Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


bor, that tho conditioni us ali is tho amo illi that of Abraham. At things round us are in opposition to the


repose o the promise of his savour.

23. NoW,it Was not written sortis 23. Non est autem scriptum prop- salie alone, that it Was impute to tor ipsum tantum, imputatum fuissehim; illi;

24. ut for iis also, o hom it 24. Sed etiam propter nos, quibus shallo imputed is, belleve on imputabitur credentibus in eum, quihi that at sedi Jesus cur Lor excitavit Iesum Dominum noStrumfrom the ead; ex mortuis: 25. Wh Was delivere for ur 25. Qui traditus fuit propter de- offences, and Was ruised again Ormur licta nostra, et excitatu propter no justification. tram justificationem.

a The ver is, ἐπ ηγγελται, sed here, and perhaps in ne ther place, Heb. xii. 26, in an active sense. It is usuali Dund in the sensem promising in themiddie voice, as in Marii xiv. 11 Acts vii 5 Heb. i. 13,&c. tris an anomal that is tot met Nith somelimes in ree authors.

Acin a forme instance in versera there is no nominative case to this verb: it is supplied by the sentence This is the case notinfrequently in languages, sues a Greeli and HebreW, in hicli the person is included in the veri, iself. There is no nominative in the etsi version, and thereseems to bera nee Opit, in ny y vvriv d id si gyυλwnder. It is mos true, a Paul say toris Romans thati faith Abraham Was justified, and nota obedience: ut it is ustis truo hat he says toth HebreWs that it Was by fuit that Abraham oboeed.V-Chalmera.


ono an derive rom it ound instruction. Scripturo lono


24. ho bellene n him. c. I have atroad remin dedbouo tho designis thos periphrasti expressions Paul introduc sed thom that ho might accordin t What tho passages may require, describe in Various Way the rea character offaith-0 whicli tho resurrectionis Christ is not the mallest


1. Theresere, ein justisipd by 1. Iustificatus ergo ex fide pacemfaith, e have eace illi God habemus apud Deum per Dominum through cur Lord Jesus Christ nostrum Iesum Christum; Christri faid here to havo been rat sed Do the dead by God, as ellas delivered into death. MONeve much the impori of this,' says Chal- mers, may have escaped the notidem an ordinar reader, it is regnant With mea ning of the weightiost importance. ou kno that he theprison Oor is pene t a criminal, and that by th very authorit Whielilodged him thoro, it evineos that se ob of his transgression has been rendered, and that he stands aequitie of ali iis penalties. It was o fortiis Wn, ut formur offences that Jesus as deliveret unt the death, and that his bod was consigne to the imprisoninent of the grave. And Whena ange descended fro heaven, and rolled baci thoareat tone Dom thedoor of the sepulchre this spealis to iis that the justice of God is satisfied, that the ransom of ur iniquit has been uid that Christia rendered afuit diseharge of ali the debl hicli e undertoo a the reat s ety


CHAP. V. l. EPISTLE T THE ROMANS. 872 B Whom also Ne have accessis I. Per quem accessum habuimus fatili into this grace Wherein We stand fido in gratiam istam in qua stetiandis Oice in ope of the lor o mus, et gloriamur super spe gloriae God Dei.


Caluin leaves out καὶ also.' Griesbach reta inscit. The omissionisint in one S., an in the Syria and Ethiopi versions it is rendered νυν by Theodoret. But ita meanin here seem no to also,V ut invenV or oea: V D this verse contains in part the fame truth a tho former. The stylo os Paul sinen very like that of the Propheis that is, the arrangement of his sentences is frequently on thei modet. In the Propheis, and ais in the Psalms,merand Osten tW disticlis and somelimes tW verses containing the fame sentiment, ni the niter distieli states it disserently, and add somethin to t. See, O eXample PS. XXXii. 1, 2. Sueli is exactly the eas here. Iusti sed by faith,' an this graeo in Whicli, stand,' are the fame. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ,' and through,hom e have access, ore identical in thei import. The additional idea in the spe nil verse is the last clause. That e ma se hoWthe whole corresponds With the Propheti style, the wo verses hali epresented inclines:

ductio) and access accessio. The ver προσαγειν, is sed in I et iii. I 8, in the ense of introducing, leudin or bringing o. o Christ, as Wolfius remariis, a b considere tot here represente a the introduce and reconciter through,hom boli evers com to God an hol intereourse illi hi m. Introduction V is the version o Machnight and Dod i e has also adopted his dea. Ed.