supplici fores. The phras is used of people ho stat e thei existenc on accompliShinx PurPOSe. 3 'o corror curare to refregii themSelveS' Cf. 45. I. Orace Ep. I. 2. 29 USe curem curare in a Simila SenSe.

ab ea DP Ab Mon the fide os See n. n 38. 2. pernox notrused in prose besore Livy. 9 11. Iantuna iniecit pavoris Inicio in his metaphoricalisse is frequent in Cicero an Livy cf. errore iniecto, g 1 and 7. Iomutatio iniecta. Io nequiquam retinen D trying aininto keemthem rommight'. The participi e S uSed in a conative senseri nequiquam heroem in Vain nodi fornothing as in Di 3.11 falati Ascaltered ' See n. no 3. 2.1 et g 12 qui Postumius. et sustinuerint primar tenSe in a consecutive sentenceras inaci fueris.