장음표시 사용
3. And not ni so, but, glor 3. Neque id modo, sed gloriamuri in tribulations also 'noWing that etiam in amictionibus scientes quod tribulation orketh patiencen tribulatio patientiam effetat;
Gloriamur καυχωμεθα. The me a in the precedin Verse, and
q. nd patience, experienee and g. Patientia ver probationem; eXperienee hope probati autem spem 5 Andiope mallethio ainamed 5. Porro spes non pudefacit,
beeaus the love o God is hed quoniam dilectio Dei diffusa est in
abroad in ur earis by the HOly cordibus nostris per Spiritum sanc-Ghost, hicli salven uni us tum, qui datus est nobis.
o oction, that here stro recorde in Scripture Ome com
remember any OUree o consolation; ut in a monasent ho
meeliness, hiel, is infused by tho Spirit o God, and tho
consolation, hicli is convoysed by the sam Spirit, succeed in the placem Our stubbornness, then tribulation bucomothe means o generat in patience; ea, thos tribulations, whicli in the obstinate an produce nothinibu indignationand clamorous discontent. 4. Patiense, probation, c. James, adoptin a similargradation, suem to follo a disserent ordor for e says,
rendor iis miserabie, Whieli do in a manne promote ur
h love of God in this passage ma mean Elthe the love of Whieli God is the objeet love o God, o the love hieli e possesses God's love torus the usus loquendi Would admitisither of these meaning and
liene commentator have dissere O the Oint. The expression τὴν ἀγαπην σου Θεου, in ulte ii 42, olimV. 2, an in ther places, means
6. For hen e ereaedi thout 6 Christus enim, quum adhue strength, in due time Christ die for essemus infirmi secundum rationem the ungoesy. temporis, pro impiis mortuus est: 7. For careel sor a righteous 7 Vix sane pro justo quis mori- man illine die; et peradventure turn nam pro bono forsan aliquissor a good an ome Ouid even etiam mori audeat. dare to die. 8. ut God commendeth his love S. Confrmat autem erga nos ch t Wardis, in that, hile, Weredet ritatem Deus quod peccatores quum sinners, Christ die D us adhuc essemus, Christus pro nobis
9. uel more then, ein no 9.multo igitur magis, justificati justiso b his bl od, e hali e nune per Sanguinem ejus, Servabi-saved Dom rati throughaim. mur per ipsum ab ira
i nullo argument of this verse, and On ha follows to the tenili verse, Professor Stuari malles his remari ,- The passage efore us seem tobo more direct in respect O the perseveretrice of the setinis, than almost
an other passage in the Scriptures hicli I ca snd. The sontiment herois no dependentis the formina particular expression, ascit appear to
7. Foribus man, Ac. The meaning of the passago has constratne mori rende the particio amas an affirmativeor declarativo ather than a a causativo. ho importis thossentenue is his, most raro, indoed is uel, an example to
be in ome ther passagos); ut it is fundamentali connected illi the
ve mature of the argument.'' Ed.
is What Christia dono. Thus it is an illustration derived
Cal0in has omitte What is sal of the - good V manu for hom, it is Sald, ne Oae perhaps even dare to die. The just,' δίκαιος, sae hoaeis aecordin tO What justice requires, an aecordinito hat the RabbinsSay What is mineris mine, and what is thino is thino, Ipta 'lpta προ Porbut the good,' ἀγαθὸς is the End tho benevolent, the beneficent, calleda ta in Hebrem; horis deserit,ed by Cicero asine ho doe good to thoset Whomae can, vir bonus est is, qui prodest quibus poteSt. There is hero an evident contrast etWeen these ord and thos employed in verses 6 and 8, to designate the character of thos for homChristited. The just, δίκαιος, is the opposite of the ungodly,V ασί cm, Who,
one givendo vice and the doin os erit. Suidus describes αμαρτωλοί, those
been nough se salvation to have been Once procured forUS, Were o Christrio ronde it fas an Secure to the end.
10. For is hen Me ere ene 10. Si enim quum inimici esse-mies, o ere reconciled to odi mus, reconciliati tumui Deo pertho death of his Son; uel more, mortem Filii ejus p multo magis, belli reconciled, e inali e saved reconciliati, Servabimur per vitam
Christ by homo have no re Iesum Christum, per quem nunc received the atonement conciliationem accepimuS.