Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류


CΗAPTER XXIX. et g 1. actionesJ See n. O 2. 5. et a gis Liv resumes the histor of interna politici rom 26 3. Thela in question is that concerning the occupation o Veii, an sor athir time the two parties tr to re-electuliei own candidate. 25. 133. et suis comitiis The tribunes of the plebs ere electe at the Comitia Tributa These assemblies ere in theor limite to the plebeians, butit is probabie homullis paSSage, rom 3o. an stomother evidencein that the patricians ere allowe to vote although the plebeians had agreat Superiorit of numberS. et quem dolorem indignation arising seo this deseat'. senatus consulto The senate decide every year hether consul ormilitar tribunes hout be electex in the forme case plebeian wereno eligibie. 25 consules, inNisus magistra tis For the appositioni a singula toruptural Substantive cf. 7. 3 canes, olficitum animal. et annum post quintum decimum after Reen ear intervat'. Consul were appotnted in o9 IV. 54. I). et ex conlegio Sc tribunorum. infercessurusLadjectivat, disposed to objeci'. et coortis The Strescis o the preposition, lavin combined'. nec se iusJ Jus aikeenis 3 omni civita et omnibus civibus. 3I Vitelliam Se n. on et . . Vitellia layin the Via Latina notriar

p. 38. et is incolumis in agreement illi pars a the adjectiveis predicative incolumes perfurere ould e more naturai, cf. 45. magna pars delati.


o idum castumJ equivalent tora substantival clause, alie ac that thelown was captured'. o the rhetorica Personification, cs. 35. I eodem saltu favente; et I urbs capta movit XXIII. I9. Marcellum vanis Di tus aquis ... tenebat.

per aversa urbis through the par of the cit remote seo thoenemy)'. Besore iv the Se os a neuter adjective a a substantive with a genitive dependent on it was generali limited excepi by Lucretius to a se adjectives of quantity plus, tantum etαὶ Livyextende the se both illi Singular 37. 5 38. I. et and pluraladjectives With this phras cf. XXXVII. 27 2 circismvecti ad aversa


6 o. dies dici See n. Ο ΙΙ. . tribunis flebi bienni Tribunus plebi form one idea and theras ofanother genitive is heresore natural Verginius an Pomponius adbeen tribunes in 395 and 394 25 1 and I3 but had fallexto secure re- election his ear g 13. his tria is to e note a the ni knowncas in the histor of the early Republic in hicli tribunes ereprosecuted sor acts done during thei yearis ossice. patrum consensu With pertinebat; whos delance the senatorswere agree involved the honour of theiriody'. Pisae. . . magistratus The genitive aster crimine, hicli usuali gives the substance of the charge, here has a more genera reserence, any accusation a to thei mode os lis o as to thei conductis ossice'.

13 V. denis milibus The abi. o price whicli is also the ablativeos penalty is regulari found wit definite sum os money.

gravis aeris See n. Ono 2. I.

15 B. sceleris arg uere in D crimine arruebat; the genitive illi

verbs os accusing may aris stom the omissioni crimine more probablyit is an extensio of the genitive or locative o price. The genitive aster damnare voti 25 4; quantia et 8 is certaint a case of price. quari cauSal. 18 ID. quod Uerarent.. falli the were mistaken in expecting'. eosy It is more natural to se the nemphati eos than to repeat

eto vis violence', in bad sense. auxilio The auxilium of the tribunes, originali devisexto protectili plebeians, as in time extende to invalidate decrees of the senateor proceedings in the Comitia. aliud telum The dictator a the ni magistrate hOS POWersavailed against the tribuneS.


et g 1 . de sublica decis J The honour of the stat was involve in the protectio of the tribunes gi). The consul could not 1 course

