장음표시 사용
ourmurighteOUS OSS. 6. Even a David ais describeth 6. Quemadmodum etiam David the lessedness of thse mari, into finit beatudinem hominis, cui Deus whom God imputeth righteousnes imputat justitiam absque operibus,
withous WorkS, 7. ving, Blessedire the whos 7. Beati quorum remissae sunt iniquities are largi ven and hos iniquitates, et quorum tecta Sunt
8. Blessed is the manno Who the 8. Beatus vir, cui non imputavit Lor Will no impute in Dominu peeentUm.
9. Comet this tessednes the 9. Beatudo ergo ista in circum-uponthe circumcision only ormpon cisionem niodo, an et in praeputium This inlyV is no in the original, but is supplied by most commenta-tOrsu et it is not necessa , nor ahes the meanin consistent viil What follows in ver. 10. The Και in the nexi clauseris omitte in many Opies; but i rotainod, it villisol alter the sense. e ma rende this par of the verse thus, me the this blessednes o the circumcision Or evenis the uncircumcision Θ' Then in the tentii verseae answers in the negative, that it a not
wheu he as in circumcision or in fuit in circumcisione quum esset,uneircumeision No in circumcision, an in praeputi, non in circumei-but in uncircumcision Sione, Sed in praeputio.
As circumcision and uncircumcision are alone mentioned,
to Abraham hil in circumcision, aut vhil he a se in uncircumcision. V The referenceris evidenti to the firs state of things, to the caseos Abraham himself Abraham is supposed i hau been justised by aith
II. nd se received the signis 11. Et signum accepit circumci- circumcision araeal of the righteous sionis, sigillum justitiae fidei quae nos of the faith Whieli he had yet fuerat in praeputiori ut esset paterbein uncircumcises that he might omnium credentium per praepube tho fallier of at tho that e tium, quo ipsis quoque imputetur lieve though the be nodi circum justitia; cised that righteousnes mightae impute uni them ais :I2. An the ather of circumei 12. Et pater circumcisionis, nonsion to them horare notis the cir iis qui sunt ex circumcisione tantum,cumcision Only, ut ho also alli sed qui insistunt vestigiis fidei, quae in the tops of that aith of ouessa fuit in praeputio patris nostri Abra-ther Abraham, hieli he had ein hae.
io confirmolis right00usnes of faith and that atready obtaino in uncircumcision He then derogatos o tahe aWaynothinifrom it. Wo avo indoed oro a remarhable passage illi regardio the genera bonefit os sacraments. Accordiri to the testimon o Paul, ille are eat by hicli the promisses of God are in a manno imprinted nisu hearis, Dei promis-Siones cordibus no8tris quodammodo imprimuntur Iand thecertaint of graue confirmed sancitur gratis certitudo.
An though by thom solvos tho prost nothing, et God has designo thomo b tho instrum senis instrumenta of his grae anda effect by the scro gracum his Spirit, that
et vis of circumcision ore Dund in an uncircumcised State, there asino round for the Jem to eluvat themsolves so
Ward tolle of somethin insata, but a mark, circumcision isseis hichwas imprinted a it,ere, as a mari in theraesh. o Macknight rendersit, The mario circumcision V hut circumcision a a Signi a Symbolis What Was spirituat, is evident: ut this is no What is augiit here Circumcision is expressi calle token,' or a Sign, in Gen. xvii. II but it is sal to have been in tolle of the covenant,' that is, a proonanda evidene of it. The designis circumcision is expressed by the nexi WOrd, σφραγίδα -Seal This Sometimes signised the instrument, I ings xxi and Ometimes the impression Rev. v. and the impression
i Paul reason corr0etly whon e argues that circumcision
justissili baptism, nasmuch a thoy aro justifio by the samo faith with that of Abraham.
13. For the promise that he inouldi 13. Non enim per Legem the heir of the Worid, cis nodit,Abraham, promissio Abrahae et seminior to his seed through the clam, aut ejus data est, ut esset haerest Oura the righteousnes of faith. mundi; sed per justitiam fidei.
r Crities have dissere a to the disjunctive si, or, is to his seed. Some thinlicit is ut for καὶ and buti reus hinks that it has a special
mea a leader, a patiern a modet, an exemplar a forerunner, as Abraham
was tho irst bellover justised by faith. of whom there is an eXpreS reeord. But the dea seemito bera meWhat different He Was a fallier a therarsi possessori an inherit ance hiel Was to descend to ali his hildron. Thoinheritance Wasalven hima grace through faith; it,acto descend ascit Wore, to ali his laWful posteri ty, to ali his legitimate seod that is to all,lio possessed the like fatis With himself. He is therei ore calle theriathor osmany nati ODS,aecaum man nations Ouidiecome his legitimato holrs byboeomin bellevers an in the fame sense must e regarde the expression here the heir of the wοrld; he was the representative of at thebetiovin Worid, and made an heir Onan inheritanee hich Was to come tothe ori in generat, to the bellevin JeWs and to the bellovin Gentiles. He a the heir, therars possessor, of What was to descend to the orid