Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


12. heresere, as by one an si 12. Quamobrem sicut per unumenterest into the orid, and eath hominem peccatum in mundum in- by sin and so death passedipo ad troiit, et per peccatum mors atque men, so that ali have inned ita in me homines mors pervagata eSt, quandoquidem Omne pec-

I3. Formnti thesia si Was in 13. Nam usque ad legem pecca- the orld: ut si is no impute tum erat in mundo peccatum autem When there is no laW. non imputatur, quum non est leXQ14. Nevertheles deati, eigne 14. Sed regnavit mors ab Adam Omodam to Oses, even ver usque ad Osen, etiam in eos qui them that ad notisinnexaster the non peccaverunt ad similitudinem similitudo of Adam' transgression praevericationis Adam, qui est figura

Whoris tho figure of his that Was to futuri.

Theaeginning of this verse has occasione a vast numberi conjectures, both ait the connectio an a to the correspondin clauseri thesrst sentence. os agre in the main illi in imo these tWo Oinis. Hodye annotances a similar vie as O the connectio in these Ords, The de of menaein regarded an trealed not accordin to their Wnmeriis, but the meritis nother, is contrar to the common mode of thinkin among men. The Apostle illustrates and enforcesciti an appeal to the great analogous faet in the histor of tho Worid. As to the correspondi clause, that it is ound in the 18in verse there



is a common consent,-Pαreus, Willet, Grotius, Dod i e Scon, Stuari, a mems, c. the interve in Verses are VieWed a parenthetic. The phrase, λα τουτο, and also Pand οἶν, are Ometimes used anticipativel a s eli as retrospectively, a thei corresponding partietes are osten in Hebre K. Se note niliap. i. I. That Paulisse λα τούτο in thi Way ap

Accordinito his ieW, the correspondin elaus is in the verse itfel The sentiment of the passage is this, throughisne an in entered and death solio Ked an deuth folio Ked acto ali manliind, ecause ali adsinned Then, aeeOrdin t his sunt maniter, thera postle talios up thelast subjeci, in,' is uin in the oathis ali an at tho Ond of the 14th verse he oesiaci to the ne man,' Adam, ho h says as a type ofanother: and this sentene is ad the texti What follows tili ho end of the 19th versu Havin bulare referre to the state of things elare tho Haw,' in the tWo remaining Verses h refers to the bearing of the lamon his subjeet, and shows that there is in Christ an abundant provision for theinereas of in occasioned by the la v. So abundant is grace that it is fuit sufficient to remove origina sin, actua sitas iis fruits and the sitis discovered by the law, and fit means increased an enhanced. Hence superabundance is ascribe to t. Ed.


i tho fame illi that o Cainin Seemati xxvi. 50 2 Cor. V. 4 Phil. iii 12. Volfus quotes a singula passage Domin JeWish Rabbi, Moses Tranensis, In the in hiel the rst man innod the whole orij throughaim orin him, Q sinned forae Was every man, o ali manklad n IN I d.' The dea is exacti the fame With that of the Apostle. There are three things,' saysiareus, ,hicli are tot considered in Adam' sin, the insul aci, the penalty of the law, and the depravit os nature or in ther ords, the transgressioni the command the punishmentis death, and natura corruption, hich Was the los o God's mage, an in iis stea eam deformit an di sorder. From non of these his posterit are Dese, ut ait hos have descended to them there is a partiacipationi the transgression an imputation Onguili, and the propagationo natural depravity. There is a participationis the in se ali his posterit mere seminali in his loins, so that ad inne in his sin a Levi pa id tithes in tho loin o Abraham an a childre are a partis their parenis, O children are in a manne parta kers of thei parenis sin Thereis also an impi/tαtionis gulit for the rst manis stood in savour, that Whenae inned not oni he, ut also ali his posterit fel With him, and beeam With him subject to eternat dea th. An lastly there is the propagationi the generationis a readfui deformit o nature so such as Adamaeca me after theriali, sueti v ero the children elegat, bein after his via image, and 110 after the image of God Gen. . . . . . All theSethings, ait therarsi sin appi to the parent an also to the children, Withoes this difforonee that Adam inning srst transgressed first contracted guili, and firs depraved his nature, and that ait thes things elon to his posterit by participation imputation, and propagation. VBoth tuar an Barnes tumbi here and though the denounce theoriging, an advocate adherene to the language of Scripture, theyd Iet theorige an attempt to evade the plain and obvious meaning