prevent the condemnatio of these ossicers the oin os Camillus' reproach is that the consul hau allowed his to tali place, ithoutraising thei voices against it et tacita This adjective is osten sed in an adverbia SenSe VIII. 4. Io quod illi vobis taciti concedunt; cf. Cic. ro Marc. a. a tacitus graeterire. et haec contionabundus The participi in btindus a notissed withan acc by earlier riters excepi Sallust). Liv has his phras in III. 7 3 and vitabundu caStra XXV. 3. 4. CHΑPTER XXX. et g 1. adversus D mk to oppos the lawLet dies ferendae eris Both the genitive an dative of the gerundiveare used illi dies an remsunto expreSS PurPOSe. ut qui gives to the relative the fame causal idea assuisse, andis followed by the subjunctive; cf. Praef. V . . . ut quae . . . repetatur. et pro aris...solo The Srst air of Substantive is coupled by que, the secon by ac, and the wo air connected by et Arae ere thepublic altars foci the earilis here sacrifice a pat to the familygods the two ord theresore suggest the god of the state and of thesamily cf. a. 3 deos sublicos privatosque. 3, a. amplum honourable p. 39. I latam in triumpho In later days it was the custom to carrymodet os capture cities in the triumpha proceSSion XXXVII. 59. tuli in Iriumpho, Mortim simulacra centum triginta quattuo I ivyassumes that this practice prevalle in the time of Camillus. et g ducere The subjeci se is omitte a in I 5. 6 22 6 36. 2. victrice garria For the argument CL 24. O. 5 mutari Ataken in exchange forti illi mutare anxiis compoundsthe ablative in the est authors denotes the thinisor hicli an object is excitanged in Horace frequently an in his passage of Livnthe constructio is reversed the accusative denotes the objec received the ablative the thin give in exchange cf. Hor. Od. I. 7. 2 III. I. 7. 6 - agmine ac o in a body', implies orderi arrangement.

inforumJ The Capitol was the usual place of votiniso the Comitia


Tributa Liv seem to have thought that this vote a talien in the forum here contiones ere frequently held. ser tribus See n. n 29. I. I g G. Casitolium Se n. on 39. . In the speech in hicli Camillus opposes his Same meaSure aster the destruction o Rome, Liv repreSenis him a laying great stres o the religious ideas connected withthe disserent sites an bulldings ch. 52ὶ . aedem VestaeDone of the mos sacred stirines of Rome, Subsequentlybum by the auis, layon the Sacra Victo the outh- east of the Forum.

12 dis penatibus A litile to the eas of the Forum o the lope of the Velia a the Aeris deum senatium; there ere sena es of the State, a Weli as of the family. 1 fueri See n. n 28. 2. I go religiosum fuit the matter a regarded illi religious Scruples by most people'. See n. no 3. 8.16 maximari or maiori as in I 7. 8.tina ablative os disserence illi plures. tribus here ere at this date et tribes II. I. 73. antiquarunt. . . iunerunt rejected. . . vote sorti Antiquare , toleave in iis forme state was Sed of rejectingis measure IV. 58. I in cf. the Englisti expression do move the previou queStion'. 17 m. laeta in an active sense gratifying '. 18 referentibus consulibus at the instance of the consuis'. The pre-sidin magistrate a Sald referre rem ad Senatum. senatus consultum In the disposa of the agor tibiistis the senate usuali too the initiative and the proposa of the senate a submittedio the Comitia for approvat. In his case either iv has omittest tomentio the reference to the Comitia or a somelimes appened the Senate manliave acte independenti of the Comitia. I sestena iugera This alloiment a twice a great a that recordedi et . . In Ome cases e liear of tot of two iure iein assigned II. 47. ). his concession a probabi the rice aid by the patricians for the rejectio of the bili. et in domo 'in very house'. et tollereJ to bring up . When a child was horn the ather recognigenitis his own by listin it from the ground tollere hence camerio meant recogniZe and therelare to bring p.


CHAPΤΕ XXXI. et et g 1. quo minus See n. O 28. . et consularia comi assembl so the electio os consuis'. ore osten Liv uses the genitive, 6. I comitia tribunorum militum. et g a Capitolino Liv implies that the cognomen o Capitolinus was conserre onmanlius for his services in preservin the Capitol 47. 43. Thisae repeat in VI. 17. 5. The cognomer belonged howeverto severa families hos houses ere o the Capitol Sestii, Quinctii Capitolini, III. 32. 5 IV. 3. I), and that antius nam ha a similarorigin is indicate by the traditio that aster his death a decree was passed ne quis patricius in arce aut Capitolio habitaret VI. o. 33. et magnos ludos These had been vowed in 396 See n. I9 6. et g vo See I. 3 and 23. . et tradunt The word shows that Livnis repeatin tradition preserved

