장음표시 사용
been reneWed is ternat, and shali ver continuo tho Samo '
12 Let nos sin thersesor reigurin 12. Ne ergo regnet peccatum in your mortat Ody that e liould mortali vestro corpore, ut illi obedi obse i in tho lusis thereos: atis in cupiditatibus suis :13. Neit herbield ye your member I 3. Neque exhibeatis membra Ves-α instruments of nrighteousnes tra arma injustitiae peccato Sed ex uni sim butoield oursolves uni hibeatis vosmetipsos Deo, tanquam God a thos that a re alive fro the ex mortuis Viventes, et membra VeS-dead, and OH membersis instru tra arma justitiae Deo. monis Of righteousnes unio God.
sermo has tho ossico os, hing, hile lusis ars it edicis and
14. For in halliso have domi 14. Peccatum enim vobis non donion Over ouu fors are not unde minabitur, non enim estis sub Lege, the laW, ut unde grace. Sed Sub gratia.
15. What thei shall, sin be- 5. Quid ergo peccabimus, quia cause e are nos unde the laW, but non sumus sub Lege, sed sub gratia Z unde graces God sorbid. Absit 16. KnO ye nos, that tori om)e 16. Nescitis quod cui exhibuistis yieldbourselves servant tombey, his vos servos in Obedientiam, ejus servi Servanis e re O homo Obe ; Sti eui obeditis, sive peccati in moria Whetheris in unio death, oris obe tem sive obedientiae in justitiam diene uni righteousnessct 17. ut odio thanked that ye 7. Gratia autem Deo, quod 1hJs-Were the servant of in buto have tis servi peceati, Obedistis ver exoboysed Dom the hear that formis animo typo doctrinae in quem tra- doetrine hiel Was deliveredo u ducti estis: 18. Being then ad De Dom sin, 18. ManumiSSi Ver peccato, serViy beeame the servant of righteous facti estis justitiae.
quirement of the law. e must surther undet stand that the Aposti assumes it a granted that ali Who are Uithout
are unde condemnation. An so e may on the ther
n Lindis crimo hicli a parricido it no do, Wh has not
meaning a af the round of the covenant f Ortis, Uritte Or un-Writton and the litera renderiniis, unde laWV ὐπὸ νόμου and it is the fame in the nexi verse, inde laW.' M.
Beza' remar on this is, that obedience is no the cause of life assin is of death, ut is the way to lis : and liene the antis correspond
sonises in he may also' supposed to personis righteousness, that is, the righteousnes of faith. In this casse, e might as,el retain the ord uighteousness in his verse, and not justification, hicli it neve strietly means for the correspondenc in the term Wouldi stili essentiali prρ- served, as it the righteousnes of fait eterna life is inseparabi con
The versi ni Calvincis, Obedistis vero et animo typo doctrinae in quem traducti estis. VThe or συπος, is rendered in Jolin xx. 25, print, that is, of thematis, in Acts vii 43, in the plural, Mures that is, mages, in Acts Vii. 4,fashion, that is, alter Or model,-in Heb. Viii. 5, atterra, in Acts initi. 25 manner, that S, Orm, in Rom. v. 14, figure, that is, repreSeΠ-tative,-in Tit. i. 7, altern an in ali ther instanees in hielicit Occurs, Xeept in his place, it is rendere eaeample, an in the plurat, eaeamples, as assorde by the conductis others, O by evenis se 1 Cor. X. 6, 11 Phil sit. 17 Q Thess. i. Thess sit. Q I Tim. iv IT 1 Pet. v. . The deam mouid, hieli sonis ive to it is illi ut an example in tho New Testament. Our version is that o Castellio, in the meaning of hieli mos erities agree. Grotius gives this paraphrase, Obedistis ad eum modum quem doetrina evangelii praescribit Veledam obedient to that ulo hieli ho doctrine of the gospe preseribes.' Wolfus quotes Doni Iamblichus, in his life o Pythagoras, passages in hiel, et o is sed for form modes, Or
I9. I spea after the manner of men, I9. Humanum dico propter in-boeause of the infirmit Of ou stes firmitatem carnis Vestrae, quemad- forins se have telded Our member modum exhibuistis membra vestra Servantit uncleanneSS, and O iniquit serva immunditis et iniquitati inunt iniquity eve so nomyield our iniquitatem, Sic et nunc exhibito member servant to righteOugnes uti membra VeStra serva justitit into holiness. sanctificationem.