of this passage. ut in tryin t avoid ne dimoulty the mali sorthemselves another stili greater. The penalty O the imputationis guili, the admit; hicli is indue undeniabie, a facis, as et a Scripture, mos cleari prove: ut the participatio the deny though,ord couldhardi bo framed to express it more distincti than tho ord of this verse; and thus, accordin t their vieW a punishment is inflicted without a pro- violas implication in an ostence While the Seriptural account of the mat- terris aecordin to hat Calvi states that si extendito all,lio susterit punishment, though he afterWard expla insultis in a Way that is not


t them solves utiles the were constrain ed. When here-

This verse, as bearing on the argument, may be vieWed rather disser-ontly This and the solioWing Verse contain an explanationi an illustrationis the last the 12th. e states in his verse two hing a fac anda generat principieri the fac is that sin the irst si in iis evident effodis, sorae speaks throughout of No ther sin a i Adam, or a producingdoath, Was in the ori besere the la Os Moses a giveu and thegenera principi he avows is thatis si is imputed where there is nolam. aula made his ast admission, he proceed in the Igili to say, that novertheless,' Or OtWithstanding, death, the effectis sin prevalled in the orid, and prevalle evenins O those ho di not actuatimor personali si as Adam did. He ahes no account of persona sins for his object was to how the effect of the irst sin And thenae says that in this respeet Adam asinain os type a figure, a representative o ChristWho agri comae an in the three verses hieli folioW, the 15th, the 16th, and 17 th, he traces the similitudo etWeen the two p inting ut at thesam time the disseretice, hiel in ever instanc is in favour of the last Adam. That et o signifies here likenes andio identity, is quite certatain, Whateve may berit common meaning becauserit impor is exemplifiod and illustrated in the verses hicli folioW.-Ed.


through tho differendo botw0011 Adam and his posteri tytha the wer exempt rom condemnation. Insant are attho amo timo includod in thoi number. o si type of him reho oas to come This sentene is piat instoad os a secon clausu ser e se that ne partoni of tho comparison is expressed the thor is omitted an instane 6 what is callo anacoluthon' ou aro thon totali tho meaning a though it was aid, a by one man

'Aνακόλουρον, no consequent a gure in gramma Whon a Wor o a clause, required by a forme One is notiui do vn. Ed.


15. ut nodias the offence, o also 15. Sed non sicut delictum, ita setis the Deo gin For is through the donum; nam si unius delicto multi offence fine many be deas; much mortui sunt, multo magis gratia Dolmore the grace of God, and the gist et donum Dei in gratia, Musa fuit by graee, hic is by one man, Jesus unius ' homini. Christi, in multos Christ, hath boundeLunt many abundaVit.


Sub contemptibili verborum humilitate. V his sortis derogato langua gerus to the stylem Scripture, Calvinia evidenti learn Dom tholathers Chrysostoni and erome di somelimes a mos unWarrantablethings in this respeci, and that in a great measure ecauso the di notunderstand tho style of the e Testament, an in pari With the vie of takin aWay by an admission the fore O Objections allege by admirerso Grecian an refine diction. The bl of the et Testamen is thato the old an hardi an of the falliers, except Orige and erome, kne HebreW, and the latte learn itini in his Oid ago, so that ho eouldhavo ad n great insight into iis peculiarities. One like Chrysostom, brought up in the refinement O Grecian literature, as a very unfit udge of the style of the e Testament, and liene it is that the criticism ofth Greel fathors in generabare comparati vel os ver litile value. The hole of this passage 12-J9, is construete accordinito the modet of the Hebres style; and When rightly understood, it Wil appea to contain non os thos defecis ascribe to it. Ed.


It is ovidon that the many,' οἱ πολλοί inelude hos connect0d Withthe tW parties the an descendant of Adam, and the any selieversi Christ. the man3V as adopte i sortii a contrast illi the


reconciliatio by hicli, have obtain sed lis an salvation,

16. nd nos as it reas by ono that 16. Et non sicut per mun quisinned, socis the gin for the udg peccaverat, ita donum judicium

ment a b One to condemnation enim ex uno in condemationem, do-

but the De gin is of many offences num autem ex multis delictis in usunto justification. tificationem.