31 g si fusis hostibus The abi abs is sed in a descriptive sensewithout implying that the actio precede that of the principat verb;

p. 40. I caedendi See Critica Appendix For the genitive aster

the participi used a an adjectiVe eem. 46. 3. Manlio Ma=alius a the subjecto i=Crederetur ould e more naturat, ut Manlio is assimilate in caserio Valerio. ovans With an ovation. The ovatio denote the esse triumphin hicli the victorious genera made his sorma enir into Rome on ot no in a chariol. 3 g . novuniri in apposition, as his is heirst war illi Volsinii ofwhicli e ear Volsinii as ne of the welve towns o Etruria; Sappina, hicli a probabi in iis eighbourhood, is not therwise

incursavereJ his verbisuali intransitive is here used transitively, amis the passive in XXIV. Ι. . 9 g decessis Vita an de visa ecedere also occur, ut the veri, sused osten absolutet in the ense of dying. Io quae rem mahe election censor suffectus uae res is notinfrequently used for id quod Asterwaros, in case of the death os a censor, his colleague abdicate and wo laeSh censors ere appotnted IX. 3 . O .


Brut Iode flebe consulem. in Nova via The Nova via, hicli in spite of it name, asine of the oldest roadii Rome, hirte the north-wes of the Palatine Theaedes Vestae fronte it . f. Cic. de Div. II. et non mullo ante urbem castam exaudita vox est a luco Vestae, qui a Palati radice in Novam viam

sacri mythe chapelis Aius Locutius referre iocineto. 5 52. II. noctis silentiri his particula ablative of time is frequent in Livy;

Cf. 45. I.


3 puerum Uium.

15 clientibus The client as attache to his patron by religious ties. In retur so the protectio given himae a bound toruid his patron incertain circumstances, o contribute to the doWr of his auctier orthe ransom of his son anxio pay fines imposed in publici private trials Dionys. II. Io . It was a firs regarde a implous for the client tovote against his patron, ut by this time the onds etween client and Patron ere relaxed, and the clients were politicali identifie with theri S. magna pars flebis This is an exaggeration, a the client probablybelonge to the fame tribe a thei patron, and thus both tribules and clienus could influenc the vote Donly one tribe.17 quanti See n. on 29. . I g D. recaltis Precor is Mund with a variet os constructions,

with the accusative of the hin or of the person, With tW accusatiVeS, Or, achere, illi ab. 19 3 imo quoque inaus quisque properi denotes that hicli comessirstin acti successive occasiona ut primo quoque illi evagorei die, o the sirst occasioni day. desiderium CL Appian B. 8 ευξάμενος την ' Αχίλλειον ευχη , ἐπισO-

humano= um certi Both adjectives are sed a substantives Se n. On3. . Translate is an degre os certaint pertain to human affairs'.

On quicquam Seem on 3. 2.

et solueras the apodosis of a conditiona sentence, quo mane/rte supplying the place of the ProtasiS; See n. n oportuit, 3. . et g eam genteni in the immigrationis the Gaul se Introd. LII. et tradituri With acc. and inf. Se n. Ono. possedisse hom possido, talae into occupation'. 29 ira co= ruptae uxoris the ablative o cause on the objective

genitive aster ara Se n. Ono. 5.

3 fuerat The oratio obliqua introduced by tradi ur is here interrupted,


and the description of the Lucumo give in oratio recta. The subjunctive in the nex Sentence a quo. . . nequiret i ConSecutive.

clusivel be re verbs illi a negative signification o adverbS. seu quo allat sive a quo alio. Sive is omitte with the sirst clause

o. eos, qui. . . constat Liv rejecis the traditionae has ust quotedand argues that the Gaul Wh attache Clusium ere certaint notulte firs of thei race to cros the AlpS. 6 ducentis annis an I The ablative illi post an ante is simila tolli ablative illi comparatives and expresses the amount of disserenoe;

CL 2. 13 39. 2. os Dareiat Subjunctive aster ante quam See n. Ono 6. I.

