장음표시 사용
b heirs fatili is made Oid, and the haeredes sunt, exinanita est fides promise madem non effect et abolita est promissio: 15. Because the a Worheth Hath: 5. Nam Lex iram emcit; siquisor here noda is, there is no trans dem ubi non est Lex neque etiam
16. Theresere it is of faith that it 16. Propterea ex fide, ut Secun-might e by grace; to the en the dum gratiam, quo firma sit pro- promise might e sure toruli the seed missio universo semini non ei quod notu that orti vhielicis of the laW, est ex Lege solum, sed quod est but to that also whieli is of the faith of ex fide Abrahae, qui est pater om- Abrahamo horis the fallieri us ali, nium DOStrum, 17. A scit is ritien, I have made 17. Sicut scriptum est, Quod thpe a fallier of many nations, before patrem multarum gentium posui him hom e belleved even Od te, coram Deo, cui credidit, qui vi-wh quiekeneth thydead, and calloth vificat mortuos et vocat ea quae Onthos things hielitem Das though sunt tanquam sint.
the argument; and you a summari lyciuetudo the wholo
It is bello to talio his sentence, here there is no JaW, there is notransgression,' accordin to it obvious meaning ascit comporis et ter With the forme clauso The ea soning seem to e this, The promiseis by faith, and nota tho laW; for the a bring Wrath O condemnationa ut Where there is no laW, there is no transgression to occasionWrath. V The sanae dea Messentiali conveyed in ver. 16 Where tris sald, that the promiseris suro beeauserit is through faith andi grace. ad itbeen by the laW, thore ould have been transgreSSion and Wrath, andiencethe os of the promi Se. I his verse is connected With the Iath rather than illi the Igili. Leontain another reason, besides liat tho Igili ives, in confirmationi What issa id in the I 3th. Hene Machnight reniter γαρ in this Verse, farther, Whicli render the connectio more evident. here no a is, there isno transgression, and theres Orem Wrathis punishment; ut heresia is,
there is transgression Urath, and Puni Stiment. V-Pareu8.
circuitous sorin is expressed the ver substance of Abraham's
cism, the or Θεοοῦ, ein separated fro iis reposition and ού is puts by the grammatical la os attraction and tuar bring three similar instances of the relativeaeing regulated by the casse of iis nom, thoughprecediniit in the sentence, Marivi. I 6; eis xi. 16 and Rom. i. 17. The ideam commandin to existence, oris effecting, salvena many
sistent illi the passage, and vitii the constructionis the sentence and the various modes ostenderiniit, Whic crities have proposed have arisen
176 00MMENTARIES O THE CHΑΡ. IV. 18.18. Who against ope belleve in 18. Qui praeter Oel supra spem
hope, that he might beeome the fallier super spe credidit, ut esset patero many nations inceOrding to that multarum gentium. secundum quod which was spolien, Soeshali thy seedie dictum erat, Sic erit semen tuum.
that te might beeomen aut the dris of the comment seem to savour theother vieW, that he belloved that he shouldae, and not that he bellovod inorde to e o that he might e theriather of many nation εἰ, το γενέσραιαυ=A that he shouldie,' is the rendering of Hammond Dodisi e and Stuari; and it is indeo What is consistent With the dris of the passage, and with What is recorde in Genesis Wolfus says that εἰ, here oes notsi nis ille ina cause, ut the subjectis the object of faith and ope; Abraham belleve the promise that he hould bo tho sather os many
This is a stri hin instance of the latitude of mea ning hiel somoword have in Scripture. Here ope in the irs instance, means theground of hope und in the second the objectissiope Soriaith, in verse 5 and in ther places, musti considere as includin iis objeet, the gractous promise of God; Orither is it ill e a meritorious et the verything hiel the Apostle throughout repudiates illi regard o mari's ustification. Falth, as it Jay holyon God a promis o Dee aeceptane and largi veness, an alone, in the very natur of things,ae impute sor right- eousnes it is no indispensabi necessar that the way, o mediUm, oro meritorious cause of aeceptane and Orgiveness, Aliould e learly
tation incompleto, in orderito stimulaterus to rea the Scrip tures. The postles, inde0d, at ali times, in quotin the Scriptures, O Oh a Scrupulou eare t r0us us t a more diligent reading of them.
19. Andiein not wea in laith, 19. e fide minime debilitatus,
he considere no his oW bod no non consideravit suum ipsius Or-dead When he Was ab ut an hundred pus jam emortuum, entenariuSyears old, Deither et theraeadnes quum fere esset, nec emortuam Ul- of Sarati's Wom, vam Sarae:
20. e staggere notis the pro 20. Nec vero in Dei promissimis o God through unbelles; ut onem per neredulitatem disquisivit; Was Stron in faith, ivin glor to sed roboratus est fide tribuens glo-God; iam Deo; 21. An bein fuit persuaded, 21. e certe persuaSUS, quod ubi that What he had promised he was quid promisit, possit etiam prae-
22. Anythere re it Was imputo 22. Ideo et imputatum illi est into him for righteousness. justitiam.