9 G. qui inter Assenninum Alsisque incolebantJ .e in the valleyof the o, in the district afterward known a Gallia Cisalpina Thisis explained more fuit in the ollowing Sections.1 DU. TuscortinaJ ollowin EI=ruscorum ina 6. e have the fame

iet mari supero Dablative of sphere illi quantum oluerint.15 Atria an Etrusca town o the coas a litile to the norit os themouth of the o. The Etruscans id not distinguisti the ound of and c so that both the forms Atria an Adria gra occur. 16 m. Frrhenuus Τυρσηνοὶ the name hicli the Greelis sed todenote the Etruscans probabi represent Ta-RaSenna, the name hichthe Etruscans gave to themSelveS. I gis vertentis agrees illi terras duodenis is distributive There were twelve cities nisach Side of the Appennines. 18 rbibus For the restrictions o the se of the ablative os placeraeenn on 2 7; 3. 7. Liv Sometime uSe ordinar substantives ithout reposition or attribute, cf. o. 8 plaustro Mens; I. et Sellis


19 capita originis mother cities', it 'clites towns of the startingplace . et coloniis missis Liv regard the Etruscans in Etruria a the firstimmigrant of thei race it is more probabi that the Etruscans in thenorth o Italy, afterward conquered by the Gauis, ere the earliestsettier and that the sent colonies to the outh See Introductiona 6. et gno Venetorum The Veneti or Eneti, ho ere probabi an Illyria race, ere identi fled by Liv I. 1. et with the Enni o Paphla-


gonia mentioned by Homer, an he relates that the entere Italy iththe Trojan I. I. 3ὶ.23 11. Raetis The Raetians are supposed' have been connected with the Etruscans. f. Plin. N. H. III. 33 RaetoS, Tuscorum prolem, arbitrantur a Gallis pulsos duce Raeto. ne quidJ instea of tit nihil asci a ver of negative meaning re

et ex antiquo of thei originat State'. See n. on 28. 5.

nec euneti et ne eum quidem.

account of the original immigratio of the Gaul into Italy, an eventwhicli e regard a contemporaneous illi the reig o Tarquinius Priscus See Introd. LII. Prisco Tarquinis The sua orde i reversed cf. V. 5. 4 Gn- latinum Tarquinium. et Celtarum, quae pars Galliae tertia est CL aeS. . . . . Gallia est omnis divisa in artis res quarum. Iertiam incolunt qali ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Liv generalty uses Galli, the nam usuali employed by the Romans.

capital Avaricum.

uses hosticum, vix Trist. V. 3. I Geticum. a. fuit sc at the time o Tarquinius Priscus; oris in ContraStto dabant 'they used alway to give'). et sua...sublic Lugith fortuna only eminent sor his prowes an sortiis Wn prosperit a much as so that of his state'. 'Mum fertilis Alectives denotinisuiness, ichnes et: are Sed with the genitive in the poet an in the later prose riterS, raret in Cicero or Sallust cf. Verg. Aen. I. I me opum. Da magno natu abi os quality. The phras is frequently found in Liv III. 58 I; I. 3ὶ For the poSitionis iam s. I. 4. in quas . . . Sedis i.e in eas sedis quas di dedissent This attractionis the relative into the case of the antecedent though notas frequentlas in Greela, is no unknown in Latin. f. Caes. B. G. III. I 5 cum Ssen inquibris demonstravi angustiis Hor Sat. I. 6. I iudice quo nosti populo.


Io Her ne saltus The pland of South Germany, rom hicli in later times themauis ere riven estward by the Germans Caes. B. G. VI et . I and ac Germ. 28 both refer to the auis having been previouSi Settied there. II 5. remis ex populis See Critica Appendix. I et Bituriges Liv does no mea that the whole of these tribes joine Bellovesus, ut that he ook rom acti the superfluous population. The are in a oos apposition to quod. . . ab dabat, hil strictly the shouldie in agreement with gogulis. The names of the Bituriges,

1 ingentibus copiis Therubi denotin militar accompaniment is used with o without cum cf. 53 6 si iam novis copiis veniant. I Tricastinos not far eas of the hone, and ouili os the sara. LiVy, XXI. I. , relates that Hannibal in Tricastinos exi on his marcha the Alps.13 indeJ To the east of that districi. I nulladum non as et L his for is sed in severa passages by Liv cf. III. o. 16 nullodum certo duce), ut is arei used by other

quod. . . Sit a far a leas a tradition extends'. o quod in his

continens sit The participi continens,illi esse is regulari used, Sthe verb contineo in a neuter SenSe Scarcet occurS CL 39 8 timori. ..isSum malum continens fuit Cic. ad Fam XV . . et par ea quae cum Cilicia

continen ESI.